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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:07 am Reply with quote

Would anyone here be interested in chipping in for a module such as this?
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:23 am Reply with quote

I'm really surprised nobody commented.

I guess what I was trying to say is if we can get like 10 people to pitch in $30 we can make it happen.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:05 pm Reply with quote

cool that you are trying to get something rolling here. I won't be able to offer my services for this at this time due to other commitments, but might be able to look into it in future. In the meantime I would pledge $30 toward the "crowd funding" if someone has time and required skills Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:46 am Reply with quote

I have played with it for a while ago and i've got some problems that makes not easier to login with FB into RN.

Many routines in RN are bonded on the username. The username is used in all functions with user-restrictions. The Forums module is a bridge between the registered user-accounts of RN and the forum rights, topics, threads etc.

In order to make it easier the most pages with a fb login creating while the registration process a random username like 'user346521' and the first- & lastname of the fb-profile is used for the 'real name' field as alias for the random created username.

And now we get the biggest issue, because the real name field is in the whole CMS not used to show the username, when is it filled. All modules in the current RN version are using the username field. That means, that is not only one module to create or not only to modify the Your_Account module - that means this would be one of the biggest change in the whole CMS because here must be change ALL modules with user-restrictions.

Otherwise the user must go while the fb registration process through the same ways as in the normal ways on the website. That means the user must fill all fields and this is not more easier to register/login with facebook and the user could use the normal Your_Account registration.

I'm wondering since i know RN why the developers haven't used a if-statement to show the real name, when its filled. It would close out old discussions about usernames with free spaces and/or special chars like 'nerá läx' instead of 'neralex'. That could be provided by the mainfile based function getusrinfo($user) or with a simple query to the user_id.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:10 am Reply with quote

My friend Naralex - I think perhaps you are over thinking it Smile

Modules only care about cookies and usernames.

You only need to create the account/username and set the cookie.

I have decided to accept spasticdonkeys $30 and pay for the rest of the $270 myself.

I will share with those who donate $30 to the project.

It will be finished next week.

I doubt we get "ravennuke" code. The developer knows nothing about Nuke. He is doing what I tell him to do as far as function.

If we can get something that is functional and works then the rest can fall into place.

I have instructed as such if your Facebook name is Nera Lax your nickname would be NeraL2341 with the 2341 being random numbers.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:27 am Reply with quote

i think you also overlook here the options... my facebook url = https://www.facebook.com/osc2nuke

Ravenscms FB = https://www.facebook.com/RavenCMS ... there you have your username.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:49 am Reply with quote

Ravenscms is a page. It does not "login to facebook". It has not any login credentials to copy.

Henry Withoot is the user. osc2nuke is the name of his profile page. Not everyone names their profile page so you can't rely that this is the case.

Everyone however does have a first name.

Okay maybe not in all countries but I am aiming for first name now. The site I want it for I do not want these crazy nicknames. I want it to play with facebook and i want its users to have names that resemble people and not fantasy characters.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:57 am Reply with quote

draxx wrote:
The developer knows nothing about Nuke.

... OMG! Whitout this knowlege it will not work. Rolling Eyes

Expamples you can find on many pages in the net, for that you don't need to pay a coder. You need a coder to make it ready for the wanted CMS.


The registration and login process should run through Your_Account because there you have all needed routines to check allready taken usernames, email-addys, Nuke Spam checks etc.

Read again my post and think what you want but you will see what i mean. Its not only a question about cookies. Because after the registration the user get a random username. On all areas the user is dispayling with his random username and he can't change it without to change the username. This is more than ugly. If you want this - okay. But for me is it not a cool feature - it looks stupid. Smile

I hope you know that FB is changing everytime his code and then you must change all again. I hope you know that you should pay more on your coder to make changes all 4 weeks.


wHiTeHaT, draxx is right becaue what you mean is the fb-url and not the username. You can't login with a page because you need a fb-account for that. An fb account have a pw and email-addy to determine a account as unique. The first and last name are only a alias. The same on google+, twitter, soundcloud etc.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:49 am Reply with quote

Agree with neralex but I have a question to all of you.

What is the purpose to make a third party addon when you do know facebook is constantly changing, etc...

My experience about third party addon

I had twitter block before and when twitter's servers were overload my site were not loading properly. It was showing more than 30 seconds to show the page.

The same happened with a footer bar showing different features.

I don't understand why spending time and money and such a useless thing.

Why not making better modules, themes, blocks where combines all in one block with different kind of features.

I remember nuken made a login feature with Facebook and after 2 or 3 months stopped working.

This is just my opinion.


One cool feature facebook has right now is showing how users visit the site" With computer or mobile phone.

