//////////////////////////// COPYRIGHT NOTICE //////////////////////////////
// This script is part of PhotoPost PHP, a software application by //
// All Enthusiast, Inc. Use of any kind of part or all of this //
// script or modification of this script requires a license from All //
// Enthusiast, Inc. Use or modification of this script without a license //
// constitutes Software Piracy and will result in legal action from All //
// Enthusiast, Inc. All rights reserved. //
// this will return an array like:
//list( $userid, $username, $email, $password, $temppass, $groups, $offset, $sessionid ) = get_userinfo( $user, $userid );
function upgradesubscriber( $usergroup, $userid = 0 ) {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $db_link;
if ( !empty($usergroup) && !empty($userid) )
$resulta = ppmysql_query("UPDATE {$Globals['dprefix']}bbuser_group SET group_id='$usergroup' WHERE user_id='$userid'",$db_link);
function get_admin( $authemail )
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $db_link;
$queryv = ppmysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}users WHERE user_email = '$authemail'", $db_link);
list( $sendid ) = mysql_fetch_row($queryv);
return( $sendid );
function get_userinfo( $authuser, $userid=0 ) {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $db_link;
if ( $userid != 0 ) $query = "SELECT user_id,username,user_email,user_password,user_level,user_timezone FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}users WHERE user_id='$userid'";
else $query = "SELECT user_id,username,user_email,user_password,user_level,user_timezone FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}users WHERE username='$authuser'";
$queryv = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
$results = mysql_fetch_array($queryv);
$username[0] = $results['user_id']; // userid
$username[1] = $results['username']; // username
$username[2] = $results['user_email']; // email
$username[3] = $results['user_password']; // password
$username[4] = ""; // temppassword
$username[6] = $results['user_timezone']; // timeoffset
$username[7] = ""; // session id
if ( is_numeric($username[0]) ) $userid = $results['user_id'];
else $userid = -1;
$query = "SELECT {$Globals['dprefix']}bbuser_group.group_id FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}bbuser_group
LEFT JOIN {$Globals['dprefix']}bbgroups ON {$Globals['dprefix']}bbuser_group.group_id = {$Globals['dprefix']}bbgroups.group_id
WHERE {$Globals['dprefix']}bbuser_group.user_id='$userid'
AND {$Globals['dprefix']}bbuser_group.user_pending=0
AND {$Globals['dprefix']}bbgroups.group_single_user=0";
$result = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
$ubbgroups = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_row($result) ) {
array_push( $ubbgroups, $row[0] );
if ( $results['user_level'] == 2 ) {
array_push( $ubbgroups, "2");
$username[5] = $ubbgroups;
$query = "SELECT session_id FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}bbsessions WHERE session_user_id='$userid'";
$result = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
$results = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$username[7] = $results[0]; // session id
return $username;
// For each BB, get the total number of users
function get_totalusers() {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $db_link;
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}users";
$queryv = ppmysql_query($query, $db_link);
$totalusers = mysql_num_rows($queryv);
return( $totalusers );
// For each BB, get the link to the profile page for that user
function get_profilelink( $tuserid, $tusername="" ) {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $db_link, $postreply, $privatelink;
$profilelink = "{$Globals['vbulletin']}/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=$tuserid";
$postreply = "<span class=\"{$Style['medium']}\"><b>{$pp_phrase['postreply']}</b></span>";
return( $profilelink );
// Get a list of users and ids as an option list
function useropts() {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $db_link;
$useropts = "";
$query = "SELECT user_id,username FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}users ORDER BY username";
$queryv = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
while ( list( $userid, $username ) = mysql_fetch_row($queryv) ) {
$useropts .= "<option value=\"$userid\">$username</option>";
return( $useropts );
// Increment or decrement the user post in the users database
function inc_user_posts( $type = "plus", $userid = 0 ) {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $db_link, $User;
if ( $userid == 0 ) $usernum = $User['userid'];
else $usernum = $userid;
if ( $type == "plus" ) {
$do_inc = "+1";
else {
$do_inc = "-1";
$query = "UPDATE {$Globals['dprefix']}users SET user_posts=user_posts$do_inc WHERE user_id='$usernum'";
