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Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:05 pm |
'Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.' Ronald Reagan
'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' Ronald Reagan
'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' Ronald Reagan
'Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.' Ronald Reagan
'I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.' Ronald Reagan
'The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination.' Ronald Reagan
'Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.' Ronald Reagan
'The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.' Ronald Reagan
'It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.' Ronald Reagan
'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it' Ronald Reagan
'Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.' Ronald Reagan
'No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.' Ronald Reagan
'If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.' Ronald Reagan

Joined: Nov 06, 2005
Posts: 339
Location: Los Angeles, USA
Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:34 pm |
Ronald Reagan was a good man! I think that despite completely disagreeing with many of his views. Unfortunately near the end of his last term he suffered from early symptoms of the disease that killed him! Not for a second do I think he ended the cold war, Russia's system was doomed from the start, as are several other similar systems sure to come and go. He did appose it and stood firmly against it. His worst moment was truly negotiating with terrorist in Iran and giving arms to some truly horrible dictatorships in central America. He also ended many programs which helped many Americans such as the one my own family benefited from it after my father past when I was 1 year old, followed by 5 older siblings up to 10. With out the program which he cut. I don't see how we possibly would have made it! we were lucky he cut it the last year the family was eligible.
He staunchly apposed Medicare and among some of his quotes, which you don't have here I think he said we would end up a communist country if it passed. Hmmmm I guess we have to give it a few more decades, centuries?
Those are some funny bumper sticker slogans Raven great for Kool-Aid drinkers whom just see things Right or Left, Liberal or Conservative the great communicator knew how to win elections and how to beat up on the left like no other!
Thanks for sharing,
jc |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jul 18, 2004
Posts: 579
Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:53 pm |
As i am not an american, and 'maby' have a different objective view.
I cannot believe 1 man make al these decisions.
Personaly i think it are time based moments , things are decided in that period , who ever is president.
They only need someone to message these decisions.
For me it is al a hoax.
In all country.
I also cannot understand parading for 1 man.
So as i cant understand going to a concert , just to see this band or person and freakout when there.
I cant understand putting al hope to 1 man.
There's aloth i dont understand, especialy for the things that arent even needed. |

Joined: Sep 15, 2008
Posts: 352
Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:42 pm |
I'm American and I feel the same way  |

Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:52 pm |
I'm glad you covered my *ss in this post alien73.
A simple thought containing some hope,is the one when think: "Some day....".
But things not come from itself, who knows... we might need the kind of persons who we not understand!
Maby my or our thoughts are the ones from the future.
PS: alien73, is that something you think of much? ( the future) |

Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:29 pm |
My favorite saying is "You never know" anything is possible. Just be humble.. The future is everything cause the past is gone! |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928
Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:34 pm |
I am American; I am conservative and Ronald Reagan was a GREAT leader of not only America but of the Free World. GOD BLESS HIM!
Dawg |

Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Posts: 424
Location: France,Translator
Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:52 pm |
Dawg wrote: | I am American; I am conservative and Ronald Reagan was a GREAT leader of not only America but of the Free World. GOD BLESS HIM!
Dawg |
crap i should revert my keyboard to azerty  |
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Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:57 pm |
I used asdwz myself....LOL!
DAwg |