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Hangin' Around

Joined: Jan 25, 2008
Posts: 44
Wed May 07, 2008 11:35 pm |
How hard would it be to hide the nuke login name and replace it with a nickname or something similar.
Something like:
Username: Helsnicht
Display Name: Novice
Where as everything would display the Novice instead of helsnicht.
Skill Level range? I have yet to ever add things to the database or write code to call from it, would I be to far over my head to try this? |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Thu May 08, 2008 2:16 am |
phpNuke does provide something like that, though it may not be obvious
The field in Your_Account
It can be used as the displayed name. Unfortunately it isn't used too much. Most of phpNuke would use the username, you would have to find the all the code that references the username and replace it with data from the Real Name field |
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Thu May 08, 2008 3:58 am |
Thanks for the reply Evaders! I'll be sure to check that out and see what can be done with it. I'll post back if I run into any trouble. |

Joined: Sep 23, 2003
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Thu May 08, 2008 9:05 am |
Is the skill level meant to display a MMORPG skill by any chance?
-sting |
_________________ You see - I told you I wasn't paranoid. They were really out to get me. |

Thu May 08, 2008 12:14 pm |
Nah, I meant the difficulty of coding the new line into nuke.
Skill level 1 - Novice
Skill level 2 - Basic
Skill level 3 - Intermediate
Skill level 4 - Advance
Skill level 5 - Expert
I'm currently at around a skill level 1-2 |

Thu May 08, 2008 1:24 pm |
i only read what i want to.
-sting |

Thu May 08, 2008 3:02 pm |
I believe we're all guilty of that from time to time. =)
Back to topic:
I took some baby steps and managed to get the realname to display in the $theuser within the header! I'm rather proud of myself =) But as the saying goes, "Give me a foot and I'll want a yard.".
I think I'll want to keep the real name field intact and continue to try and call from a new field within the _user tables so I'm going to try playing with it some more. I'll post back if I get stuck somewhere. |

Thu May 08, 2008 5:59 pm |
Ok added the field and gotten it to display inside the your_account index. Got a question though. I plan to make it and the realname to only be editiable via initial registration and admin. So i did them like the username under the edituser()
Code:.'<tr><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor2.'"><b>'._USRNICKNAME.'</b>:</td><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor3.'"><b>'.$userinfo['username'].'</b></td></tr>'
.'<tr><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor2.'"><b>'._USRDISPNAME.'</b>:</td><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor3.'"><b>'.$userinfo['displayname'].'</b></td></tr>'
.'<tr><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor2.'"><b>'._UREALNAME.'</b>:</td><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor3.'"><b>'.$userinfo['name'].'</b></td></tr>'
Do they need a hidden input like the username has at the end of the edituser()?
Code:.'<input type="hidden" name="username" value="'.$userinfo['username'].'" />'
I wouldn't think so since its just displaying info from the db, but then again I'm not sure what that code implies and/or does.
Thanks in advance,
Hels |

Thu May 08, 2008 8:01 pm |
I ran into a snag when tring to add the fields to the new_user()
I'm pretty sure I added everything right to the index.php file for the your_account module, which obviously I didn't. Anyways with the custom fields added I get "module file not found error" when clicking new user.
I don't know what I screwed up. If anyone wouldn't mind checking it and offer some pointers as to what I did wrong, I'd be appreciative.
displayname for quick referrence.
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Fri May 09, 2008 7:55 am |
Input type defines the type of input in your form - if it is 'hidden', it means that it isn't seen in the form vs. if it is 'text' where it is a text box entry.
If you have the input type defined already above the submit as a text field, you can populate the text field with a default value from the database by adding a value clause.
I usually use hidden when I want to pass things that the user ordinarily would not see, such as the user id, or in some instances username (if they are not actually changing that).
There are some good examples of other input variable types at
Now off to look at your txt file . .
-sting |

Fri May 09, 2008 8:00 am |
What does the submission string look like? In looking at your text file, I notice one thing that might cause an issue - though I haven't tested it out on my end.
When using the case statement, you have a case 'new user' - I would suggest NOT using spaces in your cases - make it something like case 'new_user' as I am not sure how that submit string sends the submit value for a space. (This may not be an issue at all if the browser interprets a submission like new%20user and the code handles it.)
EDIT - just noticed there is already a new_user in there. . . lol so this is probably not where your issue is. . .
-sting |

Fri May 09, 2008 12:55 pm |
Thanks for looking sting, I went through and index all the edits I made to the file.
Code:Line 87
case 'saveuser':
Line 222
.'<tr><td><b>'._USRDISPNAME.':</b> '."$displayname".'<br /></td></tr>'
.'<tr><td><b>'._UREALNAME.':</b> '."$name".'<br /></td></tr>'
Line 300
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$user_prefix.'_users_temp (user_id, username, displayname, name, user_email, user_password, user_regdate, check_num, time, requestor) '."VALUES (NULL, '$username', '$displayname', '$name', '$user_email', '$new_password', '$user_regdate', '$check_num', '$time', '$requestor')";
Line 334
$db->sql_query('INSERT INTO '.$user_prefix.'_users (user_id, name, username, displayname, user_email, user_password, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_regdate, user_lang) '."VALUES (NULL, '".$row['username']."', '".$row['displayname']."', '".$row['name']."', '".$row['user_email']."', '$user_password', 'Guest.png', '3', '".$row['user_regdate']."', '$language')");
Line 830
.'<tr><td>'._USRDISPNAME.':</td><td><input type="text" name="displayname" size="30" maxlength="25" /></td></tr>'."\n"
.'<tr><td>'._UREALNAME.':</td><td><input type="text" name="name" size="30" maxlength="60" /></td></tr>'."\n"
Line 1116
.'<tr><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor2.'"><b>'._USRDISPNAME.'</b>:</td><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor3.'"><b>'.$userinfo['displayname'].'</b></td></tr>'
.'<tr><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor2.'"><b>'._UREALNAME.'</b>:</td><td bgcolor="'.$bgcolor3.'"><b>'.$userinfo['name'].'</b></td></tr>'
Theres 3 more lines I edited but they're only display names for the comments, submissions, & membership so I didn't add them to the list. As for anything outside of those mention, its the standard rn2.10 index.php. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
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Location: near Albany NY
Fri May 09, 2008 2:02 pm |
Just remember that the next time you update versions you need to preserve the changes you made. This can get to be a p.i.t.a. |