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Joined: Sep 28, 2006
Posts: 241
Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:38 pm |
Does anyone know of a top 5 users by points accumulated block ? Maybe with a link to edit profile, change theme and log out options. |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
Posts: 3191
Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support
Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:10 pm |
Welcome back ! I believe I had such a block but I had a different point system in Nuke.
Therefore to help you we need to know what points you are talking about. |

Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:55 pm |
The points system installed by default in Ravennuke. |

Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:28 am |
here is what i found but need it to show the nuke points.
if (eregi("block-User_Login.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { Header("Location: index.php"); }
global $redirect, $mode, $f, $t, $sitekey, $nukeurl, $user, $cookie, $prefix, $user_prefix, $db, $anonymous, $gfx_chk;
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
$ya_config = ya_get_configs();
$userinfo = getusrinfo($user);
if (is_user($user)) {
$memname = $cookie[1];
$sqlab = "SELECT points AS dollars FROM ".$prefix."_users WHERE username = '$memname'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sqlab);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$dollars = $row[dollars];
$sqlbc = "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_bbconfig";
$resultbc = $db->sql_query($sqlbc);
while ( $rowbc = $db->sql_fetchrow($resultbc) )
$board_config[$rowbc['config_name']] = $rowbc['config_value'];
if ($userinfo[user_avatar_type] == 1) {
$userinfo[user_avatar] = $board_config['avatar_path']."/".$userinfo[user_avatar];
} elseif ($userinfo[user_avatar_type] == 2) {
$userinfo[user_avatar] = $userinfo[user_avatar];
} else {
$userinfo[user_avatar] = $board_config[avatar_gallery_path]."/".$userinfo[user_avatar];
if ($userinfo[user_avatar]) {
$sqlde = "SELECT user_posts AS postz FROM ".$prefix."_users WHERE username = '$memname'";
$result = $db->sql_query($sqlde);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$postz = $row[postz];
$content .= "<center><img src=\"$userinfo[user_avatar]\" alt=\"\" height=\"90\" width=\"90\"></center>\n";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=\"95%\"><tr><TD class=\"rowx\"> <b></td></tr></table>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/menu/meminfo.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Your account information.\">\n";
$content .= "<TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> Welcome: $memname<br><br>\n";
if(is_active("Private_Messages")) {
list($uid) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("select user_id from $user_prefix"._users." where username='$memname'"));
$newpms = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select privmsgs_to_userid from $prefix"._bbprivmsgs." where privmsgs_to_userid='$uid' and (privmsgs_type='1' OR privmsgs_type='5')"));
$savpms = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select privmsgs_to_userid from $prefix"._bbprivmsgs." where privmsgs_to_userid='$uid' and privmsgs_type='3'"));
$oldpms = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("select privmsgs_to_userid from $prefix"._bbprivmsgs." where privmsgs_to_userid='$uid' and privmsgs_type='0'"));
$totpms = $newpms + $oldpms + $savpms;
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=\"100%\"><TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> <a href=\"messages.html\"><b>Messages:</b></a></td><td align=\"right\"><a href=\"messages.html\">$newpms</a></span></td></tr></table>";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=\"100%\"><TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> <b>Total Points:</b></a></td><td align=\"right\">$points</span></td></tr></table>";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=\"100%\"><TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> <b>Your Posts:</b></a></td><td align=\"right\">$postz</span></td></tr></table>";
//$content .= "<TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> Forum Posts:<font color=\"#ffffff\"> $postz</font></TD></TR>\n";
$content .= "<TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> </TD></TR>\n";
$content .= "<TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> <a href=\"forum-editprofile.html\" target=_self>Edit your Profile</a></TD></TR>\n";
$content .= "<TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=chgtheme\" target=_self>Change Theme</a></TD></TR>\n";
$content .= "<TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> <a href=\"account-logout.html\">"._BLOGOUT." </a><br><br>\n";
//$content .= "<TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> </TD></TR>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/menu/top5.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Your account information.\">\n";
$query='SELECT username, user_id, points FROM '.$prefix."_users WHERE `user_id`>'1' ORDER BY `points` DESC LIMIT 5";
//$content = "<TR><TD class=\"rowx\"> Member</b></TD><TD><TR><b>Points</b></TD></TR>";
for($i = 1;$h = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);$i++)
$id = $h['user_id'];
$name = $h['username'];
$points = $h['points'];
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=\"100%\"><TR><TD class=\"rowx\">$i. <a href=\"modules.php?name=Forums&file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u=$id\">$name</a></td><td align=\"right\">$points</span></td></tr></table>";
$content .= "</table>\n";
} else {
mt_srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
$maxran = 10 * intval($ya_config['codesize']);
$random_num = mt_rand(0, $maxran);
$content .= "<img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/menu/regged.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Member Login\">\n";
$content .= "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n";
$content .= "<tr><form action=\"account.html\" method=\"post\">\n";
$content .= "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"25\"><br>\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"password\" name=\"user_password\" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"20\" AutoComplete=\"off\"><br>\n";
if (extension_loaded("gd") AND ($ya_config['usegfxcheck'] == 2 OR $ya_config['usegfxcheck'] == 3)) {
$content .=""._BCODE.": <img src='?gfx=gfx&random_num=$random_num' border='0' alt='"._SECURITYCODE."' title='"._SECURITYCODE."'><br>\n";
$content .="<input type=\"text\" NAME=\"gfx_check\" SIZE=\"11\" MAXLENGTH=\"10\" AutoComplete=\"off\"><br>\n";
$content .="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"random_num\" value=\"$random_num\">\n";
$content .="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redirect\" value=$redirect>\n";
$content .="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=$mode>\n";
$content .="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"f\" value=$f>\n";
$content .="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"t\" value=$t>\n";
$content .="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"login\">\n";
$content .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._BLOGIN."\">\n";
$content .= "</td>\n";
$content .= "</form></tr>\n";
$content .= "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=\"95%\"><tr><TD class=\"rowx\"><a href=\"account-new_user.html\"><img src=\"themes/$ThemeSel/images/menu/registernow.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Register as new User!\"></a></TD></TR>\n";
$content .= "</table>\n";
Site Admin

