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Joined: Jun 22, 2003
Posts: 54
Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:42 am |
Here's the situation and what I did in the past but I want to know the best way to go about this.
Since my whole site is based around NASCAR, (I know "rednecks" come to mind) ) Anyway, some folks like music, and some guys don't. Me persoanlly I dont really care either way. One thing I do know is other nuke sites that have music, when a user changes pages or refreshes, then the music starts over from the begining and thats annoying to me.
So, here's what I did. I created a Frameset page and had a MP3 player load in the top 78px portion, then loaded my site index.php in the bottom portion. But, Im not sure if this is the best way and sometimes (very little) the page says done, but it comes up a white screen where the site should show but doesn't. Hit refresh and the index.php portion shows fine. Not getting any errors in the error log so not sure why that happens but Like I said it happens very far and few between. It seems to work okay and music is always playing without interruptions from page changes or refreshing. Is this the best way to do it? Im not sure google and other search engines like that very much. Besides that, I dont really want people just sitting at my site listening to music and nothing else.
My other thought was to create a block where the user could click a link and then a small pop-up flash player would start with the same effect of no interruption on page changes. It seems when I tried this before, it failed. Not sure if nuke doesnt like it or I just dont know how to go about creating a block the right way.
Any help or suggestions appreciated. Thanks |
Site Admin

Joined: Mar 30, 2006
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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:40 am |
I would go with the pop-up flash player instead of the using frames. As for how to do it I have no idea short of using google. If you find one you like post back and I will help you get it to work from a block or whatever. |
_________________ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan. |

Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:47 am |

Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:22 pm |
Thanks Palbin for the help.
Rather than get into something new and have to do a bunch of CSS changes to match my site theme, I have already created a flash mp3 player I'd like to use. You can see it here. Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! As far as I know, I just need a block with a link to make this pop up. Im hoping to have it pop up in a frameless window, thinking it might look cleaner. Maybe not. I'm open. Anyway, Ill let you take it from here on how it should open from my site.
Thanks again. |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Aug 13, 2009
Posts: 1123
Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:34 pm |
Palbin, how can I use jplayer. Should I make a block or a module? |

Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:51 pm |
unicornio, It depends do you want it to be a pop-up window or a block? |

Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:54 pm |
if ( !defined('BLOCK_FILE') ) {
Header('Location: ../index.php');
$content = '<form><input type=button value="Play" onclick=\'javascript:popUp("")\'></form>';
if ( !defined('NUKE_FILE') ) {
Header('Location: ../index.php');
$inlineJS = '
<script language="JavaScript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
function popUp(URL) {
day = new Date();
id = day.getTime();
eval("page" + id + " =, \'" + id + "\', \'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=1000,height=100\');");
/* ]]> */
addJSToHead($inlineJS, 'inline');

Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:56 pm |
unicornio, you could use the same thing you would just have to change "" to a page that contains the jplayer. |

Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:58 pm |
Hi Palbin, I just wanna have a small center block with pop-up. Thanks for replying |

Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:16 pm |
Thanks Palbin...Gonna give it a go right now. Ill post back the results. |

Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:54 pm |
It worked like a champ! You da man! Thank you again. All is well at ads setups and paint!!!! |

Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:54 pm |