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Joined: Feb 01, 2006
Posts: 129
Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:27 pm |
montego wrote: | probador wrote: | OK, I'll answer myself;
I got the problem, at least in my case I didn't have to upload the whole ip2country, just the file "IANA Reserved".
It worked!! and I saved a lot of Mb !!! |
That was an excellent analysis and fix!
BTW, BobMarion has not been able to replicate this issue in his local environment. He is thinking that somehow values are getting loaded into the IP2C table or were carried over from a prior installation.
If you wipe your nuke_nsnst_ip2country table clean, it should work too. It will not get a hit on the check for the reserved IP.
Would really appreciate it if someone, who can replicate the "Invalid IP" on a regular basis, could verify this by truncating their nuke_nsnst_ip2country table using phpMyAdmin. The command would be:
TRUNCATE TABLE nuke_nsnst_ip2country; |
Well I done it... I just deleted all the IP To Country content in the data base lets see if it works or fuks up more my site jeje... will be postin ina few days.. |
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Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:34 am |
Thanks zerokooll. The community and I thank you. |
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Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:39 am |
i did everything that you wrote, downloade ip2c the newest files. imported all. then empty sql from table for ip2c and import again, and users still cant visit my site. i get about 200emails vith blocked ips and still nothig works. my proxi bocker i off.
so anythig else? or i must down grade to older sential, that my users can visit my site. |
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Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:02 am |
In another post, Montego wrote:
Montego wrote: |
One other "thought". If you want to make this feature "switchable", add this line to your config.php script:
$bypassNukeSentinelInvalidIPCheck = TRUE;
NOTE: For RavenNuke76 2.02.02, this switch is already there.
Setting this to TRUE will bypass that check. Setting it to FALSE will perform the normal check. Make it one or the other.
I decided to do that. I was getting AOL users blocked with an empty IP2C table otherwise.
Other people have reported success with only importing the IANA reserved data. |
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Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:14 pm |
Wait a sec - Sentinel doesn't send emails unless the user got blocked by Sentinel. It doesnt send an email if the IP is not 'valid'.
Can you post what message you are getting in the emails please. |

Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:30 pm |

Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:15 am |
The reason they are geting blocked is clear from the email message - they are accessing an admin link from somewhere on your site and as they are not logged in as an admin or have no admin rights, that is the reason they are getting blocked.
You will need to check your site to see how they are accessing this link or ask your user where they found the link.
If there are no blocked IP's in in the database table then that would be because the admin blocker setting is probably set to 'email only'. |

Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:33 am |
thx, i thik now everything works  |

Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:12 pm |
What was the resolution... might help others if they come upon this thread.
Thx. |

Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:02 pm |
i imported countrys that i need it. then whet to blocker configuration and changet:
Admin blocker settingts Activate: changet to block & deful page
and i stoped getting emails. |

Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:57 pm |
Well, you stopped getting the emails, but are you sure that they are still not getting blocked? Turning off the email notifies just keeps you from seeing these... my personal preference would be to know when someone has tried an "attack" like this... (if its truelly an attack). |

Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:20 am |
all users ho counld not visit my site becaus they "where blocked" now can visi my site.
if its truelly attack, i dont care because i dont wont to wory like oooo someboady acatked my site 5time. less i know is better for everyone  |
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Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:14 am |
igormm wrote: | if its truelly attack, i dont care because i dont wont to wory like oooo someboady acatked my site 5time. less i know is better for everyone |
That's a bad idea. Should you get attacked and your site goes down, you may have no other records of the hack. It would be hard to secure your site back up without knowing how they got in. A good hacker can take down your server and destroy his own trails. However, he cannot stop the email trail that could have been detected before the hack. |
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Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:30 am |
I have been hacked (or attempted hack) so many times that i have "Email & Block" on all blocker settings...
It's easier for someone to email me if there was something wrong and then i unblock him, then letting hackers take a "trial-and-error" approach until they are successful.
I too have blocked myself from admin after updating NSentinel...
Had to downgrade to 2.4.2pl9 again to be able to import all the IP2C data...
I thought there was no problem about downgrading because i could update anything... only files were updated. |

Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:28 pm |
well i just inform everyone that if you want to save time just delete the IP to country data and it will fix it worked forme.... no more emails jejeej |

Thu Oct 19, 2006 6:12 am |
zerokooll, thank you for following up with us on this! There was an additional thread added into the middle of yours, that in my opinion, has nothing to do with IP2C data, so I appreciate you still closing the loop, so to speak, on your original thread! It was the result that I was hoping for.
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Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:11 pm |
I've been having the same prob as everybody else, it was a fresh install and I immediately got the invalid IP message. I tuend off the config.php line and was abel to access my site to update all the ip2c tables (each country invidivually). But that didn't fix my problem. I then truncated the table nuke_nsnst_ip2country which allowed me to access my website again. I'm going to reupdate all the ip2c info again, and see if there is just a bad file somewhere in the install sqls or something. will keep you informed. |

Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:18 pm |
So after truncating my ip2country table, I updated JUST the IANA Reserved list and whammo, I got the invalid IP message again!
guess I've got a brand spankin shiny new IP address eh? |

Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:23 pm |

Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:19 pm |
Hangin' Around

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Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:08 am |
sorry any one know how to import all IP2cc one time on nstn ..
i hate to chose one by one country then some time forget what i did add, or the list importing too long !!! |
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Sat May 09, 2009 10:03 am |
I'm using Nuke Sentinel 2.6.02 and would like to update my IP2C as I've experienced this Invalid IP issue on one of my web sites. However, having read the User Manual on NS and the post here dated 2006, I do NOT see any IMPORT DATA in the list of items in my current version of NS. How then does one go about undertaking this update and just where is the latest version of the IP2C . . . searched RavenNukeScripts but could only find Nuke Sentinel_2.6.0.1. BTW I was able to access my Blocked site by Disabling the Invalid IP ('true') in the rnconfig.php. |

Sat May 09, 2009 10:07 am |
All the data should be in a directory in your nuke root called 'import' |

Sat May 09, 2009 11:21 am |
Thank you, yes it is present and I note that the date on the Right states 26 April 2009, which is about when Nuke Install would have done the transfer to a new DN and updated the necessary files (?). SO, given that when I go to the web site via the Admin.php, open Nuke Sentinel, BUT do NOT see any link to Import Data, should I assume this is no longer a feature in the more recent versions? Secondly, if this be so, do I then find the most recent version of IP2C (where??) and just dump that file into the current import dir/folder? OR ?? This certainly would seem to be a far more effecient method than working through an 'A' to 'Z' individual country import/update.
Thank again and Make A Nice Day. |

Sat May 09, 2009 12:48 pm |
OK let me get this right..
When you are in the NS admin area, you click the link marked IP to Country Menu and then the link IP2C Add Range you don't see the drop down that has the countries listed?? |