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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 5:52 pm Reply with quote

Hi everyone,

I have been running a website with PHP Nuke version 7.6 and patch 3.0.

I want to build a new site, but I cannot find Version 7.6 with patch 3.0 to download.

I do see that there is a version 7.6 with patch 3.1, but I am not sure if this is a good idea to do or if indeed the 3.1 patch has now superseeded the 3.0 version I used before on the existing website.

Please can someone tell me what I should do and where the download I need is?

I also want to implement nuke sentinel once nuke has been installed.
<Subject edited by: Guardian>

I utilise the PHPNuke Version 7.6 software using the patch 3.1 also with the CNB 4.4.2 and NukeSentinel(tm) 2.3.2 
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:06 pm Reply with quote

http://www.ravenphpscripts.com/viewdownloaddetails-26-224.html Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:10 pm Reply with quote

Hey Darryl,

Thanks for that.

But to confirm, I have had no problems running my current site with v7.6 and patch 3.0.

I do not see v7.6 and patch 3.0 on the link u gave me, so are you suggesting I should install v7.6 and patch 3.1? If you are, is this as reliable?
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:11 pm Reply with quote

Difficult question emma...
Cause everybody has his or her fav ...
The developpers will say 7.6 3.1 but im not that convinced...
But your looking for 7.6 3.0 so here's my copy...
Visit the page,scroll down to bottom,click free download...its easy.. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:00 pm Reply with quote

According to the download description: RavenNuke contains phpNuke v7.6, PatchLevel v3.1, PHPBB v2.0.18, and NukeSentinel(tm) v2.4.2. Everything you need. Version 3.1 supercedes 3.0 and has additional security fixes.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:10 am Reply with quote

Patched 3.1 does supercede 3.0. Given the security issues with phpNuke and phpBB, it really isn't recommend to run less than 3.1. Your site will be vulnerable to hackers if you run 3.0

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:40 am Reply with quote


Thanks for that.

But you can see that this guy HITWALKER dissagrees with your view. Because he replied firstly, I listen to him and now I have just instastalled 7.6 Nuke with the 3.0 patch!!!

I hate when someone THINKS they know what they are talking about and really they are some wannabe!!!

Evaders, please can you tell me how I can upgrade this installation I have now...I mean, can I upgrade the 7.6 Nuke Nuke with 3.0 patched, to a 3.1 patched?

Thank you for your help and to Daryl and Kevin as well...You seem to know what your are doing and do not disagree.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:29 am Reply with quote

Well sorry you feel that way emma...
I cant make everybody happy ...Smile
But i replied first?,please wash your eyes and look again..

Please dont talk to me like that,cause whatever happens or how much you learn,ill always know more then you.

Thing is ,im not hacked...some others are...
on the 3.0 most things run...,on the 3.1 things start to fail...
How i know...i dont stick to one forum...im a reader....
And thats my insight in the difference between the 2 patches.
I get atleast 5 attacks a week,on the 3.0...
Now you have a nice day girl,and take it easy next time you hear..

Last edited by hitwalker on Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:54 am; edited 2 times in total 

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:31 am Reply with quote


With over 2000 posts here, Hitwalker is hardly a "wannabe." He offered his advice, with full disclosure that it was his current preference and probably not what others would recommend. Wouldn't it be useful to know WHY he has that preference? More importantly, what do you gain by alienating someone who tried to help you freely and in good faith?

Not to preclude Evaders, who is one of the developers of the patches, but yes, you can upgrade 7.6 with a 3.0 patch to the 3.1 patch. The patches are cumulative, and generally upgrading them is as simple as uploading the files. I say "generally" because if you've made other changes to your version of Nuke, you may need to make similar changes to the patch before upgrading. An example would be installing NukeSentinel or NSN Groups. These addons require changes to the mainfile.php.

If you recently installed the site and have no real data to keep (seems like this is the case), I'd suggest deleting it and installing RavenNuke 7.6 which includes the 3.1 patch and NukeSentinel already installed. It has a slick installation routine that makes setting up the database easy. Having NukeSentinel already installed will save you time - and you'll be able to enjoy the other "extras" Raven included in that distribution.

If you're comfortable making changes to PHP scripts, have modified the core Nuke files, or have significant data you don't want to lose, installing the patch is probably your best bet. You can use a file comparison tool like Beyond Compare or WinMerge (free) to quickly assess the impact of changes required to install the patch with your version. If you haven't modified the core files and haven't installed addons like NukeSentinel or NSN Groups and just want to keep the data, you can follow the installation instructions (i.e. upload the patch files).
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:07 am Reply with quote

Hitwalker is far from a "wannabe" Emma. He tried to answer your question. You appeared to like the 3.0 version even though it isn't the most current. He was gracious enough to supply you with what it appeared you liked. Bang Head Myself, I like the new Raven 7.6 distro. It work for me, and was one of the easiest installs I have done. Now I am by no way in hitwalkers category, so feel free to call me a "wannabe"....... Smile but thought it was important to use the most up to date patch file available at the time I did the site install, with the most current NukeSentinel available also.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:01 pm Reply with quote

