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Sells PC To Pay For Divorce

Posts: 5661
Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:34 pm |
Ok ill keep this simple.
As you know (i hope) a lot of casinogambling sites try everything to get into sites refers.
They will try to signup as :
British Lottery Sweepstakes
Do not accept them.
(the above info and email account is real) |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 6437
Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:55 pm |
Thanks for bringing this up, hitwalker. I've noticed this, but don't understand it. If you don't publish your referers, what do they gain? |
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Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:03 pm |
Well they gain a lot...
Good example was the member that recently posted that adsense crap and so called need help,and posted his bunch of websites.
Believe me,ive been tracking them for a few weeks now and grabbed them all together and put them in sentinel block,ban referers.
And look above at the username he used to register....
This is just one of the ways...... they try to piss on every forum like a dog does to every tree in its neighbourhood.
Btw..its not just the casino stuff but also the pills etc..
What can happen to your gestbook for example can be see here: |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
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Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support
Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:10 pm |

Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:15 pm |
hi susann...yes on that page we see the same idiot
but they use bots for mass guestbook registers......and with a proxy with it.
i know cause a friend of mine was a victim of it a few weeks ago.
when i checked they used 6 different ip's to leave 16 signs.
yeah,not funny anymore.
but they are going for the personal touch...register and and piss on your forum. |

Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:28 pm |
Ok, but it´s not professional to register for such things. It´s not funny, I know therefore you have always to check your site. I was busy last night with a drunken idiot on my forum at 3 o clock in the morning. Afterthat I closed his account. |

Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:44 pm |
Quote: | After that I closed his account. |
I do like the way you take care of things
I usualy dont wait that long....1 minute is enough for me..
And no its not professional like you said but for people like that only one thing counts and thats money... |
Site Admin

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Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:49 pm |
I have had similar incidents. I kept forums for registered users to try and stop 'guest post spamming' but have noticed an increase in the last few months of them going to the trouble to register in order to post links and garbage in the forums.
Some have even signed up using their own websites domain email address in order to appear legitimate.
Luckily most of my users bring such posts to my attention within an hour or so but it is a real pain deleting posts like that. |

Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:06 pm |
Quote: | it is a real pain deleting posts like that | I agree completly. The problem is that you can find 1 day later such spam posts on google. So, i started also a little project and every member who brings this to my attention get extra points. I quess that´s the best way for big communities i(I know therefore is also the Yello Mod). |

Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:09 pm |
Well i think things will change a bit...
The nuke community is or was allways to focussed on getting as much members to show off,but that will backfire some day.
When all those forum,guestbook,and referer spammers join forces you could hire a few people to monitor the site 24/7.
The biggest hole is that most sites still auto approve signups,instead of on approval like i do.
And if they register when your in bed they start posting etc... |

Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:24 pm |
Hitwalker, I misunderstood your reference to referers. I was talking about people who use fake referers when accessing your site to get links to their websites to appear in your referers list. I think you are referring to signature spamming and posting a link to their website in their member profile.
Fortunately, I haven't seen a lot of that on my sites, although several of them do require approval... For the others, I usually post rules against such advertising and simply delete the offending posts and accounts if necessary. |

Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:34 pm |
oh ok....but to give you an example...
a few money sites are connecting to a ccertain page of mine that is renamed.
The people behind this all use scripts(self made bots) that does the job.
So thats how it all goes....
Casino site visits that page and leaves a trail.. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
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Location: near Albany NY
Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:22 am |
I use the approve membership module from:
Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!
I check the IP address and location of each pending applicant for my site. Since my site is primarily for people who live in my area I usually don't approve "foreign" applicants or at least I email them first to find out what their interest in my site is. Hackers don't respond and I delete them.
With that said, the approve membership module creates significant difficulties with keeping up to date with bbtonuke updates as well as patch updates. The author, arnoldkg at Ulsoft does a herculean job of trying to keep up and releasing updated versions but the process is still not simple particularly if you have other mods to your_account or Forums. Code in Forums, Members List and of course your account is affected and fields are added to the user table and of course all this has to be coordinated across Patch levels and any Nuke version upgrades you do.
I've thought of ditching Approve Membership but it would be even better if the functionality were built into some future version of Ravennuke of course. |

Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 293
Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:28 pm |
We have email regist activation, and dont get spammers regist as members
No permissions for spammers to reply to a thread.
1 place where guests can start a new thread and post queries but cant reply.
We get the occasional spammer in this section only.
Having only one section, makes clean up simple.
As our moderstors are in diff time zones they pick these up quick, edit the post, remove content, and title and put in "spam"
I then delete the new thread, get the ip and ban...check refers and often the same spammer has crawled from several ips to find someware to post, I ban these to
Over the months I have noticed incidences of spam and crawls become less frequent, from a couple a week, to one or 2 every 3 or 4 weeks.
If a legit guest needs to post a quiry, problem they can, If they wish to reply to the answer AND are genuinely interested enough they will regist as a member.
Works well. |
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