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Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:16 am Reply with quote

RavenNuke(tm) v2.40.00 - Change Log

2009-09-15 v2.40.00 Major Release for RavenNuke(tm)

- 0001552: [-Specific to PHP Version] Linking to off-site avatars not working under php 4 (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001556: [-Specific to PHP Version] stripos_clone function problem in PHP 5 (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001576: [Addons - Dynamic Titles] Remove TegoNuke(tm) DynamicTitles as now being handled via nukeSEO(tm) DH (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001491: [Addons - ShortLinks] Add ShortLinks "Taps" for new Project Tracking module that is now "core" (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001255: [Addons - ShortLinks] Missing short url for register link (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001507: [Addons - ShortLinks] Notice: undefined variable admin (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001497: [Addons - ShortLinks] Problem with viewing comments in Comments Admin (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001515: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Blocked by Sentinel when changing own admin password (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001454: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Non-compliant HTML on admin.php when no stories exist (KGuske) - resolved.
- 0001570: [Admin Functions - Nuke] Open anchor tag in preferences causing display problems (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001451: [Core (in General)] Change all links associated with http://raven* [^] to http://www.raven* [^] (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001043: [Core (in General)] Logic to display or not display right blocks flaw (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001457: [Core (in General)] Remove all but MySQL from db folder (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001456: [Core (in General)] sql_fetchrow() returning both numeric and associative arrays (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001403: [Core (in General)] Undefined variable: xminpass (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001461: [Core (in General)] Upgrade to the latest release of jQuery & Plugins (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001574: [Core - Blocks] blocks-ForumsCollapsing.php broken with latest updates (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001565: [Core - Blocks] ForumsCollapsing Block Not Found In Trunk (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001429: [Core - Blocks] Logic error in blocks-modules.php (JakeC) - resolved.
- 0001441: [Core - Language] Nonsensical define - "Something screwed up... don't you hate that?" (Guardian2003) - resolved.
- 0001548: [Core - Language] Update of the German lang files (Susann) - resolved.
- 0001385: [Core - mainfile.php] Remove function selectlanguage() from mainfile as it is just duplicating the block (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001443: [Core - mainfile.php] Remove redundant queries for getting $nuke_config values (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001489: [Core - Modules] Add option to make modules hidden (Guardian2003) - resolved.
- 0001579: [Core - rnconfig] allow_call_time_pass_reference warnings (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001566: [Core - Themes] Add the SimplyBlue Theme to the release and modify/correct/change various issues - resolved.
- 0001519: [Core - Themes] Content+ ACP Font too large in Raven Ice theme (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001247: [Core - Themes] Deep Blue theme block widths not wide enough for some blocks (Raven) - resolved.
- 0000880: [Core - Themes] Sunset forum board style not working and not needed, therefore, remove (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001525: [Enhancement Request] Add nukeSEO DH - ability to dynamically generate and override HEAD tags (title, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS) (KGuske) - resolved.
- 0000986: [Enhancement Request] Error trapping in db.php are not stopping when no database is found (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001320: [General] Add the forum fixgroup.php script to Utilities (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001561: [Installation/Installer] Add correct cookie value in forums config table and sdate value in nsngr_users table upon installation (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001549: [Installation/Installer] Finalize both database upgrade scripts (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0001514: [Installation/Installer] Installer - undefined constant (Guardian2003) - resolved.
- 0001508: [Installation/Installer] Ravenstaller update for IP2C and new IP2C tables (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001509: [Installation] Add Content Plus sql tables to the installer (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001392: [Installer] Add Project Tracking RN SQL to Installer (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001414: [Installer] Uses $prefix instead of $user_prefix for _users_config (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001486: [Module - Advertising] Correct many bugs in Advertising administration as well as associated bugs in the user side of advertising (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0001503: [Module - Advertising] Edit banner name bug (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0001418: [Module - Advertising] Expand flash file url field size (Evaders99) - resolved.
