/* PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System */
/* ============================================ */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2002 by Francisco Burzi */
/* */
/* */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. */
/* Additional code clean-up, performance enhancements, and W3C and */
/* XHTML compliance fixes by Raven and Montego. */
if (stristr(htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) , 'header.php')) {
Header('Location: index.php');
if (!defined('NUKE_HEADER')) define('NUKE_HEADER', true);
require_once 'mainfile.php';
//GT-NExtGEn 0.4/0.5 by Bill Murrin (Audioslaved) (c) 2004
//Modified by montego from for TegoNuke(tm) ShortLinks
global $tnsl_bUseShortLinks, $tnsl_bAutoTapBlocks, $tnsl_bAutoTapLinks, $tnsl_bDebugShortLinks, $tnsl_sGTFilePath;
if (defined('TNSL_USE_SHORTLINKS')) {
$GLOBALS['tnsl_asGTFilePath'] = tnsl_fPageTapStart();
* Include some common header for HTML generation
function head() {
global $slogan, $sitename, $banners, $nukeurl, $Version_Num, $artpage, $topic, $hlpfile, $user, $hr, $theme, $cookie, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $textcolor1, $textcolor2, $forumpage, $adminpage, $userpage, $pagetitle, $name, $db, $prefix, $nukeNAV;
// Initialize CSS and JS arrays
$headCSS = array();
// Post 138905 Step 3
addCSSToHead(INCLUDE_PATH . 'themes/ravennuke.css', 'file');
$headJS = array(); // added inside HEAD tags
$bodyJS = array(); // added at bottom of page, before </BODY>
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
// Post 138905 Step 1
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'themes/' . $ThemeSel . '/theme.php';
// Tolerant baseURL Hack - VinDSL (
$base_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
// include_once 'includes/meta.php';
// nukeSEO Dynamic HEAD - load HTML, HEAD tags
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/nukeSEO/nukeSEOdh.php';
// Post 138905 Step 2
//Added for Gallery2 integration
if (defined('G2HEADER_CSS_JS')) {
echo "\n". G2HEADER_CSS_JS;
if (defined('THEME_FAVICON'))
echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' , INCLUDE_PATH , 'themes/', $ThemeSel, '/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />', "\n";
else if (file_exists(INCLUDE_PATH . 'themes/' . $ThemeSel . '/images/favicon.ico')) {
echo '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' , INCLUDE_PATH , 'themes/', $ThemeSel, '/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />', "\n";
// Post 138905 Step 4
addCSSToHead(INCLUDE_PATH . 'themes/' . $ThemeSel . '/style/style.css','file');
// Support custom CSS on a per-module basis (RN0000391)
// Module authors need to define RN_MODULE_CSS to name the external style sheet they want to load
// and we will add a link to their stylesheet file automatically.
// KG: The only example of using module-specific, theme CSS is Forums - do any themes actually use this?
if (defined('RN_MODULE_CSS')) {
$modCssFile = 'themes/' . $ThemeSel . '/style/' . RN_MODULE_CSS;
if (file_exists($modCssFile)) {
addCSSToHead($modCssFile, 'file');
// Post 138905 Step 5
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/javascript.php';
// Post 138905 Step 6
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/jquery/jquery.php';
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/jquery/jquery.colorbox.php';
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/tabcontent/tabcontent.php';
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/ajaxtabs/ajaxtabs.php';
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/custom_files/nukeSEO/nukePIEhdr.php';
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/custom_files/nukeSEO/nukeFEEDhdr.php';
// nukeNAV(tm)
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/jquery/nukeNAV.php';
// Post 138905 Step 7
$addons = readDIRtoArray(INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/addons', '/^head\-(.+)\.php/');
foreach ($addons as $addon) {
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/addons/'.$addon;
$addons = readDIRtoArray(INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/addons', '/^body\-(.+)\.php/');
foreach ($addons as $addon) {
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/addons/'.$addon;
// Post 138905 Step 8 - RN_MODULE_HEAD should contain the file to include, with a path relative to the module folder
if (defined('RN_MODULE_HEAD')) include_once 'modules/' . $name . '/' . RN_MODULE_HEAD;
// Post 138905 Step 9
if (file_exists(INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/custom_files/custom_head.php')) {
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/custom_files/custom_head.php';
echo "\n\n", '</head>', "\n";
if (file_exists(INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/custom_files/custom_header.php')) {
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/custom_files/custom_header.php';
global $ab_config;
if ($ab_config['site_switch'] == 1 && isset($_COOKIE['admin']) && is_admin($_COOKIE['admin'])) {
echo '<center><img src="images/nukesentinel/disabled.png" alt="' . _AB_SITEDISABLED . '" title="' . _AB_SITEDISABLED . '" border="0" /></center><br />';
if ($ab_config['disable_switch'] == 1 && isset($_COOKIE['admin']) && is_admin($_COOKIE['admin'])) {
echo '<center><img src="images/nukesentinel/inactive.png" alt="' . _AB_NSDISABLED . '" title="' . _AB_NSDISABLED . '" border="0" /></center><br />';
if ($ab_config['test_switch'] == 1 && isset($_COOKIE['admin']) && is_admin($_COOKIE['admin'])) {
echo '<center><img src="images/nukesentinel/testmode.png" alt="' . _AB_TESTMODE . '" title="' . _AB_TESTMODE . '" border="0" /></center><br />';
include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'includes/counter.php';
if (defined('HOME_FILE')) {