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Joined: Jun 09, 2007
Posts: 172
Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:11 pm |
I have been searching for a few hours every couple days and cannot find much on downloads for new blocks or modules that could be used with 2.5x I did find a few at some of the sites that I am a member of but still cannot find the new holy bible block/module and the code that was used to upgrade the forums i have seen it show for 2.5 but the date of the download is from last year and a few other places or links in the forums do not seem to work anymore or I cannot load them
any direction as to where I could find the new additional mod/blocks for 2.5?
thank you for any help |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 1123
Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:50 pm |
If you are talking about this article you are right. The download doesn't work. I do have a Bible module on my site I needed to convert it to make it validated but still needs some work. Let me know what kind of module or block u are looking for. |

Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:14 pm |
I have not been around for awhile and see that the last release in downloads was dated feb 2013 and some of the files and links to files had dates of 2012 so I was not sure if I would be getting something that would not work
The reference you made for the bible came to my attention on the home page and had a date of 2014 and thought it was a recent post . Please let me know when you get something finished as I am working on new site for another church. The verse of the day module would be first and the bible a plus.
I guess I need to do some more reading as the advanced bbccode for the forums seem to be dated 2012 but i may of missed something. I will also be looking at the different gallery's i see that are out now as tricked out has a couple and naralex has one that is intresting, and if i should try putting youtube videos in block or just the forums or both hehe. Then the means to add the twitter and new calendar info that I saw spasticdonkey (think i spelled it right) had worked on. And I really need to goto his site and see if he is ever going to finish that ctopics module from years ago hehe.
Here is another question, is the next big release about to come out or is it still far off? I really dont want to put alot of time into getting this setup just to have to do it all over again to keep up with the latest version and all the changes.
The great thing about RN is the support and talent that has been so generous to help  |
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Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:26 am |
I think RavenCMS is still some way off being released. Due to problems with power spikes here my PC is running like a one legged dog so I've not done much development at all this year and I won't be able to replace my PC until after I move to Vietnam in late July. |

Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:26 am |
is there a place where all the 2.5x blocks/mods/addons would be in one place? I would think because of the changes that I have read that alot of the older stuff will not work without alot of changes made. Most all that I have learned has been from trial and error, asking questions and reading untill my head hurts :/ and then that didnt always resolve everything.
As for the power spikes, i like to use a good ups as i also had a spike that took out an older computer. If your tight on money and really want to do alot of research I have thought about talking to some friends if there has been a capacitor bank ever designed for low end electronics. Large power companies use them to help balance out power distribution by normalizing power spikes and feeding power drains as it can to stay within tolerances. The bad thing is that you will have some caps holding alot of energy and it would have to be designed safe so not to discharge into somebody  |

Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:43 pm |
There isn't one site that has all the older modules, though I do have quite a few myself I haven't had time to update yet and are not publicly available. I think ClanThemes have quite a few older modules though.
Yes, I was thinking of getting a UPS but the problem is, I travel a lot and usually move countires every 1 or 2 years and because they weigh so much, it's not cost effective to keep shipping them. If I could source the componenets locally, I could probably make one but since I'll be in Vietnam for 3 years, it might be worth looking at a UPS (or building one) when I buy my new computer. Electronic goods actually seem reasonably priced there (possibly because they are close to several big manufacturers and the shipping/ tax is cheaper). |

Joined: Feb 09, 2011
Posts: 188
Location: US
Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:13 pm |
Where can I download the Bible module? |

Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:04 pm |

Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:36 pm |
Thank you. I will check it out. |

Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:08 pm |
Do you know where the verse of the day block can be found (one that actually works)? I found one, but it list a whole bunch of verses, and doesn't show the verse. |

Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:13 am |
I will take a look but this one will be hard to find. I will need to plug my 21 HDD from 2T. As soon as I find it I will send it to you. |