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PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:32 pm Reply with quote


I'm having some problems getting NukeFace v.3.0 to work properly and I was wondering if anybody here could give me a hand.

According to the instructions I had to:

1.upload files but don't upload these files
language/lang-chinese.txt (open and add the translation to lang-chinese.php)
language/lang-english.txt (open and add the translation to lang-english.php)

2.login as admin to friendfinder area and install and edit settings.

If you want to use Highlight function,you need to do step 3 and step 4.
3.open header.php
find line 30 and change to
global $slogan, $sitename, $banners, $nukeurl, $Version_Num, $artpage, $topic, $hlpfile, $user, $hr, $theme, $cookie, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4,$highlightcolor, $textcolor1, $textcolor2, $forumpage, $adminpage, $userpage, $pagetitle;
4.Open themes/whatthemename/theme.php
$highlightcolor="yellow"; // you can set it as yellow or other color.
after the line
$textcolor2 = "#000000";

5. Open admin/modules/stories.php( Mine is PHP-NUKE6.5)
Find the line 916 :
global $aid, $ultramode,$user_prefix, $prefix, $dbi;
After the line add:
$result = sql_query("select articleaddpoints from ".$user_prefix."_ff_config", $dbi);
$ffconfig = sql_fetch_array($result, $dbi);
sql_query("update ".$user_prefix."_user_profile2 set points=points+$ffconfig[articleaddpoints] where ffusername='$author'",$dbi);

6. Open admin/modules/City_Dating.php if you have
function approve_dating($id){
function approve_dating($id){
global $prefix,$user_prefix,$dbi;
$resultx=sql_query("select username from ".$prefix."_City_Dating where id='$id'",$dbi);
$result = sql_query("select partyaddpoints from ".$user_prefix."_ff_config", $dbi);
$ffconfig = sql_fetch_array($result, $dbi);
sql_query("update ".$prefix."_City_Dating set approved='1' where id='$id'",$dbi);
sql_query("update ".$user_prefix."_user_profile2 set points=points+$ffconfig[partyaddpoints] where ffusername='$row[username]'",$dbi);
Header("Location: admin.php?op=city_dating");
7.Use the Your_Account module for FriendFinder2.5, it can be downloaded from syber.hk.st for free.
8.Chmod the folders:
9.add a variable in your config.php
$subscription_url = "";

I had no problems with steps 1, 2, 8 and 9 but when I try to access the NukeFace module on my website all I get is a blank page.

Steps 3 and 4 are optional so I skipped to step 5 but the problem is I can't find admin/modules/stories.php. I don't have admin/modules/City_Dating.php either.

Then, on step 7 it says to "Use the Your_Account module for FriendFinder2.5" but that module is nowhere to be found. I wonder if that's why I'm getting a blank page...

Can anybody please help me? I'm trying to create a social networking website so I really need to get this module working.

By the way, I believe I should let you know that I'm a complete noob when it comes to this.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:57 am Reply with quote

admin/modules/stories.php should now be modules/News/admin/index.php

Looks like this requires the use of FriendFinder module - I don't know anything about it

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:54 am Reply with quote

I edited modules/News/admin/index.php but I'm still getting a blank page.
Those instructions refer to FriendFinder because NukeFace is FriendFinder's new name. The author probably used the instructions from an older version, when the name was still FriendFinder. I think the problem might be related to the "Your_Account module for FriendFinder2.5" which I can't find, but since I don't yet know much about this I thought there might be another reason, which is why I asked for your help.

Anyway, does anybody know of any other module that provides a similar service?
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:36 am Reply with quote

That module will probably need quite a bit of modification to work with RavenNuke. RavenNuke is using a different Your Account from the typical PHPNuke one. Plus I would also assume it is using the old $dbi layer which would also need work done on it to work with RN.

Edit: I just browsed over Nukeface 3.0 and it does appear to be using the correct $db and not the $dbi, so that is one less thing to worry about. Also I notice in the modifications to other modules, the instructions say
To Improve Security Level,Please Open config.php


$subscription_url = "";

And Add after that:

//IF you are not using PHPNUKE 7.6 Add this line


//To improve security level, Add this line:


Also Open admin.php


//To improve security level, Add this line:


I would assume that should be true and not ture.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:17 am Reply with quote

I've already implemented those modifications but they didn't make a difference.
I've also noticed the Your Account from RavenNuke is very different from the PHP-Nuke one, I'll try and make the necessary modifications. Learning how to do these sort of thing is after all the real purpose of creating this website (it's a project for college). Thanks for your help.
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