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
Posts: 2583
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:34 pm |
I did not try it, but give this rewrite a go.
if ( !defined('BLOCK_FILE') ) {
Header('Location: ../index.php');
global $db, $prefix, $user, $user_prefix;
include_once 'modules/Your_Account/includes/functions.php';
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
$ya_config = ya_get_configs();
if (is_user($user)) {
$userinfo = getusrinfo($user);
$sql = 'SELECT `points` FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE `username` = "' . $userinfo['username'] . '"';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
list($points)= $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_NUM);
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $prefix . '_bbconfig`';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_ASSOC) ) {
$board_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
if ($userinfo['user_avatar_type'] == 1) {
$userinfo['user_avatar'] = $board_config['avatar_path'] . '/' . $userinfo['user_avatar'];
} elseif ($userinfo['user_avatar_type'] == 2) {
$userinfo['user_avatar'] = $userinfo['user_avatar'];
} else {
$userinfo['user_avatar'] = $board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $userinfo['user_avatar'];
if ($userinfo['user_avatar']) {
$sql = 'SELECT `user_posts` FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE `username` = "' . $userinfo['username'] . '"';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
list($postz) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_NUM);
$content .= '<center><img src="' . $userinfo['user_avatar'] . '" alt="" height="90" width="90"></center>' . "\n"
. '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="95%"><tr><td class="rowx"> <b></td></tr></table>' . "\n"
. '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="95%">' . "\n"
. '<img src="themes/' . $themesel . '/images/menu/meminfo.gif" border="0" alt="your account information.">' . "\n"
. '<tr><td class="rowx"> welcome: ' . $userinfo['username'] . '<br><br>' . "\n";
if(is_active('Private_Messages')) {
$newpms = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query('SELECT `privmsgs_to_userid` FROM `' . $prefix . '_bbprivmsgs` WHERE `privmsgs_to_userid`="' . $userinfo['user_id'] . '"'
. 'AND privmsgs_type IN(1,5)'));
$content .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="rowx"> <a href="modules.php?name=private_messages"><b>messages:</b></a></td>'
. '<td align="right"><a href="modules.php?name=private_messages">' . $newpms . '</a></span></td></tr></table>'
. '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="rowx"> <b>total points:</b></a></td><td align="right">' . $points . '</span></td></tr></table>'
. '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="rowx"> <b>your posts:</b></a></td><td align="right">' . $postz . '</span></td></tr></table>'
. '<tr><td class="rowx"> </td></tr>' . "\n"
. '<tr><td class="rowx"> <a href="modules.php?name=forums&file=profile&mode=editprofile" target="_self">edit your profile</a></td></tr>' . "\n"
. '<tr><td class="rowx"> <a href="modules.php?name=your_account&op=chgtheme" target="_self">change theme</a></td></tr>' . "\n"
. '<tr><td class="rowx"> <a href="modules.php?name=your_account&op=logout">' . _blogout . ' </a><br><br>' . "\n"
. '<img src="themes/' . $themesel . '/images/menu/top5.gif" border="0" alt="your account information.">' . "\n";
$query='SELECT `username`, `user_id`, `points` FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE `user_id` > "1" ORDER BY `points` DESC LIMIT 5';
$result = $db->sql_query($query);
for($i = 1; list($name, $id, $points) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result, SQL_NUM); $i++) {
$content .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td class="rowx">' . $i . '. '
. '<a href="modules.php?name=forums&file=profile&mode=viewprofile&u=' . $id . '">' . $name . '</a></td><td align="right">' . $points . '</span></td></tr></table>';
$content .= '</table>' . "\n";
} else {
$content .= '<img src="themes/' . $ThemeSel . '/images/menu/regged.gif" border="0" alt="Member Login">' . "\n"
. '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . "\n"
. '<tr><form action="modules.php?name=Your_Account" method="post">' . "\n"
. '<td><input type="text" name="username" size="11" maxlength="25"><br>' . "\n"
. '<input type="password" name="user_password" size="11" maxlength="20" AutoComplete="off"><br>' . "\n"
. security_code(array(2,4,5,7), 'stacked')
. '<input type="hidden" name="op" value="login">' . "\n"
. '<input type="submit" value="' . _BLOGIN . '">' . "\n"
. '</td>' . "\n"
. '</form></tr>' . "\n"
. '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="95%"><tr><td class="rowx"><a href="modules.php?name=your_account&op=new_user">'
. '<img src="themes/' . $themesel . '/images/menu/registernow.gif" border="0" alt="register as new user!"></a></td></tr>' . "\n"
. '</table>' . "\n";
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |

Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:19 pm |

Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:23 pm |
Palbin, it works perfectly. Thank you so very much. |
New Member

Joined: Jun 08, 2012
Posts: 1
Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:51 am |
I am not able to get it can you explain it in little more detail. |
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