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Hangin' Around

Joined: Jun 13, 2009
Posts: 40
Location: Chicago, IL
Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:36 pm |
Hello everyone,
I have searched for a couple days now and tried several things to correct the issues I am having... I appologize, in advanced, if I missed previous posts about these two problems I am having...
I have two websites that I am running RavenNuke v2.30.01, my hosting is not an issue, as one works correctly (sort of) and the other doesn't.
Site #1:
Site #2: (There is an intro video you bypass by going straight to the site)
Both are best viewed in Firefox, if you don't have Papyrus or Chiller fonts installed locally.
Now, my problem is that on both sites everything works great on the Forums except when a user tries to download an attachment. When they click save, simple small .ZIP file, the download window just hangs in both IE and FF, and then errors out. I have several mods on both sites, none of which are for the Forums, the Forums are stock (I haven't changed ANYTHING), so upgrading to 2.40 is not an option. I have tried using the physical method, instead of inline, but then the file downloads, but has an indetifier number attached to it. I need the orignal file names to be downloaded: i.e. needs to download as, not
Site #2 Worked fined, until I started typing this, and needed to clarify some information. It has joined forces, in protest, with Site #1, I think! So now the problem is on both sites... Perhaps I am missing something in the settings?
The other problem I am having, and I have it here too, is that when posting a message, the posting box/window fills up, and then with each character typed, the window jumps down to the new character and imediately back to the top. It is SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING! I admit I haven't researched this one fully, as I have users trying to get the attachments, I need to fix first. Is there a fix that has been implemented for this, I have missed, too? (thought I would kill two birds with one stone, since I had someones attention )
I have created a user account, on both sites, if anyone wants to test this: Username: RavenScripts Password: 123456
This account will be deleted in a couple of days, and I DO HAVE SENTINEL IP TRACKING ON! (for those that want to be mischevious)
Any help or guidance on this would be great,
Thanks in Advanced,
Sven2157 |
Last edited by sven2157 on Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:30 pm; edited 2 times in total |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:38 pm |
sven2157 wrote: | <snip> The other problem I am having, and I have it here too, is that when posting a message, the posting box/window fills up, and then with each character typed, the window jumps down to the new character and imediately back to the top. It is SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING! I admit I haven't researched this one fully, as I have users trying to get the attachments, I need to fix first. Is there a fix that has been implemented for this, I have missed, too? (thought I would kill two birds with one stone, since I had someones attention) <snip> |
Tmk this is the first I've heard of this. I want to be sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying it happens here AND at ? BTW, this site is not yet upgraded to RavenNuke(tm). |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Dec 02, 2006
Posts: 1693
Location: Texas, USA
Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:02 pm |
Raven wrote: | sven2157 wrote: | <snip> The other problem I am having, and I have it here too, is that when posting a message, the posting box/window fills up, and then with each character typed, the window jumps down to the new character and imediately back to the top. It is SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING! I admit I haven't researched this one fully, as I have users trying to get the attachments, I need to fix first. Is there a fix that has been implemented for this, I have missed, too? (thought I would kill two birds with one stone, since I had someones attention) <snip> |
Tmk this is the first I've heard of this. I want to be sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying it happens here AND at ? BTW, this site is not yet upgraded to RavenNuke(tm). |
this was fixed in the upcoming release (0001697: IE textarea bug fix)
If you need to fix yourself, the textarea needs a height and width set in PX (not %) for IE.
something like, before
textarea style="width:100%;"
textarea style="width:450px;height:250px;" |

Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:16 pm |
Raven wrote: | Tmk this is the first I've heard of this. I want to be sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying it happens here AND at ? BTW, this site is not yet upgraded to RavenNuke(tm). |
Yes this happens right here, but I am not sure about It also happens on my forums for both my sites.
spasticdonkey wrote: | textarea style="width:100%;"
textarea style="width:450px;height:250px;" |
Is this in the posting_body.tpl in the templates/subSilver folder (I have that set as my theme for the phpbb)? Or would this be in the style.css for my theme?
It seems to happen most when the post is long or after I hit preview....
Right now my main concern, is the attachments hanging in limbo... For a quick fix, can I change something that will STOP appending the _nnn.ext to my files, so I can use physical instead of inline? Once again, so my users can download instead of
Thanks again guys...
Sven2157 |

Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:02 pm |

Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:19 pm |
Hey Raven, I tested a BUNCH of "Lorem Ipsum", in the Comments Forum. It worked fine. I previewed the post added another 3 paragraphs, previewed it again, added 3 more paragraphs and not one problem with the "jumping textarea"! YAY!
I then tried the attachment with a 40.1KB AJAX Remote Desktop software, I found on the internet (no worries, I will delete it, however it is free for distro) and it worked fine too.
So what is wrong with my sites? I have not modified ANY of the forum files in the modules folder:?: I must have the phpBB configured wrong? But phpBB's site doesn't support phBB2 anymore and I am having trouble finding any support for it on the web. I thought the control panel was farely straight forward...
Can you, or anyone maybe tell me where I can look for a solution, please? Either configuration, or the code itself... (right here this textarea is jumping, before previewing, and I can't see what I am typing/typed, unless I stop and scroll down...)
Again, Thanks guys!