$resulta = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
function get_profiledata( $cuserid ) {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $db_link;
global $cuser, $clocation, $ctitle, $cposts, $regdate, $isonline, $hpage, $postline, $profilelink, $privatelink;
$regdate = ""; $ctitle = ""; $cposts = ""; $chomepage = ""; $cuser = $pp_phrase['unreg']; $postline = "";
$hpage = "";
$userprofile = array("Anonymous","","","","","","","","","");
if ($cuserid != 0) {
if ( !empty( $Globals['dprefix'] ) ) {
$utable = "{$Globals['dprefix']}users";
$rtable = "{$Globals['dprefix']}bbranks";
else {
$utable = "users";
$rtable = "bbranks";
$query = "SELECT $utable.username,$utable.user_website,$utable.user_posts,$rtable.rank_title,$utable.user_regdate FROM ";
$query .= "$utable LEFT JOIN $rtable ON $utable.user_rank = $rtable.rank_id WHERE $utable.user_id=$cuserid LIMIT 1";
$results = ppmysql_query($query, $db_link);
if ( $results ) {
list( $cuser, $chomepage, $cposts, $ctitle, $regdate ) = mysql_fetch_row($results);
ppmysql_free_result( $results );
$userprofile[0] = $cuser; // Username
$userprofile[1] = $chomepage; // Homepage
$userprofile[2] = $cposts; // Total Posts
$userprofile[3] = $ctitle; // Title
$userprofile[4] = $regdate; // Registered Date
$userprofile[5] = ""; // Location
$userprofile[6] = ""; // Avatar
$userprofile[7] = ""; // Signauture
$postline = "<a href=\"$profilelink\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"{$Globals['idir']}/profile.gif\"
border=\"0\" alt=\"{$pp_phrase['seeprofile']}\" /></a>
$hpage<!--PhotoPost, copyright All, Enthusiast, Inc.-->";
return( $userprofile );
function setlogin( $password ) {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $User, $db_link, $_SERVER;
$dotquad_ip = findenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$ip_sep = explode('.', $dotquad_ip);
$ipaddr = sprintf('%02x%02x%02x%02x', $ip_sep[0], $ip_sep[1], $ip_sep[2], $ip_sep[3]);
$sessiondata = array();
$sessiondata['autologinid'] = 1;
$sessiondata['userid'] = $User['userid'];
$sesstime = time();
$session_id = md5(uniqid($user_ip));
$query = "DELETE FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}bbsessions WHERE session_user_id='{$User['userid']}'";
$result = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
$query = "REPLACE INTO {$Globals['dprefix']}bbsessions (session_id,session_user_id,session_start,session_time,session_ip,session_page,session_logged_in)
VALUES ('$session_id', '{$User['userid']}', $sesstime, $sesstime, '$ipaddr', '0', '1')";
$result = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
$sql = "UPDATE {$Globals['dprefix']}users SET user_session_time = '$sesstime', user_session_page = '0', user_lastvisit = '$sesstime' WHERE user_id={$User['userid']}";
$result = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
setcookie("{$Globals['cookieprefix']}_data", serialize($sessiondata), $sesstime + 31536000, "{$Globals['cookie_path']}", $Globals['domain_path'] );
setcookie("{$Globals['cookieprefix']}_sid", $session_id, 0, "{$Globals['cookie_path']}", $Globals['domain_path'] );
$query = "SELECT user_id,username,user_password,storynum,umode,uorder,thold,noscore,ublockon,theme,commentmax FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}users WHERE user_id='{$User['userid']}'";
$resultx = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
list( $setuid,$setusername,$setpass,$setstorynum,$setumode,$setuorder,$setthold,$setnoscore,$setublockon,$settheme,$setcommentmax ) = mysql_fetch_row($resultx);
$info = base64_encode("$setuid:$setusername:$setpass:$setstorynum:$setumode:$setuorder:$setthold:$setnoscore:$setublockon:$settheme:$setcommentmax");
setcookie( "user", "$info", time()+31536000, "{$Globals['cookie_path']}", $Globals['domain_path'] );
function logout() {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $User, $db_link;
setcookie( "{$Globals['cookieprefix']}_data", "", time()-3600, $Globals['cookie_path'], $Globals['domain_path'] );
setcookie( "{$Globals['cookieprefix']}_sid", "", time()-3600, $Globals['cookie_path'], $Globals['domain_path'] );
setcookie( "{$Globals['cookieprefix']}user", "", time()-3600, $Globals['cookie_path'], $Globals['domain_path'] );
$query = "DELETE FROM {$Globals['dprefix']}bbsessions WHERE session_user_id='{$User['userid']}'";
$result = ppmysql_query($query,$db_link);
function get_regcode() {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase;
$regtext = "<a href=\"{$Globals['vbulletin']}/modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=register\">{$pp_phrase['register']}</a>";
function get_logincode() {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase;
$links[0] = "{$Globals['vbulletin']}/modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=sendpassword";
