Code:global $MSSearchEngines, $MSBots;
include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/searchengines.php' ); // Search Engine Definitions
include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bots.php' ); // Bots/Crawlwers Definitions
class msa_maintenance
var $robots;
/* Constructor for this Class */
function msa_maintenance()
/* Hourly Maintenance */
function hourly_maintenance( $slogdate )
global $prefix, $db;
// Set time limit and ignore user abort
if( !get_cfg_var('safe_mode') )
@set_time_limit( 300 );
@ignore_user_abort( 1 );
// Load Admin Settings
$result = $db->sql_query( "select search_store, xdate, msaurl from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_admin where id='1'" );
list( $search_store, $xdate, $msaurl ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
// Array Definitions
$MSAArrayModule = array();
$MSAArrayBrowser = array();
$MSAArrayCrawler = array();
$MSAArrayOS = array();
$MSAArrayCountry = array();
$MSAArrayUser = array();
$MSAArrayScr_res = array();
$MSAArrayRef = array();
$MSAArrayFRef = array();
$MSAArraySearch = array();
$mresult = $db->sql_query( "select time, uname, agent, ip_addr, modulename, host, domain, scr_res, referral from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_online" );
while( $MSArow = $db->sql_fetchrow( $mresult ) )
// Check for crawler
if( $this->MSAchk_crawler( $MSArow[agent] ) ) { $MSAMaint[crawler] = $MSArow[agent]; $MSAMaint[browser] = ""; }
// If not a crawler, then it shold be a Browser
else { $MSAMaint[browser] = $this->MSAget_browser( $MSArow[agent] ); $MSAMaint[crawler] = ""; }
// Get Operating System Name
$MSAMaint[os] = $this->MSAget_os( $MSArow[agent] );
// Store Module Name
if( $MSArow[modulename] != "" ) {
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArrayModule as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $MSArow[modulename] ) { $MSAArrayModule[ $MSArow[modulename] ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArrayModule[ $MSArow[modulename] ] = 1;
// Store Crawler
if( $MSAMaint[crawler] != "" ) {
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArrayCrawler as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $MSAMaint[crawler] ) { $MSAArrayCrawler[ $MSAMaint[crawler] ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArrayCrawler[ $MSAMaint[crawler] ] = 1;
// Store Browser
if( $MSAMaint[browser] != "" ) {
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArrayBrowser as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $MSAMaint[browser] ) { $MSAArrayBrowser[ $MSAMaint[browser] ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArrayBrowser[ $MSAMaint[browser] ] = 1;
// Store Operating System
if( $MSAMaint[os] == "" ) $MSAMaint[os] = "Other - Unknown";
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArrayOS as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $MSAMaint[os] ) { $MSAArrayOS[ $MSAMaint[os] ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArrayOS[ $MSAMaint[os] ] = 1;
// Store Countries
if( $MSArow[domain] != "" ) {
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArrayCountry as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $MSArow[domain] ) { $MSAArrayCountry[ $MSArow[domain] ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArrayCountry[ $MSArow[domain] ] = 1;
// Store User Information
if( $MSArow[uname] != "Guest" ) {
$found = 0;
foreach( $MSAArrayUser as $key=>$value ) {
if( $key == $MSArow[uname] ) {
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][hits] += 1;
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][time] = $MSArow[time];
$found = 1;
if( ! $found ) {
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][visits] = 1;
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][hits] = 1;
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][browser] = $MSAMaint[browser];
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][os] = $MSAMaint[os];
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][ip_addr] = $MSArow[ip_addr];
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][domain] = $MSArow[domain];
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][host] = $MSArow[host];
$MSAArrayUser[ $MSArow[uname] ][time] = $MSArow[time];
// Store Screen Resolution
if( $MSArow[scr_res] != "" ) {
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArrayScr_res as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $MSArow[scr_res] ) { $MSAArrayScr_res[ $MSArow[scr_res] ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArrayScr_res[ $MSArow[scr_res] ] = 1;
$MSAref = parse_url( $MSArow[referral] );
$MSAph = $MSAref['host']; $MSApq = $MSAref['query'];
// Store clean Referral Name (site only) and determine if search words were defined (referral from search engine)
if( $MSAph != "" ) {
// if( !eregi( $MSAph, $msaurl ) ) {
if(!preg_match('/' . preg_quote($MSAph) . '/i',$msaurl)) {
// Store FULL referral
$found1 = 0; foreach( $MSAArrayFRef as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $MSArow[referral] ) { $MSAArrayFRef[ $MSArow[referral] ] += 1; $found1 = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found1 ) $MSAArrayFRef[ $MSArow[referral] ] = 1;
// Store stripped referral
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArrayRef as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $MSAph ) { $MSAArrayRef[ $MSAph ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArrayRef[ $MSAph ] = 1;
// Store search engine search words
if( $this->IsSearchEngine( $MSAph ) == 1 ) {
$searchwords = $this->MSAGetSearchWords( $MSApq, $MSAph, $search_store );
if( $searchwords != "" ) {
if( $search_store ) {
$searchwords = explode( " ", $searchwords );
for( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $searchwords ); $i++ )
$sw = trim( $searchwords[ $i ] );
if( $sw != "" ) {
$sw = addslashes( $sw );
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArraySearch as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $sw ) { $MSAArraySearch[ $sw ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArraySearch[ $sw ] = 1;
