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New Member

Joined: Jul 24, 2010
Posts: 7
Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:53 am |
This is the first time im using RavenNuke to create a website.Im very confused with this CMS.Im not sure if its the right place to be posting this question,but i have no where else to,so this forum is my only choice.
I have installed RavenNuke cms the latest release version 2.40.01.
Next i login to Admin control panel and activate some modules.I did some blocks rearrangement and here is the current Home page screenshot of the site im testing.
I don't know where to look for reference,i have tried google many times , on how to remove RavenNuke frontpage story but didn't get any answer ,also in the RavenNuke wiki i didn't find any.
First doubt: How to install modules in RavenNuke?
Where can i find modules for RavenNuke cos when i google i always
get results for PHPNuke modules.
Will PhpNuke modules and themes work in RavenNuke ? .
Thanks in advance, this is my first website project and for the first time im using RavenNuke CMS.Please help out even if not all but some.
Thanks and Regards. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:38 am |
Some reference material is on the Ravennuke Wiki at:
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You can get answers to other questions by searching in the Forums here.
To answer a few:
- the message with the Ravennuke logo you see at the top of your home page is message #1 in the messages. If you don't want it at all you can deactivate it in the Administrative Control Panel under messages or you can edit it to make it say whatever you want. By default, if a message is active it will show at the top of the home page.
- the links going down the left side of the page are from the modules block. You can edit the modules block in your blocks directory if you want to change it and of course if you are familiar with editing PHP and links. I'd recommend saving the original safely. Or create an entirely new "links" block file using the block-modules as a template and substitute that in to the top left position using the blocks administration.
- the links going across the top of the page are produced by nukenav. I believe this is embedded in the various themes so you'd need to edit the theme.php. This is covered in the Wiki or you can search under nukenav here.
Good luck. |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
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Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support
Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:41 am |
Welcome allthebest to !
Don´t worry. this is one of the best forums and all your questions will be answered.
First, check admin message you can show it only to admins or delete it. Afterthat it makes sense to create your own welcome message.
The site navigation shows autmatically new modules, if you select show new modules. You can also create your own naviation.
Just search a litte bit here in the forums you will find the answers.
Some old modules or themes with dbi will not work without modification.
Good luck with your new site! |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Dec 02, 2006
Posts: 1693
Location: Texas, USA
Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:57 am |
The message that appears at the top center of your home page can be edited/deleted from admin -> messages
the big story of the day block is generated automatically by stories written that day and ordered by hits.
the block navigation: block-nukeNAV.php
where do you want to add the link? If you can add before or right after home (or after your account) it's not too hard, but if you want to add a link that is sorted alphabetically like the rest of the list, it may be a little more difficult.
the horizontal navigation is generated @ /includes/jquery/nukeNAV.php
I assume the "X" thru forums meant you wanted to remove that? You can either deactivate or set to hidden the forums module, or remove this from
Code:if (is_active('Forums')) {
$nukeNAV .= '
<li><a title="">' . _NAV_FORUMS . '</a>
<li><a href="modules.php?name=Forums" title="">' . _NAV_FORUMS . '</a></li>
<li><a href="modules.php?name=Forums&file=search&search_id=newposts" title="">' . _NAV_NEWPOSTS . '</a></li>
<li><a href="modules.php?name=Forums&file=search&search_id=unanswered" title="">' . _NAV_UNANSWERED . '</a></li>';
if (is_user($user)) $nukeNAV .= '
<li><a href="modules.php?name=Forums&file=search&search_id=egosearch" title="">' . _NAV_YOURPOSTS . '</a></li>';
$nukeNAV .= '
adding the links to the end of the horizontal menu:
Code:<li><a href="modules.php?name=nukeNAV&op=search" class="colorbox" title="">' . _SEARCH . '</a></li>';
on a new line after add
Code:$nukeNAV .= '
<li><a href="YOUR_LINK_HERE" title="">Video</a></li>
<li><a href="YOUR_LINK_HERE" title="">Photo</a></li>
<li><a href="YOUR_LINK_HERE" title="">MP3</a></li>';
substituting YOUR_LINK_HERE for the appropriate links.
that should get you started  |

Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:20 am |
rkelly,thank you very much for the information,i will try them out now and come back here with the status result.
Thanks alot@sussan for welcoming me to this community. I will search other sections too for reference like you have suggested.
spasticdonkey,thank you very much for the phpcode you have provided in detailed,i shall try them out now and come back here again with the status result.
Thanks and Regards. |

Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:14 pm |
Thanks everything that i have requested above is done now. I have some few more doubts .
I tried to create block but its confusing,since this is my first attempt.
Also, Please tell me which modules is good for ImageGallery and Video Gallery for RavenNuke. When i search google, they always show PHPNuke.
But i saw a website in RavenNuke that have Coppermine PhotoGallery and Video gallery they use HTTP video stream from Steezmatic designs.
When i search Steezmatic designs , i didnt get any proper links.
Thanks alot for all the help.This is all i need for today.
Thanks and Regards. |

Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:18 pm |
the RSS/RDF file URL: should be left blank unless you are creating a block that displays a feed from another site. The headline setup is to add a feed that isn't included in the stock installation.
the Filename: setting is for blocks that are included in the RN distro and uploaded to your site in the root/blocks directory. If you select a file from the list then the content section is ignored
if you just want to create a block with html leave the RSS/RDF file URL and Filename settings untouched and create your block with the editor in the content section.
for image gallery
jestrella wrote: | For the bravest users here I'm glad to present you the first alpha release of iGallery, still not stable enough, so it's intended for developers to have a sneak peak and do some testing and report back all possible bugs. And remember this version is still not suitable for production sites, use it at your own risk...
iGallery 0.9.7 (aka 1.0 alpha) features:
* Simple and elegant (Full CSS driven).
* 100% standards compliant.
* Requires at least RavenNuke(tm) 2.4.0 to run.
* Support Tegonuke(tm) Shortlinks.
* Unlimited categories and subcategories.
* English and spanish languages included.
* Users comments and rating.
* Upload images through the system (Still not working).
* Top images section.
* Recent user activity section.
* Quick construct (aka auto add images uploaded via FTP).
* KISS admin interface (Still not 100% completed).
* Other things hiding behind the walls of my mind.
If you want to give a try please PM me and i'll sebd you a copy... If you're not so brave to test that's fine, you can anyways live preview at
Yet to come as time allows...
v0.9.9 (aka 1.0 RC)
v1.0.0 (stable release) |
and the video stream module... I know it's out there somewhere...
maybe someone else knows a link  |

Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:51 am |
Thank you so much guys for all the help.
Im facing one problem here, after i install TrickedOutNews from , whenever i post a new story its not showing in the front page. What am i doing wrong ? Do, i need to start all over again ? or is there a fix for this ?
Please help.......... |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Mar 11, 2007
Posts: 2024
Location: North Carolina
Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:12 am |
Are you posting the story as an admin? Is the articles category selected and post in home set to yes? Also, check in you admin under Submissions and see if they just need to be approved. |
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Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:28 pm |
I tried to post new story as admin, after filling out title,category,checking post in home
i still don't get any story. Even after checking Submissions to see if its unapproved , there its empty.
I think the story im posting is not entering the database . and the reason , i most suspect is might be TrickedOutnews module which i install.
I wish if there is some books on RavenNuke CMS.
Is it possible to create a custom page in RavenNuke , so that i can integrate Parachat Java chatroom. or any custom html page . please give some tips regarding this topic .
Also,here is one error im getting which i dont have any idea about. What is Super Admins for ? i dont have any Super Admins account.
Thanks and Regards.[/img] |

Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:46 pm |
That error is due to not being logged in as the super admin. You must be logged in under the God Admin account to run the install script. This is for security reasons.
The tricked Out News mod is simply a modification of the original news module. The files associated with submitting news are almost identical to the standard ones. If you would like me to take a look, send me a PM with admin access to the news module and I will see what is going on for you. |

Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:50 pm |
The super admin is the admin created when you installed RavenNuke. There are several posts in the forums here about creating modules for RavenNuke. I have an example html module for download on my site. You can also use the included Content module to create pages for RavenNuke. |

Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:07 pm |
Sorry for posting so many different posts. When you installed Tricked Out News, did you use the latest version 2.5 and did you run the install-tagcloud.php script? If you did and it installed successfully, turn on error reporting in your config.php and see if any errors are showing when you a submit news article. You may also have an errorlog on your server where you can see if any errors are being reported.
If you tried to use an earlier version of Tricked Out News with RavenNuke 2.4 and up, it will not work.
Latest version can be found here: |

Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:38 am |
Thanks for your reply again, i have installed HTML_Module and it works fine,also i have run the install_tonslider.php script using God admin account and it was sucessfully installed.
But, for TrickedOutNews i think i already installed the old one first .ie 2.4 and i remove that one in the same way i install it . Then i install the latest version .ie.2.5 and it was sucessfully installed.
The only thing that is not coming in the front page is the new story which i post,whenever i made a new story from the Admin, it was sucessfully created but when i go back to front page, it doesn't show up.
Also,the trickoutnewslider shows only one image. the others are not coming out.
Hi, nuken please check your PM message,i have sent you the login details.
Thanks a lot for all the help and support im getting from here.
Thanks and Regards. |

Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:47 am |
OK, I have the news fixed. The issue of the slider not working for you, are you using Google Chrome? There is a bug in chrome that I reported to them about the slider. It works in IE, FF, and Opera. |

Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:15 pm |
Yes, i have been using chrome the whole time .Thanks alot for your help,im so happy.
I have bookmarked and will always be checking in for new updates.
One last question, can i transfer my website from ----> ? in a new webhosting server ? without reinstalling the script? |

Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:28 pm |
You should be able to download a backup of your site and mysql database. After you upload them to the new site, you will only need to modifying the site url in the forums configuration and site preferences. Of course, you will need to put your new database and server info in the config.php file. |
Site Admin

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:40 pm |
allthebest, you can use cpanel to move the files. Go to cpanel and find the file manager. You can select all the files and folders in the website folder and move them to the root fairly easily. The database is fine as is. Once the files are moved you need to go into preferences for the main site and also phpbb configuration to change domains and cookie values to match.
You should always have a backup of everything. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |