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Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:13 pm |
Not really. We haven't decided to make CNB for RavenNuke - at least not yet. But we might be able to get this one to work with it. |
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Joined: Jun 07, 2006
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Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:23 am |
thanks for your reply kguske. but now i am confused...particularly because when we began this thread, one of the first responses was from hitwalker and said...
hitwalker wrote: | no....cnbya isnt included in ravennuke...
if you wait the new cnbya 5.0 beta will be released...
as for upgrades ...yes,update sentinel...and forum if needed.. |
....from that i understood that cnbya 5.0 would be available soon and that i should wait for it because i could then install/intergrate it with my RavenNuke76 v2.02.02 Distro website. |

Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:57 am |
We (hitwalker included) can't control when 5.0 will be released, even though we'd all like that to be soon. We can test the 4.4.2 version with RavenNuke to make sure it works (it will probably require a few modifications due to upgrades in the Nuke Patched series).
There has been some recent activity from the author of CNB, but that was about a week ago and nothing since, as far as I know. We were excited about that activity as we've been waiting for a long time, but to be realistic it's not easy to predict when it will be released. |

Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:15 am |
thanks for that kguske.
but are you saying that when it IS released, cnbya version 5.0 WILL work with the RavenNuke76 v2.02.02 Distro website i have just installed? |

Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:23 am |
If it does not work with RavenNuke, we will make it so... I hope to test it with RavenNuke, prior to its release, so we should be able to identify any issues and get them resolved. If not, we can make the necessary changes so it works with RN soon afer it's released. |

Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:30 am |
ok...sooooooo.....what do YOU think I should now do....Do I wait indefinately for version 5.0 of cnbya or should I try to install the current version that kenwood was suppling to you earlier in this thread and that you were going to test? |

Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:41 am |
I haven't had a chance to test it, but hope to do that today. You should be able to upgrade from 4.4.2 to 5.0 whe it is released. The real question is what functionality do you need and when do you need it? |

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Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:52 pm |
mrbilly wrote: | ok...sooooooo.....what do YOU think I should now do....Do I wait indefinately for version 5.0 of cnbya or should I try to install the current version that kenwood was suppling to you earlier in this thread and that you were going to test? |
Just a quick FYI:
I installed it about a week ago on my 7.6 w/3.2 patches and nobody could register. It went through the process but never populated the database or sent the confirmation email. Be careful with this version. I, personally, am waiting until it's tested and released with the new security patches. |
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Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:20 pm |
You installed 4.4.2 or the version kenwood adapted for RavenNuke, which has 7.6 w/ 3.1 patches?
Kenwood, I noticed a few issues with your version:
- copyright is missing
- Alt tags should be lower case to be XHTML compliant
- there are many HTML compliance improvements that shouldn't affect the overall operation
- what's up with the private message changes?
- COPPA says 13, but you've modified the language file to say 18
- there is some donate stuff (code, images, etc.) that appears to be something you added for your site
- install.txt will need to be modified to take advantage of latest techniques
- nice addition to use NukeSentinel to add a blocked IP instead of IPBan
I did not have a chance to test thoroughly, but nothing I've seen in the code should prevent you from running it. There are a few quirks that seem specific to kenwood's site, but you could probably live with them. I am planning to more thoroughly test it, but not sure when exactly that will be complete... |

Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:56 am |
No, I went searching for it and downloaded it right from Sourceforge. I didn't try kenwood's version. |

Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:21 am |
what are the changes in the SQL in the modules/Your_Account/includes/ui-l10bbforums.php regard the auth_view, auth_read and auth_post? Is it really necessary to add that to the where clause since the user was the author of the post? |

Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:23 am |
Another update: strange issue: when I login, I get an error message indicating that cookies are disabled and unable to log in. But when I then click the home page, I'm logged in. Something strange with how it's handling cookies... more testing. |
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Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:58 pm |
Been their for the longest time kugske, I simple disabled it.
If you like, I'd be happy to try to debug it. |
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Posts: 5661
Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:25 pm |
you do have a nice sence of humor darklord...
your not using the cookie Configuration (like most of us) but prior to the release of the 5.0 you offer to debug it...?
Ive seen sites drop dead because of it....its not worth spending time on.. |

Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:19 pm |
I agree but I'm here to help others in the community and if thats what they want, then I'd be happy to work till my eyes fall out trying to make it happen.
Thing is, I think php-nuke is the best form of content managing system out there(functionality wise) and if I can make a difference in whether or not it dies, then thats just what I'll do. I'm an extremist, I dont give up easy and I've pretty much done whatever I set my mind to and php is no different.
I know I'm new but I have my beliefs and I'll stand right where I feel I must. Right in the way of FB and anyone else trying to merge nuke into something else. In my opinion, If he wants to make a better CMS, he should start with SERIOUSLY upgrading NUKE and not just dismissing it, come on lets get just one thing right before we start on another project huh?
I didnt take your post in the slightest as offensive hitwalker, I just chose to let it all go for the sake of my reply. Please dont take this offensively towards you. |

Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:32 pm |
oh but my reply was just humor,nothing more...
but a small advice.....
allthough you feel you can handle everything ,make a difference,and write phpnuke again in a is however better to slow down a bit and make sure you dont suffer from a burnout..
im sure you wanna do it all,and if possible in one day but thats a bit hard.. |

Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:00 pm |
I know believe me I know, this is just me though. I have no will to take away from others I only want to be able to offer my knowledge(not much) to help others, as I dont want to rewrite nuke or write my own cms, I just intend to put my knowledge to help those who have helped me.
Guardian, Montego and Kguske have really helped me in other trouble spots I've been in(directly), other peoples advice has helped to(indirectly), Its not easy to learn this stuff and all I ever want to do is make it a little easier for other people.
And to show people here that their efforts dont go in vein, like Ive stated to one person in these forums before, I'm just glad I aint been kicked out yet  |
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Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:44 am |
watching this topic, id like to install on RN also.
cheers |

Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:48 am |
I like that forum mod too, though I'm not sure what it has to do with CNBYA. It does require theme changes, though - one of the things we like to avoid with adding things to RN. |

Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:01 pm |
So, kguske, is it ok and working? I don't have RavenNuke but I do have a 7.6 site with 3.2 patches. |

Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:29 pm |
After I turned off the check for cookies disabled, it worked well enough in RavenNuke (which is 7.6 to 3.1+ patches and several enhancements), though I did not test every possible scenario. |

Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:47 pm |
Ok, I will try kenwood's version then and see how it goes. |

Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:37 pm |
It did the same thing to me, but this time I experimented a little bit and found the problem. You can't have the security code turned on for registration or else it blows up and doesn't populate the temp tables or send the email. When I set the security code to none or login only, it works perfectly. |

Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:49 pm |
Nevermind, I should read through that Forum more often. This is a well known issue. Oh well, I tried to be helpful.  |
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Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:53 am |
I would like to know as well so I can get notified of new members and validate them myself |
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