else {
$searchwords = addslashes( $searchwords );
$found = 0; foreach( $MSAArraySearch as $key=>$value ) { if( $key == $searchwords ) { $MSAArraySearch[ $searchwords ] += 1; $found = 1; break; } }
if( ! $found ) $MSAArraySearch[ $searchwords ] = 1;
} // END while( $MSArow = $db->sql_fetchrow( $mresult ) )
// Store Module Name
foreach( $MSAArrayModule as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select modulename from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_modules where modulename = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_modules ( modulename, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_modules set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where modulename ='$key'" ); }
// Store Crawler
foreach( $MSAArrayCrawler as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select icrawler from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_crawlers where icrawler = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_crawlers ( icrawler, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_crawlers set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where icrawler = '$key'" ); }
// Store Browser
foreach( $MSAArrayBrowser as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select ibrowser from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_browsers where ibrowser = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_browsers ( ibrowser, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_browsers set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where ibrowser = '$key'" ); }
// Store Operating System
foreach( $MSAArrayOS as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select ios from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_os where ios = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_os ( ios, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_os set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where ios = '$key'" ); }
// Store Countries
foreach( $MSAArrayCountry as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select description from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_domains where domain = '$key'" );
list( $description ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
if( $description == "" ) { $description = "unknown"; $key = "unknown"; }
$result1 = $db->sql_query( "select domain from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_countries where domain = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result1 ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_countries ( domain, description, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$description', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_countries set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where domain = '$key'" ); }
// Determine UNIQUE Visits
foreach( $MSAArrayUser as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select uname from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_visits where uname = '$key'" );
// If user already exists in this table, set visits to ZERO. User was already counted previous hour!
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) != 0 ) { $MSAArrayUser[ $key ][visits] = 0; }
// Store User Information
foreach( $MSAArrayUser as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select uname from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_users where uname = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) {
$db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_users ( uname, browser, os, ip_addr, domain, host, time, visits, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value[browser]', '$value[os]', '$value[ip_addr]', '$value[domain]', '$value[host]', '$value[time]', '$value[visits]', '$value[hits]', '$slogdate', '$value[hits]', '$xdate', '$value[hits]' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_users set browser='$value[browser]', os='$value[os]', ip_addr='$value[ip_addr]', domain='$value[domain]', host='$value[host]', time='$value[time]', visits=visits+$value[visits], hits=hits+$value[hits], today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value[hits], hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value[hits] where uname='$key' " ); }
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
// Store User unique hits
$result = $db->sql_query( "DELETE QUICK FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_visits" );
foreach( $MSAArrayUser as $key=>$value ) {
$db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_visits ( uname, time ) values ( '$key', '$value[time]' )" );
// Store Screen Resolution
foreach( $MSAArrayScr_res as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select scr_res from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_scr where scr_res = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_scr ( scr_res, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_scr set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where scr_res = '$key'" ); }
// Store FULL referral
foreach( $MSAArrayFRef as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select freferral from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_freferrals where freferral = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_freferrals ( freferral, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_freferrals set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where freferral = '$key'" ); }
// Store Referral Name
foreach( $MSAArrayRef as $key=>$value ) {
if( $this->IsSearchEngine( $key ) == 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select referral from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_referrals where referral = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_referrals ( referral, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_referrals set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where referral = '$key'" ); }