Sven2157 |

Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:40 pm |
I'm pretty sure the numbers that are added to uploaded files are done for security reasons... You would have to edit the mod to remove them.
and for the textarea, yes it's in posting_body.tpl, either in:
themes/Your_Theme/forums/posting_body.tpl (if exists)
the problem child is:
textarea name="message" |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:14 am |
spasticdonkey wrote: | I'm pretty sure the numbers that are added to uploaded files are done for security reasons... You would have to edit the mod to remove them. |
Not sure how that would work??? When you set the Attachment Extension Control to "physical", as opposed to "inline", it will download the file, however, it is the file with the number appended to it: So the number for security is exposed anyway, right?
spasticdonkey wrote: | ...and for the textarea, yes it's in posting_body.tpl, either in:
themes/Your_Theme/forums/posting_body.tpl (if exists)
the problem child is:
textarea name="message" |
Thank you very much, I will look at it now...
Sven2157 |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:37 am |
spasticdonkey that work like a charm! Thank you so much! Now here is what I did...
I opened the posting_body.tpl in the "themes/Forums/templates" first and I saw this:Code:<textarea name="message" rows="15" cols="35" style="width:450px" tabindex="3" class="post" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);">{MESSAGE}</textarea>
So I then opened the posting_body.tpl in the "modules/Forums/templates" folder and found this:Code:<textarea name="message" rows="15" cols="35" style="width:450px" tabindex="3" class="post" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);">{MESSAGE}</textarea>
THEY WERE THE SAME THING! UGH! Neither of them are using the 100% value, but then I thought, wait..... spasticdonkey said, "change it to: style="width:450px; height:250px;"", so I changed both files, by adding the "; height:250px;" to the style attribute and uploaded them! I thought, better do it exactly as suggested first.. ..and BAM! Works wonderfully!
So now BOTH the posting_body.tpl files look like this:Code:<textarea name="message" rows="15" cols="35" style="width:450px; height:250px;" tabindex="3" class="post" onselect="storeCaret(this);" onclick="storeCaret(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret(this);">{MESSAGE}</textarea>
Again thank you so much; the amount of time you have saved me is priceless! CHEERS!
Now for the downloading of the attachments... I will keep looking at what I got,.. If anyone still has a suggestion, please, I am all ears...
Sven2157 |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:20 am |
When you get a chance will you test this site now? I made the same changes and I want to be sure that this site works. Thanks! |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:25 am |
The Old Word Press Days wrote: | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer orci est, lobortis bibendum tristique ac, imperdiet facilisis tellus. Fusce sit amet tincidunt massa. Fusce ut dolor eu lorem auctor mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse lectus arcu, placerat at condimentum vitae, gravida eu justo. Donec tempus adipiscing tempus. Ut eget magna semper ante lacinia congue. Ut pharetra ante velit. Pellentesque vestibulum, sem id tempor vestibulum, elit est faucibus diam, non mattis tortor orci ac augue. Proin gravida mauris eu ligula pellentesque fermentum. Sed metus justo, bibendum tincidunt rutrum non, euismod in neque. Nunc tincidunt aliquam ultrices. Phasellus enim turpis, faucibus vitae laoreet a, faucibus vel risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eget ipsum vitae purus euismod sagittis. Donec sagittis ullamcorper adipiscing. Aenean id ante arcu, vel condimentum erat. Mauris consectetur malesuada erat, sed fermentum arcu malesuada et. Sed sed sem nunc. Morbi tellus mi, accumsan molestie posuere non, auctor ac odio.
Cras sagittis gravida diam eu scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed nec ipsum nisi. Duis facilisis vestibulum velit. Cras at turpis sit amet dolor condimentum hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque eget sapien lacus, in hendrerit nulla. Integer laoreet orci neque, sit amet pellentesque arcu. Vivamus fermentum massa posuere leo condimentum pretium. Integer molestie consequat fermentum. Suspendisse vel vehicula dolor. Nulla non fringilla metus.
Ut et augue vitae dui tempor tincidunt non at justo. Cras non justo mauris. Aenean a volutpat ligula. Aenean sodales euismod est et cursus. Nam placerat ipsum vitae nunc porta id commodo justo vulputate. Aliquam at egestas lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed scelerisque, leo sit amet cursus porta, orci nunc mattis augue, vel sagittis lorem purus vitae purus. Cras gravida, ante eu cursus malesuada, turpis lectus dapibus risus, nec aliquet orci dolor a turpis. Maecenas aliquam cursus nibh, vel cursus libero fringilla eu. Donec elit sapien, congue nec faucibus quis, sodales nec magna. Nunc tincidunt nunc a dui imperdiet eu tempus massa tempus.
Nunc at lorem sed nisi laoreet laoreet eget ut leo. Nulla odio neque, gravida at malesuada quis, ullamcorper ac tortor. Fusce rhoncus eleifend ligula. Proin congue vehicula massa nec pellentesque. Praesent elementum sollicitudin lacus ut tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed at turpis magna, id semper augue. Nunc eleifend lectus vel turpis ultrices interdum. Fusce sagittis quam at nulla bibendum sed dapibus ligula auctor. Quisque non aliquet magna. Sed gravida mattis metus sed pulvinar. Etiam ultricies neque id mi sagittis vitae aliquet diam rhoncus. Vivamus aliquet massa vitae arcu aliquet molestie. Vestibulum in facilisis turpis. Suspendisse sollicitudin consequat hendrerit.
