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Joined: Jun 22, 2003
Posts: 54
Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:59 am |
Okay, I apologize if this has been asked before but I was wondering if it is possible to have images that are uploaded open into a new window for viewing rather than asking if a member wants to open/save/cancel.
I noticed when I upload a pic, and go to preview before actually posting, it pops up in a new browser window. How can I make this happen when an image is uploaded vs if someone uploads a zip file? if ya wanna look.
I am trying to get a new paint/render requests site setup but I need it to function as mentioned or it wont work. If it's not possible, anyone willing to do some codeing to make that happen?
BTW brand new install. |
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Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:53 am |
Where are these images being uploaded? Forums? Content module?
I think you may want something like Lightbox/slimbox/colorbox addon. Have a look at this website: |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:02 am |
I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Can you give an example site that shows it, or clarify what you're trying to do? I looked at the site, but there isn't enough information to understand. |
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Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:07 am |
Your email address is bouncing. Please advise what your correct email address should be and I will correct it - Thanks. |

Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:43 am |
Quote: | Your email address is bouncing. Please advise what your correct email address should be and I will correct it - Thanks. |
Okay guys, if you go to the site and into the forums and go to Request a Paint Scheme. I have a test post I did and it shows a picture of a car I painted and rendered out. I attach the .jpg file and it uploads just fine. It shows in the forum post just fine.
Now suppose you come in as a registered member or even a visitor and you find that post and want to view the image in full size you CANT because when you click the thumbnail image to view in full detail a white page comes up and then a box pops up with the options of Open / Save / Cancel. Hope this clarifies what Im after. |

Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:02 pm |
I am not seeing any images when I go to that post.
If you are just posting images showing examples of your work have you considered using the Content module. You could also utilise the Colorbox mod for FCKEditor to display the images full size. |

Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:09 pm |
Im sorry, I was trying different setting. Images are up now.
Also, Another site I paint and do render requests uses cough cough Joomla and if you go to their site Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! and click on Venom (a paint I did) you can see the small thumbnail and if you click on the you can view it in full screen..Thats what Im looking for. And its all in the forums. |

Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:30 pm |
Also, When I test settings I get this : './../modules/Forums/files/thumbs' does not exist or couldn't be found.
However, it is located there and it does exists and the thumbs do get created and upload. was just wondering why I would see that. And my last question is I have my thumbnail size set to 200x150 yet everytime I upload an image it shows in the thread at 400x300. How can I fix this?
Thanks guys, I do appreciate all you do and I know this is all petty to all you guru's...means a lot to us small timers though. If you need admin access shoot me a pm... No one knows about this location anyway...just trying to get it setup before creating a new theme and going public. |
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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:59 pm |
I think you need to be registered to see the attachments. Active my account on your site. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |

Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:39 pm |
I set it as all users...should be good. but I will activate. |

Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:32 am |
I take it no further responses so it can't be done? Totally bummed. I've always been a nuke user..I might have to turn to something else I guess. |

Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:51 am |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Mar 11, 2007
Posts: 2024
Location: North Carolina
Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:10 pm |
There is one way. Manually enter the url for the image in the post.
Code:<a href="largeimage" class="colorbox">[img]thumbnailimage[/img]</a>
of course largeimage and thumbnailimage need to replaced with image locations and html needs to allowed in forums and a href and class need to be in allowable html array in config.php. |
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RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:15 pm |
Adrenalizer3 wrote: | Also, When I test settings I get this : './../modules/Forums/files/thumbs' does not exist or couldn't be found.
However, it is located there and it does exists and the thumbs do get created and upload. was just wondering why I would see that. And my last question is I have my thumbnail size set to 200x150 yet everytime I upload an image it shows in the thread at 400x300. How can I fix this?
Thanks guys, I do appreciate all you do and I know this is all petty to all you guru's...means a lot to us small timers though. If you need admin access shoot me a pm... No one knows about this location anyway...just trying to get it setup before creating a new theme and going public. |
the thumbnail config can be a little tricky, as some of it depends on the specifics of your hosting setup.
make sure to look at the settings in:
Admin > Forums > Extensions > Special Categories
as well as
Admin > Forums > Attachments > Management
I had to play with mine to get it working correctly.
Adrenalizer3 wrote: | I take it no further responses so it can't be done? Totally bummed. I've always been a nuke user..I might have to turn to something else I guess. |
Of course it can be done
You just need to modify the attachment templates for your theme, either in
or if missing
around line 152, find
Code: <td colspan="2" align="center"><br /><a href="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.IMG_SRC}" target="_blank"><img src="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.IMG_THUMB_SRC}" alt="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" border="0" /></a><br /><br /></td>
change to
Code: <td colspan="2" align="center"><br /><a href="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.IMG_SRC}" class="colorboxSEO"><img src="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.IMG_THUMB_SRC}" alt="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" border="0" /></a><br /><br /></td>
This borrows it's IFRAME colorbox stuff from includes/jquery/jquery.colorbox.php
there may be more edits required (did not test) in the tpl file but just follow the same logic  |

Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:35 pm |
I am also looking into this as the dimension settings to not appear to be working as mentioned above. |

Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:08 pm |
Quote: | You just need to modify the attachment templates for your theme, either in
or if missing
around line 152, find
I tried this change and didnt seem to make a difference and I'm not php savvy enough to figure this out on my own.  |

Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:28 pm |
spasticdonkey, I think he wants the original image not the thumb. |

Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:46 pm |
Adrenalizer3, her is the solution to the missing directory when testing settings.
Find line 886 in modules/Forums/admin/admin_attachments.php
$upload_dir = $phpbb_root_path . $attach_config['upload_dir'];
Change to:
$upload_dir = INCLUDE_PATH . $attach_config['upload_dir'];
Also a thunbnail will only be smaller than the image if it is over 400 pixels. That is hard coded. If you want smaller thumbs open modules/Forums/admin/attach_mod/includes/functions_thumbs.php and find line 31:
Change it to what you want. |

Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:29 pm |
Ok I think I have this working the way you want. For this to work you have to use these settings for the most part.
Display Images Inlined: Yes
Create Thumbnail: Yes
Minimum Thumbnail Filesize: 12000 (This number needs to be small enough that it catches images that are to high/wide. I think this should be good may need to be smaller.)
Make use of GD2 Extension: Yes/No (What ever works.)
Imagick Program (Complete Path): (What ever works per on screen instructions.)
Maximum Image Dimensions: 0 x 0
Image Link Dimensions: 0 x 0
I would also suggest that you set $max_width to 100 or 200 per the post above this.
Open modules/Forums/attach_mod/displaying.php line 821:
'IMG_SRC' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'download.' . $phpEx . '?id=' . $attachments['_' . $post_id][$i]['attach_id']),
Replace with:
'IMG_SRC' => $filename,
open themes/YOURTHEME/forums/viewtopic_attch_body.tpl and look for the following line between the Begin and End tags. Perhaps line 152.
<!-- BEGIN cat_thumb_images -->
<td colspan="2" align="center"><br /><a href="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.IMG_SRC}" target="_blank"><img src="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.IMG_THUMB_SRC}" alt="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" border="0" /></a><br /><br /></td>
<!-- END cat_thumb_images -->
Replace with:
<td colspan="2" align="center"><br /><a class="colorbox" href="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.IMG_SRC}" target="_blank"><img src="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.IMG_THUMB_SRC}" alt="{postrow.attach.cat_thumb_images.DOWNLOAD_NAME}" border="0" /></a><br /><br /></td>
The view/download count will not work for the thumbnails, but you will have to live with that. |

Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:28 pm |
Thank you Palbin... That worked exactly like I was looking for. I even got it one step forward using ajax and now it opens with black background and centered with the window. As far as the counts go. It seems the downloads count still works, only the image viewed count doesnt work but like you said...I'll live with that. So thank you for the help my friend.
On Another note....Did I get in trouble for something..All of a sudden yesterday and today, when I log in using Adrenalizer3, I can log in but no access to the forums, PM's, FAQs or nothing..Only shows home page, and My account as logged in. I apologize if I was out of line somewhere. I don't think I was anyway.. I'd like to have my old account back if possible  |

Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:51 pm |
looks like you were talking about a change to your email address for that account? If it was changed, that automatically deactivates your account. |

Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:02 pm |
Wait for Raven to respond he will take car of it. |

Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:32 pm |
Raven wrote: | Adrenalizer3,
Your email address is bouncing. Please advise what your correct email address should be and I will correct it - Thanks. | I informed you back on February 10th that you needed to let me know the correct email address. You continued to work the thread but you didn't correct your email address . Please PM to me your correct email address and I will unlock your account.
Raven |

Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:44 pm |
Adrenalizer3 wrote: | Quote: | Your email address is bouncing. Please advise what your correct email address should be and I will correct it - Thanks. |
Okay guys, if you go to the site and into the forums and go to Request a Paint Scheme. I have a test post I did and it shows a picture of a car I painted and rendered out. I attach the .jpg file and it uploads just fine. It shows in the forum post just fine.
Now suppose you come in as a registered member or even a visitor and you find that post and want to view the image in full size you CANT because when you click the thumbnail image to view in full detail a white page comes up and then a box pops up with the options of Open / Save / Cancel. Hope this clarifies what Im after. |
Last edited by Palbin on Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:54 am; edited 1 time in total |

Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:24 am |
Im sorry for the misunderstanding. I did post my email addy right away. If I did it wrong I'm sorry.
Quote: | Your email address is bouncing. Please advise what your correct email address should be and I will correct it - Thanks. |
Next Post
Quote: |
Okay guys, if you go to the site and into the forums and go to Request a Paint Scheme. I have a test post I did and it shows a picture of a car I painted and rendered out. I attach the .jpg file and it uploads just fine. It shows in the forum post just fine.
Now suppose you come in as a registered member or even a visitor and you find that post and want to view the image in full size you CANT because when you click the thumbnail image to view in full detail a white page comes up and then a box pops up with the options of Open / Save / Cancel. Hope this clarifies what Im after. |