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Joined: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 17088
Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:30 am |
Please note that some of the questions/issues raised by me I have opinions/answers for, but I want INPUT and FEEDBACK from the Community. That's what this RavenNuke(tm) is all about.
First of all, I would like to change the nomenclature from GT to something else. GT (the term/acronym, not the code), according to what I have read on the Internet, is being claimed by one person and it is a concept that pre-dates the claim. It is simply making short urls from long ones. May be just a stickler with me, but I'll wait for responses. In addition, I really have not seen the search engines avoiding active sites that are not using shortened URL's to any great degree.
With that aside, I will assume that we do want to use shortened urls. Now we have the issue of backward compatability. what should be the exact form used? Bill's GT-NextGen (GTNG) is up for grabs as he will no longer support it. So, is that what we implement? Is there anything in it that needs fixing? I still use the old method so I don't have first hand experience enough to speak authoritatively on the matter.
GTNG, in its original implementation, requires .htaccess which is tied exclusively to Apache, which you should be using anyway . But, my point is, for those that don't use Apache, are they out of luck? No, at least not according to Eddie Neal AKA NeXeH at Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. Since I don't use IIS (yuck!) I can only assume that this works. Here are the files included in the Download. I will also make the d/l available for safety in the event the original site leaves the scene.
Code:Getting Google tap/GT-NExtGEn to work on an IIS Server
When I read about how cool google tap was and how it would drive traffic to your site by allowing your site to be indexed by the search engine. I wasted no time in installing it onto my site, the only problem is my server is an IIS server and I do not have access to an htaccess file. I was so sure that there was a simple solution that I searched the forums on nuke cops and google but only found that most people said that it can not be done. So I did a little more research on htaccess and mod_rewrite and I found a solution. And now I am please to give back to the community that has given so much to me :)
Tools needed:
ISAPI_Rewrite lite, you can download from:
http.ini file (you can use the one included in this zip file)
1. Install Google tap/GT-NExtGEn as normal (I use GT-NExtGEn)
2. Install ISAPI_Rewrite on your server (or have your ISP do it)
3. Copy the provided http.ini file to the ISAPI_Rewrite directory which should be located at C:\program files\Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite
4. Open IIS server manager and locate your website
a. Right click on properties
b. Select ISAPI_Filters
c. Click Add
1. In the filter name box type: ISAPI_Rewrite
2. in the executable box browse to the ISAPI_Rewrite.dll located in the ISAPI_Rewrite folder
d. Click ok and then click ok again.
5. Close IIS and test
1. Eventually I want to add more code to the http.ini file such as the:
"lines check for Email Spammers Robots and redirect them to a fake page"
I am not sure how to do that at this point but I will be looking into it. If someone else knows how to handle this please by all means share the knowledge.
2. I want to make sure all rewrite pages are valid and that there are no dread page can not be displayed or 404 error page.
Created on January 22, 2004
Updated http.ini file on February 9, 2004
Name: Eddie Neal AKA NeXeH
You can contact me at
and my website is (please visit)
| and
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Hopefully this is enough to get the discussion started. Please participate! |
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Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:29 am |
Playing devil's advocate: what is the benefit of having a short URL? What is the cost?
There has been discussion about it impacting search engine rankings - that some SEs don't like long URLs or URLs with lots of variables or having keywords in the URL makes SEs happy, but these ideas have no support among SEO gurus. Another argument is that a short URL is more attractive to searchers in the results, but who really looks at the link (other than to find the domain)? |
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Thu Jan 12, 2006 10:50 am |
Personally I would like to see whatever is developed as far as url re-writing goes for inclusion in RN to have a completely new name.
The term 'google tap' seems to be synonymous with two different 'products' already in the community which are not interchangeable.
The name also conjures up, by implication, that the url re-writing these two scripts perform are limited to, or optimised for 'google' which is not the case.
Perhaps the name RN-SEO might fit the bill more appropriately if one considers dynamic forum titles, url re-writing etc.
I have used both of the current scripts and whilst I have not noticed any real difference in results, as far as getting links crawled is concerned between the two.
However, I did find GT NG the more complicated of the two to install and it did require altering the virgin nuke_modules table as well as altering most of the block files etc whereas the alternative method of relying on url in/out arrays in htaccess seemed far more 'pleasant' to work with.
As for compatibility, FB makes no claims that even nuke is IIS compatible so IMHO I do not envisage any reason why third party code should support it.
If there are competent individuals reading this who are running IIS then perhaps they can assist in development for that particular branch. |
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Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:30 am |
I'm not sure if I am truly qualified to even comment in this thread but I can say the following:
Before implementing GT-NextGen on one of my sites, it did get indexed, however it was rather infrequent that I would see crawlers in my logs. I also noticed that whenever I checked search engines (primarily Google) for my site using keywords, the listings pointed to different articles and such on my site including snippets of the text as you would expect, but the link provided with the listing always pointed to the domain name only of my site. Meaning when a user found a listing for my site, it did not take them directly to the relevant content that the listing displayed. They would then need to search my site for the content that they had searched for once already... In other words, twice the work for them to find their relative content.
After implementing GT-NextGen (and I mean within hours) I had up to 150+ Googlebots scouring my site. Within a few days I started getting incoming traffic and new memberships as a result of Google referrers. Possibly just a coincidence but I cannot be sure. I do know that the listings (when using GT-NextGen) now link directly to the article or content instead of just the domain. |
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Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:42 pm |
I too experienced something very similar to CurtisH. I also noticed that as soon as I installed Dynamic Titles (probably more significant for SEO?), I got a ton of hits from bots and continue to get them. In terms of Google page rank, these things at least got me to 1/10 - which is pathetic still -- but it may have been a contributing factor.
Unfortunately, that is about the extent of my experience. Would I GT-NeXtGen another site? You bet...
Also, I wrote a hack to the GTNG 0.4 beta to also tap blocks without having to modify code. I have not had a chance to look at the .4a patch to see if it still required modifying block code. I definitely do NOT expouse changing block code! I don't mind changing header.php, mainfile.php and footer.php, especially if it is being done as a part of RN76. I just don't think we should require folks to manually modify block code. I have downloaded and tried to install too many blocks that someone forgot to take out the GT'd code before they distributed it!
I would be all for a GT replacement and offer up any assistance I can provide. Definitely interested in more opinions too... |
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Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:51 pm |
montego, I will definitely want to see your modifications that tap blocks w/o changing the code. |

Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:00 pm |
Raven wrote: | montego, I will definitely want to see your modifications that tap blocks w/o changing the code. |
Here is what I had done Just remember that this is based on .4 and NOT .4a of GTNG. I never had time to go back and look at the .4a patch. |

Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:07 pm |
Further to my last post, I would concur with CurtisH and Montego - url re-writing does work in terms of getting more links indexed and certainly encourages more visits from the search engines.
My own findings taken from my own experiences are that I was unable to differentiate between the benefits of useing one script over another, but using one OR the other DOES have an advantage over using nothing at all. |

Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:10 pm |
Still playing devil's advocate....
I haven't used a URL rewriting tool as I have several concerns with this (e.g. server load, permanently changing links, etc.), several of which Steph discussed here on another post. But, I have found that having a Google Sitemap not only helps increase saturation, but also SERP / ranking on Google. So I would add that to discussion about alternatives for getting more links indexed. |

Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:32 pm |
kguske, very good point. Guardian has been after me for awhile now to get a Sitemap up. He even helped me out even further, but I won't say how because I am sure he does not want everyone coming to him asking him to do the same - LOL! You know, you can lead a man to water but... AND you can even force it into his mouth but...
By the way, once I finish up on something I've got cookin' (no, not in the oven), I plan on checking out your nukeSEO package! |

Joined: Dec 19, 2004
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Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:56 pm |
@ kguske
Server load isn´t normaly not the problem if you use url rewriting. I know the post from Steph you are talking about.I don´t agree with all point of his post but you are right a sitemap is often helpful on the other site I know from some people that they lost sites from the index after they had submit her Google sitemap. I don´t use a sitemap, because of several reasons. GT + sitemap can help your website but it´s not the only and also not the general solution for better ranking.For example or with PR 8. Both sites don´t use mod rewrite.
The name Googlifier isn´t so famous like GT but principle its the same they produce nice urls with mod rewrite.
I prefer url rewriting and I would choose a new name with "G" like "good product" or RavenNuke "good for google".

Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:34 pm |
The only way a Google sitemap could negatively impact your ranking is if it were incomplete - i.e. it didn't have all the links to a site's real content. The whole point is to help Google's robots find your content more easily.
I would believe that a site that used SEO tricks to inflate its rankings and introduced a sitemap around the time Google switched to the latest approach that weighs content more heavily - that coincidence could result in lower rankings, but it isn't because of the sitemap...
So, to get back to Raven's question of what to call it - I'd suggest something that represents what it does or what benefits it has...but I'm still not clear (at least on the benefits part).
According to a review of Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!, a PHP class that claims to support URL rewriting using ONLY PHP:
Quote: | There is the conviction between experience Web site developers that search engines index more pages of a site and do it faster if their page URLs are normalized.
There is not an absolute certainty about the accuracy of this conviction because the search engine companies do not confirm or deny it in public. Despite this, many site developers systematically normalize their pages URLs so their sites gain more visibility in the search engine result pages and they get more visits for free.
Normalization consists in making the pages be served under an URL without any query parameters that usually follow the question mark in the original URLs. The normalized URLs make the query parameters appear as if they are directory path names of site page virtual files.
becomes for instance:
The most popular Web servers come with modules that rewrite the page URLs, so the scripts that generate the pages do not need to be changed to normalize the URLs. However, not every site can make use of Web server modules to rewrite URLs.
This class provides a PHP only solution for rewriting page URLs. Since it does not require a special Web server module, it makes possible for many more sites to also take advantage for URL rewriting benefits.
It might be worth considering the PHP-only approach to allow any RavenNuke website to use it, regardless of webhost...
This is an Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! on using dirty URLs and how to clean them... It also lists several disadvantages and a couple of advantages for using dirty URLs.
How about URL Cleaner?
[Raven edited the link as it was hosed] |

Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:44 pm |
Read the article and approach and it is definitely not feasible with phpnuke and legacy. |

Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:52 pm |
Did you hate the name, too?  |

Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:11 pm |
Because it's a concept/methodology, I'm not inclined to give it a name short of just SEF (Search Engine Friendly). In other words, when we list the attributes of RN76(tm) we just say the links are SEF (KIS principle). The methodology predates anyone's recent claims to it. |

Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:13 pm |
Most programs refer to it as "SEF" or "search engine-friendly" though, as we have debated, what that really means hasn't been clearly established. If it's only intended to be a feature, that works. If it's something intended to be standalone / downloaded separately, you might want to consider something more unique. |

Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 293
Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:49 pm |
I also confirm CurtisH observations I used 4a around 12 months ago
Our site (not bragging) has/had by far the best content on the subject of Kakariki. So that elimates content parameters
Intially we hit 10 to 12 google ranking without GT but only the front page, other SEs we where 5 to 100 plus and nothing realy moved.
GTed within hrs to couple days all SEs started to climb and over a period of 10 to 15 days were where front page. SEs then started to crawl the site and rank the gt pages ...other parts of the site that I did not gt (gallery, one of the link exchange blocks) didnt.
Numberous times I would try other things ..keywords etc and soon learnt how to drop us back down 5 to 20 pages.
Without Gt our rankings could not have been manipluated as easy or very possbly at all.
Putting aside exchange links/keywords/ meta tag /quality of site info to the subject, tpe stuff. I found 4 things critical in ALL SE rankings (in order of importance # of * sort of rates importance)
1/******GT 4a
2/****Dynamic titles ( )
4/***Google site map ( )
3/***Elimination of 'dead links' eg to member details, also privacy issues (post here somewhere to code this stuff)
Sundry comments:
For the unintiated between the 2 alternatives trying to get a clear cut picture how to install etc etc from alsorts of places is confusing to say the least. A good 1 stop shop with easy lat person explanations is definately a need
As to the name GT (Google tap) is a misconception...GTing has a great effect on all SEs a new name "Search Engine ????" or "Nuke SEO"
or combining several or all of the "important" things listed above "Ravens Nuke SEO"
Not all areas of a nuke should be Gted just for the sake of Gting...only those areas that that have important content for the end user searching for info on the net.
Forums, articules and news, links blocks and module, maybe downloads, maybe gallery
From a yr of knocking our site up and down in rankings monitoring 20 SEs
my conclusion the 3 things listed above should have been incorporated into Nuke yrs ago....This would have resulted in all those posts everywhere asking "how to increase my rank" simply being answered "do your meta tags, alt, keywords and MOST IMPORTANT present your site with the required info on the subject, K.I.S.S, at the same time being visitor friendly to load/read and navigate." |
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Sat Jan 14, 2006 4:57 pm |
I considered both URL rewriting and dynamic titles when creating Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!. When I did the research for nukeSEO (partially based on my experience - admittedly without URL rewriting), I didn't find evidence that URL rewriting / clean / short URLs increase saturation, ranking or pagerank. It seems logical that if the SE ranking and Google pagerank are based on content and links, the URL should not matter. But since several people here believe it does, it's worth another look.
The first release focused mainly on the index page, with META tag tools and editing, and dynamic generation of both regular and Google sitemaps, and results reporting. It's designed to be very simple to install - without requiring the code changes that might be necessary for both dynamic titles and URL rewriting. I may incorporate either or both into future versions. I am planning to support different META tags by module, with all the tools currently available for the index page also available for modules. Other suggestions are always welcome!
Steptoe, I think your sundry comments are dead on ("very accurate" for those unfamiliar with American slang). I would only add that Google, in its current form, seems to currently place less emphasis on links and more on content, at least on results placement / ranking. Google seems to REALLY reward sites that make it easier for it to find content via a Google Sitemap, which seems to negate the benefits of URL rewriting. In my view, the Google Sitemap is the most important feature of nukeSEO.
I was concerned about the performance of the dynamic sitemap approach until we tested it on a site with a LOT of content. I'd definitely be interested in others feedback and suggestions... |
Subject Matter Expert

Joined: May 15, 2004
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Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:05 pm |
Raven asked me "what is LEO?" and since you all are talking GT, SEF and SEO i will explain why akamu and i have chosen the name LEO
LEO stands for Link Engine Optimizer. We use a different name since it's not only search engine friendly but also for human beings.
We know "Optimize Links Engine" is more convenient but speak the word OLE instead of LEO and you know one difference.
LEO is also the lion zodiac sign for July 23 to August 22 and in that period we launched the system to the devs.
About the zodiac: On the whole they are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind.
As you see LEO is a very powerfull name for the pupose it was invented for and it also fits in the current world where everything is named after animals (Firefox, Thunderbird, Dragonfly, Sentinel, etc., etc.)
I hope this explains enough and will give you all a start to find a nice name  |

Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:36 pm |
Cute, djmaze.... I haven't registered

Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:59 am |
At this point, I'd like to throw a question out in case there are any wise men out there who may know the answer.
With GTNG the core nuke_modules table was altered to include a field which held a url for each module.
Does this serve some purpose which is more efficient than relying entirely upon mod_Rewrite like GoogleTap or Googlifier does?
What IS its purpose?
The reason I ask is because, in my own mind, I am trying to weigh the pro's and con's of using something that alters a core nuke table against something that doesn't when *apparently* both techniques seem to have the same end result. |

Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:29 am |
Guardian2003, that main menu "tweak" along with slight mods to the block-Modules.php script is what allows one to also have the menu "tapped". Without it, your primary navigation menu will still have the old links.
The only thing I wish they had done was also modify the core nuke modules administration tool to include this field so that it could be edited without having to use phpMyAdmin.
Regards |

Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:32 am |
Oh, sorry for the additional quick reply, but another "beef" I have with the implementation of GTNG is that the links at the top in the header (from the theme) also must be manually adjusted (the tap will currently only tap the links for the active module).
I think these issues can be overcome with a little additional "tweaking". |

Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:37 am |
Thank you - I can see the beneficial side to having the main navigational menu 'tapped' as this would be crawled and indexed. So provided you didnt have a sitemap <cough> with the the links 'tapped' this would certainly be a 'pro' in favour of GTNG. |

Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:15 am |