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Joined: Apr 26, 2005
Posts: 114
Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:49 am |
Since my webspace has only 150mb space, I try to keep it clean from files not in use. Yesterday i noticed the size of the database in use for my Nuke 7.5-installation. It was 25mb. A closer look at the table nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch showed that 16.5mb data was stored there.
Is this normal? Should i do anything about it? If so, what needs to be done?
Currently I have 700 registered users written 8500 posts in 1100 threads in the phpBB-module. |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:49 pm |
That could be normal, but 2K per message seems high. The table is used for searching the forums. I supposed you could remove it if you replace the forum search with Google or a slower search. |
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Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:17 pm |
Ok, i see. Don't wanna replace the forum-search. Guess i should keep it as it is then.
The database itself is old, back to late 2002 when i used standalone phpBB. Time to clean-up? Is it somehow possible to rebuild the table?
I guess 'only' 800.000 lines in this table, makes no differense to the speed anyway...haven't noticed anything yet, it's mostly because of the size of it i wanted to do something. |

Joined: Jun 15, 2005
Posts: 78
Location: AR
Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:05 pm |
If it has been ported to nuke then I don't see the problem with dropping the table and using the SQL that comes with nuke to build fresh ones? |
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Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:14 pm |
I haven't seen any scripts or SQL to rebuild the table. |

Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:21 pm |
Go into my PHPMyAdmin Drop the table and use the SQL file that comes with nuke to run the querry to rebuild the table. I have had to do it with other tables after installing bad modules. Like nuke_blocks. I had to reload that do to some changes in it. |

Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:04 pm |
Using the SQL that comes with Nuke won't rebuild the search data corresponding to your 8500 posts. Search won't work correctly for any posts before dropping the table. |

Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:13 am |
Dropping and build the table itself is a start, but as kguske says, it needs to rebuild the data too.
I came across an old post at covering this issue, but of course the link to the rebuild-script is dead
Guess some of the old-time-nukers has done this before? I'm probably not the only one with overgrown databasetables, so any search for this script would be of great help. Let's hope Chatserv never cleans his harddrive and still have the script around  |

Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:30 am |
This is getting somewhere. I found this at The script will rebuild the whole search-thingy.
Next step is to test it and verify that it actually works on Nuke-db. Anyone care to try?
I don't want to screw up my already-in-use-and-working-site, some of you guys might have a test-site for try-outs? |
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Joined: Aug 28, 2003
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Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:49 am |
You could compare the table structures from the file to what you have in your nuke DB - that might give you a clue.
My own DB is over 60Mb in size. The bb search field is very large but you might want to also check the tables for other modules like IP tracking which can store huge amounts of data depending on how they have been configured.
Session tables too can get pretty big sometimes. |

Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:06 am |
Great information all around, but the issue here is not the structure or need to rebuild the nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch, just how large it is. I may be mistaken, but it seems rebuilding it will not impact the size - if the rebuild works correctly, the table will be the same size. |

Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:06 am |
I guess you are right in that last statement least until otherwise is proven. Some has even doubled the size of nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch-tables by running this rebuild-script.
Maybe it's time to DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `nuke_bbsearch_wordmatch` and take a look at other search-methods afterall ...or to buy more webspace.
Thanks for helping out. |