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What bulletin board should I use for my upcoming site?
 33%  [ 1 ]
 33%  [ 1 ]
 33%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 3

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Joined: Sep 01, 2004
Posts: 105

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:45 am Reply with quote

Hey, everyone! Yes, I know, I haven't posted here in a while. I need some opinions. I've given up my PHP-Nuke site because nobody liked it and advertising was way to much money (especially because nobody signed up). I have decided to make a website with a forum and integrated chat. But.....I am able to install Invision Board, PhpBB, and YaBBSE. I don't want YaBBSE. So my two choices are Invision Board and PhpBB. IB looks 50x better, but I'm not sure if I will miss any PhpBB features or if it's as secure as PhpBB. The admin panel in IB doesn't look as good but it seems to have more features in that area. I asked my sister, but she only says IB because it looks better, and as the webmaster of the site, I am very concerned about the features, bugs, security, etc. Any ideas?

Thanks a lot,
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:53 am Reply with quote

Whoah, I'm confused. Is Invision Board free? My ISP allows me to install it with a special installer, but it says that it's unregistered. I went to their website and saw "Free Trial" downloads and the ones that you must purchase. Does this mean I'm only allowed 200 members, 5000 posts, 1000 topics, etc. with IPB?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:32 pm Reply with quote

Nevermind, guys. I'm choosing phpBB because you can upgrade (the version of IPB that my ISP had was 1.3 and IPS won't allow you to upgrade with free versions).

Joined: Jun 02, 2004
Posts: 268
Location: Englewood, OH

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:13 am Reply with quote

I chose "other" in your poll.....Sorry I didn't see this sooner, but I have been spending much of my time either protecting what used to be my phpnuke/phpbb site or the new year converting it over to my new forum software.... http://pctoolbin.com

I too had the dilemma of what to switch to.....frankly speaking, I was getting a bit annoyed at spending too much time "tweaking" my phpnuke/phpbb site as well as staying on top of every security update (which seemed to be weekly)....and that in and of itself, took the joy out of enjoying a website where I was supposed to be helping other people.....not spending most of my time on site security.

I have installed *MANY* different forum systems....and there's something to be said for each, both pros and cons.....

I am attaching a list of forum software I posted on my PCToolbin site....but the forum software I have pretty much fallen in love with is Woltlab's Burning Board forums. They have a free version as well as a more robust paid version (which is half the price of IPB, vB, or most any other forum software). The only downside to it currently is that the main support edge is German and they are in need of English translators for mods and hacks and styles.

Anyway, for others who might be interested, here's a pretty comprehensive list.....


Invision Power Board - http://www.invisionboard.com
MercuryBoard - http://www.mercuryboard.com
NewBB - http://www.xoops.org (CMS specific forum)
OpenBB - http://www.openbb.com
Phorum - http://www.phorum.org
phpBB - http://www.phpbb.com (also is used in phpNuke CMS)
vBulletin - http://www.vbulletin.com
UBB.threads - http://www.infopop.com/products/ubbthreads
WoltLab Burning Board - http://www.woltlab.com
WowBB - http://www.wowbb.com
XMB - http://www.xmbforum.com
YaBBSE - http://www.yabb.info
Zorum - http://www.zorum.com


e-blah! - http://www.eblah.com
Discus - http://www.discusware.com/discus
IkonBoard - http://www.ikonboard.com
UBB.classic - http://www.infopop.com/products/ubbclassic
YaBB - http://www.yabbforum.com


IdealBB - http://www.idealbb.com
Snitz Forums - http://forum.snitz.com
WebWizGuide Forums - http://www.webwizguide.info/web_wiz...um_download.asp (Access2000 or SQL-Server2000)
Toast Forums - http://www.toastforums.com/ (MDAC or SQL-Server)
VieBoard - http://www.vienuke.com/vie/portal.asp. (Though its more of a portal than a forum software)
ASP DEvXM - www.asp-dev.com/main.asp?page=1 (SQL-Server2000)

Remotely Hosted:

DiscussionApp - http://server.com/communityapps/discussionapp
ezboard - http://www.ezboard.com
FreeWebWare Forum - http://freewebware.com/info/tools/forum.html
InvisionFree - http://www.invisionfree.com
MyForum.net - http://www.myforum.net
MyForums.net - http://www.myforums.net
MyIkonBoard - http://www.myikonboard.com
OpenTopic - http://www.infopop.com/products/opentopic
ProBoards - http://www.proboards.com
Rapid Forum - http://www.rapidforum.com
Sudden Launch - http://www.suddenlaunch.com
Website Toolbox - http://www.websitetoolbox.net/tools...p?action=mboard
zeroforum - http://www.zeroforum.com

Smack out...


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