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Joined: May 15, 2004
Posts: 727
Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:20 am |
Ok FB found my proxy server and banned it so just pick another
Then i read he has released 7.7 ALPHA.
For people who don't know:
alpha = buggy/unreliable release which crashes all over the place
beta = buggy but worth for testing and debugging
He says that 7.7 Alpha is for clubmembers only, but....
Please people show yourself by replying to this thread that you paid for a "alpha" release |
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Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:36 am |
What's so sad, and yet so common, is that his "final" releases are no more than RC's, at best, often more like Beta's  |
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Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:36 am |
Ya'll should be ashamed of yourself for bashing an excellent programmer. Everything that FB does is good and makes sense. None of his work is unstable or a security risk.
_________________ Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. ~Poe |

Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:48 am |

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Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:04 pm |
CurtisHancock wrote: | Ya'll should be ashamed of yourself for bashing an excellent programmer. Everything that FB does is good and makes sense. None of his work is unstable or a security risk.
was getting mad till i saw "JUST KIDDING! *LMAO*"
FB is just a joke, people in the community should replace his stock modules and admin scripts with better replacements that are already out. |

Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:09 pm |
Quote: | FB is just a joke, people in the community should replace his stock modules and admin scripts with better replacements that are already out. |
Amen... I know I have. And I agree 100% |
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Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:06 pm |
Everyone should be aware that the only reason we are at 7.7 is because when he got to 6.5 (arguably, the last real major version release, depending if you are the 6.5 croud, the 6.9 croud or the 7.0 croud), he simply started continuing on with single digit revision numbers while adding top heavy functions.
For all intensive purposes, 7.7 = 6.5.12
Of course the bitch of this is that Chatserv is arguably at his 19th patch release (if you start with 1.0) for PHP-Nuke (BECAUSE SOME IDIOT... I WON'T MENTION ANY NAMES [FB] DOESN'T INCORPORATE FIXES)
If we had to go back and start numbering Nuke versions by the level of disrepair, we'd still be waiting for PHP-Nuke 1.0. |
_________________ Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. |

Joined: Jun 08, 2004
Posts: 64
Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:59 pm |
Raven wrote: | What's so sad, and yet so common, is that his "final" releases are no more than RC's, at best, often more like Beta's |
no, on the contrary. What is sad is all you people of the PHP-Nuke community continue to use FB's product, yet you continue DAILY with your complaints and backbiting and rude remarks about the "developer". WHY?
Stop yur bitchin' and develop your own darn CMS's all you backbiters! Gosh I am so tired of seeing these crappy kind of posts that are in no way productive. You of all people Raven. I'm shocked at your behavior and remarks especially. I am appalled at all of the PHP-Nuke community's behavior. It's ridiculous.
All this does is stir up strife.

Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:33 pm |
Opinions are not necessarily bitching. I've been a professional system's developer since 1970. I feel I am more than qualified to make the statements I make as they are based on industry knowledge, experience, and practice. You've called into question my 'behavior'. Back it up. What have I said or done that is not fact? I 'use' this product because I support a community that uses it and begs for help that FB has openly stated on his website that he will not support. I, just as you, are entitled to an opinion. Just because it doesn't agree with yours does not make it bitching. If you don't like the rhetoric here then don't come here. Goto and get support from their forums. Oh, that's right. He doesn't support his product and there are no forums. Go figure. |

Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:12 pm |
*LMFAO* I would have to say that is one of the truest statements I have ever read.
Raven... I love ya man! *LOL* |
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Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:08 am |
Anyone here with copies of the Alpha and/or Betas I can talk you out of? I want to test NSN scripts with it to see what if anything has to/needs to be changed.
I'm also wondering what "New" banner system and "Security" system he has in it. |
_________________ Bob Marion
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Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:20 am |
Raven wrote: | If you don't like the rhetoric here then don't come here. Goto and get support from their forums. Oh, that's right. He doesn't support his product and there are no forums. Go figure. |
I rest my case.
"Go figure"?
did you need to add that little remark? No.
It is not that I do not like the RHETORIC as you so eloquently put it Raven.
rhetoric: Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric.
eloquently: Characterized by persuasive, powerful discourse: an eloquent speaker; an eloquent sermon.
It's the demeanor of you and the like that CLAIM to be Chrisitans, NUMBER ONE, yet DO not ACT like it. You all are to be examples to the Nuke community. I have seen SO many users come thru these and many other forums and they base their opinions on a Developer they know nothing about based on your's and other's statements. Users look up to you Raven and they take what you say literally at the least.
Bob wrote: | Anyone here with copies of the Alpha and/or Betas I can talk you out of? I want to test NSN scripts with it to see what if anything has to/needs to be changed. | can get a copy here.
Or wait a one that does not support FB's efforts buys the Club copies anymore do they?..or they just get it free from someone who is willing to give it to them. That is not a backbiting remark..that is fact..and I said it without a backbiting remark. I could have went OFF on that one. See, facts based on opinion can be stated without adding that little "crap at the end", Don't you think Raven?
Then here come the COMPLAINERS...yes I said complainers, to complain that FB didn't include the patches he was supposed to..or FB didn't give me credit when he was supposed to...or whatever. Regardless..we all need to stop and just move on and help when needed and support when needed and do it graciously. Or not at all. No one ever asked you to support the Nuke community Raven, you took it upon yourself as a good person to help others. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Not the responsibility to let users know that FB is a whatever or is not a whatever. The power to HELP. Not hurt.
Raven wrote: | You've called into question my 'behavior'. Back it up. What have I said or done that is not fact? |
If you like Raven..I would be more than willing to look thru the numerous posts for all the remarks that I would consider "bad behavior" that you personally have made since you asked me to back it up.
Opinions based on fact STILL do not give a person the right to make snide or backbiting or spiteful remarks along with those facts. Or do they? You tell me a Christian...are your's and anyone's negative innuendos warranted? Necessary? or even required?
innuendos: An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation.
Yes FB does not have a Forum..."Go figure"...yes Go figure. With as many users abused that forum, I'm glad he shut it down. Users that had based their opinions on FB by reading remarks and "truth" stated by you and others about FB. He tried to re-open it..remember...but had to shut it down again.
I love your efforts and your support Raven, but the little spiteful remarks here and there are not necessary. Are they? Not to me...that is my opinion..and honestly, it breaks my heart when I see topics like this one. Because I know exactly what this topic is going to stir up...strife, negative remarks, anger, and so on. It's a of all people know what I am talking about Raven. |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:38 am |
Quote: | It's the demeanor of you and the like that CLAIM to be Chrisitans, NUMBER ONE, yet DO not ACT like it. |
Being a Christian does not mean you are perfect, it just means you are saved.
Can we just let this end here folks. We of course are all entitled to our own opinions be it based on fact or otherwise, but sometimes sharing our opinions only encite certain parties to disagree continually and vehemently.
Some are pro FB, som are not. That fact is already known. Those thare are pro have their reasoning, and those that are not have theirs as well. Nuff said. |
Last edited by CurtisH on Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:50 am; edited 2 times in total |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:42 am |
Christianity is definitely NOT the issue here. As I said, you are welcome to your opinion. BTW, have you looked at the Forum Title? It's Rants and Raves. That's what this is for. It gives you and everyone else a forum to rant and rave. That's something else you won't find at FB's site. I could do a point-counter-point, but I won't. Suffice it to say that I don't find anything wrong or unChristian like in my remarks. I have not attacked anyone and I have not misrepresented the facts. I am sorry that you are offended, truly I am. But as I said and I am not making snide remarks, if this rhetoric offends you, then don't participate her, or at a minimum, don't read this forum.
Also, when posting definitions, it would be only right to post ALL the meanings and not just the one that suits your purpose. Case in point - rhetoricQuote: | The art of composition; especially, elegant composition in prose.
Oratory; the art of speaking with propriety, elegance, and force.
Hence, artificial eloquence; fine language or declamation without conviction or earnest feeling.
Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary (1984)
1. Study of the elements, as structure or style, used in writing and speaking. 2. The art of expression and the persuasive use of language. 3. Insincere or pretentious language <campaign rhetoric>. 4. Verbal communication: DISCOURSE.
Oxford English Dictionary (1910)
The entry in the OED is, of course, quite long. Below, however, is the first definition along with a note that precedes the historical information for this meaning:
1. The art of using language so as to persuade or influence others; the body of rules to be observed by a speaker or writer in order that he may express himself with eloquence.
In the Middle Ages rhetoric was reckoned one of the seven 'liberal arts', being comprised, with grammar and logic, in the 'trivium'.
Larousse Dictionnaire de Français (1991)
It's usually instructive to compare English definitions to those of other cultures. Here is the set of definitions of rhétorique from the standard dictionary of the French language:
1. Ensemble de procédés constituant l'art de bien parler.
2. (péjoratif) Affectation d'éloquence.
3. Figure de rhétorique, tournure de style qui rend plus vive l'expression de la pensée.
Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell, Scott, Jones (1843; 1940)