- 0001568: [Module - Advertising] Warnings in Advertising Admin Index (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001447: [Module - Comments] Deletion of news comment sets nuke_stories comment counter to 0 (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001464: [Module - Content Plus] Conflict between content module and ravenice (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001483: [Module - Content Plus] Misc fixes to Content Plus module (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001398: [Module - Content Plus] Move ContentPlus to Core (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001478: [Module - Content Plus] Perform security review of Content Plus (Evaders99) - resolved.
- 0001465: [Module - Content Plus] Problem with escaping quotes in content (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001558: [Module - Content Plus] Send to a Friend doesn´t work (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001421: [Module - FAQ] Validation Problem - Double < p > Tag (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001462: [Module - Forums] Link to newest post in topic redirects to the forum index (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001562: [Module - Forums] Make fields in forum profile readonly/disabled and add message about using YA (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001482: [Module - Forums] Right blocks logic incorrect in PHPBB Module (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001407: [Module - gCalendar] Edit Groups Problem - Wrong group(s) selected when switching categories (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001449: [Module - Groups] Add ability to mail multiple groups at once (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001364: [Module - Groups] Change username leaves old username in nsngroups (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001446: [Module - Groups] Move Group module from admin directory to module directory (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0000355: [Module - Groups] no email sent confirmation for admin (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001572: [Module - Groups] Undefined functions when group member expires (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001409: [Module - Legal] Add confirmation to document deletion (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001444: [Module - Legal] admin link/icon does not show for semi-admins (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001406: [Module - Legal] Comments link in menu not being translated (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001408: [Module - Legal] Gracefully fall back to English translations (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001431: [Module - News] Admin cannot moderate comments in news (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001415: [Module - News] Allowed memory size error exhaustion in paginator class with very large pagenum values (Montego) - resolved.
- 0000677: [Module - News] category color problem (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0001438: [Module - News] Comments Still displayed when "No Comments" selected (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0000955: [Module - News] Do not have the delete comment button on the child comments (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001405: [Module - News] Remove 2 global variables that are no longer used in categories.php (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001520: [Module - News] Remove extraneous comment configuration parameters from all the comment links (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001492: [Module - nukeFEED] Misuse of get_magic_quotes_runtime (KGuske) - resolved.
- 0001480: [Module - nukeWYSIWYG/FCKEditor] Incorporate latest FCKEditor version (2.6.4) (KGuske) - resolved.
- 0001394: [Module - Project Tracking] Move NukeProject from Addons to core (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001400: [Module - Project Tracking] Notice: Undefined variable: nuke_config (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001412: [Module - Project Tracking] Parse error unexpected '=' in PJReportMembers.php (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001545: [Module - Project Tracking] Project Tracking doesn't use tegoNuke Mailer (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001531: [Module - Project Tracking] unexpected T_INCLUDE in Project Tracking module (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001109: [Module - Resend Email] Delete UserInfoAddOns Folder and Functionality (was: Can the Resend Email module now be removed?) (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001569: [Module - RWS WhoIsWhere] RWSWhoIsWhere block is showing a white background in IE - Converted IFRAME to DIV (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001432: [Module - RWS WhoIsWhere] When a user is on the Home page WIW is reporting ErrorDocuments (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001419: [Module - Statistics] Detailed stats for month is not showing (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001484: [Module - Statistics] Modified statistics counter to properly track Netscape, Mozilla, Opera and any browser under Linux Boxes (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001452: [Module - Statistics] Statistics module is counting anonymous user (jestrella) - resolved.
- 0001426: [Module - Surveys] Add WYSIWYG Editor When Adding an Article with a Poll (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001440: [Module - Surveys] Notices in edit poll (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001427: [Module - Surveys] XHTML Compliance Issues in Survey Admin (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001001: [Module - Web Links] Broken links edit function ignores the link id that was selected (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001422: [Module - Web Links] Problem with German umlauts in Weblinks and Downloads (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001374: [Module - Web Links] Warnings on validating links when have broken links (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001553: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Blocked mail domains not being applied correctly (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001399: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Change version mismatch error (KGuske) - resolved.
