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Joined: Feb 09, 2011
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Location: US
Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:41 am |
Hey, I have been trying to find post that show you how to put a You Tube video or other streaming video into my forums post. I am sure I am overlooking it, but is there a way to do it where it doesn't just show up as a link? |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

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Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:14 pm |
Yes, there is. I have a partially done update for 2.5 but just have too many things to do.
This was done for 2.4 so DO NOT use the pre-edited files unless you are running 2.4.01. You will need to use a tool like winmerge to merge the advanced bbcode changes into the current forum files and templates
(just a testing site don't post questions there )
this earlier version includes instructions that will give you an idea of what was changed. I would not follow those instructions as the more recent version has a couple tweaks/changes, but should give you an idea.
OR, If you are willing to wait a little while I will get around to this  |

Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:31 pm |
Oh, I am in no hurry. I just added an area for funny videos and pics and I wanted people to be able to post links and things in the forums. I just didn't know if there was a way to post you tube vids in it or not. I appreciate that you are working on it, and please let me know when/ where I can get it from when it is done. (if you don't mind) |

Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:54 pm |
sure no prob, did a little work on it today as I'm trying to get some of my own sites updated, and need it for those. I'll let y'all know. |

Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:57 pm |

Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:45 am |
Well made some good progress but still a ways to go, as I got into tweaking/adding a few features. A little sneak peek as I have a dynamic twitter bbcode working (pending more testing and/or discovering some game-changer)

Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:05 am |
That is awesome! Too bad there isn't some way to integrate face book into a website. |

Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:12 pm |
It would be possible to do something similar for facebook, but their api is notoriously one of the worst for developers (constant changes and invalid markup), plus an api key would be required... Unfortunately I don't have time to update this every couple of months, so I'm going to stay away from facebook w/ this.
Regarding twitter, I did about as much reading as I could tolerate regarding twitter api restrictions, and to the best of my knowledge the method I have used should be ok without an api key.. Some major sites are using the same method w/o an api key, as the retrieval of tweets is done on the client side with javascript/ajax/jsonp... There are restrictions for users (based on ip) for get type requests from twitter, but the data returned from twitter is actually a result of a post (i believe) so it should fall outside of these restrictions. Even if that is not the case it does appear to cache the result, so unless you are viewing 150+ different twitter signatures in less than an hour, you should be ok. Also added logic for only one json request per username, per page, regardless if it appears multiple times on a page; such as in a signature.
Did try a facebook block awhile back but it was such a PITA to style, it was easier to restyle the entire site to match the block, rather than the other way around... so ultimately it was put on the shelf. May revisit at a later date, but have many other projects with a higher priority. |

Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:51 pm |
Yeah, I hear you; I have to prioritize everything, too. I am going to school, have a family, and am trying to maintain several websites.
I wish FB wasn't such a hassle. Some other ideas (if possible) would be if there was a way for my fellow clan members to view their stats from the website. I talked to a rep at Activision and they said they might open it up for that, but we shall see. They can't even do all the stuff they promised for the Elite However, that is a total other subject. |

Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:34 am |
Just making doing a status check to see how it is going; not trying to bother you just see how its going. |

Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:22 pm |
Ahh, no bother, had been meaning to give an update. Making good progress but got a little complicated with some of the new features and improvements. Pretty close on the "dark theme" but still needs a little more work, and then need to style out to match other themes. I'm not going to detail every change just yet, but those familiar with the mod might notice some new and missing buttons.
There are several "toolbars" which are hidden and toggled into view by one of the buttons, such as the color/swatch picker. With the exception of options related to video/audio embeds, select menus have been replaced by buttons.
While the old methods of utilizing some of the advanced bbcode tags are still supported for backwards compatibility, most bbcode tags now use a class based system instead of inline styling.
You can also combine these and use some of the default css classes in ravennuke.css
[class="georgia x-large uppercase"][/class]
(this requires a minor addition to your style.css to override any use of display and visibility properties, as you don't want users using those...)
This includes video/audio, so for example you can now choose a size and position based on some pre-defined css classes.
This would output a large centered video and small left floated video, respectively. There is of course a simple "wizard" to help output the correct classes, and a theme can define/override what these classes actually do.
Tested and working on the latest browsers, but still need to test in at least IE8. No longer have access or care much about IE7, at least for this. Some other new tags
Code:[wiki]search term[/wiki]
[wiki=en]search term[/wiki]
[wiki=de]search term[/wiki]
[duck]search term[/duck]
[tag]keyword search tag[/tag]
Did you know some movies are in the public domain, such as "Night of the Living Dead"? Or that there is such a thing as open-source music? Might take a little digging but there are jems to be found, from Mozart to 311.
which would output something like this:

Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:29 pm |
That looks awesome!!! Looking forward to it! |
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Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:41 pm |
Looks great!!
Are implementing any syntax highlighting (geshi?) or just using styling on the 'code' tag? |

Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:38 pm |
I had planned on including an optional addon for code highlighting as the changes are minimal. I tried about a half dozen syntax highlighters awhile back (GeSHi, Chili, prettify, Syntax Highlighter,Highlight) and had the best luck with Highlight
It's auto-language detection worked as good or better than the rest, comes with several themes, and integration and theme creation is pretty easy. Not to mention it is compatible with my style-switcher theme I will return to someday..
So ya, I'll include an option for that, configured for highlight js. Would be relatively easy to switch to another JS based highlighter if desired... Geshi might be another matter.. |

Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:16 am |
Serves me right for assuming something would be easy, but I eventually got "most" of the way there for a built-in highlighting option.
The difficult part was supporting the old method of code tags while adding the option for language specific snippets. Eventually settled on a new tag for those.
etc... which will also wrap in a html5 friendly "language-xxx" class, btw
You can still use standard code tags and the script will do it's best to detect language. fyi, for those that don't need highlighting this will be optional... |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:04 am |
Very exciting stuff spasticdonkey! I'm looking forward to using this. |
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Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:24 am |
Cannot wait to see this in Beta
Looking at the use of PRE tags, I presume you went with highlight.js, which seems a pretty decent highlighter by the looks of it.
When there's a testing version available, I'm looking forward to seeing if I could leverage it to work with Palbin's CKeditor mod as well. |

Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:24 pm |
Still making progress, got hung up a bit extending the bbcode faq so that users will know how to use the new features. Also pulling some of the bbcode faq's directly into the editor via ajax; with a nice slide-toggle animation
Still have some work to do in the Private Message area and with smilies, but after that I can move forward with styling the mod for other themes and completing the install instructions... I would say a beta some time in the next couple weeks, but hopefully prior to that.
Guardian2003, good news on the CKeditor mod. Yes I went with highlight, and the only issues I had with it when using the FCKeditor was that <code> tags were stripped out; and it also didn't like any use of \' in the code. Kinda silly because you could still pass \' by using \\''
You also had to make sure to encode any < & > on your own.
Have not had a chance to revisit on 2.5 or with the CKeditor though. BTW, the highlighter will work on pre elements alone, or other elements for that matter... Although the themes are all targeted toward "pre code" and would need to be adjusted to highlight "pre" or other elements. |

Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:18 pm |

Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:49 am |
Yeah, I know I can't wait to use it. It looks SWEET!!! |

Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:33 pm |
Still making progress, got started on the documentation and the slew of pre-edited files.
Most of the way there on the dark and light themed editors, here's the light style with the color panel toggled into view, and the "open tag" and "panel" indication (darker colored buttons)
We'll see how much I get done before the 15th, unfortunately working on taxes tomorrow+  |

Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Posts: 424
Location: France,Translator
Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:28 am |
spasticdonkey wrote: | got started on the documentation |
As a translator , i should say this: Oh my god
people don't need help really....everything is crystal clear
spasticdonkey wrote: | unfortunately working on taxes tomorrow+ |
even worse  |
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Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:35 am |
I agree that translations aren't critical on this, as it's pretty clear what most buttons do. So much of the help is within a JS file, so I did come up with a method to load alternate versions of the script by language... Not really necessary, but it's there if someone wants to take the time
There is also some inline ajax help that could be translated, which is pulled from the BBcode FAQ page, but once again not critical.

Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:03 am |
spasticdonkey wrote: | Not really necessary, but it's there if someone wants to take the time
You read my mind
I actually think that mod is awesome , i wouldn't mind testing it ....err...translating it  |

Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:11 pm |
Well finished my taxes
Making some progress as a couple more editor "themes" added
Although I'm running into some issues in testing, mostly IE related, which has slowed things down a bit. Finding that IE9/64bit (can't test on 32bit) does not handle multiple iframes on a page very well... this also is causing issues within the "topic review" on the posting page. Iframe is the preferred method of audio/video embeds as youtube and the internet archive will deliver different embeds depending on device and/or capability (html5/mobile versions). If the old method is used you are stuck with flash only.
Not really sure how I'm addressing this yet.... Not sure if a good fix exists, other than don't use ie9..
If you are using ie9 visit to see some of the problems with ie9 and iframe. Although that is not exactly the issue at play here, which is a "lag" as the iframes load which can lead to "not responding" if you click on something or attempt to scroll. It will eventually load, unless you keep clicking on stuff which may crash the browser...
I'm seeing this same behavior on youtube itself to a lesser degree, which is not using iframe and only embeds a single video per page. So I don't see much use in adapting the entire approach to accommodate IE, as no guarantees it would work any better. Of course I am also discovering the issue a little later in the process of creating this mod than I would like.
If anyone has ideas, speak now or forever hold your peace
P.S. Have a couple of options regarding the topic review issue:
A: Load the topic review by ajax when it becomes viewable, this at least delays the IE lag until the topic review is scrolled into view.
B: Click a link to load the topic review by ajax. Leaning towards this, but what do you think?
UPDATE: After spending several hours on this today I restarted my pc and the problem went away... LOL (not really)  |