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The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 1123

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 4:45 pm Reply with quote

I m working on replacing all the files. I need to be really careful because I have other mods but every goes smooth. Thanks neralex. Amazing clean job. When I finish I will test it in order to know if I get any error. I am using notepad2 and WinMerge. I can not live without these amazing tools.
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Joined: Aug 22, 2007
Posts: 1775

PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 5:36 pm Reply with quote

Ok, thanks.

I added an repository for the ABBCode-Box with all made changes and an release-250 branch with the old files from Spasticdonkey's version 2.50. Maybe it helps to get an closer overview.

new: https://github.com/neralex/ABBCode-Box
old: https://github.com/neralex/ABBCode-Box/tree/release-250

Notepadd++ has a great "compare" extension (WINDOWS only).


Adobe has an open source editor called Brackets, which is available for different OS and it provides also many extensions. One of them is brackets-compare.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:03 am Reply with quote

Hi Neralex, yesterday I spend few hours making the changes but unfortunately javasccript doesn't work on the forum menu when I edit or create a forum. Any suggestion?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:01 am Reply with quote

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc, can you please specify what you are using/doing?

1. You are working locally?

2. Which php version you are using?

3. Fresh installation or update from prior RN?

4. if you did an update and you are using php7, did you noticed the modified files?

5. What is "forum menu" - admin section of the Forums module?

Last edited by neralex on Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:25 pm Reply with quote

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc, can you please specifify what you are using/doing? I made the modification from the old files I had so ABBCode-Box mod runs with php 7 without any issues.

1. You are working locally? Online

2. Which php version you are using? I m running php 7.1.11

3. Fresh installation or update from prior RN? Update from prior RN

4. if you did an update and you are using php7, did you noticed the modified files? I noticed the mod files and I did lots of changes so I don't get any error. I would like to give me more details of what u did with new version.

5. What is "forum menu" - admin section of the Forums module? In the forum post. When I try to post something I can not use the the the options like CODE because javascript doesnt work. My Show/Hide stopped working as well. I wonder if this has to be with the jquery. I spent lots of hours yesterday trying to make it work but no lucky.

PHP: 7.1.11
Perl: 5.010001
Ruby: 2.3.3
Python: 2.6.6

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:38 pm Reply with quote

This is an RC (release candidate not a final release) version and this is the reason why I repeated here so often:


Only if you had make sure that all works fine, then upload the files to your webserver. If you are doing manually edits besides my changes on the core-files it could be you will brick you whole installation. If you or someone here in the forums are needing help to install a local test server, then please let me know and I will post an HOWTO.

The latest update is not only related to the BBCode Box. As I posted before, I found more php7 issues on the way to add this MOD, which are not related to the BBCode Box and you shouldn't ignore all other modified files!

Please read this post: http://www.ravenphpscripts.com/ftopicp-165984.html#165984

There you can see which files I added/modified for the BBCode Box and you will see which folder you should delete.

With a short view on your website, I noticed that you are still using some old files from the BBCode Box. They are deprecated!

delete: /mods/ in your root

replace this file from the github repo: /includes/addons/head-abbcbox.php
add this folder from the github repo: /includes/bbcode_box/


The integration of the BBCode Box has changed ALL paths in the related BBCode Box files. It affects also the edits in the language files. Please compare it from this repo. The master branch contains the new version. Check the readme.html to see where all files are located.

new: https://github.com/neralex/ABBCode-Box
old: https://github.com/neralex/ABBCode-Box/tree/release-250

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:04 pm Reply with quote

Notice: Undefined index: blocked_clear in /includes/nukesentinel.php on line 153

if( $ab_config['self_expire'] == 1 AND  $ab_config['blocked_clear'] < $cleartime) {

// Clearing of expired blocks

// CAUTION: This function can slow your sites load time
$clearedtime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $nsnst_const['ban_time']));
$cleartime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $nsnst_const['ban_time'])) - 86400;
if( $ab_config['self_expire'] == 1 AND  $ab_config['blocked_clear'] < $cleartime) {
   $clearresult = $db->sql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . $prefix. '_nsnst_blocked_ips` WHERE (`expires` < "' . $clearedtime . '" AND `expires`!="0")');
   while($clearblock = $db->sql_fetchrow($clearresult)) {
      if(!empty($ab_config['htaccess_path'])) {
         $ipfile = file($ab_config['htaccess_path']);
         $ipfile = implode('', $ipfile);
         $i = 1;
         while ($i <= 3) {
            $tip = substr($clearblock['ip_addr'], -2);
            if($tip == '.*') { $clearblock['ip_addr'] = substr($clearblock['ip_addr'], 0, -2); }
         $testip = 'deny from ' . $clearblock['ip_addr'] . "\n";
         $ipfile = str_replace($testip, '', $ipfile);
         $doit = @fopen($ab_config['htaccess_path'], 'w');
         @fwrite($doit, $ipfile);
      $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM `' . $prefix . '_nsnst_blocked_ips` WHERE `ip_addr`="' . $clearblock['ip_addr'] . '"');
      $db->sql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE `' . $prefix . '_nsnst_blocked_ips`');

Notice: Undefined variable: def_module in /blocks/block-User_Info.php on line 192

$result3 = $db->sql_query('SELECT `title`, `custom_title`, `view` FROM `' . $prefix . '_modules` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `title` != \'' . $def_module . '\' AND `inmenu` = 1 ORDER BY `custom_title` ASC');

Notice: Undefined variable: modlist in /blocks/block-User_Info.php on line 139

/* If you copied a new module is the /modules/ directory, it will be added to the database */

   while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
      if ( (!preg_match("/[.]/",$file)) ) {
         $modlist .= "$file ";

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:57 pm Reply with quote

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc wrote:
Notice: Undefined index: blocked_clear in /includes/nukesentinel.php on line 153

Good catch, thanks. Its fixed and pushed to the master branch: https://github.com/neralex/RavenNuke/commit/1a279bbd105e814520621f88892346768a4bf97a

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc wrote:
Notice: Undefined variable: def_module in /blocks/block-User_Info.php on line 192

$result3 = $db->sql_query('SELECT `title`, `custom_title`, `view` FROM `' . $prefix . '_modules` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `title` != \'' . $def_module . '\' AND `inmenu` = 1 ORDER BY `custom_title` ASC');

