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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:19 am Reply with quote

I think there are similar posts, but i was not able to find it, cause there are just too many posts and i don't know which one i should look into.

Can anyone please help me edit the files for PHPNuke 7.8. Especially the mainfile.php cause the instructions do not match.

Or maybe you can post a link to where i can get proper instructions to edit the files.

I am a complete newbie so any help would be appreciated. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:10 am Reply with quote

Welcome, friend of Pikachu...

If you're just starting, I'd strongly recommend replacing 7.8 with RavenNuke, available for download here. It already has NukeSentinel (and much more) integrated, and there are few, if any, features in 7.8 that aren't available in RavenNuke.

If, for some reason, you have to use 7.8, first get at least the 3.1 patch from http://nukefixes.com, then install the latest NukeSentinel. The 3.1 patch actually had multiple versions, which caused confusion when adding popular addons. The corrected instructions can be found Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login!.

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:17 am Reply with quote

If you are installing Sentinel because you are concerned about site security, then I recommend you install Raven Nuke which has Sentinel already added or downgrade to phpNuke 7.6 - Sentinel will not protect you from the inherent security issues with the tinyMCE editor which came with phpnuke versions above 7.6, unsanitised variables or other sloppy code.
Sorry I did not mean to put you on a downer but wanted to make you aware of the facts.

Sentinel, combined with Chatserv's patches can close a great many doors BUT they cannot removed all the wedges from doors that bad design firmly wedged open.

I and a great many others do not use versions above 7.6 for this reason.

If you still need this assistance then we will do our best to help, of course.
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:42 am Reply with quote

Thanks for your quick replies.

Actually i installed PHPnuke 7.8 using Fantastico. It takes too long to upload all the files using F.T.P.Sad Another reason I wanted to use 7.8 is that I wanted a newer phpbb. But I have noticed that even 7.8 hasn't got the latest one.

And i was installing NukeSentinel because of the security issues with Tinymce. I didn't know that it doesnt protect against that. Anyway, i can use RavenNuke 7.6 if I find a Forums module with the latest phpbb.Very Happy So is there such a module? If yes, where can i get it from?

By the way, i came to know about the TinyMCE problem at Wikipedia. However they haven't mentioned about NukeSentinel in it. I think you should have a look and maybe edit the entry.Very Happy

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:03 am Reply with quote

kguske - sorry, looks like I cross posted Smile

ashketchum - Raven Nuke has the latest forum version as far as I know but more importantly, 'changes' are tested, they are not applied to the Raven Nuke distribution simply because they are available.
Yes I agree that uploading files via ftp can be slow depending on your internet connection and how/if your host has 'throttle' the upload speed but trust me when I say, it is well worth the 15 or 20 minutes it might take - you would save that time, plus much more by not having to fix a hacked site (if you want to look at it that way).

When my ftp client is grinding away uploading file I usually go grab a coffee and raid the cupboards for 'munchies' Smile

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:24 am Reply with quote

Hey, i just found out that I don't need to use F.T.P.Very Happy If you have cPanel, you can just ZIP the files and then upload the .zip file and then you can extract it using the File Manager in cPanel. That makes it a lot simpler and it takes only about 5 minutes.Very Happy

By the way, i used to watch TV, when i used to upload using f.t.p. I have got a TV Tuner.Very Happy

Thanks for your help. And let me see if RavenNuke has got the latest phpbb.Smile

Edit: Ok I installed RavenNuke 7.6 and now i have another problem. I installed a new theme, but i cant see the blocks on the right side. Do i have to edit the theme files? If yes, what do i have to do?
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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 5:50 am Reply with quote

ashketchum, try this site FAQ here:



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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:25 am Reply with quote

Many Thanks.Very Happy

Edit: yet another problem, can't log in to Your_Account. I get incorrect password everytime. Even with the correct password. Changed the password, but still not working.Sad Help?

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:31 am Reply with quote

Make sure you do not have any special characters in your password. There are a few of them that will not work based on the 3.1/3.2 patchset. See if that is it first.

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:54 am Reply with quote

Oh I see, i did have a special character in my password. Anyway, I deleted the account and created a new one.

Thanks to all of you for all your help.Smile

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:56 pm Reply with quote

There are a few phpBB mods in RavenNuke, but there are many more that aren't. We have tried to limit mods that impact themes, but still try to provide the most useful functionality that makes the most sense to the most users. We frequently consider additions and improvements, so if you see something you really want, ask...
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