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Joined: Dec 21, 2004
Posts: 225
Location: Kansas City metro

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:07 pm Reply with quote

my site is currently using a theme that spans the entire width of the screen. the problem i am running into is that if someone has a different screen size or settings than I do, then they get that scroll bar on the bottom of the screen.

i would like to make my theme either a) centered in the middle with spacing on top, right and left sides so that it appears to "float" in the center much like the Deep Blue theme; OR 2) left-align my entire site/theme so that blank/white space appears on the right-most part of the site.

I am really just trying to make sure that everyone can access it and view it in one window without having to horizontally scroll.

I have tried altering my header.php and changing the width to 840 rather than at 100% but this only resets the header, not the entire site. Here is my theme.php :


/* Theme Name: skyLineBlue */
/* Theme Design: mikem of www.nukemods.com */
/* version 3.0 */
/* Theme inspired by the phpbb2 style skyLineBlue by */
/* Volize Web Solutions (http://www.volize.com) */
/* */
/* Copyright Notice */
/* - Our Package name and link MUST REMAIN in the credit */
/* footer of all Nuke generated pages. */
/* Translations are permitted, not renaming. */
/* - This package CAN NOT be ported without written */
/* permission. */
/* - This package CAN NOT be mirrored without written */
/* permission. */
/* - Use of this package requires that credits to the */
/* original PHPNuke remain in all site generated */
/* page footers. */
/* */

/* Theme Colors Definition */
/* */
/* Define colors for your web site. $bgcolor2 is generaly */
/* used for the tables border as you can see on OpenTable() */
/* function, $bgcolor1 is for the table background and the */
/* other two bgcolor variables follows the same criteria. */
/* $texcolor1 and 2 are for tables internal texts */

$bgcolor1 = "#FFFFFF";
$bgcolor2 = "#DFDFDF";
$bgcolor3 = "#CCCCCC";
$bgcolor4 = "#DFDFDF";
$textcolor1 = "#000000";
$textcolor2 = "#000000";


/* Function themeheader() */
/* */
/* Control the header for your site. You need to define the */
/* BODY tag and in some part of the code call the blocks */
/* function for left side with: blocks(left); */

function themeheader() {echo ads(0);
global $admin, $user, $banners, $sitename, $slogan, $cookie, $prefix, $db, $nukeurl, $anonymous, $name;
if ($banners == 1) {
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_banner WHERE type='0' AND active='1'"));
/* Get a random banner if exist any. */
/* More efficient random stuff, thanks to Cristian Arroyo from http://www.planetalinux.com.ar */

if ($numrows>1) {
$numrows = $numrows-1;
$bannum = mt_rand(0, $numrows);
} else {
$bannum = 0;
$sql = "SELECT bid, imageurl, clickurl, alttext FROM ".$prefix."_banner WHERE type='0' AND active='1' LIMIT $bannum,1";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$bid = $row[bid];
$imageurl = $row[imageurl];
$clickurl = $row[clickurl];
$alttext = $row[alttext];

if (!is_admin($admin)) {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_banner SET impmade=impmade+1 WHERE bid='$bid'");
if($numrows>0) {
$sql2 = "SELECT cid, imptotal, impmade, clicks, date FROM ".$prefix."_banner WHERE bid='$bid'";
$result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2);
$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2);
$cid = $row2[cid];
$imptotal = $row2[imptotal];
$impmade = $row2[impmade];
$clicks = $row2[clicks];
$date = $row2[date];

/* Check if this impression is the last one and print the banner */

if (($imptotal <= $impmade) AND ($imptotal != 0)) {
$db->sql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_banner SET active='0' WHERE bid='$bid'");
$sql3 = "SELECT name, contact, email FROM ".$prefix."_bannerclient WHERE cid='$cid'";
$result3 = $db->sql_query($sql3);
$row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3);
$c_name = $row3[name];
$c_contact = $row3[contact];
$c_email = $row3[email];
if ($c_email != "") {
$from = "$sitename <$adminmail>";
$to = "$c_contact <$c_email>";
$message = ""._HELLO." $c_contact:\n\n";
$message .= ""._THISISAUTOMATED."\n\n";
$message .= ""._THERESULTS."\n\n";
$message .= ""._TOTALIMPRESSIONS." $imptotal\n";
$message .= ""._CLICKSRECEIVED." $clicks\n";
$message .= ""._IMAGEURL." $imageurl\n";
$message .= ""._CLICKURL." $clickurl\n";
$message .= ""._ALTERNATETEXT." $alttext\n\n";
$message .= ""._HOPEYOULIKED."\n\n";
$message .= ""._THANKSUPPORT."\n\n";
$message .= "- $sitename "._TEAM."\n";
$message .= "$nukeurl";
$subject = "$sitename: "._BANNERSFINNISHED."";
mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: $from\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
$showbanners = "<a href=\"banners.php?op=click&bid=$bid\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"$imageurl\" border=\"0\" alt='$alttext' title='$alttext'></a>&nbsp;";
$username = $cookie[1];
if ($username == "") {
$username = "Anonymous";
echo "<body background=\"themes/skyLineBlue/images/bg_main.gif\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" text=\"#FFFFCC\" leftmargin=\"10\" topmargin=\"10\" marginwidth=\"10\" marginheight=\"10\">";

if ($username == "Anonymous") {
$theuser = "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"account.html\">"._LOGIN."</a> or <a href=\"account-new_user.html\">"._BREG."</a>";
} else {
$theuser = "&nbsp;&nbsp;"._BWEL." $username!";