Notice: Undefined variable: modlist in /blocks/block-User_Info.php on line 139

/* If you copied a new module is the /modules/ directory, it will be added to the database */

   while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
      if ( (!preg_match("/[.]/",$file)) ) {
         $modlist .= "$file ";

This not a part of the block-User_Info.php in RN25x, checked in RN250 and RN251. Maybe you are using an older file from a prior version.

check: https://github.com/neralex/RavenNuke/blob/master/html/blocks/block-User_Info.php

Edit: I found code like this in block-nukeNAV.php but it has been commented out years ago, because its a admin function and not really needed there.

check: https://github.com/neralex/RavenNuke/blob/master/html/blocks/block-nukeNAV.php

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:21 pm Reply with quote

Notice: Undefined variable: def_module in /blocks/block-User_Info.php on line 192


$result3 = $db->sql_query('SELECT `title`, `custom_title`, `view` FROM `' . $prefix . '_modules` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `title` != \'' . $def_module . '\' AND `inmenu` = 1 ORDER BY `custom_title` ASC');

I noticed $def_module was not defined as global so I added like this

global $db, $prefix, $def_module, 

Error is solved.

I found more errors related to undefined variable and I wonder if this has to be with php 7 rules.

Notice: Undefined variable: dentry in /modules/Donations/index.php on line 212

echo ''.$dentry.'</div>';

I just added and the error is gone

global  $module_name, $admin, $user, $sitename, $slogan, $cookie, $prefix, $db, $nukeurl, $anonymous, $dentry;

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 7:02 pm Reply with quote

Rn_Gallery module is giving lots of errors

Warning: Illegal string offset 'name' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 258

Warning: Illegal string offset 'published' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 264

Warning: Illegal string offset 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 261

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumbnail' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 269

Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 272

Warning: Illegal string offset 'name' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 258

Warning: Illegal string offset 'published' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 264

Warning: Illegal string offset 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 261

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumbnail' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 269

Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 272

Warning: Illegal string offset 'name' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 258

Warning: Illegal string offset 'published' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 264

Warning: Illegal string offset 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 261

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumbnail' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 269

Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 272

Warning: Illegal string offset 'name' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 258

Warning: Illegal string offset 'published' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 264

Warning: Illegal string offset 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 261

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumbnail' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 269

Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in modules/RN_Gallery/galleryfrompicasa.class.php on line 272
Click to view pictures in album.
Move your mouse over image for more info.

Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 79

Notice: Use of undefined constant numphotos - assumed 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumbnail' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81
Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 79

Notice: Use of undefined constant numphotos - assumed 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumbnail' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81
Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 79

Notice: Use of undefined constant numphotos - assumed 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumbnail' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81
Warning: Illegal string offset 'title' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 79

Notice: Use of undefined constant numphotos - assumed 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'numphotos' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumbnail' in modules/RN_Gallery/index.php on line 81

Any ideas how to solve these one?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 9:24 pm Reply with quote

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function eregi() in /modules/Shout_Box/index.php:828 Stack trace: #0 /modules/Shout_Box/index.php(1086): showHistory(1) #1 /modules.php(87): include_once('/web/htdocs/www...') #2 {main} thrown in /modules/Shout_Box/index.php on line 828

      // BB code [b]word[/b] [i]word[/i] [u]word[/u]

      if ((eregi("[b]", $comment)) AND (eregi("[/b]", $comment)) AND (substr_count("$comment","[b]") == substr_count("$comment","[/b]"))) {
         $comment = eregi_replace("\[b\]","<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">","$comment");
         $comment = eregi_replace("\[\/b\]","</span>","$comment");
      if ((eregi("[i]", $comment)) AND (eregi("[/i]", $comment)) AND (substr_count("$comment","[i]") == substr_count("$comment","[/i]"))) {
         $comment = eregi_replace("\[i\]","<span style=\"font-style: italic\">","$comment");
         $comment = eregi_replace("\[\/i\]","</span>","$comment");
      if ((eregi("[u]", $comment)) AND (eregi("[/u]", $comment)) AND (substr_count("$comment","[u]") == substr_count("$comment","[/u]"))) {
         $comment = eregi_replace("\[u\]","<span style=\"text-decoration: underline\">","$comment");
         $comment = eregi_replace("\[\/u\]","</span>","$comment");

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:10 pm Reply with quote

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc, can we please stay on the core files here in this thread? It makes no sense to flood this thread with errors of 3rd party modules, which are not included in the core. It sucks, if someone is trying to follow this thread and he/she have to scroll over all your unrelated postings only to get the infos about the RC version. THANKS!

Without to check the whole module, noone can help you. Because it may depends on much more as your posted snippet. So please open a new thread with a clear typed title and post an download link to the module together with your error-messages. Only on this way, please!

You can try to replace eregi() with preg_match() and eregi_replace() with str_replace() in this case but be careful - this not everytime the right way.

      // BB code [b]word[/b] [i]word[/i] [u]word[/u]

      if ((preg_match("[b]", $comment)) AND (preg_match("[/b]", $comment)) AND (substr_count("$comment","[b]") == substr_count("$comment","[/b]"))) {
         $comment = str_replace("\[b\]","<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">","$comment");
         $comment = str_replace("\[\/b\]","</span>","$comment");
      if ((preg_match("[i]", $comment)) AND (preg_match("[/i]", $comment)) AND (substr_count("$comment","[i]") == substr_count("$comment","[/i]"))) {
         $comment = str_replace("\[i\]","<span style=\"font-style: italic\">","$comment");
         $comment = str_replace("\[\/i\]","</span>","$comment");
      if ((preg_match("[u]", $comment)) AND (preg_match("[/u]", $comment)) AND (substr_count("$comment","[u]") == substr_count("$comment","[/u]"))) {
         $comment = str_replace("\[u\]","<span style=\"text-decoration: underline\">","$comment");
         $comment = str_replace("\[\/u\]","</span>","$comment");

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:33 am Reply with quote

Neralex is javascript running smooth with the ABBCode-Box on the forum? After the changes it doesn't work anymore. I even replaced the whole forum but no lucky.

javascript doesnt work on forum panel
 Filesize:  86.18 KB
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:17 am Reply with quote