The modern English word rhetoric derives from the adjective of an elliptical phrase in classical Greek, rhêtorikê (tekhnê), which appears first in Plato's Gorgias (449a) and is usually translated as "the rhetorical art," or "the art of rhetoric." The Liddell, Scott, Jones Greek-English Lexicon shows that rhêtorikê belongs to a pair of words from the late fifth and early fourth centuries BCE (e.g., in the texts of Plato, Isocrates, and Aristotle) that pertain to public speaking, or speaking about public matters: rhêtoreia ("oratory," or "public speaking") and rhêtor ("public speaker"). These words are related to a more ancient set of words that convey the more general meaning of that which is stated, specified, or proclaimed: rhêma ("that which is said" or "spoken"), rhêtos (something "stated," "covenanted"), and rhêtra (vrebal agreement, covenant). This set of words derives, in turn, from erô ("I will say," "I will speak"), the future form of the verb eirô ("to say," "speak"; but also "to string together"). [More on the etymology of the Greek rhêtorikê] |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:00 am |
Wow... cprompt, I can't believe you twisted anyone's words/rants about FB or concerns about the latest bug filled baseline of PHP-Nuke into a discussion about religion. Dude/Dudette, that's just wrong!
This subject is in the Rants forum, not the Religion forum. Further, I find your questioning anyone’s faith more disturbing than the quality of FB's programming (which I find pretty disturbing). Enough said…. I don't want FB to be associated in any way with religion because while I don't think FB's the Devil, I think he's the guy that runs down to 7/11 to get the Devil a pack of cigarettes.....but that's just my opinion. (I can't wait to see the Webster’s definition of being facetious, lookup sarcasm too!)
Next, I think you should understand that every person in this thread (okay, except you) has made major contributions to the Nuke Community with the goal of evolution of the solution…. All have provided fixes, technical support and developed add-ons that are needed, BECAUSE FB WON'T. I want to be clear about this. !!! - WON'T - !!!
I'm not saying that FB tries to incorporate fixes.... He doesn't.
I'm not saying that FB even cares about problems.... His actions to shut-out the community dictate otherwise.
I'm not saying that FB cares about helping the community.... Again, not having support forums, or even comments enabled for news speaks VOLUMES about his position.
I'm not saying that FB is a code thief, though if you look at the code being distributed and the lack of public copyright notices, one might easily come to that conclusion.
I'm not saying that FB distributes buggy code.... wait a second.. yeah I am saying that one, as I think was the author of this thread.
Now I'm not the original author of this post, but what I gather from his writings is that he has a rant that any idiot (umm.. person) would PAY FB to obtain ALPHA quality code that has more holes than a Krispy Kreme at 7AM. It's not a big leap to make... I mean I gather that your perspective is that you would endorse joining FB's club and actually paying him for the benefit of being a code-debugger, only to get no credit for fixing his bad code? Hey, be my guest. I suggest that you join up and waste away some of your life. Though, if that were the case, I could see why you’d be here at Raven’s… I mean.. Where else will you get the technical support to fix anything?
I would say that the majority of the PHP-Nuke communities of developers really despise FB for these issues/reasons. This whole, "I know better than anyone else" attitude coupled with dumping a solution out there where others end up doing all of the "WORK" in fixing and supporting it is just wrong.
So yes, some of us like to rant about it, especially when FB sticks us with a new version BEFORE IMPLEMENTING ANY OF THE FIXES FOR THE LAST 8 VERSIONS! In fact, I live to rant about it… It brings me pleasure to vent, especially when I’m knee deep in fixes for the LAST version.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't always like this, but this is what it has become. Thus, those of us that fix, patch, or otherwise evolve the solution to do what we want (and what the community needs) have earned the right to bitch.
And being generally good people, we also try to help others despite the fact that the author doesn't and could care less about the community. So again yes, there are rants.... Get used to it... that's life. We deal with the situation, we bitch a little and we move on and keep fixing it.
The bottom line? If you don't like the rant, oh well.. then you don't like the rant. I can respect that. You can even criticize us about the rant, but don’t expect to see a bunch of friendly responses… Trust me when I say that the people ranting about FB and Nuke have earned that right!
But please don't question the greatly appreciated technical support, programming help, fixes, patches, add-ons and the willingness to help EVERYONE in the community that is offered by the people in this thread.... And certainly don't presume to question ANYONE'S FAITH, especially Raven.
To argue this point with me (or anyone that I've ever conversed with in the community) would be fruitless as I (and I'm certain, literally hundreds if not thousands of others) can testify that he is deeply committed to his faith on top of being one of the most valued contributors in the Nuke community.
Anyway.... I just want to close by saying 7.7 sucks.... but that's just my opinion. I'm still not done fixing the thousands of bugs in 7.6... sheesh.... Oh yeah.. like we'll have to alert the media on that one. Yes, sarcasm again, but if you want to alert the media, be my guest!
Finally, I tend to value the opinion of anonymous users that kiss-up to FB less in these kinds of rant threads.
Those that openly tell the community who they are (by having our little WWW icons active) are saying "Here I am, here's my opinion, you can agree with me or disagree with me, but I'm not hiding." It's easy to be anonymous, when you're not, you have to back up your opinions which we all do every day.
UPDATE: I see that someone made me a moderator here. As I wasn't aware of that before posting this, please remember that everything that I have said is my personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the viewpoints or opinions of this domain, the owner of the domain or any other person. While this was already the case as identified in the footer, I don’t want anyone to associate my new moderator title with my personal comments and opinions. |
Last edited by 64bitguy on Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:12 am; edited 1 time in total |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:11 am |
cprompt wrote: | Stop yur bitchin' and develop your own darn CMS's all you backbiters! |
Gosh i wonder how much knowledge you gathered on this or any other site.
I have my own CMS and some "backbiters" use it, and other backbiters use something else.
Did you also consider the knowledge these people might have in PHP-Nuke so they know what they are talking about ?
So before you start bitchin' about the people here, do read some people their posts first.
Finally your posts have nothing to do with the actual topic which is about paying for a "alpha" release.
If i were admin i would have split your posts to a new topic like "i'm a PHP newbie and love FB you backbiters"
So stick to the topic and give your opinion about paying for "alpha" releases |