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
else {
// Store 'Search' Referral
$result = $db->sql_query( "select sreferral from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_sreferrals where sreferral = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_sreferrals ( sreferral, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_sreferrals set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where sreferral = '$key'" ); }
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
// Store search engine search words
foreach( $MSAArraySearch as $key=>$value ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "select words from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_search where words = '$key'" );
if( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 ) { $db->sql_query( "insert into ".$prefix."_msanalysis_search ( words, hits, today, hitstoday, xdays, hitsxdays ) values ( '$key', '$value', '$slogdate', '$value', '$xdate', '$value' )" ); }
else { $db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_search set hits=hits+$value, today='$slogdate', hitstoday=hitstoday+$value, hitsxdays=hitsxdays+$value where words = '$key'" ); }
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
// Delete all records from table msanalysis_online
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_online" );
$result = $db->sql_query( "DELETE QUICK FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_online" );
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_online" );
unset( $MSAMaint );
unset( $MSArobots );
unset( $MSAArrayModule );
unset( $MSAArrayBrowser );
unset( $MSAArrayCrawler );
unset( $MSAArrayOS );
unset( $MSAArrayCountry);
unset( $MSAArrayUser );
unset( $MSAArrayScr_res );
unset( $MSAArrayRef );
unset( $MSAArrayFRef );
unset( $MSAArraySearch );
/* Daily Maintenance */
function daily_maintenance( )
global $prefix, $db;
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_countries set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_countries" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_referrals set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_referrals" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_sreferrals set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_sreferrals" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_freferrals set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_freferrals" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_search set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_search" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_crawlers set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_crawlers" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_browsers set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_browsers" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_os set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_os" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_modules set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_modules" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_users set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_users" );
$db->sql_query( "update ".$prefix."_msanalysis_scr set hitstoday=0" );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_scr" );
/* Pruning Maintenance */
function pruning_maintenance( )
global $prefix, $db;
// Set time limit and ignore user abort
if( !get_cfg_var('safe_mode') )
@set_time_limit( 300 );
@ignore_user_abort( 1 );
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT nbrdays, begindate, tcountries, treferrals, tsearcheng, tqueries, tbrowsers, tcrawlers, tos, tmodules, tusers, tresolution FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_admin where id='1'" );
list( $nbrdays, $begindate, $tcountries, $treferrals, $tsearcheng, $tqueries, $tbrowsers, $tcrawlers, $tos, $tmodules, $tusers, $tresolution ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
$daysold = $this->DaysOld( $begindate );
// If defined amount of days are passed than prune MSA tables
if( ( $daysold % $nbrdays ) == 0 )
// Prune Country Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tcountries > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_countries ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( ( list( $id ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) ) {
if( $counter >= $tcountries ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_countries WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_countries" );
// Prune Referral Table
$counter = 0;
if( $treferrals > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id, referral FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_referrals ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( list( $id, $referral ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) {
if( $counter >= $treferrals ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_referrals WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_referrals" );
// Prune FULL Referral Table
$counter = 0;
if( $treferrals > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id, freferral FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_freferrals ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( list( $id, $freferral ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) {
if( $counter >= $treferrals ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_freferrals WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_freferrals" );
// Prune Search Engines Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tsearcheng > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id, sreferral FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_sreferrals ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( list( $id, $sreferral ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) {
if( $counter >= $treferrals ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_sreferrals WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_sreferrals" );
