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Joined: Sep 23, 2003
Posts: 456
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Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:33 am |
Would like to start this off using GT NextGen beta 4 - Audioslaved's last available version as far as I know.
Will begin posting parts of the install for discussion and feedback and also get into a conversation on what modules to GT.
I am thinking that at the end of this we will have a someone modified version of GT-NextGen.
Some good discussion/thoughts have already come about as to what modules actually NEED to be GT'd. Your thoughts on the foundation are appreciated.
-sting |

Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:24 am |
Also bear in mind that in order to do this right, we are going to have to go through every single file with a fine tooth comb. Maddening, and no one has time for it, so lets get started.
sees the tumbleweeds roll by and hears a crow in the distance. . . |
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Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:37 pm |
I would agree with that.
GT NG v4 (as against 4a) as a base foundation as this seems to be the most commonly used version.
I have already prepared (as discussed elsewhere here) a blow by blow manual installation 'readme' and also pre-edited fileset for RN7.6 202
I'll try and get these available tomorrow (I'm a bit swamped at the moment).
For the record, I would add that in my opinion, if we can do without the nuke_module table edit which has caused so much confusion and problems in the past, this would be the preferred path to take.
From what I have learned from Montego, he has already made progress on eliminating the need to over write core block files with GT'd ones so again, I think this would be a preferable solution to the original GT NG.
My own immediate thoughts regarding 'what modules do we need to tapped' would be;
Web Links
These are all module which have value in temrs of SEO.
Of course the tapping of the main menu block would be of paramount importance but I think maybe the 'Sommaire' road would be the one go down. |

Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:10 pm |
I am in agreement on re-writing any of the tables at all. Lets keep the core tables the same and just move on with what we have for now.
Please do post your installation manual so we can go over it. I would like us to gather together a core set of files as well - though I think we are a ways from doing that just yet.
-sting |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928
Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:34 pm |
I would like to see included....
Downloads included. (On my own site I have TONS of Gov Docs, Maps, Charts, USCG stuff)
Calander (Once we figure out which way to go)
Classified Ads (This could help our sites make money)
Photo Gallery (Google seems to love my Photo Gallery already)
and a standard method to do custom Modules. (I create a lot of my own simple modules)
Just my .02
Dawg |

Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:05 pm |
The beauty with using GTNG is that these can be modular - built and then distributed by the community. We just need to get the underlying foundation in place and stable first.
Good ideas all around.
-sting |
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Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:44 pm |
sting, I, too, have RavenNuke76 core files mainfile.php, header.php and footer.php already updated, and with my GTBlocks Hack. You can see it all running at However, as you know, I left out Your Account and a couple of others that I do not use, such as Reviews.
To be honest, I just took what I had working in 7.5 when I upgraded to 7.6 and I have not found anything yet that was not tapped correctly.
If you are interested, PM me with your email address to send the files to so you can take a look at them.
It would not take long to create GTB-block-*.php files for each of the core nuke blocks and with this in combination with my hack, we can eliminate main menu tweak and modifying block code. |
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Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:48 am |
Sounds good Montego, we really need to get a CVS out there so we can start a file depository.
Email is sting at nukehaven dot net - send away
-sting |

Joined: Nov 22, 2004
Posts: 52
Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:36 pm |
i try adding gt-nextgen to my raven distro 2.02 version and every time when i do changes my web site comes up blank.
since i'm doing the changes manual and not uploading the files i see that the ravens files are different then the one they used in gt-nextgen 4
can someone post correct section what needs to be changed manual in each file ?
thanks |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
Posts: 3191
Location: Germany:Moderator German NukeSentinel Support
Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:58 pm |
My RavenNuke Distro comes never blank up with GT NEXT Gen and if there is a block problem the site is also present. My problem was only in the administration.However there must be an error in header, footer etc.
Good luck ! |

Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:26 pm |
Turn on $display_errors = true in the config.php and see if something shows up when you load the site.
-sting |