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Joined: Dec 21, 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:48 pm Reply with quote

how can i change my meta tags to keywords i select? also, how can i make my site crawlable by google, yahoo, etc?

how can i tell if i my site is being crawled? thanks
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:36 pm Reply with quote

you can change your metatags in the meta.php
you can find it in your includes folder.
like ...includes/meta.php

as for the crawling...just submit your site to a few search engines and after that it goes automatically...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:50 pm Reply with quote

thanks, will do!

Joined: Jul 15, 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:46 am Reply with quote

You may want to install something like GoogleTap as well. It makes your website more accessable to search engines.

You may also want to try using my Complete list module. It lists all of the articles within your site on one page so everything is accessable. It was a big help. It available for download on my websites. (http://www.tdjc.net)

You may want to visit marketleap.com. it has a tool where you can see how well spidered your sites are with a number of search engines.

Hope this helps,

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:54 am Reply with quote

personaly i dont agree on the googletap.
i had to repair a few sites who had googletap installed.
and futhermore...if you know the search a little bit you should know that the crawlers do what they want and not what we are trying to let them do...

i have nothing installed on my site as for the searchengine friendly stuff but i get visited every day...
And as soon as i do some work on my site google is looking over my shoulder....thats about 10 seconds later...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:05 am Reply with quote

I have to disagree. For my experience, Google would scan the urls pre-Googletap and just place the URLs into their search engine. I find now that its actually scanning the pages now and indexing them. I've gone from less than 10 pages scanned to now over 7,000 included. A combination of Sentinel, GoogleTap and putting a NOCACHE statement in my meta tags has also gotten rid of most of the bad links that were in the search engines.

As to repairing the sites, I have a feeling that they were using the older verions of GoogleTap. Now, it's just a line in the mainfile, a change in the htaccess file and an additonal module. If you're making repairs, sounds like something else happened.

I now have four sites with Googletap installed and I am *VERY* happy with it.

Actually I just looked at your site vie marketleap.com. I hate to tell you but it appears that the search engines are only indexing the urls as above. It using the meta tags and thats about it. Also the other search engines aren't really seeing your site. Some of them have less than 100 pages indexed.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:13 am Reply with quote

oh but i dont have a problem with that...
im doing it all clean and not using any tools.
there only 1 leader in this and thats google.
and there are thousands of websites with scripts to view any result as to where you stand on ranking...
i get a lot of traffic from google and thats fine by me...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:58 pm Reply with quote

That's cool.

I will say one thing though. I'm not looking at ranking, I'm looking at the number of pages scanned by the search engines.

You actually have a 5 per Google PR. That's not bad.....


PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:05 pm Reply with quote

well to give you an example.....
google crawld yesterday on 623 pages...
on a total of 83 modules...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:26 pm Reply with quote

google crawled 623 urls, not pages. Smile

Go to google and type in the following:

site:www.hitwalker.nl inurl:www.hitwalker.nl/phpx/html

look at what it kicks out. It's just the meta description. It's not indexing the content of the pages. When I do it, it actually give me 2 pages and tells me that the rest of the site is "very similar to the 2 already displayed." to use their words. When you click on the "include other pages" or what ever its called, it gives you the rest of the pages. It only gives you the meta description though, over and over again. No page content.

Now try it with one of my sites:

site:www.tdjc.net inurl:www.tdjc.net

What do you get? You get page content. You get material from the pages in question, not just the meta description.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:28 pm Reply with quote

For Google Metatags specially keywords aren`t so important as metatags for Yahoo ! I use Next Gen Goggle Tap too and different metatags for content.
So we got enough traffic from yahoo.com and google.de too.
A good describtion for your website with the correct keywords but no spam is the best way to get good position in the search engines. Very Happy

Last edited by Susann on Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:35 pm Reply with quote

That and a descriptive title tag. Don't forget that. Smile

I'm getting over 100-200 hits from google a day. Pretty good for a television show thats been off the air for 2 years. Just wish I could get off page 2 for the main keyword. *sigh* (Google only record about 80 incoming links. have something like 2000 listed on the other search engines.)


PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:23 pm Reply with quote

well google has a mind of its own...
and i dont give that much about ranking...or how anyone is indexed...
for years people have tried to influence the behaviour of searchengines...but without success..
they try to make you believe you can do something about it but i dont believe in that..
google looks for links and relevant stuff and indexes whatever it wants to...
some even go for the link exchanges and sure that helps a lot....
but im more busy with my content then getting ranked or how some engine crawls my site...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:30 pm Reply with quote

Google has a mind of its own. Yahoo as well.

I've lost count of how many links they had to:


and then we had:



PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:07 pm Reply with quote


"you believe you can do something"
I know, that i can do it.

"but im more busy with my content then getting ranked"

So, who can find your content, when you are not interesting about your position ?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:08 am Reply with quote

oh but im found ,dont worry about me...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:33 pm Reply with quote

That`s fine. Smile


Joined: Mar 09, 2005
Posts: 157

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:21 pm Reply with quote

Hey guys so my site is just up and I want people coming. First thing to do is work on the meta right? So the only thing I should change in the meta.php is the echo "<META NAME=\"KEYWORDS\" CONTENT=\" right? I'm trying to do this step by step so if someone could list the steps I should go through to have my site listed on search engines as much as possible. What is the best way to list the keywords. My site is an NBA live league and a Sonics site all in one.

I've never done this before so plzzzz help me, I'll be your (online) friend. I'll register at your site, whatever it takes just help me plz.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:07 am Reply with quote

Check your meta tags here :


Change your meta tags after keywords content="keyword 1, keyword 2,">

Btw: Please register now at our site for gamefreaks only. Very Happy

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:55 am Reply with quote

Meta tags report for: http://unll.net
meta tag length value
Title: 4 UNLL
Description: 24 Ultimate NBA Live League
Keywords: 186 Seattle Sonics, seattle sonics, Sonics, sonics, Supersonics, supersonics, NBA Live, nba live, Nba Live, Nba live, League, league, Forum, forum, Forums, forums, Game, game, Games, games
Robots: 13 INDEX, FOLLOW
Author: 4 UNLL

Meta tags analysis.
Title: Title meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 4 characters.

Title relevancy to page content is excellent.
The Title relevancy to page content is 100%.


Description: Description meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 24 characters.

Description relevancy to page content is excellent.
The Description relevancy to page content is 100%.


Keywords: Keywords meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 9 keywords and 186 characters.

Keyword relevancy to page content is fair.
The keywords relevancy to page content is 78%.


Robots: The Robots meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 13 characters.


Author: The Author meta tag contains no errors.
This tag contains 4 characters.


Web page analysis.
This page contains too many URLs.
This tag contains 105 urls. Some Search Engines have problems with more than 100 urls on a page.
The size of the web page is to big.
The size of the web page is 81931 bytes.

The web page load time.
The web page load time is 1 seconds.

I will improve on the keyword as its only 78% effective so how does this pan out?
btw what's yor website.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:28 am Reply with quote

Interesting report looks good. Keywords aren`t so so important for Google.

Btw: " Please register now" -> I was only joking. Smile

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:54 am Reply with quote

keke ok good I don't want to register anyway, jk. Just wondering, I only changed the content keywords, the rest I left alone. I'm wondering if description, title, author and such still are referring to my site as php nuke content instead of my site which is basketball and stuff

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 11:23 am Reply with quote

Ok, I ll check your site and send you the result than in the evening.
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