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Joined: Oct 07, 2003
Posts: 302
Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:37 am |
Dear Raven, I think my avatar problem is fixed now. As I said, I created a new folder called public in the main one ( After having modified the path in the forum configuration panel, I've found that in this folder i can upload and substitute avatars.
The only thing I cannot fix is the red cross when I delete (without substituting) the avatar. Can u u guess why?
There's another problem I've been trying to solve. After updating the profile you may read the following ...:
Your profile has been updated
Click Here to return to the Index
Now, that "here" does not link to the forum index page, but to the nuke index. What file shall I modify and how in order to fix this error?
I take the occasion in thanking you so much for ur kind help. Your site is very useful and I told many friends to come and visit you.  |
Site Admin/Owner

Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Thu Oct 16, 2003 10:56 am |
I believe that the 'Click Here' uses your DomainName setting in your Forums Configuration. Make sure that Domain Name is the url that points to your nuke config.php file (w/o the http://) and that Script Path is modules/Forums . If that's what you have and still have a problem, then we will have to look further.
As to the red x, well, that's what started that other thread in the first place, I suppose! To know if your Public folder fix is really working, check the avatar display in Your Account and Your Info. Then, make a change in Your Info and save it. Are the avatars still appearing in all3 areas? |

Thu Oct 16, 2003 5:44 pm |
Raven wrote: | I believe that the 'Click Here' uses your DomainName setting in your Forums Configuration. Make sure that Domain Name is the url that points to your nuke config.php file (w/o the http://) and that Script Path is modules/Forums . If that's what you have and still have a problem, then we will have to look further. |
I put as my domain name
Script Path is modules/Forums
But the "click here" points to, that is to say the nuke index link....
Raven wrote: | As to the red x, well, that's what started that other thread in the first place, I suppose! To know if your Public folder fix is really working, check the avatar display in Your Account and Your Info. Then, make a change in Your Info and save it. Are the avatars still appearing in all3 areas? |
The avatar display in "Your Account" works. Obviously I had to modify the path (public/avatars) in index.php in Your_Account folder.
Mmmm is not Your Account the same as Your Info? I think I don't undestand what u mean, Rav...
OFF TOPIC: my Who's online block only displays how many users there are in the site... is it possible to display their names too? How? TNX! |

Thu Oct 16, 2003 6:18 pm |
morpheus_75 wrote: | Mmmm is not Your Account the same as Your Info? I think I don't undestand what u mean, Rav... |
I furtherly modified "Your_Account/index.php" and now my avatar can be seen in "Your Info" too. Every single path "modules/forums/images/avatars" has been modified into "public/avatars".
I deleted the "gallery" folder and put the list of images of the gallery in the "avatars" folder.
I checked "Your_Account/index.php" to see if there were any "gallery" references to eliminate. I found one. I substituted it with "avatars".
That's it. It works  |

Mon Oct 20, 2003 6:27 am |
Hey, Rav, still have this problem.
Raven wrote: | I believe that the 'Click Here' uses your DomainName setting in your Forums Configuration. Make sure that Domain Name is the url that points to your nuke config.php file (w/o the http://) and that Script Path is modules/Forums . If that's what you have and still have a problem, then we will have to look further. |
And there's another bug. If I click the Forum Index link and the Preview Forum link under the phpbb logo in the Administration, it ends in a broken link. In fact, the path includes wrongly the folder "admin" instead of going directly to "modules/Forums".
Would u mind telling me what file shall I modify? |

Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:36 am |
Any suggestions?!?  |

Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:15 am |
Try another theme, like DeepBlue, to see if it's a theme issue. |

Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:34 am |
Raven wrote: | Try another theme, like DeepBlue, to see if it's a theme issue. |
Other themes are not installed anymore! No choices for my users ehehehe
The point is that i don't want to change the theme even if it were a theme issue. There's no wat to correct this bug? maybe modifying some file? |

Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:45 am |
The real point is you need to determine if it's a theme issue or a site configuration issue. Try temporarily uploading DeepBlue to see if it works correctly. If not, then it's nuke related, probably. Otherwise it's a theme issue and the author needs to fix it. We don't have access to the theme code and it obviously is not written to nuke standards, weak as they are. If someone else here has a copy of your theme then maybe they can help you. |

