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Joined: Nov 06, 2005
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Location: Los Angeles, USA
Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:55 am |
In other cms and communities I have seen several "Site Showcase" forums. They are great to get ideas, and to see the great talent within the cms community get feedback on a site etc.... not that Raven needs another forum but would be nice
jc |

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Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:13 am |
I agree.For guys new to RavenNuke this would be a great "feature".The weblinks are available for this but a new created site with screenshoots and some additional info e.g. "registered users" "online since" "topic" "target group" etc. would be really interesting. |
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Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:43 am |
NeapolitanWorld wrote: | .... not that Raven needs another forum |
Isn't that the truth  |
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Joined: Jul 03, 2006
Posts: 273
Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:40 pm |
Oh Raven needs at least a dozen more forums After like 3 years I have finally figured out which forums are for what so now I need a dozen more to put me back to lost again. Oh wait while looking em over again I realize I am still lost sometimes. Nevermind. Actually new suggestion. Change site domain to "" |

Joined: Sep 10, 2008
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Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:00 pm |
duck wrote: | Actually new suggestion. Change site domain to "" |
are you sure that's the right forum to post the website suggestion?
@susann: Or you/we can improve weblinks and put a direct link on the tab above? I really like floppy's ideas about illustrative examples , they are fresh. |

Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:57 pm |
@duck I really wonder why you are still here when you have such problems.
There are enough other forums for guys like you. Good luck ! Adios !
@eldorado I believe weblinks isn´t the optimale solution for this but should be easy to develop such a site as subdomain. |

Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:16 pm |
@Susan Sorry I forgot the smilie in the post. I wasn't complaining just poking harmless fun sheesh.  |

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Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:45 pm |
Use the weblinks module and a thumbnail mod. Make a category for only RavenNuke sites and then design a block to showcase X amount of links per day.
You could build an array to store today's date and showcase link id's. If stored date less than actual date, rebuild array. You could do that, nods... |
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Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:36 am |
duck wrote: | Oh Raven needs at least a dozen more forums After like 3 years I have finally figured out which forums are for what so now I need a dozen more to put me back to lost again. Oh wait while looking em over again I realize I am still lost sometimes. Nevermind. Actually new suggestion. Change site domain to "" |
- I don't know, it seemed like a good idea when I created them . I like being able to see things organized but even when I was still employed my staff did have a tendency to remind me that I was making them crazy with the micro-organization . I wonder what reorganizing would do to the various search engine archives? I'd probably have to write mod_rewrite rules for all forum changes. Is it really worth it?  |
Last edited by Raven on Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:56 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:31 am |
Given that posts are viewed by post ID, I don't see it being a real issue. Sure the forums ID themselves may change, but I don't think any search engine will have a problem. The content people want is in the posts  |
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Fri Jun 19, 2009 3:07 am |
@Raven. I totally understand. I tend to do the same thing.(Although I must admit I think you are much worse! ) But I too like things well categorized and organized. What is frustrating is you do all that hard work and then you have constantly remind people that this is not the right forum for your topic!
But I dunno if it is worth the time and trouble reorganizing now? Evaders might be right dunno? interesting theory.
I've become quite used to them myself now and it doesn't bother me much but I will be honest (well except when I need to post a new topic that seems to have a half a dozen categories that could be related That's why I just try to stick to replying! I was less active in your forums in the past mostly because I found the shear mass a little daunting. I was like ooh this hurts my head to look at.
Still when all is said and done they are a gem of information!  |

Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:01 am |
Truth is I've been pondering this recently. I think I may look at this closer. Just for curiosity, let's say for a given release, like the upcoming v2.4 release of RN. Instead of breaking the forums up like I usually do, if I just had 1 forum named RavenNuke v2.4x, is that sufficient to hold everything? |
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Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:48 am |
Raven. In my opinion I like to have only one forum to hold everything. I just tested Nuke Evo to see what they did with Admin Forums and I am very impressed how much work they made.
Thinking again and again about how to improve more nuke I got a question for everybody here.
why dont we get rid of forum folder from the theme and just use the same templates from the forum folder modules so we can get rid of lots of files. Then we start using lots of colours like Red, white, orange, mix. etc. If we do this we can solve lots of problems because everytime users want to make a mod then they need to modificate all themes. Can u imagen if u have 100 themes and wanted to do mod to all of them.
This is my idea and of course I have more... If we start thinking in big I guess users who went away to joomla will come again. I will never abandon Nuke. NEVER. lol.
What about you? lol |

Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:00 am |
Quote: | Raven. In my opinion I like to have only one forum to hold everything |
I could never do that. That, to me, is way too generalized  |

Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:22 am |
One forum for 2.4? , nah, we need at least 10, one for everything and the 9 others to confuse duck . Also add as much bbtonuke modules than confused members.  |

Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:16 am |
Raven here is how I would probably handle it.
Lock 90% of all your existing forums from accepting new topics or replies. Like you don't need one for every version of nuke and every module like Sentinel, wysiwyg eidtor, htaccess, captcha etc.
Make a small list of general forums
Anouncements - No need for new anouncements for every version
Feedback Suggestions - No need for suggestions related to version they will always be added to the next version anyway
General Discussions
General Support no need for version specific support request just have people say what version they using in 1 forum (but if you really want this is one acceptable forum for on a per version basis)
The 2.4 Specific Forums should be limited to.
2.4 Fixes
2.4 Upgrade and Installation Issues - This one could be skipped though in Favour of the Support foum either general or version specific
2.4 Compatible Raven Certified Mods
2.4 Uncertified User Enhancements/Addons
2.4 Documentation
Move all Other Nuke Forums into 1 Forum marked Other Nuke Distros No need for a separate forum for each of those.
That's my thoughts. What do you think? |
Last edited by duck on Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:17 am |
The only thing about other cms site showcases is that half the links are dead and the other half have switched to a different cms. That would become a major headache to weed through the sites. |
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Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:27 am |
Personally, I think having one forum is far to general e.g. RN 2.4X
Most people have a brain cell and can figure out the diffrence between;
RN 2.4.x Fixes
RN 2.4.x Upgrade and Installation
The one thing we don't have, which I think we should have, is a 'user enhancements' forum so even though that forum might contain code snippets etc, they are what users have done to enhance RN for their own sites and not really 'fixes' or 'issues' etc.
Someone relatively new to RN might see some code osted in the forum and think it's a fix or a 'supported' change to the core code when it is in fact a user enhancement. |

Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:12 am |
nuken wrote: | The only thing about other cms site showcases is that half the links are dead |
I personally never go back two or 3 pages to see the latest showcases, and even with looking at the first 10 most recent post of showcase forums, provides many great ideas and examples of what people are doing with the cms. One thing that many do when looking in to a cms, is to go look for showcase to see what they can do with it at least that's what I did. One popular theme and extension site I have seen even has a site of the month, which they feature and people vote for in the showcase forum. So going back to your point, despite that there will be some broken links, the first pages will likely have recent work with live links
As they say too much of a good thing is also not good, perhaps too much micro organizing is not good also I think as a general rule, the fast majority of people can probably not handle more then 10 forums but personally I have a hard time with two
it's Friday
jc |

Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:18 am |
Guardian2003 wrote: |
The one thing we don't have, which I think we should have, is a 'user enhancements' forum so even though that forum might contain code snippets etc, they are what users have done to enhance RN for their own sites and not really 'fixes' or 'issues' etc.
Someone relatively new to RN might see some code osted in the forum and think it's a fix or a 'supported' change to the core code when it is in fact a user enhancement. |
Good point so I added that to my list of recommends.
Have a few different forums for each release isn't too bad but there are some that are somewhat unnecessary or redundant. Like no need for Announcements forum for each version or feedback suggestion for each version and things like that. Once a new version comes out the likely hood of Announcements for an older version are slim and rare so only need one Announcement forum for all versions. Same with feedback suggestion. Lastly like I suggest lock all the mod and other nuke specific forums and encapsulate as much of that as possible into as few forums as possible. I mean how often is there gonna be a new question for Nuke 6.5? I wouldn't think it needs its own forum? All the Sentinel forums can be wrapped up into one and or better yet dismissed entirely Just use a General Security Forum and or the Latest release forums to discuss the issues. |

Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:15 pm |
Duck wrote: | Lock 90% of all your existing forums from accepting new topics or replies. Like you don't need one for every version of nuke and every module like Sentinel, wysiwyg eidtor, htaccess, captcha etc. |
Actually this was done a couple of weeks ago . Have I missed any that you all think should be locked?
Also, thanks to everyone making suggestions. I will be musing on them and will probably do something soon. Guardian, that's a great idea! Don't let me narc away on that one  |
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Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:59 pm |
Guardian2003 wrote: | The one thing we don't have, which I think we should have, is a 'user enhancements' forum so even though that forum might contain code snippets etc, they are what users have done to enhance RN for their own sites and not really 'fixes' or 'issues' etc. |
that's an excellent idea. might want to leave the word "user" out of there though, so you don't get questions about nuke users or rnya. "Webmaster Enhancements" maybe?
As for reorganizing the forums.... not really needed. You offer support for just about anything related to running a website, so, alot of forums... I assume you will have to upgrade to another forum someday (I'm gonna ride out phpbb2 as long as possible too), but I think you can save major changes to forums until then.
and back on the original topic I think the site showcase is a good idea, but nuken brings up a good point about that. Maybe a RavenNuke Garden, similar to ? Where RN webmasters can submit examples of various things, yet you have control over the showcase and don't have to worry about servers being down, etc...
(maybe setup on a subdomain of the ravennuke site)
of course, not that the RN team needs another project to work on.... |
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Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:02 pm |
spasticdonkey wrote: | of course, not that the RN team needs another project to work on.... |
Amen to that!  |
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Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:33 pm |
montego, could always use a few more.  |

Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:25 am |
imho , i would wrap up all the locked forums in subforums :p
Palbin, you guys need 3 more boards
"webmaster enhancement scripts snippet" would be cool. nice suggestion |