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Joined: Jun 03, 2004
Posts: 231
Location: Torrevieja, Spain
Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:48 pm |
spasticdonkey wrote: | look at the Forum Permissions Control for the forum in question, make sure "Download Files" is set to ALL
Also, what theme are you using? |
ha ha... now THERE is the question (and also the answer)
The theme is based on a free one from clan themes- ct_rn_black
only it needed "tweaking"..... (forums show user details on the right, not left, plus colours, etc.)
I read somewhere about changing a particular file from an equivalent theme (ie. one with user details on the left, like here)- I must have used an old theme - the file is viewtopic_body.tpl
As it was an old one, it put the user data in the forums where I expected, BUT didn't have the details within the file to show the attachment (hence it was showing in admin panel, but the site couldn't show it)
So, through my errors and ommissions so far, I'm hoping other users will learn from my mistakes (through all the waffle and mis-direction!)
With regards users not getting access/ Sentinel issue found earlier- this may not be due to the upgrade (the odd user couldn't get on every now and again)- but I was up to nearly half a dozen by tonight (so in 24 hours)- and these were regular users....
In the end, I found the IP ranges that seemed to be affecting users that were RSV (reserved) from about 93.xx etc. upto 97.xx etc. and deleted them. Users can instantly get onto the site (they weren't showing as "banned" in Sentinel admin, but were getting a "banned" message when they tried to access the site. I wonder how many other site owners have had a similar problem, but don't know about it because visitors are new, didn't have contact details, or couldn't be bothered...?
Cheers for the help/ feedback/ advice supplied so far.  |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Dec 02, 2006
Posts: 1693
Location: Texas, USA
Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:24 pm |
so are you all fixed up? there are other template changes required for the PM's, etc... If it were me I would copy the entire CT_RN forum folder from the distro, then restyle as needed... Although you may want to wait for the upcoming distro, there was one small fix to posting_body.tpl, as well as some fixes in CT_RN theme.php (which you may want to compare to the previous distro to adjust your theme.php). |

Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:38 pm |
well, there's things you don't notice, unless you use them. In swapping files from one theme to another, I didn't notice there was (or wasn't) a "page up" button (to take to the top of the page)
The file I used had that, but the image is "hardcoded" as a url in the file (as opposed to using the db, etc.) So I accidentally put one in without trying.... lol.
Another issue we've "found" is that trying tp upload Avatars (only just noticed)- you go through from "your profile" to the forum part to then upload/ select your avatar, with the pop up box in between. Well, they select, and then the site gives the pop up box and asks them to select again (stuck in a loop)
I decided to have a "quick look"- to find that when I go to select an avatar from the gallery (they are there, checked via ftp, paths in forum config look correct) that there's nothing in the drop down box to select a gallery. It's blank. Not blank is in blank line, blank as in nothing.....
I'll look more tomorrow. Probably something I've goofed (again!) lol.
I'll see if we can tweak the CT_RN theme in the distro as well....
Andy |

Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:46 pm |
quick update; on the pages before this; your account > preferences > change info - at the bottom for avatar, Select Avatar from gallery: gives me no options. The drop down box is there, just not populated.
On the dev site we have (fresh install), it is. So, the question now, is, is something wrong with the database upgrade/ patching I did? |

Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:58 pm |
do you get the modal popup warning
"Unless you are uploading an avatar you should be using Your Account to edit your profile."
on forum edit profile ?
the template i have for CT_RN does not give a drop down box for avatar galleries, just a show gallery button. But as per the warning...unless you are uploading an avatar you should be using Your Account to edit your profile
you also have to allow uploading avatar or off-site linking of avatars in the forum acp |

Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:04 pm |
yes, yes. It all worked before the upgrade. Pop up warning- yes. As I said, at the bottom (before you click and then get the warning) there's an option to use Avatars in the gallery bundled with the distribution. (They show in the drop down box)
For some reason, it doesn't. The dev site is identical, EXCEPT for it was a fresh install, we had 7+ years of posts/ user data we wanted to keep, so a "fresh start" wasn't an option.The same them on both, so this is pointing me towards the Db config/ upgrade... I could be wrong (again) lol... |
Site Admin

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Posts: 2583
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:06 pm |
Go into Forum Admin => General Admin => Configuration => Avatar Settings.
Check to make sure that "Avatar Gallery Path" and "Avatar Storage Path" are set to "modules/Forums/images/avatars". Obviously those can be different if set up correctly, but that is the default setting. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |

Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:35 am |
checked the settings (first thing I checked) at all appears ok. What chmod should the folder be? (although I'm not thinking that's the problem)
I checked the values in the Db as well, and they match.... |

Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:25 am |
have you tried that page with error reporting on? modules/Forums/profile.php includes several files, it's possible one is missing.. |

Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:17 am |
I'll give it a go over the weekend- thanks for your tip- have a good one! |

Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:12 pm |
See if you can access the files in the Gallery folder directly. If not it is a permission problem. |