- 0001435: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Comment Threshold setting does not work/stick (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001437: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Comments Setup - Do Not Display Scores - Not Saving (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001433: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Deactivated fields show in registration (KGuske) - resolved.
- 0001563: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Expires date of group memberships is showing as unix timestamp (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001448: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Notice when feed fails in My Headlines (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001428: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Problem with private/public fields in RNYA (KGuske) - resolved.
- 0001410: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Reference to rnya.php in Your_Account (RYNA) is incorrect (KGuske) - resolved.
- 0001397: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] RNYA German translation umlaut issues (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0000832: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Signatures in forum postings show as text and not html/bbcode (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001543: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Theme list does not sort properly as case insensitive (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0000881: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Topic reply email link gets lost if not logged in (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001317: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Undefined $op in mainfilend.php (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001404: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] User_allow_viewonline in RNYA does not work logically (fkelly) - closed.
- 0001535: [Module - Your Account (RNYA)] Users email being show when hidden (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001517: [Nuke (All Code)] Remove Ultramode Functionality (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001495: [NukeSentinel] "Clear Expired Blocked IP's" ends on white screen (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001460: [NukeSentinel] DNSStuff IP look ups no longer FREE with current link structure (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001557: [NukeSentinel] IP2C Overlap Check is broken, only checks the first page (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001493: [NukeSentinel] Misuse of get_magic_quotes_runtime (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001476: [NukeSentinel] Notices when validating markup (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001518: [NukeSentinel] Notices with Sentinel (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001573: [NukeSentinel] Sentinel javascript files showing errors in IE (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001450: [NukeSentinel] Small DB optimization (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001538: [NukeSentinel] Undefined variable (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001496: [NukeSentinel] Undefined variable: sip (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001494: [NukeSentinel] Unused Files in Sentinel (Guardian2003) - resolved.
- 0001396: [NukeSentinel] Version check link at top of admin going to older version number (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001534: [Other] Update File Compare Utility (Guardian2003) - resolved.
- 0001533: [Other] Update Table Compare Utility (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0001499: [RNCore - Sentinel] Notices when blocked by sentinel accessing admin areas. (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001564: [RNLogs] Modify the instruction in the dblog file (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001500: [Security / Vulnerability] Modules/Survey - Vulnerability: User specified URL redirection (Open Redirect) (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001501: [Security / Vulnerability] Vulnerability: Web Application Cross Site Scripting (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001365: [Security] Add CSRF Protection to the Core and all Modules (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001575: [Security] Validate HTTP request X-Forwarded-For and other variables for valid IP addresses (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001196: [Theme] "Code" bbcode off center (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001577: [Theme] Banners cause RavenIce and SimplyBlue to have a space in the right margin (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0000940: [Theme] Make Milo Compliant (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0000946: [Theme] Make Traditional Theme Compliant (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0001202: [Theme] RavenIce - Gap on right with some modules when all right blocks disabled (Guardian2003) - resolved.
- 0001367: [Theme] Ravenice Theme - Use of RN_MODULE_NAME (Montego) - resolved.
- 0001217: [Theme] Remove unused admin images from CT_RN theme (JakeC) - resolved.
- 0001411: [Theme] Theme CT_RN - Missing "Delete this post" Image (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001567: [Tools/Utilities] Add SQL profiling logic to RavenNuke (Raven) - resolved.
- 0001393: [Upgrade Scripts/Process] Add Project Tracking SQL to update Script (Palbin) - resolved.
- 0001445: [Upgrade Scripts/Process] uname field removed in upgrade in (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0001505: [W3C Compliance and Code Clean-Up] Compliance issues when switching wysiwyg editor on and off (fkelly) - resolved.
- 0001425: [W3C Compliance and Code Clean-Up] Convert ">" to a character entity for display purposes (Palbin) - resolved.
[140 issues]

Raven Web Services(tm) LLC
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