// Prune Search Words/Quey Words of searchengines Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tqueries > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_search ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( ( list( $id ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) ) {
if( $counter >= $tqueries ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_search WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_search" );
// Prune Crawlers Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tcrawlers > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id, icrawler FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_crawlers ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( list( $id, $icrawler ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) {
if( $counter >= $tcrawlers ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_crawlers WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_crawlers" );
// Prune Browsers Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tbrowsers > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id, ibrowser FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_browsers ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( list( $id, $ibrowser ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) {
if( $counter >= $tbrowsers ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_browsers WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_browsers" );
// Prune Operating Systems Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tos > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_os ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( ( list( $id ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) ) {
if( $counter >= $tos ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_os WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_os" );
// Prune Modules Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tmodules > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_modules ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( ( list( $id ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) ) {
if( $counter >= $tmodules ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_modules WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_modules" );
// Prune Users Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tusers > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT uid FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_users ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( ( list( $uid ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) ) {
if( $counter >= $tusers ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_users WHERE uid='$uid'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_users" );
// Prune Screen Resolution Table
$counter = 0;
if( $tresolution > 0 ) {
$result = $db->sql_query( "SELECT id FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_scr ORDER BY hits DESC" );
while( ( list( $id ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ) ) ) {
if( $counter >= $tresolution ) { $result1 = $db->sql_query( "DELETE FROM ".$prefix."_msanalysis_scr WHERE id='$id'" ); }
$counter += 1;
$db->sql_freeresult( $result );
$db->sql_query( "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$prefix."_msanalysis_scr" );
/* FUNCTION: get_browser() */
/* Return users hostname */
function MSAget_browser( $agent )
// Opera (Disguised as MSIE)
if( preg_match("/Opera ([0-9]\.[0-9]{0,2})/i", $agent, $found ) && strstr( $agent, "MSIE" ) ) $browser = "Opera " . $found[ 1 ];
// Opera (Disguised as Netscape/Mozilla)
else if( preg_match("/Opera ([0-9]\.[0-9]{0,2})/i", $agent, $found ) && strstr( $agent, "Mozilla" ) ) $browser = "Opera " . $found[ 1 ];
// Opera (Itself)
else if( preg_match("/Opera\/([0-9]\.[0-9]{0,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Opera " . $found[ 1 ];
// Netscape 6.x
else if( preg_match("/Netscape[0-9]\/([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Netscape " . $found[ 1 ];
// Netscape 7.x
else if( preg_match("/Netscape\/([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Netscape " . $found[ 1 ];
// NetCaptor
else if( preg_match("/NetCaptor ([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = $found[0];
// Crazy Browser
else if( preg_match("/Crazy Browser ([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = $found[0];
// MyIE2
else if( preg_match("/MyIE2/i", $agent ) ) $browser = "MyIE2";
// Maxthon
else if( preg_match("/Maxthon/i", $agent ) ) $browser = "Maxthon";
// WebTV
else if( preg_match("/WebTV\/([0-9\.]{1,8})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "WebTV " . $found[ 1 ];
else if( preg_match("/MSIE ([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = $found[0];
// Konqueror
else if( preg_match("/Konqueror\/([0-9\.]{1,8})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Konqueror " . $found[ 1 ];
// Galeon
else if( preg_match("/Galeon\/([0-9\.]{1,8})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Galeon " . $found[ 1 ];
// SeaMonkey
else if( preg_match("/SeaMonkey\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.]{1,8})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "SeaMonkey " . $found[ 1 ];
// Phoenix
else if( preg_match("/Phoenix\/([0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Phoenix " . $found[ 1 ];
// Firebird
else if( preg_match("/Firebird\/([0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Firebird " . $found[ 1 ];
// FireFox
else if( preg_match("/Firefox\/([0-9\.]{1,8})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Firefox " . $found[ 1 ];
// Lynx
else if( preg_match("/Lynx\/([0-9\.]{1,8})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Lynx " . $found[ 1 ];
// IBrowse
else if( preg_match("/IBrowse ([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "IBrowse " . $found[ 1 ];
// Voyager