Yes, because you are using your old addon-file an not the file from the master branch.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:30 am Reply with quote

neralex: of course I m not using the old one. None of the icons when I click are working. Doesn't do anything at all. My question to you is:

I see head-abbcbox.php is calling the javascript files

# moved from posting_body.tpl

global $file, $lang;
if ($name =='Forums' || $name =='Private_Messages') {
   addJSToBody('includes/bbcode_box/js/bbcode_extras.js', 'file');
   if (($name =='Forums' && $file == 'viewtopic') || $name =='Private_Messages') {
      addJSToHead('includes/bbcode_box/js/select_expand_bbcodes.js', 'file');
   if (($name =='Forums' && $file == 'posting') || $name =='Private_Messages') {
      addJSToBody('includes/bbcode_box/js/bbcode_box_english.js', 'file');
      addJSToBody('includes/bbcode_box/js/jscolor.js', 'file');
      addJSToBody('includes/bbcode_box/js/jquery.autogrowtextarea.js', 'file');
      addJSToBody('includes/bbcode_box/js/textarea-settings.js', 'file');

but it is not working. when I look in www.bestbuildpc.org/modules/Forums/templates/subSilver/bbcode.tpl I noticed this change


   var id = 'SXBB' + (1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000));
   SXBB[id] = new _SXBB(id);
   SXBB[id].T['select'] = '{L_SELECT}';
   SXBB[id].T['expand'] = '{L_EXPAND}';
   SXBB[id].T['contract'] = '{L_CONTRACT}';

instead of

<script type="text/javascript" src="{U_SXBB_JSLIB}"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
   var id = 'SXBB' + (1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000));
   SXBB[id] = new _SXBB(id);
   SXBB[id].T['select'] = '{L_SELECT}';
   SXBB[id].T['expand'] = '{L_EXPAND}';
   SXBB[id].T['contract'] = '{L_CONTRACT}';

Why this code is removed

<script type="text/javascript">

Please explain to me because I don't understand this line since I see it in other files. I can not find where is the problem at the moment. I spent hours looking for this issue. Please help me out if u test this online.

neralex. I am back again.

I guess u forgot to change path from the file lang_bbcode.php

//+MOD: Start Advanced BBCode Box MOD vRN2.5.2

$faq[] = array("--", "Advanced BBCode Features");
$faq[] = array("Font Types and Custom CSS Classes", "<p>Use the font type buttons to wrap highlighted text, or to toggle between open/closed tags if no text is selected. Any previously declared CSS class that is valid for inline elements can be used. As a general rule anything to do with positioning or padding/margin (on the top/bottom) will not apply. Also note that the display and visibilty properties have been overidden and are not allowed. Multiple classes can be applied at one time, seperating with a space in the same syntax as used in html</p><div class=\"float-right\" style=\"padding:0 0 10px 10px\"><img src=\"mods/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-classsample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><p><span class=\"couriernew\">[class=&quot;palatino uppercase&quot;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</span></p><p><span class=\"palatino uppercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p><p><span class=\"thick\">Important:</span> If selecting text to wrap in a custom class, first enter the class (or classes) in the text box (that defaults to the &quot;uppercase&quot; class) then highlight the desired text and click &quot;CSS CLASS&quot;. If you select the desired text first, some browsers may overwrite the selected text.</p><p>Also see: <a href=\"#faq12\" onclick=\"BBCclickloader('faq12','fonthelpstatus')\">Examples of using default classes</a></p>");
$faq[] = array("Examples of using default classes", "<table><tbody><tr><td><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"overline\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"line-through\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"underline\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"small-caps\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"uppercase\"]lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lowercase\"]LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT[/class]<br />[class=\"smaller\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"larger\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"arialblack\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"centurygothic\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"comicsans\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"couriernew\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"georgia\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"impact\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lucidac\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lucidau\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"palatino\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"tahoma\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"trebuchet\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"verdana\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p></td><td><p><span class=\"overline\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"line-through\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"underline\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"small-caps\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"uppercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lowercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"smaller\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"larger\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p><p><span class=\"arialblack\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"centurygothic\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"comicsans\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"couriernew\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"georgia\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"impact\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lucidac\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lucidau\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"palatino\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"tahoma\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"trebuchet\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"verdana\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>");
$faq[] = array("YouTube Embeds", "<p>Most importantly, <span class=\"thick\">DO NOT</span> use the embed code provided by <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.youtube.com\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube</a>. All that is required is the URL to the video, and both the standard and shorturl versions are supported</p><p class=\"thick\">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8<br />http://youtu.be/brfDU6HyWs8</p><p class=\"thick\">Note that the YouTube video ID is always 11 characters, and make sure to exclude any additional info that appears in the URL after that (such as &amp;related= etc).</p><p>To embed a video with default options, simply wrap the YouTube URL in [youtube][/youtube]</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]</span></p><p>Use the simple wizard to select from other size and positioning options, for example:</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]</span></p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube=\"video\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-small\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDxyJGMJ_P8[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-medium\"]http://youtu.be/LrJrTp8akOg[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-large\"]http://youtu.be/zY3vyTXAwg8[/youtube]</span></p><p class=\"thick\">Multiple options not supported. Valid options are one of the following: video, video-small, video-medium, video-large, video-left, video-right, video-center, video-small-left, video-small-right, video-small-center, video-medium-left, video-medium-right, video-medium-center, video-large-left, video-large-right, video-large-center</p>");
$faq[] = array("Internet Archive", "<p>Most importantly, <span class=\"thick\">DO NOT</span> use the embed code provided by the <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://archive.org\" target=\"_blank\">Internet Archive</a>. All that is required is the URL to the audio or video, and both the detail and/or embed URL's are supported</p><p class=\"thick\">http://archive.org/details/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik<br />http://archive.org/embed/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik</p><p class=\"thick\">Make sure to exclude any additional info that appears in the URL (such as &amp;autoplay= etc).</p><p>Use the simple wizard to select the type of embed (audio or video) as well as size and positioning options, for example:</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[archive=\"audio\"]http://archive.org/details/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik[/archive]</span></p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[archive=\"video\"]http://archive.org/details/night_of_the_living_dead[/archive]<br />[archive=\"video-large\"]http://archive.org/details/the-last-man-on-earth[/archive]<br /></span></p><p>Note that you must pass one of the valid options with the archive tag. The simple mode is not supported:</p><p><span class=\"line-through lucidau\">[archive]http://archive.org/details/yourvideo[/archive]</span></p><p class=\"thick\">Multiple options not supported. Valid options are one of the following: video, audio, video-small, video-medium, video-large, video-left, video-right, video-center, audio-left, audio-right, audio-center, video-small-left, video-small-right, video-small-center, video-medium-left, video-medium-right, video-medium-center, video-large-left, video-large-right, video-large-center</p>");
$faq[] = array("Color Selection", "<p>Use the color swatch buttons to wrap highlighted text, or to toggle between open/closed color tags if no text is selected. To use custom colors, either choose a hex color code or use the javascript color picker</p><div class=\"text-center centered\"><img src=\"mods/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-colorsample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><table><tbody><tr><td><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"color1\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color2\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color3\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color4\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color5\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color6\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color7\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color8\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color9\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color10\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color11\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color12\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color13\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color14\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p></td><td><p><span class=\"color1\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color2\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color3\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color4\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color5\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color6\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color7\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color8\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color9\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color10\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color11\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color12\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color13\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color14\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>");
$faq[] = array("Inserting Code and Language Specific Snippets", "<div class=\"float-right\" style=\"padding:0 0 10px 10px\"><img src=\"mods/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-codesample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><p>Use the simple wizard within the ABBC editor to help choose which type of code tags to deploy. After you have selected your options, hit the code button, which will either wrap highlighted text, or toggle between open/closed code (or pre) tags if no text is selected.</p> <span class=\"thick\">Inserting Generic Code</span> <p>Generic code snippets can be inserted in the same method that has been used for years, by simply wrapping your code in [code] tags</p> <p class=\"lucidau\">[code]your generic code here[/code]</p> <span class=\"thick\">Language Specific Snippets</span> <p>Language specific snippets can be inserted via the [pre=language] tags</p> <p class=\"lucidau\">[pre=php]your php code here[/pre]<br />[pre=css]your css code here[/pre]<br />[pre=html]your html code here[/pre]</p> <p>16 languages are supported by default, although over 40 languages can be used if required by an individual site. Please refer to the drop-down menu on the posting page to determine which languages are actually supported. The basic 16 valid classes are: <span class=\"thick\">apache, bash, cpp, cs, css, diff, html, ini, java, javascript, perl, php, python, ruby, sql, xml</span></p> <p>Declaring a language with code tags is <span class=\"thick\">NOT</span> supported, and the opposite is true of pre tags as a language <span class=\"thick\">MUST</span> be declared. Also, do <span class=\"thick\">NOT</span> wrap the language in quotes.</p> <p class=\"lucidau\"><span class=\"line-through\">[code=php][/code]</span><br /> <span class=\"line-through\">[pre][/pre]</span><br /> <span class=\"line-through\">[pre=\"php\"][/pre]</span></p>");
//-MOD: Advanced BBCode Box MOD vRN2.5.2

