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Joined: Feb 21, 2009
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Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:46 am |
I have Php Nuke 7.6 on my site and I want to install Ravens nuke. Is there any tutorials on how to do this without losing any content on my site?
Any help will do. I am having security issues and I need something much more secure than PHP-Nuke |
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Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:17 am |
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_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |

Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:19 am |
Would any one from ravens nuke be willing to do this for a price ? If so pm me how much and we can talk. I do not want to lose any content on my site and I should have went this way long ago. |
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Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:33 am |
There is a for hire forum that you can post your request in. It is more likely to be seen and responded to there. |
New Member

Joined: Nov 04, 2010
Posts: 10
Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:09 am |
I run phpnuke 7.5 and want to convert to ravennuke , i did al these steps, upgrade my database from 7.5 to 7.6 ..changed the num version field to rn2.02.00 in phpmyadmin
and then i run rndb_upgrade.php ...but got this message.
Error in Configuration Value
The valid values of the configuration field for updating by this program are rn2.02.00, rn76v2.02, rnv2.02.02, rn2.10.00, rn2.10.01, rn2.20.00, rn2.20.01, rn2.30.00, rn2.30.01, rn2.30.02, rn2.40.00, rn2.40.01, and rn2.50.00. Your system does not have one of those values. This program cannot be used to upgrade other versions. The configuration field is stored in the config table in your MYSQL database in a field called Version_Num. Your system is reporting a value of rn2.02.00 . |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:15 pm |
Not sure, but maybe remove the space at the end via phpMyAdmin? |
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Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:26 pm |
thank you for reply.
but remove a space ? dont know what you mean.
I was thinking maby its because i have 7.5 patched ?.
I want to move my users (nuke_users) to ravennuke users database... i tried export and import etc.. i dont have any luck yet. |

Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:45 pm |
Your Sentinel configuration value was detected as
(This is the value that is in the "config_value" field of your nsnst_config table.)
This is not a legitimate configuration value for this update... please correct it or post the issue in our forums... execution is being terminated to avoid further issues.
The valid values for the configuration setting of Nukesentinel™ for this update are:•2.4.2pl5
These are the only versions that we are able to upgrade from. If you have a much older version, it might be best to get the latest full install from Ravenphpscripts and perform a re-installation of the tables and files.
If you have already upgraded to 2.6.03 then you do not need to run this.
If you are ABSOLUTELY SURE of your version number, you may correct it using phpMyAdmin or another tool and rerun this script. Just BE SURE of yourself before you take this approach. |
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Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:34 am |
smokeycsq is it only your user and admin table data you need to transfer or is it all of the information like news posts, forum posts etc?
If it's just the user/admin data I can make a simple script to do that but if it's all of the data, it might take me a couple of days, with my limited time to write a custom migration script, especially if you have forum or module modifications. |

Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:30 am |
its working now
there was indeed a weird "space" rn2.02.00 . i copied and paste..after fixing that the installer (upgrade) went on.
Sentinel i fixed by running rndb_upgrade_nukesentinel...after that i run the installer (rndb_upgrade) again....
it gave allot errors but it update my database also
Removing the installation check if everything give me a white page....
then i thought lets try something else..... i took a clean working ravennuke database.... and replaced the tables ,nuke_users, nuke_bb.....etc with the tables out the database i run the upgrade script on.
phpmyadmin dont overwrite a table, so i first had to remove the tables i want to replace, and now it works.
So i have my users back and a working forum running on ravennuke
I dont think this is the way to do it, but it worked for me ...after testing i didnt found any errors so far
Srry for my english writing its not that good. |

Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:43 am |
If you previously added mods to your installation, that could have caused errors in the upgrade scripts. It could be things like a new index that already exists, but it's good to know if there are real issues.
You can use Guardian's compare_tables.php utility that came with your distribution to see if the tables were updated correctly. When I upgrade sites, I use compare_tables.php to clear all database issues, and haven't had any database-related issues after upgrading. |