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Joined: Dec 04, 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:16 am Reply with quote

Hello all, I was wondering if there is any news on wether the phpbb2 will be upgraded to phpbb3 in any future Raven nukes Question
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:19 am Reply with quote

It's been discussed and several people have looked at PHPBB3 independently, but as far as I know there is no "design" for it yet or any decision. Right now most of the focus is on getting 2.20 out the door.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:26 am Reply with quote

I have now changed my independant phpbb2 forums to phpbb3 and their sweet! Very Happy
Cant wait until we see a conversion for this in raven nuke Very Happy
cheers all

Last edited by mrix on Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:55 am Reply with quote

It is certainly something that should not be rushed. So many people have complained about the existing BBtoNuke integration that I think it behooves us to take a fresh look at this.

Although I have not taken a look at phpBB3, it seems to be getting rave reviews.

Another consideration, of course, is stability. The 2.0.x branch hasn't had an update in a long while. That is a good thing from a stability and security standpoint. Do you really want to rush into 3.x? I think we need to make it "painless" to upgrade in order to keep up with the coming influx of point releases that are inevitable with all new major software releases...

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:45 am Reply with quote

Agree on that Smile

And in the long-term it would/could give RavenNuke a headsstart in comparisson to other *nuke distro's who might have rushed an integrated phpbb 3.0 version.
With perhaps an integrated update from older versions to the new one as well Cool
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:11 pm Reply with quote

I think the next bbtonuke should take a more hands off approach to integrating PHPBB3. Keep the database tables separate and not intertwine the users table. When someone registers at the Nuke site, just create an entry in the PHPBB3 users table and perhaps generate a cookie for the forums, etc. There is probably some hoops to jump through to get the forums "inside" Nuke so that blocks wrap it, etc. I think I'll take a look at PHPBB3 soon and see what is new. I hear good things about it.

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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:12 pm Reply with quote

I have several of them running now and I have to say they ROCK. The upgrade path was painless, they load very fast and the admin is easy to use. The biggest thing I like is I have not not had a single Spam reg since I upgraded and that is MOST EXCELLENT!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:34 pm Reply with quote

It would be great to have the phpbb3 version into the nuke system.
But when you create a bbtonuke in the same make as the bbtonuke's, the problems with adding mods, themes, updates startover again.

In my opinion, leave the forum as is.
Instead, make a connector from nuke to the forum so the users are interchangable.
Importing the current users from nuke to phpbb3 is not a big problem.
simple said : copy usernames and the md5 passwordstring into the forum usertable.
The new password hashing of phpbb3 converts the md5 strings to the new hashing system when logging into the forum.

Maybe, add the hashingsystem into RN as a separate field in teh dbase, and then through a script use that hash to autologin into phpbb3 via a link in eg the modules block.

And maybe a small addition, make a module that includes the forum (eg iframe) to keep the nuke header and footer. (no side blocks?)

In this way only that module has to be maintained, and the upgrades,mods,themes etc. for the forum can be used from phpbb.com

just an idea

grtz ZeroMechanic
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:34 pm Reply with quote

I'm generally in agreement with Gremmie and Zero. Leave the Forums as is and don't intertwine the tables or themes (forum templates) or anything else if you can help it. But there are a million questions (loosely speaking) to be answered. A user id is created in Nuke. Now you create one in the Forum automatically. What if the user is deleted then in the Forums? Do you have the Forums registration active? If a user is created in Forums do you create a corresponding one in Nuke. What if someone changes their email address in one system. Do you automatically change it another?

Right now nsngroups and forums groups are quasi-integrated. When you create a group in nsngroups a "corresponding" group gets created in Forums (separate mysql tables). But it doesn't work the other way, I'm pretty sure. Likewise when you edit a group in Forums it gets out of synch with the nsngroup that originally corresponded to it. Montego and I have had some debate about what the best approach to this is. Complete the integration or break it apart? If you complete it and then PHPBB changes something in their group tables or code do you then have to modify your Nuke code to reflect that. Do you have to hold back on issuing an update to BBtonuke until you catch up with their new code?

Folks have put a lot of effort into making PHPBB templates that correspond to selected Nuke themes. Fisubice, DeepBlue and others for instance. Do we ditch that idea and just use PHPBB templates for PHPBB presentation? I'd be in favor of that but I'm not sure there is much agreement within the Nuke community. And these are just tip of the iceberg type questions.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 4:51 pm Reply with quote

okay, the templates

In the current situation, the matching templates nuke/forum are also created seperatly.

In my view it does't change.
make nuke theme, a phpBB3 theme that matches the Nuke theme.
Only difference is that you have install the matching theme in the ACP.

In case of the breakoff, forum not integrated as phpBB2, You have the free choice of a forum template.
eg : You like a nuke template but hate the forummatch......
Or simply you download a nuketheme without matching forum included.....

I tried a "integration"of phpBB3 into RN with iframe code.
And it works perfect, in the frame i can login as user/admin and can do everything.
Only the "autologin" i can't figure out(yet) (me no php expert).
already found the login funtctions in phpBB3 (auth.php and auth/auth_db.php).

only that hashing thing.........

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:53 am Reply with quote

Be aware of iframes, though, and the havoc they can wreak on search engines and your search engine "users". It can be a mess. It is why I try and never use them any more...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:36 am Reply with quote

Cant you just use a php include or am i saying something dumb here? Very Happy

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:46 am Reply with quote

It is definitely not that easy warren-the-ape. Crying or Very sad

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:50 am Reply with quote

montego wrote:
Be aware of iframes, though, and the havoc they can wreak on search engines and your search engine "users". It can be a mess. It is why I try and never use them any more...

I know, just to try on a local server.
I hate the iframe, no auto height without a javascript, security bla bla bla

my php skills are not so...
That's where the RN team kicks in, great support, security, experts in php.
But i think an include would be better.

Or just an external link to the forum with a script that sends cookies/login info to phpBB3 to autologin.
And a link back in the forum to the nuke site.
But a inclusion into the nuke site would be great(forum stays asis).

Just brainstorming so that the RN team knows what the wishes are so the can create a save, stable solution for "integrating" the forum
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:42 pm Reply with quote

i found this :-




     Download Profile: phpNuke to phpBB3 Bridge 3.0.2
phpBB Version 3.0.2 Bridge for phpNUKE Version 7.5 - 8.1.

You need to install a phpBB 3 version (actually the most recent is the 3.0.1) in a folder forums inside your phpnuke installation as explained in the installation files and follow the instruction (the automatic installation process made for phpBB 3.0.1, is very easy to make).

Why a bridge instead of an integrated module?
In order to keep the integrity (the quality) of the excellent code provided by phpBB group with phpBB 3.X and in order to keep both part (phpnuke and phpBB 3) easily updatable, the bridge utilisation seems to be the best solution to me.

Version: 3.0.2
Filesize: 2.23 Mb
Added on: Sun Aug 10 10:33:42 MDT 2008
Downloads: 41
HomePage: http://www.osc2nuke.com/

may this helps to those workin on bbtonuke.. Surprised
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