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Joined: May 10, 2006
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Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:39 pm |
I have been baning my head agaist this one for about a week.
I have a fresh install of RavenNuke(tm) Version and CNB_YA-4.2.2
and I can not add new users or promote current users.
I have look at every post possible.
The only thing that comes to mind is that when I compare other installs I have the nuke_user table is different.
For example I have an install of php_nuke 7.9 with cnby 4..4.2 work perfectly.
The nuke_user table almost exactly as the nuke_user of RavenNuke2.10.01 but for the following fields in the rn2.10.01 version.
Please advise, if anyone has any idea would be great. Not sure where to go from here.
You4eea |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:22 pm |
RavenNuke adds some of those fields as a part of the BBToNuke upgrades and NSN Groups. I don't use CNB, but its probably not working because of those table changes. |
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Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:49 pm |
CNB is not integrated into Ravennuke nor has any commitment been made to doing so. There was a recent thread on CNB discussing various options but you are pretty much on your own if you try to use it with Ravennuke now. Not that we would not like to help but this is a major commitment and may not even be desirable. Some very capable folks over at Nuke Evo made a version of CNB part of their distro but I'm not sure if they would go down that path again. As Evaders indicated, your initial problems are probably due to table discrepancies but even if you get past that you are likely to continue to have problems. |

Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:51 pm |
mmm, will I don't understand why would they not intergrate it. Maybe I'm not clear on what ravennuke really is. cnb is way way cool, why wouldn't anyone not intergrate it into there distro.. oh well. I will install 7.8 with patches and all that other stuff, bummer. I already had articles and members signed up. |
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Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:53 am |
you4eea, not sure 7.8 is going to help you or not. The fields that you mention in your original post are due to phpBB patches only. Do you really want to run a nuke site without being fully patched?
The problem with CNBYA right now is that even 4.4.2 was written several years ago prior to the additional patches. You would have to modify a few SQL statements I am sure to get it to work with the latest PHP-Nukes and RavenNuke. It should not be that bad of a job as others have already apparently been able to use this with RN.
We have not incorporated it into RN because we have been waiting (yes, and waiting and waiting and ...) for 5.0 as it has a ton of new features. We agree that a replacement for the YA module is a must, but we are going to be very selective in what we do. |
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Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:00 pm |
montego, thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
I'm a baby phpcoder, not advanced yet, please correct me if I'm wrong, from what I am seeing and from what you are saying, it sounds like the fields that are in the rn version nuke_user tables need to be added to the cnbya code, i.e. added to match whats in the tables?
Regarding running an unpatched site, NO! not good
If anyone already has code changes please feel free to chime in
Thanks! |

Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:05 am |
Yes, what you have stated is what I was hinting at. |

Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:36 pm |

Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:59 pm |
Ok, I have found a solution, strange tho, maybe someone can help explain.
after doing some reverse engineering, I found that if I change the Version_num in the nuke_config table to 7.5 or higher, everything worked just fine, the Add User, and Promote User etc...
Anyone have any ideas? I have my own idea, but just incase someone wanted to throw in their two cents I wanted to make room. |

Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:34 pm |
It must have some version checking so that it operates differently if you're using 7.5+'s admin system. Because RavenNuke doesn't use the usual pattern for version numbers, it doesn't pass this code. |