Should be

//+MOD: Start Advanced BBCode Box MOD vRN2.5.2

$faq[] = array("--", "Advanced BBCode Features");
$faq[] = array("Font Types and Custom CSS Classes", "<p>Use the font type buttons to wrap highlighted text, or to toggle between open/closed tags if no text is selected. Any previously declared CSS class that is valid for inline elements can be used. As a general rule anything to do with positioning or padding/margin (on the top/bottom) will not apply. Also note that the display and visibilty properties have been overidden and are not allowed. Multiple classes can be applied at one time, seperating with a space in the same syntax as used in html</p><div class=\"float-right\" style=\"padding:0 0 10px 10px\"><img src=\"includes/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-classsample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><p><span class=\"couriernew\">[class=&quot;palatino uppercase&quot;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</span></p><p><span class=\"palatino uppercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p><p><span class=\"thick\">Important:</span> If selecting text to wrap in a custom class, first enter the class (or classes) in the text box (that defaults to the &quot;uppercase&quot; class) then highlight the desired text and click &quot;CSS CLASS&quot;. If you select the desired text first, some browsers may overwrite the selected text.</p><p>Also see: <a href=\"#faq12\" onclick=\"BBCclickloader('faq12','fonthelpstatus')\">Examples of using default classes</a></p>");
$faq[] = array("Examples of using default classes", "<table><tbody><tr><td><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"overline\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"line-through\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"underline\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"small-caps\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"uppercase\"]lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lowercase\"]LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT[/class]<br />[class=\"smaller\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"larger\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"arialblack\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"centurygothic\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"comicsans\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"couriernew\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"georgia\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"impact\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lucidac\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lucidau\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"palatino\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"tahoma\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"trebuchet\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"verdana\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p></td><td><p><span class=\"overline\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"line-through\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"underline\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"small-caps\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"uppercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lowercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"smaller\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"larger\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p><p><span class=\"arialblack\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"centurygothic\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"comicsans\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"couriernew\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"georgia\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"impact\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lucidac\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lucidau\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"palatino\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"tahoma\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"trebuchet\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"verdana\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>");
$faq[] = array("YouTube Embeds", "<p>Most importantly, <span class=\"thick\">DO NOT</span> use the embed code provided by <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.youtube.com\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube</a>. All that is required is the URL to the video, and both the standard and shorturl versions are supported</p><p class=\"thick\">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8<br />http://youtu.be/brfDU6HyWs8</p><p class=\"thick\">Note that the YouTube video ID is always 11 characters, and make sure to exclude any additional info that appears in the URL after that (such as &amp;related= etc).</p><p>To embed a video with default options, simply wrap the YouTube URL in [youtube][/youtube]</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]</span></p><p>Use the simple wizard to select from other size and positioning options, for example:</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]</span></p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube=\"video\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-small\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDxyJGMJ_P8[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-medium\"]http://youtu.be/LrJrTp8akOg[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-large\"]http://youtu.be/zY3vyTXAwg8[/youtube]</span></p><p class=\"thick\">Multiple options not supported. Valid options are one of the following: video, video-small, video-medium, video-large, video-left, video-right, video-center, video-small-left, video-small-right, video-small-center, video-medium-left, video-medium-right, video-medium-center, video-large-left, video-large-right, video-large-center</p>");
$faq[] = array("Internet Archive", "<p>Most importantly, <span class=\"thick\">DO NOT</span> use the embed code provided by the <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://archive.org\" target=\"_blank\">Internet Archive</a>. All that is required is the URL to the audio or video, and both the detail and/or embed URL's are supported</p><p class=\"thick\">http://archive.org/details/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik<br />http://archive.org/embed/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik</p><p class=\"thick\">Make sure to exclude any additional info that appears in the URL (such as &amp;autoplay= etc).</p><p>Use the simple wizard to select the type of embed (audio or video) as well as size and positioning options, for example:</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[archive=\"audio\"]http://archive.org/details/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik[/archive]</span></p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[archive=\"video\"]http://archive.org/details/night_of_the_living_dead[/archive]<br />[archive=\"video-large\"]http://archive.org/details/the-last-man-on-earth[/archive]<br /></span></p><p>Note that you must pass one of the valid options with the archive tag. The simple mode is not supported:</p><p><span class=\"line-through lucidau\">[archive]http://archive.org/details/yourvideo[/archive]</span></p><p class=\"thick\">Multiple options not supported. Valid options are one of the following: video, audio, video-small, video-medium, video-large, video-left, video-right, video-center, audio-left, audio-right, audio-center, video-small-left, video-small-right, video-small-center, video-medium-left, video-medium-right, video-medium-center, video-large-left, video-large-right, video-large-center</p>");