May I comment ROTFL ? The 3.1 patch series has been reissued several times and the number was never changed. Rightly or wrongly, that's reality. 3.1 will always be better than 3.0, plain and simple. Much of the confusion has been due to the different releases, forks, distros, etc., so the instructions on what to find, where to find it, and what to replace with become distorted. To re-emphasize what has already been said, if you want to be the most secure, right now you should be ruuning phpNuke v7.6 patch level 3.1. You should also be running NukeSentinel(tm) v2.4.2pl2. You should be checking this site, NukeFixes, NukeResources, and Evaders99 sites for tweaks and such after the core and base patches are released. But bear in mind that if you tweak RavenNuke76 or any other pacthed code, when new releases come out, like RavenNuke76 v2 (due out very shortly), it will only entail and detail the changes from MY last release. Not what you might have or chould have.

As to HitWalker recommending 3.0 over 3.1, I would respectfully disagree with him on this. You should be using 3.1.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:19 pm Reply with quote

Ah but in this topic i didnt recommend the 3.0,i clearly gave what was asked for,and i wrote that developers would recommend,and that im not convinced....
The developpers will say 7.6 3.1 but im not that convinced...
But your looking for 7.6 3.0 so here's my copy...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:25 pm Reply with quote

You say you're not convinced. Don't split hairs Laughing - we don't agree on which one.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:30 pm Reply with quote

Thank you Raven...I see you run this website.

I will install 7.6 Nuke with the 3.1 patch as you recommend.

This member Hitwalker continues to defend his text by explaining that he wrote [quote="hitwalker"]...im not convinced...'.[quote]

I am not sure how he interprets such a comment himself, but personally I take that to mean he does not trust the integrity of 3.1 patch as much as the 3.0 patch.

So, comparing this view with yours Raven, I interpret this to mean you both have a different view, thus you technically dissagree.

I will listen to the experts....Time to install 7.6 Nuke and 3.1...Onwards & Upwards...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:11 pm Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:51 pm Reply with quote

killing me
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:30 pm Reply with quote

Bang Head

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:41 pm Reply with quote

Definitely run a good security addon such as Sentinel. That will give you different converage of protection. But since the latest Sentinel is supposed to use 3.1 as a base as well, this may be problematic.

As to upgrading to 3.1, there are few ways to so.

The most straightforward is to copy the 3.1 files over your current ones. As the Patched files are cumulative, you will not lose any 3.0 changes. However, you may overwrite modifications you have done to your site. Those will need to be redone.

As kguske said, if you have significant amount of changes to your files, you should run a file difference program and do the changes manually. This will take time, but it is probably your best bet here. (I recommend WinMerge, its free)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:31 am Reply with quote

Hi Evaders99...(we meet again),

Thank you for the information about upgading PHP 7.6 patch 3.0 to PHP 7.6 patch 3.1. I will look into this for my older site at a later time.

For now though, as I have now completed the installation of my new site by using PHP 7.6 patch 3.1, I am now wondering how to go about installing the Sentinel add on. What is the best download/version for me to now use? Also, my older website uses CNB YA and I would like to intergrate this to my new installation too.

I would be grateful if you could direct me to the specific downloads I would require etc.

Thank you again.


PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:57 am Reply with quote

On you new site, why not use my RavenNuke76? It comes withNukeSentinel(tm) pre-installed?


PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:20 pm Reply with quote


Thanks for that, but I have already done some extensive work on the theme and other files that I have currently installed from the 7.6 with patch 3.1 version that I downloaded the other day.

I would be grateful if you or someone else could therefore advise me where I can find the correct Nuke Sentinel download to add to this current installation and the correct CNB YA download.

Thanks in anticipation.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:20 pm Reply with quote

Use the latest version of Sentinel from NukeScripts.net
I don't use CNB YA, so I can't advise you there

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:22 pm Reply with quote

The correct NS is the only NS: http://www.nukescripts.net/modules.php?name=Downloads&op=getit&lid=1023

Then be sure to apply my v2.4.2pl2 fix.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 4:28 pm Reply with quote

Hi again everyone,

Happy Christmas and Holidays!

I have my new 7.6 with 3.1 installation up and running.

Next I want to install the CNBYA, then Sentinel.

Can someone please direct me to the correct CNBYA download that I should be using with my version of PHP Nuke?

Thanks in advance.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:49 am Reply with quote

Hi emma, in response to your forum post and PM asking me to look at this thread;
I do not use CNBYA so am not qualified to recommend a version which will work with your specific site - sorry!

There is however a thread on this site dedicated to CNBYA and you may find somthing useful in their pertaining to CNBYA and patch set 3.1 compatibility.
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