Sed vel est eget ipsum ultricies fringilla quis eget metus. Fusce et tellus ut mauris sagittis accumsan. Integer vitae est sed odio imperdiet tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ligula ante, tincidunt quis malesuada vitae, consectetur porta libero. Quisque at tellus nulla, ac fermentum metus. Integer rhoncus fringilla ligula a pulvinar. Praesent pretium, lectus nec tincidunt imperdiet, purus turpis sagittis mauris, non malesuada arcu velit eget tellus. Sed ultrices fermentum nisi, sit amet ultrices turpis ornare ac. Nullam velit neque, pellentesque tincidunt convallis at, pharetra eu arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse eu lacus sem, nec feugiat ligula. Nullam in nunc nisl. Vestibulum a arcu et lorem feugiat convallis. Ut felis libero, vulputate ut ullamcorper vel, ullamcorper vel urna. In sit amet orci sit amet eros adipiscing posuere sit amet vel elit. Sed semper consectetur lorem eu vestibulum. Donec laoreet egestas dolor, sed venenatis arcu volutpat ac. Pellentesque vel libero a massa egestas tincidunt sed mollis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer orci est, lobortis bibendum tristique ac, imperdiet facilisis tellus. Fusce sit amet tincidunt massa. Fusce ut dolor eu lorem auctor mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse lectus arcu, placerat at condimentum vitae, gravida eu justo. Donec tempus adipiscing tempus. Ut eget magna semper ante lacinia congue. Ut pharetra ante velit. Pellentesque vestibulum, sem id tempor vestibulum, elit est faucibus diam, non mattis tortor orci ac augue. Proin gravida mauris eu ligula pellentesque fermentum. Sed metus justo, bibendum tincidunt rutrum non, euismod in neque. Nunc tincidunt aliquam ultrices. Phasellus enim turpis, faucibus vitae laoreet a, faucibus vel risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eget ipsum vitae purus euismod sagittis. Donec sagittis ullamcorper adipiscing. Aenean id ante arcu, vel condimentum erat. Mauris consectetur malesuada erat, sed fermentum arcu malesuada et. Sed sed sem nunc. Morbi tellus mi, accumsan molestie posuere non, auctor ac odio.
Cras sagittis gravida diam eu scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed nec ipsum nisi. Duis facilisis vestibulum velit. Cras at turpis sit amet dolor condimentum hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque eget sapien lacus, in hendrerit nulla. Integer laoreet orci neque, sit amet pellentesque arcu. Vivamus fermentum massa posuere leo condimentum pretium. Integer molestie consequat fermentum. Suspendisse vel vehicula dolor. Nulla non fringilla metus.
Ut et augue vitae dui tempor tincidunt non at justo. Cras non justo mauris. Aenean a volutpat ligula. Aenean sodales euismod est et cursus. Nam placerat ipsum vitae nunc porta id commodo justo vulputate. Aliquam at egestas lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed scelerisque, leo sit amet cursus porta, orci nunc mattis augue, vel sagittis lorem purus vitae purus. Cras gravida, ante eu cursus malesuada, turpis lectus dapibus risus, nec aliquet orci dolor a turpis. Maecenas aliquam cursus nibh, vel cursus libero fringilla eu. Donec elit sapien, congue nec faucibus quis, sodales nec magna. Nunc tincidunt nunc a dui imperdiet eu tempus massa tempus.
Nunc at lorem sed nisi laoreet laoreet eget ut leo. Nulla odio neque, gravida at malesuada quis, ullamcorper ac tortor. Fusce rhoncus eleifend ligula. Proin congue vehicula massa nec pellentesque. Praesent elementum sollicitudin lacus ut tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed at turpis magna, id semper augue. Nunc eleifend lectus vel turpis ultrices interdum. Fusce sagittis quam at nulla bibendum sed dapibus ligula auctor. Quisque non aliquet magna. Sed gravida mattis metus sed pulvinar. Etiam ultricies neque id mi sagittis vitae aliquet diam rhoncus. Vivamus aliquet massa vitae arcu aliquet molestie. Vestibulum in facilisis turpis. Suspendisse sollicitudin consequat hendrerit.
Sed vel est eget ipsum ultricies fringilla quis eget metus. Fusce et tellus ut mauris sagittis accumsan. Integer vitae est sed odio imperdiet tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ligula ante, tincidunt quis malesuada vitae, consectetur porta libero. Quisque at tellus nulla, ac fermentum metus. Integer rhoncus fringilla ligula a pulvinar. Praesent pretium, lectus nec tincidunt imperdiet, purus turpis sagittis mauris, non malesuada arcu velit eget tellus. Sed ultrices fermentum nisi, sit amet ultrices turpis ornare ac. Nullam velit neque, pellentesque tincidunt convallis at, pharetra eu arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse eu lacus sem, nec feugiat ligula. Nullam in nunc nisl. Vestibulum a arcu et lorem feugiat convallis. Ut felis libero, vulputate ut ullamcorper vel, ullamcorper vel urna. In sit amet orci sit amet eros adipiscing posuere sit amet vel elit. Sed semper consectetur lorem eu vestibulum. Donec laoreet egestas dolor, sed venenatis arcu volutpat ac. Pellentesque vel libero a massa egestas tincidunt sed mollis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer orci est, lobortis bibendum tristique ac, imperdiet facilisis tellus. Fusce sit amet tincidunt massa. Fusce ut dolor eu lorem auctor mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse lectus arcu, placerat at condimentum vitae, gravida eu justo. Donec tempus adipiscing tempus. Ut eget magna semper ante lacinia congue. Ut pharetra ante velit. Pellentesque vestibulum, sem id tempor vestibulum, elit est faucibus diam, non mattis tortor orci ac augue. Proin gravida mauris eu ligula pellentesque fermentum. Sed metus justo, bibendum tincidunt rutrum non, euismod in neque. Nunc tincidunt aliquam ultrices. Phasellus enim turpis, faucibus vitae laoreet a, faucibus vel risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eget ipsum vitae purus euismod sagittis. Donec sagittis ullamcorper adipiscing. Aenean id ante arcu, vel condimentum erat. Mauris consectetur malesuada erat, sed fermentum arcu malesuada et. Sed sed sem nunc. Morbi tellus mi, accumsan molestie posuere non, auctor ac odio.