$faq[] = array("Color Selection", "<p>Use the color swatch buttons to wrap highlighted text, or to toggle between open/closed color tags if no text is selected. To use custom colors, either choose a hex color code or use the javascript color picker</p><div class=\"text-center centered\"><img src=\"includes/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-colorsample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><table><tbody><tr><td><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"color1\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color2\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color3\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color4\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color5\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color6\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color7\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color8\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color9\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color10\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color11\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color12\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color13\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color14\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p></td><td><p><span class=\"color1\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color2\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color3\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color4\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color5\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color6\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color7\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color8\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color9\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color10\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color11\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color12\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color13\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color14\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>");
$faq[] = array("Inserting Code and Language Specific Snippets", "<div class=\"float-right\" style=\"padding:0 0 10px 10px\"><img src=\"includes/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-codesample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><p>Use the simple wizard within the ABBC editor to help choose which type of code tags to deploy. After you have selected your options, hit the code button, which will either wrap highlighted text, or toggle between open/closed code (or pre) tags if no text is selected.</p> <span class=\"thick\">Inserting Generic Code</span> <p>Generic code snippets can be inserted in the same method that has been used for years, by simply wrapping your code in [code] tags</p> <p class=\"lucidau\">[code]your generic code here[/code]</p> <span class=\"thick\">Language Specific Snippets</span> <p>Language specific snippets can be inserted via the [pre=language] tags</p> <p class=\"lucidau\">[pre=php]your php code here[/pre]<br />[pre=css]your css code here[/pre]<br />[pre=html]your html code here[/pre]</p> <p>16 languages are supported by default, although over 40 languages can be used if required by an individual site. Please refer to the drop-down menu on the posting page to determine which languages are actually supported. The basic 16 valid classes are: <span class=\"thick\">apache, bash, cpp, cs, css, diff, html, ini, java, javascript, perl, php, python, ruby, sql, xml</span></p> <p>Declaring a language with code tags is <span class=\"thick\">NOT</span> supported, and the opposite is true of pre tags as a language <span class=\"thick\">MUST</span> be declared. Also, do <span class=\"thick\">NOT</span> wrap the language in quotes.</p> <p class=\"lucidau\"><span class=\"line-through\">[code=php][/code]</span><br /> <span class=\"line-through\">[pre][/pre]</span><br /> <span class=\"line-through\">[pre=\"php\"][/pre]</span></p>");
//-MOD: Advanced BBCode Box MOD vRN2.5.2

but this is not solving the problem. I am so frustrated. Grrr

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:07 pm Reply with quote

With this line, the script was loaded: includes/bbcode_box/js/bbcode_extras.js:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{U_SXBB_JSLIB}"></script>

But this happend more than needed. Its needs only one call, so I moved this script-call to the addon-file and removed this line from the tpl-file. It was before also an part of the language-files (U_SXBB_JSLIB) and its not needed there. The loading/managing within the addon-file makes more sense.


The attribute type="text/javascript" in script-tags is not more needed, all modern browsers are using it simple like <script>. The W3C-validator throws an information about this since the beginning of the year. Its a standard since some years in html5 documents.


I uploaded the new ABBCode Box as a separate repository on Github. There are all changes included. That means, I modified at first this addon and then I have it included in RN. You can compare all files of the new version here: https://github.com/neralex/ABBCode-Box ! The release-250 branch contains the old version made by Spasticdonkey.

I would suggest you to download the master branch of the ABBCode Box repo and check the readme.html. I made there also changes to describe the integration of the new version. I added also 3 new "Easy Media Embeds" for vimeo, mixcloud and soundcloud. The vimeo embed is already included in RN252 but the other ones are only an extra-hack, which you can find only in the installation instructions.

Btw: The "commits" section on Github is a history of all changes, that I made and pushed to github for each branch of an repository. That is the reason why I'm posting here the list of the modified files, so you can compare it with the github commits. For RN252 I push changes to the develop branch before I tested it completely. So I can destroy/repair/test scripts on the develop branch and if its all working as expacted, then I merge all made commits into the master branch.

I modified so many core-files to fix the php7 issues besides the other issues, which existed in RN251, that is it not really possible to get it all working like the way you are going. For someone like you, with a massive count of addons I would recommend to use this way for an Update.

1. Install an local test server with wamp or xamp
2. add new versions of PHP/mysql/phpmyadmin and apache to the test server
3. download the master branch of RavenNuke and install it on the test server with activated error reporting
4. collect all 3rd-party addons/modules and install step by step only the addons/modules, which are not already integrated, to close out, fix and re-create issues
5. do an backup of you database from your webserver and add it with phpmyadmin to your test server
6. change the database information in the config.php of your local installation and start the database upgrade to RN252
7. check all you added addons and modules and fix issues, if you will get it.
8. if it should run fine, then upload the files to your webserver and run there the database-upgrade

When I made new changes on the Github repository, then you can compare and test it very easy with your local installation. That is the way how to going.