Joined: Apr 14, 2004
Posts: 193
Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:12 am |
Ha, for anyone to complain about complainers in a forum entitled "Rants and Raves" is hillarious.................... |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:18 am |
cprompt wrote: | can get a copy here.
Or wait a one that does not support FB's efforts buys the Club copies anymore do they?..or they just get it free from someone who is willing to give it to them. That is not a backbiting remark..that is fact..and I said it without a backbiting remark. I could have went OFF on that one. See, facts based on opinion can be stated without adding that little "crap at the end", Don't you think Raven? |
cprompt, you haven't stopped to think about the FACT that no matter how times I PAY to access the club FB will not allow the access. I have never done anything to FB to deserve the treatment he has given me. So why when you don't know the FACTS about me do you claim to know more then you really do?
Personally you sound a lot like a cop that has the same thought track as you do about being blind to the FACT that FB has caused all these problems in the community not us.
Now about being a christian, you also don't seem to know about this:
he who liveth by the sword, dieth by the sword or as ye sow, so shall ye reap
Granted I may have not quoted entirely correctly but when you consider FB has always attacked first and the rest of us have to react to his attacks he is reaping his own reward on what he has sown so why waste your time telling us how wrong we are when you don't know all the FACTS you claim to know or have? |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:08 pm |
dean wrote: | Ha, for anyone to complain about complainers in a forum entitled "Rants and Raves" is hillarious.................... |
LMAO a new topic or forum "Rant & Raves about Ranters & Ravers" and then please add another one for me as well "R&B Rant & Raves" i just have to much to post about that  |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:30 pm |
I can agree with all of you on some of your points about FB's continued lack of efforts to implement patches etc, in his releases etc.
I have been using PHP-Nuke over 5 years. I'm not blind. I know what I have read and seen over the last five years in this community. It is unfortunate to say the least that everyone does not get along, but we do not live in a perfect world.
I do have to apoligize for my "Christian" comment. It was out of line.
Bob, I am not going to get into throwing scripture or passages back in forth. I simply stated you can buy a copy of PHP-Nuke over at FB's site and that was based on the fact that you asked publicly for a copy of alpha or beta which is not released to the public. How would I know this FACT?
Bob wrote: | you haven't stopped to think about the FACT that no matter how times I PAY to access the club FB will not allow the access. |
I must have missed that discussion.
I guess the bottom line is it just bothers me that the leading PHP-Nuke supporters in this community continue with their remarks. Granted FB continues to release unpatched products etc etc etc etc..... But two wrongs don't make a right.
This all has been the biggest reason I no longer use PHP-Nuke on my sites. I still continue to help others in this community when I can.
Good discussion guys. |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:38 pm |
I have PHP-Nuke 7.7 Final ready for downloading at my site now.  |

Joined: Aug 23, 2003
Posts: 77
Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:19 pm |
Did you remember That FB says Forums Modules got DDOS Attack? what is up this? he trying to cover it up of something? |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:40 pm |
Will not comment on FB's cover ups. Would take a month to finish typing all of that  |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:10 pm |

Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:25 pm |