Cras sagittis gravida diam eu scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed nec ipsum nisi. Duis facilisis vestibulum velit. Cras at turpis sit amet dolor condimentum hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque eget sapien lacus, in hendrerit nulla. Integer laoreet orci neque, sit amet pellentesque arcu. Vivamus fermentum massa posuere leo condimentum pretium. Integer molestie consequat fermentum. Suspendisse vel vehicula dolor. Nulla non fringilla metus.
Ut et augue vitae dui tempor tincidunt non at justo. Cras non justo mauris. Aenean a volutpat ligula. Aenean sodales euismod est et cursus. Nam placerat ipsum vitae nunc porta id commodo justo vulputate. Aliquam at egestas lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed scelerisque, leo sit amet cursus porta, orci nunc mattis augue, vel sagittis lorem purus vitae purus. Cras gravida, ante eu cursus malesuada, turpis lectus dapibus risus, nec aliquet orci dolor a turpis. Maecenas aliquam cursus nibh, vel cursus libero fringilla eu. Donec elit sapien, congue nec faucibus quis, sodales nec magna. Nunc tincidunt nunc a dui imperdiet eu tempus massa tempus.
Nunc at lorem sed nisi laoreet laoreet eget ut leo. Nulla odio neque, gravida at malesuada quis, ullamcorper ac tortor. Fusce rhoncus eleifend ligula. Proin congue vehicula massa nec pellentesque. Praesent elementum sollicitudin lacus ut tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed at turpis magna, id semper augue. Nunc eleifend lectus vel turpis ultrices interdum. Fusce sagittis quam at nulla bibendum sed dapibus ligula auctor. Quisque non aliquet magna. Sed gravida mattis metus sed pulvinar. Etiam ultricies neque id mi sagittis vitae aliquet diam rhoncus. Vivamus aliquet massa vitae arcu aliquet molestie. Vestibulum in facilisis turpis. Suspendisse sollicitudin consequat hendrerit.
Sed vel est eget ipsum ultricies fringilla quis eget metus. Fusce et tellus ut mauris sagittis accumsan. Integer vitae est sed odio imperdiet tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ligula ante, tincidunt quis malesuada vitae, consectetur porta libero. Quisque at tellus nulla, ac fermentum metus. Integer rhoncus fringilla ligula a pulvinar. Praesent pretium, lectus nec tincidunt imperdiet, purus turpis sagittis mauris, non malesuada arcu velit eget tellus. Sed ultrices fermentum nisi, sit amet ultrices turpis ornare ac. Nullam velit neque, pellentesque tincidunt convallis at, pharetra eu arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse eu lacus sem, nec feugiat ligula. Nullam in nunc nisl. Vestibulum a arcu et lorem feugiat convallis. Ut felis libero, vulputate ut ullamcorper vel, ullamcorper vel urna. In sit amet orci sit amet eros adipiscing posuere sit amet vel elit. Sed semper consectetur lorem eu vestibulum. Donec laoreet egestas dolor, sed venenatis arcu volutpat ac. Pellentesque vel libero a massa egestas tincidunt sed mollis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer orci est, lobortis bibendum tristique ac, imperdiet facilisis tellus. Fusce sit amet tincidunt massa. Fusce ut dolor eu lorem auctor mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse lectus arcu, placerat at condimentum vitae, gravida eu justo. Donec tempus adipiscing tempus. Ut eget magna semper ante lacinia congue. Ut pharetra ante velit. Pellentesque vestibulum, sem id tempor vestibulum, elit est faucibus diam, non mattis tortor orci ac augue. Proin gravida mauris eu ligula pellentesque fermentum. Sed metus justo, bibendum tincidunt rutrum non, euismod in neque. Nunc tincidunt aliquam ultrices. Phasellus enim turpis, faucibus vitae laoreet a, faucibus vel risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eget ipsum vitae purus euismod sagittis. Donec sagittis ullamcorper adipiscing. Aenean id ante arcu, vel condimentum erat. Mauris consectetur malesuada erat, sed fermentum arcu malesuada et. Sed sed sem nunc. Morbi tellus mi, accumsan molestie posuere non, auctor ac odio.
Cras sagittis gravida diam eu scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed nec ipsum nisi. Duis facilisis vestibulum velit. Cras at turpis sit amet dolor condimentum hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque eget sapien lacus, in hendrerit nulla. Integer laoreet orci neque, sit amet pellentesque arcu. Vivamus fermentum massa posuere leo condimentum pretium. Integer molestie consequat fermentum. Suspendisse vel vehicula dolor. Nulla non fringilla metus.
Ut et augue vitae dui tempor tincidunt non at justo. Cras non justo mauris. Aenean a volutpat ligula. Aenean sodales euismod est et cursus. Nam placerat ipsum vitae nunc porta id commodo justo vulputate. Aliquam at egestas lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed scelerisque, leo sit amet cursus porta, orci nunc mattis augue, vel sagittis lorem purus vitae purus. Cras gravida, ante eu cursus malesuada, turpis lectus dapibus risus, nec aliquet orci dolor a turpis. Maecenas aliquam cursus nibh, vel cursus libero fringilla eu. Donec elit sapien, congue nec faucibus quis, sodales nec magna. Nunc tincidunt nunc a dui imperdiet eu tempus massa tempus.