$datetime = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n"
."<!-- // Array ofmonth Names\n"
."var monthNames = new Array( \""._JANUARY."\",\""._FEBRUARY."\",\""._MARCH."\",\""._APRIL."\",\""._MAY."\",\""._JUNE."\",\""._JULY."\",\""._AUGUST."\",\""._SEPTEMBER."\",\""._OCTOBER."\",\""._NOVEMBER."\",\""._DECEMBER."\");\n"
."var now = new Date();\n"
."thisYear = now.getYear();\n"
."if(thisYear < 1900) {thisYear += 1900}; // corrections if Y2K display problem\n"
."document.write(monthNames[now.getMonth()] + \" \" + now.getDate() + \", \" + thisYear);\n"
."// -->\n\n"

$public_msg = public_message();
$tmpl_file = "themes/skyLineBlue/header.html";
$thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
$thefile = addslashes($thefile);
$thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
print $r_file;
$tmpl_file = "themes/skyLineBlue/left_center.html";
$thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
$thefile = addslashes($thefile);
$thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
print $r_file;

/* Function themefooter() */
/* */
/* Control the footer for your site. You don't need to */
/* close BODY and HTML tags at the end. In some part call */
/* the function for right blocks with: blocks(right); */
/* Also, $index variable need to be global and is used to */
/* determine if the page your're viewing is the Homepage or */
/* and internal one. */

function themefooter() {
global $index, $foot1, $foot2, $foot3, $foot4, $copyright, $totaltime, $footer_message;
if ($index == 1) {
$tmpl_file = "themes/skyLineBlue/center_right.html";
$thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
$thefile = addslashes($thefile);
$thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
print $r_file;
$tmpl_file = "themes/skyLineBlue/footer.html";
$thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
$thefile = addslashes($thefile);
$thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
print $r_file;
echo "<center>\n";
$footer_message = footmsg();
echo "</center>\n";
echo "<center><br><font class=\"small\">::</font></center>";
echo "<br>\n";

/* Function themeindex() */
/* */
/* This function format the stories on the Homepage */

function themeindex ($aid, $informant, $time, $title, $counter, $topic, $thetext, $notes, $morelink, $topicname, $topicimage, $topictext) {
global $anonymous, $tipath;
if ($notes != "") {
$notes = "<br><br><b>"._NOTE."</b> <i>$notes</i>\n";
} else {
$notes = "";
if ("$aid" == "$informant") {
$content = "$thetext$notes\n";
} else {
if($informant != "") {
$content = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&amp;op=userinfo&amp;uname=$informant\">$informant</a> ";
} else {
$content = "$anonymous ";
$content .= ""._WRITES." <i>\"$thetext\"</i>$notes\n";
$posted = ""._POSTEDBY." ";
$posted .= get_author($aid);
$posted .= " "._ON." $time $timezone ($counter "._READS.")";
$tmpl_file = "themes/skyLineBlue/story_home.html";
$thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
$thefile = addslashes($thefile);
$thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
print $r_file;

/* Function themearticle() */
/* */
/* This function format the stories on the story page, when */
/* you click on that "Read More..." link in the home */

function themearticle ($aid, $informant, $datetime, $title, $thetext, $topic, $topicname, $topicimage, $topictext) {
global $admin, $sid, $tipath;
$posted = ""._POSTEDON." $datetime "._BY." ";
$posted .= get_author($aid);
if ($notes != "") {
$notes = "<br><br><b>"._NOTE."</b> <i>$notes</i>\n";
} else {
$notes = "";
if ("$aid" == "$informant") {
$content = "$thetext$notes\n";
} else {
if($informant != "") {
$content = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&amp;op=userinfo&amp;uname=$informant\">$informant</a> ";
} else {
$content = "$anonymous ";
$content .= ""._WRITES." <i>\"$thetext\"</i>$notes\n";
$tmpl_file = "themes/skyLineBlue/story_page.html";
$thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
$thefile = addslashes($thefile);
$thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
print $r_file;

/* Function themesidebox() */
/* */
/* Control look of your blocks. Just simple. */

function themesidebox($title, $content) {
$tmpl_file = "themes/skyLineBlue/blocks.html";
$thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file));
$thefile = addslashes($thefile);
$thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";";
print $r_file;


Any ideas on what to do/how i can get my theme to show up correctly and be more user friendly so as to avoid the bottom horizontal scroll bar for some users? Thanks.
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Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 30, 2004
Posts: 3221

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:24 pm Reply with quote

Your theme is using the header.html and footer.html files. You will need to edit those files to make fixed-width tables

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PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 11:26 pm Reply with quote

i did alter the width of the header.html table file but it only made the header smaller, not the entire page width which includes the left/center/right blocks...those are all still spanning at full width. any ideas?
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 3312
Location: near Albany NY

PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 6:54 am Reply with quote

You may need to look in all the html files. If there is any table in them that does 100% it may be causing the whole page to expand to that width.
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PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 7:29 am Reply with quote

fkelly wrote:
You may need to look in all the html files. If there is any table in them that does 100% it may be causing the whole page to expand to that width.

i know this question is dumb but i will ask anyway...where would all the html files be? in the root of my nuke install or throughout the site? i am unclear as to where to look for them, besides the header.html. thanks.

PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 7:38 am Reply with quote

They are in the theme directory of the theme you are working on. They should be in the same directory as that header.html.

I should have added that the table problem would only occur if the table is 100% and not contained in any other table. So, if you have nested tables (ughh), which many themes do, you need to find one that's not contained in another table.
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