Last edited by neralex on Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:56 pm; edited 1 time in total 

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:47 pm Reply with quote

hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc wrote:

I guess u forgot to change path from the file lang_bbcode.php

//+MOD: Start Advanced BBCode Box MOD vRN2.5.2

$faq[] = array("--", "Advanced BBCode Features");
$faq[] = array("Font Types and Custom CSS Classes", "<p>Use the font type buttons to wrap highlighted text, or to toggle between open/closed tags if no text is selected. Any previously declared CSS class that is valid for inline elements can be used. As a general rule anything to do with positioning or padding/margin (on the top/bottom) will not apply. Also note that the display and visibilty properties have been overidden and are not allowed. Multiple classes can be applied at one time, seperating with a space in the same syntax as used in html</p><div class=\"float-right\" style=\"padding:0 0 10px 10px\"><img src=\"mods/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-classsample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><p><span class=\"couriernew\">[class=&quot;palatino uppercase&quot;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</span></p><p><span class=\"palatino uppercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p><p><span class=\"thick\">Important:</span> If selecting text to wrap in a custom class, first enter the class (or classes) in the text box (that defaults to the &quot;uppercase&quot; class) then highlight the desired text and click &quot;CSS CLASS&quot;. If you select the desired text first, some browsers may overwrite the selected text.</p><p>Also see: <a href=\"#faq12\" onclick=\"BBCclickloader('faq12','fonthelpstatus')\">Examples of using default classes</a></p>");
$faq[] = array("Examples of using default classes", "<table><tbody><tr><td><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"overline\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"line-through\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"underline\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"small-caps\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"uppercase\"]lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lowercase\"]LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT[/class]<br />[class=\"smaller\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"larger\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"arialblack\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"centurygothic\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"comicsans\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"couriernew\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"georgia\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"impact\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lucidac\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lucidau\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"palatino\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"tahoma\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"trebuchet\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"verdana\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p></td><td><p><span class=\"overline\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"line-through\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"underline\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"small-caps\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"uppercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lowercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"smaller\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"larger\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p><p><span class=\"arialblack\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"centurygothic\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"comicsans\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"couriernew\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"georgia\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"impact\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lucidac\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lucidau\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"palatino\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"tahoma\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"trebuchet\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"verdana\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>");
$faq[] = array("YouTube Embeds", "<p>Most importantly, <span class=\"thick\">DO NOT</span> use the embed code provided by <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.youtube.com\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube</a>. All that is required is the URL to the video, and both the standard and shorturl versions are supported</p><p class=\"thick\">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8<br />http://youtu.be/brfDU6HyWs8</p><p class=\"thick\">Note that the YouTube video ID is always 11 characters, and make sure to exclude any additional info that appears in the URL after that (such as &amp;related= etc).</p><p>To embed a video with default options, simply wrap the YouTube URL in [youtube][/youtube]</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]</span></p><p>Use the simple wizard to select from other size and positioning options, for example:</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]</span></p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube=\"video\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-small\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDxyJGMJ_P8[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-medium\"]http://youtu.be/LrJrTp8akOg[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-large\"]http://youtu.be/zY3vyTXAwg8[/youtube]</span></p><p class=\"thick\">Multiple options not supported. Valid options are one of the following: video, video-small, video-medium, video-large, video-left, video-right, video-center, video-small-left, video-small-right, video-small-center, video-medium-left, video-medium-right, video-medium-center, video-large-left, video-large-right, video-large-center</p>");
$faq[] = array("Internet Archive", "<p>Most importantly, <span class=\"thick\">DO NOT</span> use the embed code provided by the <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://archive.org\" target=\"_blank\">Internet Archive</a>. All that is required is the URL to the audio or video, and both the detail and/or embed URL's are supported</p><p class=\"thick\">http://archive.org/details/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik<br />http://archive.org/embed/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik</p><p class=\"thick\">Make sure to exclude any additional info that appears in the URL (such as &amp;autoplay= etc).</p><p>Use the simple wizard to select the type of embed (audio or video) as well as size and positioning options, for example:</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[archive=\"audio\"]http://archive.org/details/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik[/archive]</span></p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[archive=\"video\"]http://archive.org/details/night_of_the_living_dead[/archive]<br />[archive=\"video-large\"]http://archive.org/details/the-last-man-on-earth[/archive]<br /></span></p><p>Note that you must pass one of the valid options with the archive tag. The simple mode is not supported:</p><p><span class=\"line-through lucidau\">[archive]http://archive.org/details/yourvideo[/archive]</span></p><p class=\"thick\">Multiple options not supported. Valid options are one of the following: video, audio, video-small, video-medium, video-large, video-left, video-right, video-center, audio-left, audio-right, audio-center, video-small-left, video-small-right, video-small-center, video-medium-left, video-medium-right, video-medium-center, video-large-left, video-large-right, video-large-center</p>");
$faq[] = array("Color Selection", "<p>Use the color swatch buttons to wrap highlighted text, or to toggle between open/closed color tags if no text is selected. To use custom colors, either choose a hex color code or use the javascript color picker</p><div class=\"text-center centered\"><img src=\"mods/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-colorsample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><table><tbody><tr><td><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"color1\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color2\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color3\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color4\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color5\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color6\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color7\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color8\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color9\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color10\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color11\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color12\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color13\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color14\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p></td><td><p><span class=\"color1\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color2\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color3\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color4\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color5\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color6\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color7\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color8\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color9\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color10\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color11\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color12\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color13\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color14\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>");
$faq[] = array("Inserting Code and Language Specific Snippets", "<div class=\"float-right\" style=\"padding:0 0 10px 10px\"><img src=\"mods/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-codesample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><p>Use the simple wizard within the ABBC editor to help choose which type of code tags to deploy. After you have selected your options, hit the code button, which will either wrap highlighted text, or toggle between open/closed code (or pre) tags if no text is selected.</p> <span class=\"thick\">Inserting Generic Code</span> <p>Generic code snippets can be inserted in the same method that has been used for years, by simply wrapping your code in [code] tags</p> <p class=\"lucidau\">[code]your generic code here[/code]</p> <span class=\"thick\">Language Specific Snippets</span> <p>Language specific snippets can be inserted via the [pre=language] tags</p> <p class=\"lucidau\">[pre=php]your php code here[/pre]<br />[pre=css]your css code here[/pre]<br />[pre=html]your html code here[/pre]</p> <p>16 languages are supported by default, although over 40 languages can be used if required by an individual site. Please refer to the drop-down menu on the posting page to determine which languages are actually supported. The basic 16 valid classes are: <span class=\"thick\">apache, bash, cpp, cs, css, diff, html, ini, java, javascript, perl, php, python, ruby, sql, xml</span></p> <p>Declaring a language with code tags is <span class=\"thick\">NOT</span> supported, and the opposite is true of pre tags as a language <span class=\"thick\">MUST</span> be declared. Also, do <span class=\"thick\">NOT</span> wrap the language in quotes.</p> <p class=\"lucidau\"><span class=\"line-through\">[code=php][/code]</span><br /> <span class=\"line-through\">[pre][/pre]</span><br /> <span class=\"line-through\">[pre=\"php\"][/pre]</span></p>");
//-MOD: Advanced BBCode Box MOD vRN2.5.2