Nunc at lorem sed nisi laoreet laoreet eget ut leo. Nulla odio neque, gravida at malesuada quis, ullamcorper ac tortor. Fusce rhoncus eleifend ligula. Proin congue vehicula massa nec pellentesque. Praesent elementum sollicitudin lacus ut tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed at turpis magna, id semper augue. Nunc eleifend lectus vel turpis ultrices interdum. Fusce sagittis quam at nulla bibendum sed dapibus ligula auctor. Quisque non aliquet magna. Sed gravida mattis metus sed pulvinar. Etiam ultricies neque id mi sagittis vitae aliquet diam rhoncus. Vivamus aliquet massa vitae arcu aliquet molestie. Vestibulum in facilisis turpis. Suspendisse sollicitudin consequat hendrerit.
Sed vel est eget ipsum ultricies fringilla quis eget metus. Fusce et tellus ut mauris sagittis accumsan. Integer vitae est sed odio imperdiet tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ligula ante, tincidunt quis malesuada vitae, consectetur porta libero. Quisque at tellus nulla, ac fermentum metus. Integer rhoncus fringilla ligula a pulvinar. Praesent pretium, lectus nec tincidunt imperdiet, purus turpis sagittis mauris, non malesuada arcu velit eget tellus. Sed ultrices fermentum nisi, sit amet ultrices turpis ornare ac. Nullam velit neque, pellentesque tincidunt convallis at, pharetra eu arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse eu lacus sem, nec feugiat ligula. Nullam in nunc nisl. Vestibulum a arcu et lorem feugiat convallis. Ut felis libero, vulputate ut ullamcorper vel, ullamcorper vel urna. In sit amet orci sit amet eros adipiscing posuere sit amet vel elit. Sed semper consectetur lorem eu vestibulum. Donec laoreet egestas dolor, sed venenatis arcu volutpat ac. Pellentesque vel libero a massa egestas tincidunt sed mollis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer orci est, lobortis bibendum tristique ac, imperdiet facilisis tellus. Fusce sit amet tincidunt massa. Fusce ut dolor eu lorem auctor mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse lectus arcu, placerat at condimentum vitae, gravida eu justo. Donec tempus adipiscing tempus. Ut eget magna semper ante lacinia congue. Ut pharetra ante velit. Pellentesque vestibulum, sem id tempor vestibulum, elit est faucibus diam, non mattis tortor orci ac augue. Proin gravida mauris eu ligula pellentesque fermentum. Sed metus justo, bibendum tincidunt rutrum non, euismod in neque. Nunc tincidunt aliquam ultrices. Phasellus enim turpis, faucibus vitae laoreet a, faucibus vel risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eget ipsum vitae purus euismod sagittis. Donec sagittis ullamcorper adipiscing. Aenean id ante arcu, vel condimentum erat. Mauris consectetur malesuada erat, sed fermentum arcu malesuada et. Sed sed sem nunc. Morbi tellus mi, accumsan molestie posuere non, auctor ac odio.
Cras sagittis gravida diam eu scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed nec ipsum nisi. Duis facilisis vestibulum velit. Cras at turpis sit amet dolor condimentum hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque eget sapien lacus, in hendrerit nulla. Integer laoreet orci neque, sit amet pellentesque arcu. Vivamus fermentum massa posuere leo condimentum pretium. Integer molestie consequat fermentum. Suspendisse vel vehicula dolor. Nulla non fringilla metus.
Ut et augue vitae dui tempor tincidunt non at justo. Cras non justo mauris. Aenean a volutpat ligula. Aenean sodales euismod est et cursus. Nam placerat ipsum vitae nunc porta id commodo justo vulputate. Aliquam at egestas lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed scelerisque, leo sit amet cursus porta, orci nunc mattis augue, vel sagittis lorem purus vitae purus. Cras gravida, ante eu cursus malesuada, turpis lectus dapibus risus, nec aliquet orci dolor a turpis. Maecenas aliquam cursus nibh, vel cursus libero fringilla eu. Donec elit sapien, congue nec faucibus quis, sodales nec magna. Nunc tincidunt nunc a dui imperdiet eu tempus massa tempus.
Nunc at lorem sed nisi laoreet laoreet eget ut leo. Nulla odio neque, gravida at malesuada quis, ullamcorper ac tortor. Fusce rhoncus eleifend ligula. Proin congue vehicula massa nec pellentesque. Praesent elementum sollicitudin lacus ut tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed at turpis magna, id semper augue. Nunc eleifend lectus vel turpis ultrices interdum. Fusce sagittis quam at nulla bibendum sed dapibus ligula auctor. Quisque non aliquet magna. Sed gravida mattis metus sed pulvinar. Etiam ultricies neque id mi sagittis vitae aliquet diam rhoncus. Vivamus aliquet massa vitae arcu aliquet molestie. Vestibulum in facilisis turpis. Suspendisse sollicitudin consequat hendrerit.
