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Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:29 pm |
Totally unbelievable! If ever I have a sore spot, this is it
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Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:22 am |
Quote: | Proprietary and free formats
Fedora has the mission of always being freely re-distributable; this means you are free to give your copy of Fedora to anyone else.
Unfortunately, that means that we cannot ship support for certain multimedia codecs, as they require patent licenses before you can view or play media that use them. Imagine if you had to pay a license fee before reading your e-mail, or viewing a picture on the web. This is why Fedora supports free formats, such as Ogg Vorbis and Theora.
However, there are companies and communities that do offer support for certain codecs under Fedora. If you would like to install support, please proceed to see the available options. |
me understood though inglaish. You file not Microsoft properclarity so i learn?
Tip for people that do not understand: Hey you, i have GNU/Linux here in Asia because it's free. I need to play movie to learn english but the movie is not freeware  |

Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:04 pm |
Finally got it to play using Xine after i had to configure some sources in Fedora 8 due to a bad setup of PulseAudio and ALSA in KDE.
So you gonna learn Spanish? |

Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:37 pm |
- It's gone too far. I am so sick and tired of this country and its liberal politicians giving this country away like this. I literally became so enraged by this that I find it hard to even joke about it. Now THAT's really sad Btw, what is the number of the INS?  |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:28 pm |
The state has no clear answer? WTF
30 states already have English as the official language.
My parents came here having to learn to speak English. All foreigners studying in the US have to learn English. All major communications in American life are done in English. Why can't English be a prerequisite in the work force? Esp for firemen... how else are you going to communicate to the people you're supposed to be saving? |
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Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:48 pm |
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Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:26 am |
This is one of the stupid things that would happen in the UK!  |
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Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:18 am |
See also this link
One of the man reasons I left the UK was because of this type of political correctness BS.
One has to ask the question - how/who gave them the job in the first place if there was a communications barrier. I'm all for workers rights, I have spent enough of my time and money defending them for others but where good communication is reliant on the safety and welfare of lives and property then they should have a STRICT multi-lingual policy where English is one of the required languages.
After all it has worked well enough for the airlines for decades.
I better stop there because I go positively incandescent on this subject. |

Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:52 am |
I read that John Edwards article right after you posted it and was elated! I passed that link onto many people. If only the US were strong enough to do this <sigh>. |

Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:07 am |
I wish the British Government had the same backbone. Sadly they don't and we now have a situation where England is no longer 'British'. There are several cities in England now where the born and bred 'in the UK' population is actually classed as the minority. Obviously it isn't helping that an estimated 50,000 people LEAVE the UK every year because of this ridiculous situation.
We now have another absurd situation where schools have had to remove Christian religious icons (Crosses, sculptures of Mary etc) from schools because Muslims found them to be offensive - WTF is that all about?
I have no beef with anyone who wants to practise their own religion and religious beliefs BUT to move to another country and then kick off because you find that countries religious icons offensive is like a trip into the twilight zone - beyond belief. |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:32 am |
Especially since the monarch is head of the Church of England! |
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Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:22 am |
She should be removed from that post immediately!
How can someone who is, as you rightly stated, be Head of Church of England and build a mosque at one of her Palaces but no build a chapel?
Madness! |

Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:54 pm |
Hmmm this stuff is getting to difficult.
I gonna smoke pot on April 23 (feast day of Khizr, Islam's Patron Saint of Cannabis) in a Chapel on the red-light district of Amsterdam and think this over sitting aside from a Japanese (with camera) and a East-European talking Esperanto! |

Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:03 pm |
Ahh, Amsterdam. Smoke strange exotic plants and catch strange exotic diseases - where do we sign up? |

Sat May 17, 2008 2:40 pm |

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Sat May 17, 2008 3:58 pm |
Guardian maybe you should also publish photos of the killing fields in Vietnam, the crying childred partically burnt with Napalm and photos about the forgotten war and massacre in Uganda.
Thats somewhere a strange thread, isn´t it.
I´m not interested in politics and because English isn´t my first language I will not add here some more comments.
Its just good that there is one language which we all speak no matter where we are from or skin color we have and thats the language of our heart. |

Sun May 18, 2008 1:57 am |
Unfortunately, Vietnam is not in the British school corriculum but if it was and it got dropped because it offended a religious minority then I'll be the first to write about it  |

Sun May 18, 2008 12:14 pm |
This wasn't and isn't a political issue. While war in general inadvertently inflicts death and destruction on innocents, the Holocaust was not inadvertent. It was a planned, methodical, genocide such that has never been recorded. It was and is mass murder and experimentation of the most horrendous nature. That was the language of the heart of the Nazis. They had no feeling, no heart, no compassion, no moral compass at all. This was one nation/race attempting to eradicate a whole other nation/race.
The killing fields were tragic for Cambodia. This was an internal political issue. The ruling class Cambodians ended up killing in one way or another the enslaved "lesser" Cambodians.
I agree that that we all have a "language of the heart". But the heart, unfortunately, can never be trusted. That has been proven over and over again throughout history. The prophet Jeremiah records in Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?". The 2 events discussed here are but a drop in the bucket of the wicked hearts that have spoken. |

Joined: Apr 05, 2006
Posts: 263
Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:47 am |
i`m moving back to post 1
this is a juicy i feel is growing through england and now it seems america.
i have forgotten how many people have mentioned in every day conversation
with me on those topics mentioned above.
its for those people to fit into your way of life not for us to change to their way of life and their rules. it feed resentment and possible hatred towards them, its also a small step towards war.
i should note that our great new leader Gordon brown has made it compulory for imigrants to England to learn english both writen but more importantly spoken or be denied long term stay here. it opens a door to communication which is the main point of the video i think.
no comprende...... no helpy helpy ....(sry about spelling) |
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Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:26 am |
I did not know that about Gordon Brown. I'll have to check him out a little closer  |
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Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:01 pm |
I don't think the guys in this link are helping the cause though
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Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:38 pm |
I need to check the facts and the originating source but I did get a whisper on the Government grapevine a couple of days ago that the UK was going to allow Muslims in the UK to use their Sharia Law.
I no longer live in the UK but I do know, if that happens there will be a lot of civil unrest, persecution and innocent civilians will once again get caught up in another bloody battle because of a few extremists. |

Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:21 pm |
Paul_K wrote: | I don't think the guys in this link are helping the cause though
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Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:01 pm |
sharia law well well,
in london even the white kids have to learn or do prayers
because the school is 80/90%muslim , personaly im all for freedom but my daughters english. church of england. as i mention above some people have talked to me about a race war, which yes its kinda scarey since that was never a topic to be mentioned before.
but then i also got told the planets all line up in 2012 and going to throw the planet into caos when it shift orbit.... i hope gods not watching boston legal at the time or we are all screwed. |