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Theme Guru

Joined: Nov 01, 2003
Posts: 1006

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:25 pm Reply with quote

I was not sure which forum to post this in. I have the GT-NExtGeN_Beta_0.4 installed on my site. I have run into a few problems. Any help in fixing them would be great!

First, I have the fetch mod installed in my downloads to prevent mass downloading. When I insert the fetch pass code now I get "page not displayed" I would like to know how to fix this problem as I have to give up the fetch mod protection.

Second, as you can clearly see if you look at my site, which is in my signiture, in my forums center block there are ; ; before all the category names. This is also visible on the forum itself. I have no clue how to fix this.

Third, I use My_eGallery. I have asked for help from Hamesh at nuke cops and gotten the htaccess information. Created the Gt-My_eGallery.php and placed it with the others. The issue is that although the main link the gallery now reads "gallery.html" the inner links are still /modules.. blah lbah lbah.php .
It is also clear that you can access the .html extentions if you type them in directly example, http://www.jaded-designs.com/showfile-319.html On my site this is not the way it shows in the browser. I have NO idea what would cause this anomaly or how to fix it.


Fourth, I have a problem with the Downloads module too. The problem arises when I try to click the next page.. or any other page. This is what I see.

Select Page: 1 ;2 3 4 5

The html tags you attempted to use are not allowed

[ Go Back ]


As I said before any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated. I am overall very pleased with this version of GT. Thank you Exclamation Razz Wink


I was messing around with this a bit tonight and came to see clearly that the problem with the ;; in the forum.. and the ; in the page numbers in my downloads.. stopping the pages from changing only happens when i add the GT code to my header.php file. When I remove it the ; goes away and the site works fine. Here is the code. Perhaps you can tell me what if anything you see that could cause the error.


- Open header.php
if (eregi("header.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
Header("Location: index.php");

After Above and On A New Line, Add:

#Start of Google Tap Header
global $nextgen_name, $prefix, $db;

// Google Tap On or Off, 1=On, 0=Off
$next_gen_ob = 1;

//Used for main module or a module without a name
if ($nextgen_name == "") {
$sql = "SELECT main_module FROM ".$prefix."_main";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$mainmod_name = $row[main_module];
$nextgen_name = $mainmod_name;

//Make the path to the GT-NExtGEn Files
$nextgen_path = "GoogleTap/GT-".$nextgen_name.".php";
if ($next_gen_ob == 1) {
if (file_exists($nextgen_path)) {
} else {
$next_gen_ob = 0;

function replace_for_mod_rewrite(&$s, $nextgen_path) {

//Check to see if file exists before continuing
if (file_exists($nextgen_path)) {
$s = preg_replace($urlin, $urlout, $s);
return $s;
} #End of Google Tap Header

therefore now the top of my header.php file looks like this

if (eregi("header.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
Header("Location: index.php");
#Start of Google Tap Header
global $nextgen_name, $prefix, $db;

// Google Tap On or Off, 1=On, 0=Off
$next_gen_ob = 1;

//Used for main module or a module without a name
if ($nextgen_name == "") {
$sql = "SELECT main_module FROM ".$prefix."_main";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$mainmod_name = $row[main_module];
$nextgen_name = $mainmod_name;

//Make the path to the GT-NExtGEn Files
$nextgen_path = "GoogleTap/GT-".$nextgen_name.".php";
if ($next_gen_ob == 1) {
if (file_exists($nextgen_path)) {
} else {
$next_gen_ob = 0;

function replace_for_mod_rewrite(&$s, $nextgen_path) {

//Check to see if file exists before continuing
if (file_exists($nextgen_path)) {
$s = preg_replace($urlin, $urlout, $s);
return $s;
} #End of Google Tap Header

# Include some common header for HTML generation #


Thank you to Sting for all his patience and help with this GT matter. As he stated he removed the statement from the block-Forum_Center .. and now at least there is only one; showing in the forum and no more in the block

As far as the other errors go.. I have still not gotten them worked out. However I hope to get the worked out with your help.

Temporarily I have increased the number of Downloads that can be displayed to 65 so that there is no need for the page change.
I would like to get it working correctly.


I removed some of the n-b-s-p statements in the articles files within /modules/News and the print and friend links work again. However the READ MORE and COMMENTS links will not function yet.. this IS a big problem.


In the topics and story archieves the actual links to the stories wont work but the search and print and friend links do.. This needs to be worked out.. .lol..


All in all I am pleased with the GT but these are not small issues that I am faced with right now. Any help from the community would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Last edited by jaded on Mon Feb 09, 2004 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total 
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 4:33 pm Reply with quote

Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!

the answers are in this post.. i hope that this is help to others of you! Razz Wink
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