Sed vel est eget ipsum ultricies fringilla quis eget metus. Fusce et tellus ut mauris sagittis accumsan. Integer vitae est sed odio imperdiet tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ligula ante, tincidunt quis malesuada vitae, consectetur porta libero. Quisque at tellus nulla, ac fermentum metus. Integer rhoncus fringilla ligula a pulvinar. Praesent pretium, lectus nec tincidunt imperdiet, purus turpis sagittis mauris, non malesuada arcu velit eget tellus. Sed ultrices fermentum nisi, sit amet ultrices turpis ornare ac. Nullam velit neque, pellentesque tincidunt convallis at, pharetra eu arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse eu lacus sem, nec feugiat ligula. Nullam in nunc nisl. Vestibulum a arcu et lorem feugiat convallis. Ut felis libero, vulputate ut ullamcorper vel, ullamcorper vel urna. In sit amet orci sit amet eros adipiscing posuere sit amet vel elit. Sed semper consectetur lorem eu vestibulum. Donec laoreet egestas dolor, sed venenatis arcu volutpat ac. Pellentesque vel libero a massa egestas tincidunt sed mollis enim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer orci est, lobortis bibendum tristique ac, imperdiet facilisis tellus. Fusce sit amet tincidunt massa. Fusce ut dolor eu lorem auctor mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse lectus arcu, placerat at condimentum vitae, gravida eu justo. Donec tempus adipiscing tempus. Ut eget magna semper ante lacinia congue. Ut pharetra ante velit. Pellentesque vestibulum, sem id tempor vestibulum, elit est faucibus diam, non mattis tortor orci ac augue. Proin gravida mauris eu ligula pellentesque fermentum. Sed metus justo, bibendum tincidunt rutrum non, euismod in neque. Nunc tincidunt aliquam ultrices. Phasellus enim turpis, faucibus vitae laoreet a, faucibus vel risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin eget ipsum vitae purus euismod sagittis. Donec sagittis ullamcorper adipiscing. Aenean id ante arcu, vel condimentum erat. Mauris consectetur malesuada erat, sed fermentum arcu malesuada et. Sed sed sem nunc. Morbi tellus mi, accumsan molestie posuere non, auctor ac odio.
Cras sagittis gravida diam eu scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed nec ipsum nisi. Duis facilisis vestibulum velit. Cras at turpis sit amet dolor condimentum hendrerit. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque eget sapien lacus, in hendrerit nulla. Integer laoreet orci neque, sit amet pellentesque arcu. Vivamus fermentum massa posuere leo condimentum pretium. Integer molestie consequat fermentum. Suspendisse vel vehicula dolor. Nulla non fringilla metus.
Ut et augue vitae dui tempor tincidunt non at justo. Cras non justo mauris. Aenean a volutpat ligula. Aenean sodales euismod est et cursus. Nam placerat ipsum vitae nunc porta id commodo justo vulputate. Aliquam at egestas lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed scelerisque, leo sit amet cursus porta, orci nunc mattis augue, vel sagittis lorem purus vitae purus. Cras gravida, ante eu cursus malesuada, turpis lectus dapibus risus, nec aliquet orci dolor a turpis. Maecenas aliquam cursus nibh, vel cursus libero fringilla eu. Donec elit sapien, congue nec faucibus quis, sodales nec magna. Nunc tincidunt nunc a dui imperdiet eu tempus massa tempus.
Nunc at lorem sed nisi laoreet laoreet eget ut leo. Nulla odio neque, gravida at malesuada quis, ullamcorper ac tortor. Fusce rhoncus eleifend ligula. Proin congue vehicula massa nec pellentesque. Praesent elementum sollicitudin lacus ut tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed at turpis magna, id semper augue. Nunc eleifend lectus vel turpis ultrices interdum. Fusce sagittis quam at nulla bibendum sed dapibus ligula auctor. Quisque non aliquet magna. Sed gravida mattis metus sed pulvinar. Etiam ultricies neque id mi sagittis vitae aliquet diam rhoncus. Vivamus aliquet massa vitae arcu aliquet molestie. Vestibulum in facilisis turpis. Suspendisse sollicitudin consequat hendrerit.
Sed vel est eget ipsum ultricies fringilla quis eget metus. Fusce et tellus ut mauris sagittis accumsan. Integer vitae est sed odio imperdiet tincidunt. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ligula ante, tincidunt quis malesuada vitae, consectetur porta libero. Quisque at tellus nulla, ac fermentum metus. Integer rhoncus fringilla ligula a pulvinar. Praesent pretium, lectus nec tincidunt imperdiet, purus turpis sagittis mauris, non malesuada arcu velit eget tellus. Sed ultrices fermentum nisi, sit amet ultrices turpis ornare ac. Nullam velit neque, pellentesque tincidunt convallis at, pharetra eu arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse eu lacus sem, nec feugiat ligula. Nullam in nunc nisl. Vestibulum a arcu et lorem feugiat convallis. Ut felis libero, vulputate ut ullamcorper vel, ullamcorper vel urna. In sit amet orci sit amet eros adipiscing posuere sit amet vel elit. Sed semper consectetur lorem eu vestibulum. Donec laoreet egestas dolor, sed venenatis arcu volutpat ac. Pellentesque vel libero a massa egestas tincidunt sed mollis enim.
Works like a charm, Raven... all that Lorem Ipsum there, didn't even budge it! Though it is quoted, and collapsable/expandable in the actual post, the message text area hasn't moved a pixel!
Thanks again spasticdonkey! |
Last edited by sven2157 on Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:36 am; edited 1 time in total |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:35 am |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:16 am |
glad you got the textarea fixed up
in regards to the attachment issue, I found this in the documentation
Quote: | Download Mode
There are two possible Download Methods you are able to use: physical and logical.