Is is possible to have this cool feature in the next release of RavenukeCMS 3.0?
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:10 pm Reply with quote

I think nuken made script then facebook came out with a facebook login API. I could be wrong.

Even still the problem is not asking facebook for their user information. The problem is not even authenticating that it is a facebook user. Facebook has made that very easy and as a public company I doubt they go back to making it difficult.

The problem is after copying facebook user data it needs to set a nuke cookie.

Once you set the nuke cookie it is done. You no longer need facebook for anything.

I have instructed them to do just that. I have instructed them to take the information from facebook and skip the temp_user and make a nuke_user account with the facebook data and set a ravennuke cookie and ravennuke will take over.

I am willing to spend a big part of it. I may even eventually give it to the community later. I will give it to those who donate right away and let them decide.

If facebook changes things I am not worried. Once the core of the code is set it will be much easier to maintain than create. All we are doing is taking user data from facebook. None of the good developers here had the time to do it from scratch - so I have hired a developer who has lots of time - they just don't know nuke.

He is actually moving very fast. If he continues at this speed it will be done tomorrow! LOL!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:20 pm Reply with quote

neralex wrote:
draxx wrote:
The developer knows nothing about Nuke.

... OMG! Whitout this knowlege it will not work. Rolling Eyes

Expamples you can find on many pages in the net, for that you don't need to pay a coder. You need a coder to make it ready for the wanted CMS.


The registration and login process should run through Your_Account because there you have all needed routines to check allready taken usernames, email-addys, Nuke Spam checks etc.

That is exactly what he is doing. But he is not using the Your Account. It is my fault he is not. I told him I did not want him to change the core of Ravennuke system. So he is not allowed to modify your account. He may call a function - but I don't want a bunch of modded files. I don't know if that was a good idea or not - but it is what it is.

As for facebook spambots - facebook has already plugged into those spambot databases and since then their spam users have dropped considerably. I know because I run the kind of groups those bots would ask to ask to join and they don't ask anymore.

For me - I am using blocks by module so I am having him create a facebook login block that for me will only appear only on the your account page.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:54 pm Reply with quote

draxx I am not completely understanding what you need here but there are lots of working examples on the internet for FB log-in code, you shouldn't need to pay a developer lots of money for this work, especially if it is stand-alone code which does not integrate with Your_Account. I would do it myself since I have just written one for a friend to help him with his user data synchin for vBulletin and his commercial game he is making but FB requires you to get an API ID etc and there is NO way I am giving them my mobile telephone number just to get that.

No disrespect to you, I applaude your need to get this done but if it doesn't integrate with Your_Account or have some method that the data can be processed by Your_Account then there is a real risk of conflicting data due to the processing that happens with the users data, in which case you have thrown away whatever it cost you.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 8:18 pm Reply with quote

Progress report: I have just clicked a button and created my nuke account with my facebook credentials and was assigned a userID and password that was created by the script.

The problem is that information needs displayed to the end user otherwise they aren't going to know it so I did my best to show him how to display information in a module. We'll see how that goes tomorrow! LOL!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 8:18 pm Reply with quote

Guardian2003 wrote:
draxx I am not completely understanding what you need here but there are lots of working examples on the internet for FB log-in code, you shouldn't need to pay a developer lots of money for this work, especially if it is stand-alone code which does not integrate with Your_Account. I would do it myself since I have just written one for a friend to help him with his user data synchin for vBulletin and his commercial game he is making but FB requires you to get an API ID etc and there is NO way I am giving them my mobile telephone number just to get that.

No disrespect to you, I applaude your need to get this done but if it doesn't integrate with Your_Account or have some method that the data can be processed by Your_Account then there is a real risk of conflicting data due to the processing that happens with the users data, in which case you have thrown away whatever it cost you.

I am using the nuke_users data table. Just not the php code in Modules/Your_Account.

The reason I told him not to touch the your_account is because I have a 2nd script, a classifieds script, that also plugs into the nuke_users data table. So in fear he would break that I told him to stay away from it.

So when done I'll have a login with facebook script - the ravennuke script - and a third party classifieds script. They will all work together but function separately and they will all meet and pull data from a single nuke_users data table.

I do realize there are thousands of examples of this and that for various CMS systems and facebooklogin but none for Nuke and I asked here several months ago before I hired elsewhere. I felt folks here had the best skill set for the project but nobody seemed interested or had the time.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:17 pm Reply with quote

draxx, this sounds like costum coded script that is only working for you. But this don't help other people to integrate it in a running RN. Please don't misunderstand me but you are trying a way besides all roads and try to remember on Guardian's words:

"... if it doesn't integrate with Your_Account or have some method that the data can be processed by Your_Account then there is a real risk of conflicting data due to the processing that happens with the users data ... "

That is the point and without this way other people could get many trouble with your script.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:38 pm Reply with quote

I disagree , there is no need to touch YA for creating a login process to the site.
I don't think there is a real risk for "conflicting" data , as long it is coded well.