else if( preg_match("/Voyager/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Voyager " . $found[ 1 ];
// Safari
else if( preg_match("/Safari/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Safari " . $found[ 1 ];
// iCab
else if( preg_match("/iCab ([0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "iCab " . $found[ 1 ];
// NetPositive
else if( preg_match("/NetPositive\/([0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "NetPositive " . $found[ 1 ];
// Netscape 4.x
else if( preg_match("/Mozilla\/([0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{1,2}) \[en\]/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Netscape " . $found[ 1 ];
// A different definition of Mozilla browsers
else if( preg_match("/Mozilla\/([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2})/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = "Mozilla " . $found[ 1 ];
// Mozilla
else if( preg_match("/(^Mozilla)(.)*\;\srv:([0-9]\.[0-9])/i", $agent, $found ) ) $browser = $found[ 1 ] . " " . $found[ 3 ];
// Other (Dont know what it is)
else $browser = "Other";
return( $browser );
/* function function chk_crawler() */
function MSAchk_crawler( $agent )
global $MSBots;
foreach( $MSBots as $key=>$value )
/* if( eregi( $key, $agent ) ) return true;
return false;
foreach( $MSBots as $key=>$value )
if (preg_match('/' . preg_quote($key, '/') . '/i', $agent)) {
return true;
return false;
/* FUNCTION: get_host() */
/* Return users hostname */
function MSAget_os( $agent )
// Determine the platform they are on
if( strstr( $agent, "Win") )
$platform = "Windows";
if ( preg_match("/Windows NT 5\.1/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows XP";
else if( preg_match("/Windows NT 5\.2/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows 2003";
else if( preg_match("/Windows NT 5\.0/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows 2000";
else if( preg_match("/Windows NT/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows NT";
else if( preg_match("/WinNT/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows NT";
else if( preg_match("/Windows ME/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows ME";
else if( preg_match("/Win 9x 4.90/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows ME";
else if( preg_match("/Windows ME/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows ME";
else if( preg_match("/Windows CE/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows CE";
else if( preg_match("/98/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows 98";
else if( preg_match("/95/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows 95";
else if( preg_match("/Win16/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows 3.1";
else if( preg_match("/Windows 3\.1/i", $agent ) ) $platform = "Windows 3.1";
else if(strstr($agent, "Mac OS X" ) ) $platform = "MacOSX";
else if(strstr($agent, "Mac" ) ) $platform = "Macintosh";
else if(strstr($agent, "PPC" ) ) $platform = "Macintosh";
else if(strstr($agent, "Symbian" ) ) $platform = "Symbian";
else if(strstr($agent, "FreeBSD" ) ) $platform = "FreeBSD";
else if(strstr($agent, "SunOS" ) ) $platform = "SunOS";
else if(strstr($agent, "IRIX" ) ) $platform = "IRIX";
else if(strstr($agent, "BeOS" ) ) $platform = "BeOS";
else if(strstr($agent, "OS/2" ) ) $platform = "OS/2";
else if(strstr($agent, "AIX" ) ) $platform = "AIX";
else if(strstr($agent, "Linux" ) ) $platform = "Linux";
else if(strstr($agent, "Unix" ) ) $platform = "Unix";
else if(strstr($agent, "Amiga" ) ) $platform = "Amiga";
else $platform = "Other";
return( $platform );
/* FUNCTION: IsSearchEngine( $referral ) */
/* Return 1 if $referral is a Search Engine else 0 */
function IsSearchEngine( $referral )
global $MSSearchEngines;
$se = 0;
foreach( $MSSearchEngines as $key=>$value ) { if( eregi( $key, $referral ) ) { $se = 1; } }
return( $se );
/* FUNCTION: GetSearchWords */
/* Return searchwords */
function MSAGetSearchWords( $sestring, $onlyhost, $search_store )
global $MSSearchEngines;
$searchwords = "";
foreach( $MSSearchEngines as $key=>$value ) {
if( eregi( $key, $onlyhost ) ) {
$asestring = explode( "&", $sestring );
for( $j = 0; $j < sizeof( $asestring ); $j++ )
$asestring[ $j ] = ereg_replace ('amp;', '', trim( $asestring[ $j ] ) );
$fquery = explode( "=" , $asestring[ $j ] );
if( $fquery[ 0 ] == $value ) {
$searchwords = trim( strtolower( $fquery[ 1 ] ) );
$searchwords = str_replace( array('%3d','%27'), array('',''), $searchwords );
$searchwords = str_replace( array('=','\''), array('',''), $searchwords );
$searchwords = urldecode( $searchwords );
$searchwords = str_replace( ",", "", $searchwords );
if( $search_store ) $searchwords = str_replace( "+", " ", $searchwords );
} // END sizeof( $asestring )
} // END eregi
return( $searchwords );
} // END Function
/* FUNCTION: MSLogDate( $longshort) */
/* Return GMT adapted lgdate */
function MSLogDate( $longshort )
global $prefix, $db;
$result = $db->sql_query( "select GMT_offset from ".$prefix."_msanalysis_admin where id='1'" );
list( $GMT_offset ) = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
$current = date( "Z" ) / 3600;
$current = -1 * $current;
$zonedate = mktime(date('H'), date('i'), date('s'), date('n'), date('j'), date('Y'), -1) + ( ( $current + $GMT_offset ) * 3600 );
if( $longshort == 0 ) return date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", $zonedate );
elseif( $longshort == 1 ) return date( "Y-m-d", $zonedate );
elseif( $longshort == 2 ) return ( $zonedate );
elseif( $longshort == 3 ) return date( "d-m-Y-H", $zonedate );
/* FUNCTION: DaysOld( $enterdate ) */
/* Return how many days ago a user was on-line */
function DaysOld( $enterdate )
$enterdate = substr( $enterdate, 0, 10 ) . " 00:00:00";
$date_secs = strtotime( $enterdate );
// get the value of right now
$now = $this->MSLogDate( 2 );
// compute the difference (seconds)
$timediff = $date_secs - $now;
//get the int val of the days passed
$dayspassed = intval( abs( ( ( ( $timediff / 60 ) / 60 ) / 24 ) ) );
return( $dayspassed );