The physical method:
This will point the attachment link to the original File. If you (or a user) click on an Attachment which Extension Group is set to physical download method, the browser will point directly to this file. Of course the download.php file is called to check Permissions and other things, but the delivery method consist of a simple Location Header (or Refresh if the Server does not Support this Header).
The downside of this method is that Users sometimes receive cryptic Filenames (with random Numbers at the end) and your Upload Directory has to be accessible from the Internet.
Therefore, this method should only be used for Extensions that need the File in complete. I only know of one: Real Media Files. Additionally, try this Download Method if you think your downloaded Files got garbled.
The logical method:
The Logical Download Method is the standard Method to use. It's for pointing the User to the correct Attachment and presenting them the correct Name for the Attachment, even if it's saved differently at your webspace. Even if the Upload Directory is not accessible from the Internet, the File gets downloaded correctly. |
So are you saying that the "logical" method isn't working? I know one user had issues with Internet Explorer and downloading attached files, maybe this will help: |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:35 am |
Yeah I tried to disable the HTTP1.1 and HTTP1.1 through Proxy: Not it, changed it back..
I then tried what wHiTeHaT had said floppydrivez had said; I even read through the original post; No Dice, should I leave this? Not sure, seems logical...
My problem is a bit different. Everything works as supposed to until the actual download. If a user clicks the link to download the attachment, they are presented with an option to open or save the file. However, when they click Open/Save, doesn't matter which, they get this window:
Which is normal. The problem is that, that is ALL they get. About 60 seconds or so they then get this window:
When I go into the attachment control panel, and select "Attachments" from the view dropdown on the top right, I can see the files. The files are named correctly, without the added "_nnn.ext", and are linked. If I click the file name in there, the file downloads just about instantly.
So I have to believe that this is a coding issue somewhere in the Forums I am thinking in the download.php file, but where and why this is happening is why I am here now...
Sven2157 |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:31 am |
ok I tried out at your site, and the download seems to hangup at 99%
this could have something to do with your host settings, or maybe with your config of the attachment mod. I'm leaning toward your host... I didn't see any code for the alert that pops up in the language or download script, is it possible that is coming from the host?
".....could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.
Try again later, or contact the server administrator."
You might try to setup the FTP mode for attachments and see if that works any better. There is a help file in the AddOnFiles of the RN distro in case you need it for that setup. |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:33 am |
sven2157 wrote: | I then tried the attachment with a 40.1KB AJAX Remote Desktop software, I found on the internet (no worries, I will delete it, however it is free for distro) and it worked fine too. |
Raven, I tried to go back and delete/remove that file as I said I would, but realized that I cannot edit posts on the Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! site.
It was just a test, so if you need to remove it go ahead...  |

Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:00 am |
spasticdonkey wrote: | ok I tried out at your site, and the download seems to hangup at 99%
this could have something to do with your host settings, or maybe with your config of the attachment mod. I'm leaning toward your host... I didn't see any code for the alert that pops up in the language or download script, is it possible that is coming from the host?
".....could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.
Try again later, or contact the server administrator."
You might try to setup the FTP mode for attachments and see if that works any better. There is a help file in the AddOnFiles of the RN distro in case you need it for that setup. |
Thanks SD, I am using the FTP... Like I said, My downloads sections work fine. When I am in the phpBB Admin panel, and on the Attachment Control section, and click the view dropdown, select Attachments... I can see the uploaded files. If I click on one, they almost instatly download...
Just had an idea, if you can spare another couple... I have made you an Admin for the forums, if you could login into the site and goto the phpBB control panel and see for yourself, it may clear up where the problem is.
You may also, find that I am a dummy and have something set wrong, but it is a chance I am willing to take!
I will PM you the details, ONLY if you have time....
Thanks again man; that six pack may have grown into a 12 pack!
Sven2157 |

Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:17 am |
Hello Folks,
First, I would like to say... Spasticdonkey, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE TIME YOU GAVE TO ME THE OTHER DAY! THAT WAS WAAAYYYY COOL OF YOU! On behalf of Chicago Flights(tm)/170th Clan and myself,
THANK YOU! Also, Check your PM, please...
I have been having issues, as my posts reflect, and playing with the settings of various files. I also have had a BAD 500 Internal Server Error, that I believe I have fixed.
I host with GoDaddy in a Windows IIS7 environment (which is why I didn't want to mention this at first, as everyone seems to only focus on that, and tell me to host with "real companies"), and with this, the standard php.ini has some issues with full blown PHP. GoDaddy offers no help with scripts, most likely for security and legal reasons, and only states that the problem may be with the .ini for PHP on IIS7. Their suggestion is to create a custom php5.ini file and place it in the root. This is what has resolved 99.99% of my 500 Internal Server errors, whilst using PHP.
I was trying to solve another issue this morning and came across some of the settings in my php5.ini file. After a bit of research, my site is running faster than ever with little to no, 500 Internal server errors.
I didn't believe that my hosting was the issue, and technically is has not been. But I have just confirmed that my php5.ini was maybe the culprit. I made some settings adjustments and I got my attachments to finally download. I confirmed this, by downloading my php5.ini file to my desktop, deleting my webserver .ini file and recyling my App Pool. When I did this, the attachments did not download. Re-uploading the custom php5.ini file and recycling again, produced a full download...
Unfortunately, there is still a problem!