Should be

//+MOD: Start Advanced BBCode Box MOD vRN2.5.2

$faq[] = array("--", "Advanced BBCode Features");
$faq[] = array("Font Types and Custom CSS Classes", "<p>Use the font type buttons to wrap highlighted text, or to toggle between open/closed tags if no text is selected. Any previously declared CSS class that is valid for inline elements can be used. As a general rule anything to do with positioning or padding/margin (on the top/bottom) will not apply. Also note that the display and visibilty properties have been overidden and are not allowed. Multiple classes can be applied at one time, seperating with a space in the same syntax as used in html</p><div class=\"float-right\" style=\"padding:0 0 10px 10px\"><img src=\"includes/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-classsample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><p><span class=\"couriernew\">[class=&quot;palatino uppercase&quot;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</span></p><p><span class=\"palatino uppercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p><p><span class=\"thick\">Important:</span> If selecting text to wrap in a custom class, first enter the class (or classes) in the text box (that defaults to the &quot;uppercase&quot; class) then highlight the desired text and click &quot;CSS CLASS&quot;. If you select the desired text first, some browsers may overwrite the selected text.</p><p>Also see: <a href=\"#faq12\" onclick=\"BBCclickloader('faq12','fonthelpstatus')\">Examples of using default classes</a></p>");
$faq[] = array("Examples of using default classes", "<table><tbody><tr><td><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"overline\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"line-through\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"underline\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"small-caps\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"uppercase\"]lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lowercase\"]LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT[/class]<br />[class=\"smaller\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"larger\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"arialblack\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"centurygothic\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"comicsans\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"couriernew\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"georgia\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"impact\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lucidac\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"lucidau\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"palatino\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"tahoma\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"trebuchet\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"verdana\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p></td><td><p><span class=\"overline\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"line-through\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"underline\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"small-caps\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"uppercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lowercase\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"smaller\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"larger\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p><p><span class=\"arialblack\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"centurygothic\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"comicsans\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"couriernew\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"georgia\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"impact\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lucidac\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"lucidau\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"palatino\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"tahoma\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"trebuchet\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"verdana\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>");
$faq[] = array("YouTube Embeds", "<p>Most importantly, <span class=\"thick\">DO NOT</span> use the embed code provided by <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.youtube.com\" target=\"_blank\">YouTube</a>. All that is required is the URL to the video, and both the standard and shorturl versions are supported</p><p class=\"thick\">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8<br />http://youtu.be/brfDU6HyWs8</p><p class=\"thick\">Note that the YouTube video ID is always 11 characters, and make sure to exclude any additional info that appears in the URL after that (such as &amp;related= etc).</p><p>To embed a video with default options, simply wrap the YouTube URL in [youtube][/youtube]</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]</span></p><p>Use the simple wizard to select from other size and positioning options, for example:</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]</span></p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[youtube=\"video\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brfDU6HyWs8[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-small\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDxyJGMJ_P8[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-medium\"]http://youtu.be/LrJrTp8akOg[/youtube]<br />[youtube=\"video-large\"]http://youtu.be/zY3vyTXAwg8[/youtube]</span></p><p class=\"thick\">Multiple options not supported. Valid options are one of the following: video, video-small, video-medium, video-large, video-left, video-right, video-center, video-small-left, video-small-right, video-small-center, video-medium-left, video-medium-right, video-medium-center, video-large-left, video-large-right, video-large-center</p>");
$faq[] = array("Internet Archive", "<p>Most importantly, <span class=\"thick\">DO NOT</span> use the embed code provided by the <a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://archive.org\" target=\"_blank\">Internet Archive</a>. All that is required is the URL to the audio or video, and both the detail and/or embed URL's are supported</p><p class=\"thick\">http://archive.org/details/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik<br />http://archive.org/embed/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik</p><p class=\"thick\">Make sure to exclude any additional info that appears in the URL (such as &amp;autoplay= etc).</p><p>Use the simple wizard to select the type of embed (audio or video) as well as size and positioning options, for example:</p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[archive=\"audio\"]http://archive.org/details/MozartEineKleineNachtmusik[/archive]</span></p><p><span class=\"lucidau\">[archive=\"video\"]http://archive.org/details/night_of_the_living_dead[/archive]<br />[archive=\"video-large\"]http://archive.org/details/the-last-man-on-earth[/archive]<br /></span></p><p>Note that you must pass one of the valid options with the archive tag. The simple mode is not supported:</p><p><span class=\"line-through lucidau\">[archive]http://archive.org/details/yourvideo[/archive]</span></p><p class=\"thick\">Multiple options not supported. Valid options are one of the following: video, audio, video-small, video-medium, video-large, video-left, video-right, video-center, audio-left, audio-right, audio-center, video-small-left, video-small-right, video-small-center, video-medium-left, video-medium-right, video-medium-center, video-large-left, video-large-right, video-large-center</p>");
$faq[] = array("Color Selection", "<p>Use the color swatch buttons to wrap highlighted text, or to toggle between open/closed color tags if no text is selected. To use custom colors, either choose a hex color code or use the javascript color picker</p><div class=\"text-center centered\"><img src=\"includes/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-colorsample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><table><tbody><tr><td><p class=\"lucidau\">[class=\"color1\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color2\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color3\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color4\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color5\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color6\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color7\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color8\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color9\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color10\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color11\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color12\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color13\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]<br />[class=\"color14\"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit[/class]</p></td><td><p><span class=\"color1\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color2\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color3\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color4\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color5\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color6\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color7\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color8\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color9\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color10\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color11\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color12\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color13\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span><br /><span class=\"color14\">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>");
$faq[] = array("Inserting Code and Language Specific Snippets", "<div class=\"float-right\" style=\"padding:0 0 10px 10px\"><img src=\"includes/bbcode_box/images/bbcodebox1-codesample.png\" alt=\"\"/></div><p>Use the simple wizard within the ABBC editor to help choose which type of code tags to deploy. After you have selected your options, hit the code button, which will either wrap highlighted text, or toggle between open/closed code (or pre) tags if no text is selected.</p> <span class=\"thick\">Inserting Generic Code</span> <p>Generic code snippets can be inserted in the same method that has been used for years, by simply wrapping your code in [code] tags</p> <p class=\"lucidau\">[code]your generic code here[/code]</p> <span class=\"thick\">Language Specific Snippets</span> <p>Language specific snippets can be inserted via the [pre=language] tags</p> <p class=\"lucidau\">[pre=php]your php code here[/pre]<br />[pre=css]your css code here[/pre]<br />[pre=html]your html code here[/pre]</p> <p>16 languages are supported by default, although over 40 languages can be used if required by an individual site. Please refer to the drop-down menu on the posting page to determine which languages are actually supported. The basic 16 valid classes are: <span class=\"thick\">apache, bash, cpp, cs, css, diff, html, ini, java, javascript, perl, php, python, ruby, sql, xml</span></p> <p>Declaring a language with code tags is <span class=\"thick\">NOT</span> supported, and the opposite is true of pre tags as a language <span class=\"thick\">MUST</span> be declared. Also, do <span class=\"thick\">NOT</span> wrap the language in quotes.</p> <p class=\"lucidau\"><span class=\"line-through\">[code=php][/code]</span><br /> <span class=\"line-through\">[pre][/pre]</span><br /> <span class=\"line-through\">[pre=\"php\"][/pre]</span></p>");
//-MOD: Advanced BBCode Box MOD vRN2.5.2

