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Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Posts: 20
Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:32 pm |
I have a problem with my phpbb settings in RavenNuke, everytime I try to change the directory for uploaded and click 'submit', it does not hold the setting.
However, if I change the gallery directory it takes no problem. I have no mods installed other than what came with the raven download. I have tried taking off my site theme back to default to no avail, I have chmod the avatar directory to 777 due to an avatar uploading issue I was facing.
Now I need to add an upload folder under the images/avatar folder but it does nothing when I update and submit.
Any ideas? |
Last edited by soulreaver418 on Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total |

Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:28 pm |
No ideas from anyone yet? Well, I'll keep on picking at it, worked out alot of the other issues but, hey.
Also, my site is if you wanted to visit it to check out stuff or just give a suggestion here or there. |
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Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:32 pm |
I have reproduced the problem on my site. I will enter this as a bug in our bugtracker and look into a fix shortly. Thanks. |
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Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:45 pm |
I looked at the code, and apparently it is trying to be "helpful" is checking to see if the directory exists first before allowing you to change the setting. Try creating the directory first and then change the setting accordingly. Let me know. Thanks. |

Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:56 pm |
I have created the directory and chmoded it to 777 as well to see if that was an issue and no go. Odd that the gallery dir can be changed but not the uploaded avatars.
Thanks for looking into it. Oh, I also tried just to delete the directory as well in the admin settings but I can't modify it at all. It's like it is locked into the default dir settings. |

Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:07 pm |
It looks like it checks to see if the directory you entered exists and is writable. If not then it goes back to the default setting.
I will look into this a bit more. |

Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:08 pm |
To get you going temporarily you could change the directory using phpMyAdmin directly in the database. |

Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:36 pm |
Yeah there may be something goofed up in the code regarding the phpBB root path. I'll have to look into it more tomorrow. |

Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:36 pm |
Okay, try this out.
In modules/Forums/admin/admin_board.php find the following bit of code:
// Attempt to prevent a mistake with this value.
if ($config_name == 'avatar_path')
$new['avatar_path'] = trim($new['avatar_path']);
if (strstr($new['avatar_path'], "\0") || !is_dir($phpbb_root_path . $new['avatar_path']) || !is_writable($phpbb_root_path . $new['avatar_path']))
$new['avatar_path'] = $default_config['avatar_path'];
} // end
Change it to this:
// Attempt to prevent a mistake with this value.
if ($config_name == 'avatar_path')
$new['avatar_path'] = trim($new['avatar_path']);
$fullPath = $phpbb_root_path . '../../' . $new['avatar_path'];
if (strstr($new['avatar_path'], "\0") || !is_dir($fullPath) || !is_writable($fullPath))
$new['avatar_path'] = $default_config['avatar_path'];
} // end
I'm not sure I like this, but you'll still have to create the directory first and make sure it is writable before you can change the value in the form. |

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Sun Oct 28, 2007 7:25 am |
You will have to check if the avatar displays everywhere on your site correct, I remember I had an issue with this when I used my own upload folder in a previous version of nuke, and whenever you change this folder after an upgrade or so you will end up with countless 404 errors because search engines have the path in the cache sometimes for a very long time.
Maybe evaders can look into this I´m not sure if this is really a BB2Nuke issue in RavenNuke. |

Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:39 am |
I believe it is a issue. In PHP-Nuke, that path should be relative to your PHP-Nuke root path. The way it is right now, it is assumed to be relative to the Forums directory. My fix, above, corrects that. |

Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:20 am |
Ok, manually added the avatar directory in the MySQL tables. Also changed the code that you gave me. Now I can see users uploading the avatars and it saves them, but they tell me they get an Invalid user session error when they try to submit that avatar for their profile.
So, I tired to manually go in and change the users avatar path in the forums admin, that worked, only whenever I do it, it takes away that users signature. The only thing left are the img tags. Any suggestions there? |

Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:51 pm |
Hangin' Around

Joined: May 05, 2006
Posts: 30
Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:20 am |
Was this ever fixed in the release? I just ran into it again after having setup RN 2.10.01 and used a script to import a phpbb forum to phpnuke.
The avatar and gallery paths were wrong since they were set to phpbb standard, but when I changed the avatar path to modules/Forums/images/avatars it would not save the location.. I had made sure the folder was chmod'ed to 777 but it didn't seem to help. Ended up setting it manually in phpMyAdmin and it worked after that.
Btw. Merry Christmas to the RavenNuke team, I will donate a little christmas present today. |

Tue Dec 25, 2007 2:14 pm |
It is fixed internally, but it has not made it into an official release yet. |