When I upload this file:
Code:File Name = KATL-KEWR.PLN (Microsoft Flight Simulator X Flight Plan)
title=KATL to KEWR
description=KATL, KEWR
type = IFR
routetype = 3
departure_id=KATL, N33* 38.43', W84* 25.62', +001026.00
destination_id=KEWR, N40* 41.55', W74* 10.12', +000018.00
waypoint.0=KATL, A, N33* 38.43', W084* 25.62', +000000.00,
waypoint.1=DAWGS, I, N33* 55.51', W083* 43.35', +000000.00, DAWGS4
waypoint.2=SPA, V, N35* 02.02', W081* 55.62', +000000.00, DAWGS4
waypoint.3=BYJAC, I, N35* 57.45', W080* 09.05', +000000.00, J14
waypoint.4=GSO, V, N36* 02.74', W079* 58.58', +000000.00, J14
waypoint.5=JAXSN, I, N36* 42.64', W078* 47.39', +000000.00, J14
waypoint.6=CREWE, I, N37* 01.38', W078* 13.06', +000000.00, J14
waypoint.7=FAK, V, N37* 31.71', W077* 49.69', +000000.00,
waypoint.8=OTT, V, N38* 42.35', W076* 44.68', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.9=PALEO, I, N39* 01.68', W076* 22.36', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.10=PEEDS, I, N39* 08.50', W076* 14.42', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.11=FUBRR, I, N39* 15.96', W076* 05.69', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.12=DQO, V, N39* 40.69', W075* 36.43', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.13=STEFE, I, N39* 57.92', W075* 15.60', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.14=SOMTO, I, N40* 07.57', W075* 03.82', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.15=ARD, V, N40* 15.20', W074* 54.46', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.16=DYLIN, I, N40* 17.25', W074* 51.59', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.17=MERSR, I, N40* 18.61', W074* 49.68', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.18=METRO, I, N40* 25.36', W074* 40.17', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.19=MARRT, I, N40* 36.42', W074* 37.22', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.20=PHLBO, I, N40* 49.82', W074* 33.61', +000000.00, PHLBO2
waypoint.21=KEWR, A, N40* 41.55', W074* 10.12', +000000.00, PHLBO2
And download it, it says complete. However when I open the file, I get this:
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<td align="center">The selected Attachment does not exist anymore<br /><br /><b>404 File Not Found:</b> The File <i>katl_kewr_303.pln</i> does not exist.</td>
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My Peepers!
This happens for .ZIP files as well. I only tried a .ZIP and a .PLN; I needed to make sure that I set my .NET Web.config and the .PHP MIME types correct for the .PLN file, and both produce the same contents.
Any Ideas?....  |

Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:15 pm |
hmm, well thats some strange behavior....
scratching my head a little here, but I would try to find out at what point the file gets corrupted. First try to upload a working ZIP and .pln file via FTP to your web server. Then use a browser to manually download the files by typing in the appropriate address (wherever you uploaded them)
If the files come back ok then it's not a browser issue directly with the files.
Next try uploading those same files thru the forum attachment mod, and then go to FTP and download the files from there.. Are they corrupted? If so it's something in the upload process, could be setting or server related.
Start there and see what you get.... |

Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:31 pm |
Upload is good, FTP is good... File uploads via FTP and attacment mod just fine.
Downloads via Direct IP address for both: Attacment Mod and FTP.
The problem is in the download.php script, I believe....
UGH! I will try to look at it and see where the problem lies...
Sven2157 |

Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:43 pm |
well i've tried this on my godaddy test server and cannot reproduce, however I do not use the FTP method for attachments and did not try a .pln file... So it could have something to do with retrieving the files via FTP and godaddy...., and it's possible there are errors that are happening behind the scenes that you can't see. You are going to probably have to look at your server error logs, and If i remember right you have to enable them in advance on godaddy and they can only be enabled for a limited time period. Get the logs enabled and try downloading again, and look at the results. Another option is to try to get it working in non-ftp mode.
btw, I never had to edit any server config's, etc to get mine (on godaddy) working.. so a little mystified  |

Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:53 pm |
spasticdonkey wrote: | well i've tried this on my godaddy test server and cannot reproduce, however I do not use the FTP method for attachments and did not try a .pln file... So it could have something to do with retrieving the files via FTP and godaddy...., and it's possible there are errors that are happening behind the scenes that you can't see. You are going to probably have to look at your server error logs, and If i remember right you have to enable them in advance on godaddy and they can only be enabled for a limited time period. Get the logs enabled and try downloading again, and look at the results. Another option is to try to get it working in non-ftp mode. |
I am in "inline" | FTP = disabled right now... same thing... can't open them
**EDIT *** BTW, how do you enable the logs on GD? (they don't tell you anything...) |

Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:08 pm |
no i don't know how, just remember reading that they were disabled by default and had to be enabled.. it was too late for what I was working on, so never went past that..
the download i tried was missing on the server
are you sure the permissions are set correct on that folder? I can't remember what they are supposed to be but it should be somewhere in the help file in the addons folder. |

Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:10 pm |
spasticdonkey wrote: | no i don't know how, just remember reading that they were disabled by default and had to be enabled.. it was too late for what I was working on, so never went past that..
the download i tried was missing on the server
are you sure the permissions are set correct on that folder? I can't remember what they are supposed to be but it should be somewhere in the help file in the addons folder. |
Sorry I deleted it, as the files were getting nuts, try here: Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:27 pm |
ya i see what you mean, if you download the file by other means it's ok? If so I guess it's figure out the server logs issue... btw is switching server to linux and option? I don't think they charge for that... |