but this is not solving the problem. I am so frustrated. Grrr

Thank you! Its fixed and pushed to the repo: https://github.com/neralex/RavenNuke/commit/ac119dc98d954569df1eb33cf17bba30b366f125

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:53 pm Reply with quote

neralex: take a look at posting_body.tpl

First issue I found.

<script src="{L_ABBC_JS}"></script>

<script src="mods/bbcode_box/js/jscolor.js"></script>
<script src="mods/bbcode_box/js/jquery.autogrowtextarea.js"></script>
<script src="mods/bbcode_box/js/textarea-settings.js"></script>

<div class="postimage bbc-inactive" id="abbcsmiles" onclick="BBCemostatus()" onmouseover="helpline('abbcsmiles')"><img class="abbcshim" src="mods/bbcode_box/images/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt="" /></div>

<div class="posthelps bbc-inactive" onclick="BBCvidhelpstatus()" onmouseover="helpline('abbchelparchive')"><div class="posthelps bbc-inactive" id="helpvidclass"></div><div class="posthelps2" id="helpvidload"><img src="mods/bbcode_box/images/helpload.gif" alt="" /></div></div>

Those lines should be

<script src="{L_ABBC_JS}"></script>

<script src="includes/bbcode_box/js/jscolor.js"></script>
<script src="includes/bbcode_box/js/jquery.autogrowtextarea.js"></script>
<script src="includes/bbcode_box/js/textarea-settings.js"></script>


<div class="posthelps bbc-inactive" onclick="BBCvidhelpstatus()" onmouseover="helpline('abbchelparchive')"><div class="posthelps bbc-inactive" id="helpvidclass"></div><div class="posthelps2" id="helpvidload"><img src="includes/bbcode_box/images/helpload.gif" alt="" /></div></div>

<div class="postimage bbc-inactive" id="abbcsmiles" onclick="BBCemostatus()" onmouseover="helpline('abbcsmiles')"><img class="abbcshim" src="includes/bbcode_box/images/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt="" /></div>

Im gonna search for more wrong old path. Remember u moved the mods folder to includes folder.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:11 pm Reply with quote

Yes you are right, thanks. I missed this part but the theme-tpls are fine. The scripts-tags should be removed, because its loaded in the addon-file and the wrong image-paths I fixed too.


commit: https://github.com/neralex/RavenNuke/commit/9b8862c6888a1fe0873aa335e1f53a01cab41dbf

Edit: theme-tpls files were also affected - fixed:


PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:47 pm Reply with quote

I made the changes but the panel control in the forum is not working yet. I can not find the problem. I need to play chess now otherwise I got crazy. I will install new fresh ravennuke on local to check why it is not working. Anyway, thanks for the fix. See ya around.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:11 pm Reply with quote

I prefer WAMP on windows, because its very easy to add new versions of the included components like PHP etc.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:20 pm Reply with quote

Here you can see the current result on my local installation, which I'm using for the repo on github.

editor view 2
 Filesize:  110.72 KB
 Viewed:  40338 Time(s)


editor view
 Filesize:  62.89 KB
 Viewed:  40338 Time(s)


thread view
 Filesize:  244.29 KB
 Viewed:  40338 Time(s)



PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:28 pm Reply with quote

Ok I found an issue.

rename the file:




PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:46 pm Reply with quote

Wave ROTFL boxing boxingself killing me Bang Head

Now it is working. How stupid I am I couldn't see this small mistake. Grrr. Thanks!!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:53 pm Reply with quote

Hahaha same here... Many thanks for reporting issues!!

Repo is fixed: https://github.com/neralex/RavenNuke/commit/c477b174727875dd397abfee49840273538c895b
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