$links[1] = "{$Globals['vbulletin']}/modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=register";
function authenticate( $authuser="", $chkpassword="" ) {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $User, $password, $link, $db_link;
global $_SERVER;
global $phoedit, $gologin, $bbuserid, $bbpassword;
global $up_k, $disk_k, $cedit;
global $usergroup;
global $CatPerms, $ueditpho, $ueditposts, $exclude_cat;
global $session_id, $pass_hash, $member_id;
$cookpass = $Globals['cookieprefix']."_data";
$cookhash = $Globals['cookieprefix']."_sid";
$$cookuser = $_COOKIE["user"];
$$cookhash = $_COOKIE["$cookhash"];
$$cookpass = $_COOKIE["$cookpass"];
// Init some variables
$User = array();
$User['uploads'] = 0;
$User['userid'] = 0;
$User['nopost'] = 1;
$User['adminedit'] = 0;
$User['moderator'] = 0;
$User['uploadlimit'] = 0;
$gologin = 1; $usergroup = 0; $checkpass = 0;
$ueditpho = 0; $ueditposts = 0;
$diskspace = 0; $uploadsize = 0;
$md5cookpass=""; $ubbgroups = array();
$sessionid = "";
if ( !isset($$cookhash) ) $$cookhash = "0";
if ( isset($$cookuser) ) {
$uninfo = base64_decode($$cookuser);
list( $cookuser,$setusername,$setpass,$setstorynum,$setumode,$setuorder,$setthold,$setnoscore,$setublockon,$settheme,$setcommentmax ) = explode(":",$uninfo);
$checkpass = 1;
else {
$cookuser = -1;
if ( isset($$cookpass) ) {
$sessiondata = unserialize(stripslashes($$cookpass));
$cookuser = $sessiondata['userid'];
$md5cookpass = $sessiondata['autologinid'];
if ( $authuser == "" ) {
list( $userid, $username, $email, $dbpassword, $temppass, $ubbgroups, $offset, $sessionid ) = get_userinfo( "", $cookuser );
else {
$cookuser = addslashes($authuser);
$md5cookpass = md5($chkpassword);
list( $userid, $username, $email, $dbpassword, $temppass, $ubbgroups, $offset, $sessionid ) = get_userinfo( $cookuser );
if ( $sessionid == $$cookhash ) $checkpass = 1;
if ( ($checkpass == 1 || $dbpassword == $md5cookpass) && $userid > 1 ) {
$gologin = 0;
$User['nopost'] = 0;
$User['userid'] = $userid;
$User['username'] = $username;
$User['email'] = $email;
$User['offset'] = $offset;
if ($ubbgroups[0] == "") {
$ubbgroups[0] = 3;
else {
// login for guests
$ubbgroups = array( 1 );
$CatPerms = array();
set_user_perms( $ubbgroups );
return( $gologin );
function import_user_groups() {
global $Globals, $db_link, $link;
$query = "SELECT groupid, groupname, cpaccess, uploads, comments, uploadsize, editpho, editposts, modaccess, reqmod, highlight, bold, italic, payment, uplimit, free FROM {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}usergroups";
$resultcur = ppmysql_query($query, $link);
$currentGroups = array();
while ( list($groupid, $groupname, $cpaccess, $uploads, $comments, $uploadsize, $editpho, $editposts, $modaccess, $reqmod, $highlite, $bold, $italic, $payment, $uplimit, $free ) = mysql_fetch_row( $resultcur ) ) {
$currentGroups[$groupid]['groupid'] = $groupid;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['groupname'] = $groupname;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['cpaccess'] = $cpaccess;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['uploads'] = $uploads;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['comments'] = $comments;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['uploadsize'] = $uploadsize;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['editpho'] = $editpho;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['editposts'] = $editposts;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['modaccess'] = $modaccess;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['reqmod'] = $reqmod;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['highlite'] = $highlite;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['bold'] = $bold;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['italic'] = $italic;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['payment'] = $payment;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['uplimit'] = $uplimit;
$currentGroups[$groupid]['free'] = $free;
$query = "SELECT group_id,group_name FROM $grouptable WHERE group_type=2 OR group_single_user=0";
$readug = ppmysql_query($query, $db_link);
$newGroups = array();
if ( !$readug ) {
diewell("Error: Are you certain that your database prefix is set properly?<p>I cannot see your
Nuke \"<b>$grouptable</b>\" table.<p>The prefix setting adds characters to the front of Nuke
table names - please doublecheck this.");
$rcount = mysql_num_rows($readug);
while ( list( $gid, $title ) = mysql_fetch_row( $readug ) ) {
$newGroups[$gid] = $gid;
if ( $gid == 2) $cancontrol = 1;
else $cancontrol = 0;
if ( !array_key_exists($gid,$currentGroups) ) {
$currentGroups[$gid]['groupid'] = $gid;
$currentGroups[$gid]['groupname'] = $title;
$currentGroups[$gid]['cpaccess'] = $cancontrol;