I would like to here about these conflicts.

BTW: the links i showed where just to show that you could gain a username from the users facebook url true the API, cause that is the post i responded to.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:47 pm Reply with quote

wHiTeHaT wrote:
I don't think there is a real risk for "conflicting" data , as long it is coded well.

That is probably correct but it depends on the definition of "coded well". A developer can/will only write code to suit the specifications given to him/her at the time work plan is drawn up.
*nuke uses one method of user session authentication and the forums module uses a different method, so both of these would need to be provided to the developer as part of the specification.
Ideally, any social netwroking log-in should also allow the user to log-in to a website seperately as well to cater for scenario's that the websites password, or indeed username could be changed if FB got hacked again.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:30 pm Reply with quote

Sorry to jump in late on this - since nuken already did some work on this, I'll ask him to weigh in on it.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:30 pm Reply with quote

He is already bitching at me about bitching at him about all the things he needs to do differently. LOL! Very Happy but ... the dude is fast!

I asked him if he is usually this fast and he said no - he is on vacation - and my project is all he has been working on. He said otherwise it would be 8 hours a week - not 8 a day - and it would have taken 3 weeks to get to this point and not 3 days. He said hes trying to get it finished before mid week.

He did say that my information has been very helpful to speed things along - which of course came from you all - so thank you! Smile

Today I clicked a button - created my nuke user account with my facebook account - it copied the avatar to my server and set it and then landed me on a page that looked very ugly but it gave me my user name and password. LOL!

I was able to move throughout the site - Forums included - and it seemed to know who I was everywhere (including the third party classifieds script).

I told him nothing of that classifieds script. It was my ultimate tester. I assumed if he did his job properly that script would know who I was no matter how I got there.

I can log out and return and log back in with the facebook button or I can log in with my username and password.

There is a problem he says he does not understand - my old facebook account doesn't work. It doesn't give any information through the API. So curious I checked and it doesn't seem to work with anyone's login with facebook anywhere! Its something about that account. The one I currently use works just fine.

Anyways, I think he might actually do it.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:22 pm Reply with quote

Sorry to get such a late start on the subject, but I have been so busy. Here are some of my thoughts on it after trying to make a FB login module before. IMHO, it needs to be a separate module. The only things needed from facebook are the email address and the access token to verify the data. What I had intended to do was to pull the email and access token from facebook taking the user to a form in RN where you have access to the users table to complete the rest of the registration process with the email as a readonly field so they could not change it. I was then wanting to use jquery to verify their username was not already in the database and of course require the password to be at least 5 characters long. Both of them could be entered in by the user in this form. The only thing needed to create an account in RN is the verified email, a password (which could be auto generated) and an unique username. The rest of the nuke users table can just be inserted as defaults like the Your Account module does once the username and password pass the checks. I hope this helps some and doesn't make it more complicated.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:46 pm Reply with quote

Actually nuken it sounds like that is almost exactly how its happening.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:44 pm Reply with quote

It's not hard. I made it in 3 hours for Dragonfly CMS.
You just need to think simple.

1. create module 'login'
2. choose how to login
3. either:
3.a. look in DB username + password
3.b. redirect to facebook => return to login => select * from users where facebook_id = facebook[id]
4. redirect the current login script to the new module

Keep in mind you can't copy it from Dragonfly as that uses a lot more options (XRI, OpenID, Database, IMAP, LDAP, etc. etc. etc.)
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:19 am Reply with quote

For sure with adding new fields in the database is it not hard but here are the questions again:

why only the login and not also the whole registration process?
what is with spam protections like NukeSpam?
what is when facebook is down?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:47 pm Reply with quote

neralex wrote:
why only the login and not also the whole registration process?

Because that IS the registration process. That's the whole point of SSO.

neralex wrote:
what is with spam protections like NukeSpam?

Fails, you rely on Facebook

neralex wrote:
what is when facebook is down?

No login

If you ask these questions you have no clue what SSO is and you must get familiar with it first.
Besides, since my method is hooked to a "user" you can still block/ban that user.
He can try login but will be blocked as the "users" entry fails.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:19 am Reply with quote

Well I have a .... half module/half stand alone that does seem to work.

I don't know what it will do if I suspend the user though. I will check that.
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