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Joined: Apr 15, 2003
Posts: 466
Location: FL
Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:31 pm |
I added Nuke Treasury to my site.
It seems to work fine other than it will not record a donation. I have driven several people crazy having them test it.
I have been over to the Nuke Treasury pages at Source Forge and done all that I can find recommended. I have made sure that it is connecting properly, I have IPN turned on at Paypal, but records of donations.
Any ideas, suggestions??????? |
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Joined: Jan 02, 2003
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Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:55 pm |
Are they clicking the "Continue" link at the end of the paypal transaction? The one that returns them to your site? |
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Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:03 pm |
I do believe so. I have even manually added a donation, readded values in phpmyadmin---I dunno. I'm ready to just go back to my little link and hounding the fire out of members for donations. I thought sticking a figure in their face would help, but I've spent about 3 days trying to get this to work and haven't gotten anywhere. |

Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:08 pm |
Well dang I don't use it but I know that it seems to work nice here. Did you run through the topic Raven started about it there were a couple bugs that he fixed. I don't think the mods been updated in the mean time so whatever bugs were discussed probably still exist. |

Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:10 pm |
No, I somehow missed that topic, even after a search. Probably because I have been reading this stuff for days now. I'm getting errors now at least, but near as I can tell everything is in place as it should be. Ok, off to look for Raven's fix |

Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:23 pm |
Where the heck is it Raven?????????????????????????? |

Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:43 pm |
I just tried it and it went to your thank you page that is setup with paypal. I don't know if that is the right page? Doesn't the donation module have its own page you need to come back to ? |

Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:57 pm |
Not that I'm aware of. I think I have missed something in the tables that Webby mentioned in her post. I'm just unsure of what to do to them.
I'm getting an error message that it is not using password for database, tho I added that in the config file.
My thoughts on the entire thing are quickly becoming "scrap it", tho I know I'm too stubborn to do that. I sure get tweaked at stuff like this. |

Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:21 pm |
In order for the info to be saved into your database (after the connections working right) most paypal interfaces have a return page where the information is saved when the user returns. The thank you page I was redirected to was outside of the nuke site and thas what I think is the problem with the info not getting recorded. The thank you page url is setup in your paypal account so it would have to changed there.
From the install text:
Find your account "Profile" in PayPal and look for:
"Instant Payment Notification Preferences". In there you should see
2 options: one to enable IPN and the other called:
"Instant Payment Notification (IPN) URL". In this field you'll enter
the complete URL listed in the previous window on the Treasury config
page. it should be something like this: |

Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:35 pm |
This is how it is set, as you have shown above. I'll try moving the thanks page, which is directed from paypal and see what happens. I'm about done with it for awhile if I don't get it working soon. Sometimes if I walk off for a day or two, something snaps and I figure it out.
I'll let ya know what happens after tomorrow. |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:31 am |
Ok, I changed the thank you page to one within the site, that did not work. I haven't had a chance to have anyone test that, but it still will not reconcile a hand entered payment, or other donations made through the button. I am evidently missing something in reading the install text. I have read this thing so many times I can practically quote it word for word.
Is there anyone using this block that can give me "how to for idiots" walk thru? |
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Joined: Nov 20, 2004
Posts: 16
Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:58 am |
hi sorry to drop in like that.
Do you have any other application that requires an ipn script.?
Because if you have IPN turned on in your account and have for example two applications with IPNS they will all go to that ipn script.
Better is to turn it off and make a notify url and pass it in the post form to paypal
//declare ipn url
then in the form where is being posted add the variable
// add to the form
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"notify_url\" value=\"$ipn_url\">\n";
now the notify url overrides the account option in paypal from the ipn ,
so that way you can have various ipn handlers on your site.
Also i had the ipn in several places myself and found that some ipns got delayed or lost as they could not be posted.
the best place will be in the root to place the ipn.
As for the thank you page ,yes also data can be posted through there if passed in the form,but better is to handle it in the ipn.
The thank you page should only be used to show a thank you text etc,
not to update databases or so.
said this above,
do you have your primary email set as paypal email in the config?
good luck! |
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Sat Nov 20, 2004 12:23 pm |
Hi, thanks for the input. I'm afraid it doesn't solve my problem tho.
I only have the one IPN. My primary email for paypal is set in the config files.
I didn't think the thanks page would affect the data being recorded, it seems to me it is kind of an afterthought thing. I've went back to my HTML page outside of Nuke for thanks since it did not seem to make any difference.
Payments come through ok, the IPN test in Treasury configure tests good, but I've yet to get it to record a donation or import a hand entered donation.
I've read everything I can find, tried everything I found, and some things I didn't. I cannot make it work properly. It looks real nice sitting there, but if I can't use it to show monies received, then it's not much use to me.
I guess I will end up going back to nagging members, and just create a page that I hand edit showing donations and what the monies have been used for.
Too bad, I was really looking forward to implementing it on my site. Since I am totally member supported, I thought it would be a super way to show my members what their funding is used for. |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 12:32 pm |
I have never looked at it actually,
So i cant be any more specific.
looks like a bad dbconnection to me ,
did you look before going to the paypal page when making a donation,
in the source code and checked if the form was correctly filled in. |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 12:59 pm |
I have done everything in the install text about 5 times. I have read the multiple post on the Treasury page at SourceForge page. I have tested the IPN through the link to do so in the configure page. This tells me I am connecting properly, tho I can clearly see that it is not.
I have checked, rechecked and went back and checked again what URL is listed in my notification preferences at PayPal.
I'm missing something, but I'll be darned if I can figure out what. For some reason it is not communicating the info.
Go figure.... |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:20 pm |
You could try in the config changing
$ipnppd = mysql_pconnect($hostname_ipnppd, $username_ipnppd, $password_ipnppd);
$ipnppd = mysql_pconnect($hostname_ipnppd, $username_ipnppd, $password_ipnppd) or die( mysql_error() );
Just to verify if the connections being made or not. |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:24 pm |
or make a little function and make a logfile and log the transactions and log the error messages. |
Last edited by Nuke_Royal on Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:25 pm |
I guess I am having a stupid moment (shh--I know how frequent they are ). These look identical to me Six. What should I change?
Ignore me--I see the difference. Not reading well today. I've read mySQL and ippn so many times I'm seeing them double. |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:33 pm |
Ok, tried that. Still the same result that it will not reconcile the hand entered record.
I somehow have it in my head that despite the ipn page testing well, that something is wrong with the URL. |
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Joined: Mar 06, 2004
Posts: 1164
Sat Nov 20, 2004 1:38 pm |
Did you check your IPN settings at Paypal?
1) Log into your Paypal account.
2) Click on "My Account" Main tab.
3) Click on the "Profile" Sub-Menu tab.
3) In the right hand colum, select: "Instant Payment Notification Preferences"
4) Edit Settings:
4a) Set IPN URL to: http://YOURWEBSITE.COM/modules/Donations/IPN/ipnppd.php
5) Enable IPN (turn it on).
Then make sure your /modules/Donations/ file has the correct information:
$hostname_ipnppd = "localhost";
$database_ipnppd = "your database where the donation block tables are";
$username_ipnppd = "your database username where the donation block tables are";
$password_ipnppd = "your database password where the donation block tables are";
Now a note about the database tables for this block. DON'T use a table prefix! and I recommend having a dedicated database for this solution. (for example, don't use "nuke_tablename", just use the default table names.
Next, go to your admin/modules screen in PHP-Nuke and make sure the module is set to ACTIVE and enabled for "All Visitors".
Next, go to your admin/blocks screen in PHP-Nuke and make sure the block is set to ACTIVE and enabled for "All Visitors".
Finally, in your /modules/Donations/IPN/ipnppd.php file, make sure the first line after <?php reads:
I've heard a couple of other people saying that this filename was wrong ... (it was defined as ../ or config.php, which are both wrong.
It should then work.
As a heads-up, I use version 1.1 of this module, while I've noticed many others are using 1.0. I've had ZERO problems with Version 1.1.
Two things should happen when someone makes a donation.
1) You should get an email from PayPal.
2) The information will be recorded and posted in the block.
If this works, feel free to donate 2 bucks to mine.... You'd be the first one to make a donation on my site this month...
Hope this helps.
Steph |
_________________ Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:05 pm |
I'll go over everything again in a bit here. The table names may be my issue. I do not have a database dedicated to this, but will give that a shot also.
I looked for version 1.1, but was unable to locate it. The page at SourceForge only has version 1.0 available for download.
Thanks, 64! |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:16 pm |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:23 pm |
Well, adding the inc. gives me errors that it failed to open. I get a total of three errors, but didn't note them.
Taking away the prefix for the tables dropped into my nuke database gives me no database chosen.
What would happen if I renamed the tables to nuke_financial, nuke_transactions etc? |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:28 pm |
I would suggest upgrading to 1.1 and starting over.
This will make all of the filenames right, the database tables right and following my instructions above, will make everything work.
Keep in mind that you can have the tables in your nuke database, but they WOULD NOT have the nuke_ prefix.
Hope this helps. |

Sat Nov 20, 2004 3:48 pm |
If I could locate 1.1 I would try it. But the project page does not have it. Do you know who does? |