$currentGroups[$gid]['uploads'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['comments'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['diskspace'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['uploadsize'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['editpho'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['editposts'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['modaccess'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['reqmod'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['highlite'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['bold'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['italic'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['payment'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['uplimit'] = 0;
$currentGroups[$gid]['free'] = 0;
ppmysql_free_result( $readug );
foreach ($currentGroups as $currentGroup) {
$gid = $currentGroup['groupid'];
if ( !array_key_exists($gid, $newGroups)) {
$resultd = ppmysql_query("DELETE FROM {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}usergroups", $link);
foreach ($currentGroups as $currentGroup) {
$gid = $currentGroup['groupid'];
$name = addslashes($currentGroup['groupname']);
$cpaccess = $currentGroup['cpaccess'];
$uploads = $currentGroup['uploads'];
$comments = $currentGroup['comments'];
$uploadsize = $currentGroup['uploadsize'];
$editpho = $currentGroup['editpho'];
$editposts = $currentGroup['editposts'];
$modaccess = $currentGroup['modaccess'];
$reqmod = $currentGroup['reqmod'];
$highlite = $currentGroup['highlite'];
$bold = $currentGroup['bold'];
$italic = $currentGroup['italic'];
$payment = $currentGroup['payment'];
$uplimit = $currentGroup['uplimit'];
$free = $currentGroup['free'];
$query="INSERT INTO {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}usergroups (groupid,groupname,modaccess,cpaccess,uploads,comments,uploadsize,editpho,editposts,reqmod,highlight,bold,italic,payment,uplimit,free) VALUES('$gid','$name','$modaccess','$cpaccess','$uploads','$comments','$uploadsize','$editpho','$editposts','$reqmod', $highlite, $bold, $italic, $payment, $uplimit, $free)";
$setug = ppmysql_query($query,$link);
function init_user_groups() {
global $Globals, $pp_phrase, $link, $pp_db_prefix;
$query = array();
$query[] = "CREATE TABLE {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}usergroups (groupid int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
groupname varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
cpaccess smallint(3) NOT NULL default '0',
modaccess smallint(3) NOT NULL default '0',
uploads smallint(3) NOT NULL default '1',
comments smallint(3) NOT NULL default '1',
uploadsize int(10) default '0' NOT NULL,
editpho int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
editposts int(3) NOT NULL default '0',
reqmod INT(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
highlight INT(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
italic INT(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
payment INT(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
uplimit INT(3) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
$query[] = "INSERT INTO {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}usergroups VALUES (1, 'Anonymous', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)";
$query[] = "INSERT INTO {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}usergroups VALUES (2, 'Admin', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)";
$query[] = "INSERT INTO {$Globals['pp_db_prefix']}usergroups VALUES (3, 'Members', 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)";
for ( $x=0; $x < count($query); $x++) {
$iquery = $query[$x];
$setup = mysql_query($iquery, $link);
if ( !$setup ) print "<b>Error: ".mysql_error()."</b><br />";
function convert_markups($markup)
global $Globals, $pp_phrase;
return ( ppconvert_markups($markup) );
function get_forum_style()
global $Globals, $pp_phrase;
return( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{$Globals['maindir']}/stylesheets/{$Globals['theme']}.css\" type=\"text/css\" />" );
// Style references
if ( $Globals['forumstyle'] == "yes" ) {
$Style['onbody'] = "onbody";
$Style['tableborders'] = "tableborders";
$Style['tablesurround'] = "";
$Style['tddetails'] = "tddetails";
$Style['tdbackground'] = "tdbackground";
$Style['tdnothumbs'] = "tdnothumbs";
$Style['menubar'] = "menubar";
$Style['menubarnb'] = "menubarnb";
$Style['catcolumn'] = "catcolumn";
$Style['photocol'] = "photocol";
$Style['commentscol'] = "commentscol";
$Style['lastphocol'] = "lastphocol";
$Style['lastcommcol'] = "lastcommcol";
$Style['small'] = "small";
$Style['medium'] = "medium";
$Style['large'] = "large";
$Style['welcome'] = "welcome";
$Style['lighttable'] = "lighttable";
$Style['alternatetable'] = "alternatetable";
$Style['formboxes'] = "formboxes";
$Style['blockquote'] = "blockquote";