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New Member

Joined: Jul 06, 2005
Posts: 12
Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:25 am |
when i add the line into an .htaccess-file and load it up into the folder, where the mainfile.php is located i get the following error, when i want to view my page ( in the browser:
Quote: |
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Apache/2.0.49 (Fedora) Server at Port 80
GZIP is turned off. |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:31 am |
Contact your host and ask him why you can't use that directive in .htaccess.
Apache/2.0.49 - Apache2 is not ready for prime time yet. Downgrade if you possibly can. It does not play well with PHP at all. There may be a fix for your problem but I don't know it right off hand. The .htaccess modification will fix it if you can get you host to chill  |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Mar 06, 2004
Posts: 1164
Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:09 am |
aphexz wrote: | Hi,
i´ve read this thread completely and it helped me in some cases, but there are still some big problems after my phpbb-into-phpnuke(platinum7.6DE2).
I hope some guys here can help me.
First Problem (biggest Problem):
When i want to reply to an posted thread and i press the reply-button, the following error shows: "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: word_wrap_pass() in /var/www/html/web137/html/ulcms/includes/topic_review.php on line 218"
- users can't post replies, but they can start new topics without problems.
mfg Christian |
Have you ever attempted to update your forums by running any regular BBtoNuke update(s)? What version are your forums at now? The only thing I can think of is that your forum files have changed. Remember that Platinum has a ton of mods, and thus, you can't use Chatserv's BBtoNuke Updates. (From I'm told there is an update "Pack" at, but it has no documentation or detailed information about file changes and I've been told is even missing some updates, but if you did run a regular bbtonuke update, you should probably start there. |
_________________ Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. |

Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:16 am |
i updated from the in the installation integrated phpbb 2.0.12. to phpbb 2.0.14. manually, then i tried to update 2.0.14 to 2.0.15 a few times manually and evertime the same --> the form crashed totally down. After a few trys i've undone 14to15 by uploadiung my backed-up-files, so i had 2.0.14. again and then i tried bbtonuke 14to15 and it worked without destroying the forum, but at this time i had pnukeplat. on my localhost-testserver without any uder-forums running, so there where no problems visible for me and i manually made the sec.fix to 2.0.16 from and it the forums was accessable again. so i thought, all is working and i uploaded the site on my webspace, configuered it and made the steps to import my existing (extern) phpbb into nukebb.
Can i use this updatepack from without any problems on my german version? Where can i find it? i'm searching the site at the moment but find nothing usefull. |

Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:21 am |
The short answer is that I simply don't know.
You should probably post a message over a Platunimmods and see what you get for an answer.
I wish I could be more help, but unfotunately, for all intensive purposes Nuke Platinum is a dead project and is no longer actively supported.
Yes, there are a few side things going on by a few individuals, but as someone running Platinum myself, I can only tell you that everyone using Platinum was left out in the cold. There hasn't been any official update to Platinum since February, so that pretty much should say it all.
All of the updates on my site have been done manually, one at a time (in addition to the other 10,000+ fixes that I have made to my domain). I wish I could say that Nuke Platinum wasn't dead, but it seems that the many compounded problems at that were not fixed for many months, coupled with TechGFX's (the user) inability or unwillingness to hand-off any responsibilities to anyone else, forced everyone involved with Platinum development and evolution to simply give up on it. As a major contributing developer heavily involved in evolving Platinum, I'm one of those people that simply gave up because of the many problems with the domain, as well as oversight and management of the project.
Sorry.... |

Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:32 pm |
mh, that's bad.
i`ve tried the updates from, but now my site is down, because these updates seem to be only compatible to the englisch pnp76.
Now i have to load the backup.
Then i´ll manually downgrade to phpbb 2.0.14. und i´ll see if the changes were successful.
Have you done the updates to 2.0.15 or 16? Can you send me you forum files?
mfg Christian |
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Joined: May 02, 2003
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Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:49 pm |
I know Techgfx and have talked briefly about NP's status, it seems internal problems have made him lose interest but last time we talked he did have plans to restructure his team so that he can resume work on NP, i'll try to contact him. |

Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:00 am |
Thank you, very good support here, when i ask this questions in german boards i'm flamed or get no answers.
For Problem #1:
Now I tried to comment out the line 218 in the topic_review.php and i can answer on questins, but when words are too long there won't be done a word_wrap, because the use of this function is declared in line 218. i've searched for the function in all documents in the nuke directory, but the function itself is nowhere declared, it is only started in 2 files, on the one hand the "topic_review.php" and on the other hand in a language file, strange.
Can i manually make a word_wrap_function? i`ll try next. i'll tell you if it works.
For Problem #3:
You said there is a fix described in the faq, can you please post a link to it? i didn't find it.
mfg Christian |

Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:04 am |

Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:35 am |
Prob #1 i solved with including this Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. it woks fine now.
Can i solve Prob #2 and #3 without changing the Apache-Version on the server?
Now i have a new Problem. After submitting a post an before showing then the whole topic with all threads, there's the following errors: "Warning: Missing argument 8 for user_notification() in ..../includes/functions_post.php on line 614
Missing argument 9 for user_notification() in ..../includes/functions_post.php on line 614"
Any ideas?
mfg Christian |

Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:07 am |

Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:14 am |
@64bitguy: I read the article ( on your site, about phpnuke7.7 and 7.8. My problem now is? Should i use no wysiwyg-editor on my nuke? There is said "they all are not w3c conform". I have included the tinymce-editor from phpnuke 7.7 into my phpplatinum7.6. Are there big security-issues with it? it´s function is only included in the javascript.php , all other files are like standart in pnp76 and only admins can post news and articles, downloads, etc. on my page.
I'm not sure if i should delete the tinymce, because its function is nice. Can you help me? |

Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:05 am |
Hi aphexz
I think you what you meant was my statement that data submitted via the TinyMCE editor is not Compliant to W3C HTML Presentation Standards. This would remain to be the case with even when installed with Platinum due to the features and formatting strategies of the editor.
While I have not tested using TinyMCE with PHP-Nuke Platinum (PNP), PNP does at least have the security validation functions ( that are stripped out of PHP-Nuke 7.7 and PHP-Nuke 7.8 ) which is a much better scenario to start from.
I know the TinyMCE editor does has various issues and I would assume those issues would still exist even in PNP; however, those may be overcome by using a more powerful editor with optional security, filtering and formatting controls/add-ons (like fckeditor or another much more advanced WYSIWYG editor).
I understand that many people have added the WYSIWYG editor features to things like forums; however, I have chosen not to go that route to maintain a predictable and controllable security model while at the same time ensuring 100% W3C Compliance (as you would have undoubtedly noticed at my domain).
I realize this isn't much help, but I've tried to answer your questions as best I can without committing myself to getting re-involved in a project that is dead (PNP).
Now while off-topic
I sincerely hope to work (at some point) with people like Raven, Chatserv, MrFluffy, Bob Marion, and others on a release where true compliance and real (not patched, but default) security could be achieved and distributed to the masses, where a real compliant and secure WYSIWYG editor could be employed, but I refuse to dedicate myself to this kind of project again without being involved with competent, dedicated people such as those mentioned above.
I've already done this work for others including dedicating over 200 hours to recoding the new CNB_Your Account 5.0.0 (again, unreleased and I've heard absolutely nothing since sending the completely recoded module back to the developers over a month ago).
If the new Version of Platinum had been released, you would have seen 100% Compliant code there as well (as I spent several hundred hours completely recoding two new (again, never publicly released) Nuke Platinum BETA versions to achieve that end).
Rumor now has it that my work in that regard will be seen soon in another version of a Nuke fork similar to Platinum, but I doubt we will see my name in the credits there either which I guess I should be used to by now. Hence why I am really set in the concept that I will only be involved with people that I know and trust, and that list is a pretty short one.
Steph |

Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:15 am |
@raven: thx, but it doesn't help :-/
My code looks like this:
Quote: |
$phpver = phpversion();
if ($phpver < '4.1.0') {
if ($phpver >= '4.0.4pl1' && strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],'compatible')) {
if (extension_loaded('zlib')) {
} else if ($phpver > '4.0') {
if (strstr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip')) {
if (extension_loaded('zlib')) {
$do_gzip_compress = TRUE;
//header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
Any idea for my problem #4?
(in the "who is online" statusbar on the bottom of the forums, every user, that was registered in the old forums (phpbb) is now in the color of Administrator", users of the nukesystem are showen correctly.)
@64bit: thanks. it`s very sad that pnp seems to end so and that your work was nearly for nothing. |

Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:43 am |
It sounds like you have various problems and I don't know how much of this is related to how you've patched/modded Platinum and how much is a server issue.
Anyway, in reference to issue 4 check this:
Open includes/page_header.php
If you find:
Code:define('COLORS', $table_prefix .'advanced_username_color');
Replace that with:
Code:define('COLORS', $prefix .'_bbadvanced_username_color');
Next, If you find:
Code:"GROUPS" => " [ <a href='auc_listing.". $phpEx ."?id=". $row['group_id'] ."&sid='". $userdata['session_id'] ."'' class='mainmenu'><font color='". $row['group_color'] ."'>". $row['group_name'] ."</font></a> ] ")
Replace that with:
Code:"GROUPS" => " [<a href= ".$nukeurl."/modules.php?name=Forums&file=auc_listing&id=". $row['group_id'] ."&sid='". $userdata['session_id'] ."''><font class='copyright'><font color='". $row['group_color'] ."'>". $row['group_name'] ."</font></font></a>] ")

Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:04 am |
My page_header.php looks like your replacements, right beside it is written "// Fix 761", it seems to be fixed in my version. |

Sun Jul 10, 2005 5:36 am |
I have detected a new problem.Topics are showen wrong as read or new.
When i've read a thread it is showen as new, and after a few minutes is set to the read status.
You can look at my site
@64bitguy: Do you have icq? If yes can you give me your number? Would be nice.
mfg Christian |

Joined: Oct 07, 2003
Posts: 735
Location: Ohio
Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:15 pm |
I am getting this when I run the import.php
Quote: | Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. |
I had done this once before and got it working on another site. |

Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:55 am |
nearly all my problems are solved with a change of my hoster. i´m now at There´s safe_mode=off setted in the php.ini, can this cause any problems with hackers, etc.?
But i have one new big problem, i can't log out with the logout-button in the forums, any ideas?
greetings Christian |
New Member

Joined: Sep 19, 2005
Posts: 1
Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:45 am |
OK, I probably shouldn't have attempted this since I'm so inexperienced with this stuff, but I gave the script and instructions from Gammo's post of 2-17-05 a try.
I had a PhPBB message board being linked to from a html site for a online gaming team. I wanted to get away from the HTML site and move to Nuke. I made a nuke site in a subdiretory on my hosting site and redirected the domain to the new diretory. Not sure if that matters or not.
I set both sites to subsilver and did a backup. I had a friend step me through the process of getting the old db exported and converted into the nuke subdirectory so I could run the above script. I ran the script and it seemed to have worked. I had a blank screen with done at the bottom. Although it only took a second or two to run.
I went into the nuke site as admin, but only found my public forums. I then went into the permissions and made sure the admin user name was set to admin. It wasn't. As sooon as I did that, they all popped up. I thought everything was all set. I had one of the users sign into the site and they got a message saying the module was not active.
I've resynced all the forums, checked the permissisons and user groups and everythinglooks ok to me. I didn't see any other posts in here with this problem so its probably something stupid, but I could sure use some help here. I'd appreciate any advice you can offer. Please remember, I'm way over my head so any explanations need to be pretty detailed for me to follow it. Thanks again. is the site. |

Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:34 am |
I assume you activated the forums? Have the user delete his cookies and refresh his cache. I just signed on as a new user and I can get right in. |
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Joined: Oct 12, 2005
Posts: 4
Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:48 pm |
Just when you though this thread was finally getting quiet...
This is my first post so, greetings, I'm Spin. *waves* I've been scouring this thread for solutions to my problems, but in doing so - as well as checking the FAQs and doing searches - it sounds like I'm about the only one who's having my problems. After reading through, I see that both Raven and chatserv are most helpful. So here's the...
I run a website for a university gaming organization. I am currently using two main pieces of software: phpBB2 version 2.0.17 and Wordpress version 1.5. Although it may be possible, I have never attempted to combine the two - I link one from the other and that's it. Database data for both systems use one database, called oic. I recently decided, after playing with Nuke 7.8 that I might be a lot happier with the results of Nuke; Wordpress is just getting increasingly flakier for my needs and expanding member base. So, I went to work.
What I've Done
First, like a good little techie should, I backed up my database. I set my phpBB theme back to subSilver, made sure the forums weren't still deactivated, and then I dumped my entire oic database to a file, backup.sql. Then I made a secondary copy of that.
Then I installed nuke. I set up its config.php file, using the same oic database. So at this point (excluding the Wordpress that we don't care about at this point) the two important pieces of software using the same oic database are phpBB and Nuke, using the prefixes phpbb1012_ and nuke_ respectively.
So after setting up Nuke's config.php file, I SSH'd into the server and applied the nuke.sql file to my oic database. Then I went to my admin.php and setup my superuser account (making sure to uncheck the option to make a duplicate normal user). So now I have a standalone phpBB that's well used and established, and a fresh working Nuke. Time to integrate.
So I grabbed the script that Raven was so gracious to provide, after trying others that just didn't work, and I paste it into a file I named transfer.php. I of course provide the information for configuration inside the file. I double checked the information and set to work.
When I run the script it does exactly what it should: it runs its merge process in the background. When it's done, I can see that the page is finished loading by way of the status bar and I have a blank page. Loading Nuke's index.php shows me that all of my users from the standalone forum are now present. In fact I can even log into the forums - everything seems to have integrated is just shiny! So far so good. So here's where the problem comes...
The Problem
When I access the forum, which appears to have everything ported over that it should, I can not post any new messages. When I go to reply or create a new topic, I can enter in all the information for the post, even preview, but when I hit that submit button... The pane of the page that the forum runs inside of generates a blank page with the background color. That's it, nothing. When I click the forum link on the menu again, I see the forum just like before. But there's no new post/reply.
So to get my forum back up for my users I dumped all the tables and restored the database from my backup.sql file until I can get this figured out.
But I can't find any posts mentioning a similar problem. So while it might be a hopeless cause, I'll ask here in desperation anyways.
Any ideas? Suggestions? Let me know if I can provide any other information. I'd provide a site URL to demonstrate, but as I said, I restored back to my previous config in order to keep my site up in the mean time. |

Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:22 pm |
Now that is a first, a few things to check are the cookie setting for the forum and making sure gzip_compress is off, if you still have the converted forums on the nuke site pm me a url and i'll take a look, if possible create a temp superuser or admin with access to the forums. |

Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:41 pm |
spinfist, Welcome to the site and forums! Since you're in the best hands next to mine I'll let Chat continue to help you. |

Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:13 am |
Raven wrote: | spinfist, Welcome to the site and forums! Since you're in the best hands next to mine I'll let Chat continue to help you. |
Those are fighting words, put em up  |