/* nukeSEO
/* Copyright 2008 by Kevin Guske
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */
class dhoscommerce extends dhclass {
function dhoscommerce () {
# global $prefix;
# $this->content_id = 'fid';
# $this->content_table = $prefix.'_seo_feed';
# $this->contentTitleArray = array('title');
# $this->contentDescArray = array('desc');
# $this->contentKeysArray = array('title','desc');
// If pending content is stored in the same table, inactive content, private content, etc.
# $this->activeWhere = 'active = 1';
// Override default getHEAD function
function getHEAD() {
$meta['title'][1] = $name . ' - '.$sitename . ' - ' . $slogan;
$meta['Content-Script-Type'] = array('http-equiv','text/javascript',0);
$meta['Content-Style-Type'] = array('http-equiv','text/css',0);
$meta['Expires'] = array('http-equiv','0',0);
$meta['RESOURCE-TYPE'] = array('name','DOCUMENT',0);
$meta['DISTRIBUTION'] = array('name','GLOBAL',0);
$meta['AUTHOR'] = array('name',$sitename,0);
$meta['COPYRIGHT'] = array('name','Copyright (c) by '.$sitename,0);
$meta['DESCRIPTION'] = array('name',$slogan,0);
$meta['KEYWORDS'] = array('name','CMS, cms, Best CMS, best cms, Raven, RavenNuke, Raven Nuke, raven, ravennuke, raven nuke, scripts, PHP, php, MySQL, mysql, SQL, sql, News, news, Technology, technology, Headlines, headlines, Nuke, nuke, PHP-Nuke, phpnuke, php-nuke, Linux, linux, Windows, windows, Software, software, Download, download, Downloads, downloads, Free, FREE, free, Community, community, Forum, forum, Forums, forums, Bulletin, bulletin, Board, board, Boards, boards, Survey, survey, Comment, comment, Comments, comments, Portal, portal, ODP, odp, Open, open, Open Source, OpenSource, Opensource, opensource, open source, Free Software, FreeSoftware, Freesoftware, free software, GNU, gnu, GPL, gpl, License, license, Unix, UNIX, *nix, unix, Database, DataBase, Blogs, blogs, Blog, blog, database, Programming, programming, Web Site, web site, Weblog, WebLog, weblog, ',0);
$meta['REVISIT-AFTER'] = array('name','1 DAYS',0);
$meta['RATING'] = array('name','GENERAL',0);