Wed Oct 22, 2003 3:33 pm |
As I have pointed out in my last PM, unfortunately changing the theme does not serve to fix the bug. The link still points to the nuke home page, instead of the forum index page. The strange thing is that when u post, u don't get the same error...
Can u guess which file I have to modify in order to solve tis problem?
TNX Rav!
P.S.: pls remember to answer the question I asked you in my last e-mail!  |

Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:01 pm |
I need you to PM me your admin id and password so I can look at some things. Also, please upload the DeepBlue folder to your themes folder. |

Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:16 am |
Do u need the God Admin or a superuser will do as well?  |

Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:33 am |
Superuser is fine (they're really the same anyway) |

Thu Oct 23, 2003 3:47 pm |
Ehi Raven have u got any news about ur check-up? Did u read my last PM?  |

Thu Oct 23, 2003 3:49 pm |
As I said about the other, I was at work and wouldn't be addressing stuff until I got home. I am just now looking over the tons of emails and PM's and will be working on things a little later tonight. Thanks! |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:09 am |
You have removed the subsilver theme from the forum styles so I still can't test it to see if it's a FORUM theme issue, which I believe it is. It's the forum theme (default style - digital dimentia) that is in error, not the site theme.
On the Forum Index Link and the Preview Forum link issue, I don't get a broken link. The Preview Forums works perfectly as far as I can tell. The Forum Index Link works but the left blocks are not shown.
Bottom line, in my opinion, the forum theme (style) that you are using is faulty, not nuke. You need to contact the author of the theme as he may alrready have fixed these problems. If not, he needs to. |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:29 am |
Raven wrote: | You have removed the subsilver theme from the forum styles so I still can't test it to see if it's a FORUM theme issue, which I believe it is. It's the forum theme (default style - digital dimentia) that is in error, not the site theme. |
There u have always had it. U are a superuser, so u can go to the forum admin and Add subsilver in the stules admin. But I'd still bet it does not depend on the theme...
Raven wrote: | On the Forum Index Link and the Preview Forum link issue, I don't get a broken link. The Preview Forums works perfectly as far as I can tell. The Forum Index Link works but the left blocks are not shown. |
Everything works now because, as I told u in the other topic, I modified a couple of files. I found the fix on nukecops. The left blocks are not shown because i don't want them to be seen... And I found a code to substitute the old one in order to hide the left blocks.
Raven wrote: | Bottom line, in my opinion, the forum theme (style) that you are using is faulty, not nuke. You need to contact the author of the theme as he may alrready have fixed these problems. If not, he needs to. |
It may be or perhaps it is my fault. Maybe i modified a file which then generated the issue we're talking about...  |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:59 am |
Have you altered either of these files modules/Forums
You have altered, somehow, something in the base phpbb files that affects all forum themes/styles. It is really hard to say what file to change as the phpbb file/include structure is quite complex. I would be inclined to tell you to restore the default Forums folder and then start over at that point. |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:08 am |
Mmmm so u're telling me to delete the forums folder, then take the original nuke html folder and copy the whole original forums module at its place...
I also have to fix again the several bugs that phpbb-nuke has by default (i.e. u cannot add a style, the phpbb logo points to a broken linl, etc.).
Do u think I could solve my problem? Have u got any idea of a Matrix Style phpbb theme (nuke compatble)? |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:14 am |
Just rename it. Then replace it with the original to see if the problem persists. The first step in debugging is to isolate where the error is occuring. |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:38 am |
Raven wrote: | Just rename it. Then replace it with the original to see if the problem persists. The first step in debugging is to isolate where the error is occuring. |
Ok, i'll try... but I have to find the fix for all the bugs corrected on the way...  |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:42 am |
This is just to see IF that's where the problem is. If it's not, then you just restore you other renamed folder. If it is, then just check the files you changed with the originals. |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:01 am |
Uff... lots of rpoblems here! Nuke cannot find my previous theme and the whole thing is getting a bit too difficult for a beginner like me..
Listen, Rav, is it not better that I send u the nukebb.php and profile.php files so that u can check them? Maybe it is only a wrong link or a programming error... |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:05 am |
You will have to set the Forum Configuration style to subsilver. Then set the nuke default theme to DeepBlue and your personal theme to DeepBlue. Then replace the Forum file. |

Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:13 am |
Ok, I'm just doing it. Stay tuned... |