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Joined: Nov 06, 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:05 am Reply with quote

Hi I thought I share some facebook plugins to the forums which I have added and work nicely with my site.

I put facebook comments on top of the forum thread on
or templates/YourTheme/Forums/viewtopic_body.tpl

after line 9 and 10 or line 4 in RavenIce. Make sure to test it if it loads:
<table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">


<div id="fb-root"></div><script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=APP_ID&amp;xfbml=1"></script><fb:comments numposts="10" width="425" publish_feed="true"></fb:comments>

Replace APP_ID in the above script with your application ID.

To use this plug-in, your site must have an application ID. You can get an application ID here: http://developers.facebook.com/setup

I also like the Live Stream:
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/live_stream_box.php?app_id=APP_ID&amp;width=600&amp;height=400&amp;via_url&amp;always_post_to_friends=false" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:600px; height:400px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

and a nice center one with FB avatars and like button for your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php/en_US"></script><script type="text/javascript">FB.init("261a6eb29fe875de9bccc396f27f6e7c");</script><fb:fan profile_id="XXXXX" stream="0" connections="22" logobar="1" width="620"></fb:fan>

<div style="font-size: 8px; padding-left: 10px;"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/YOUR-GROUP-URL-Here/XXXX10455219">Group or site name here</a> on Facebook</div>

If anyone has some cool FB plugins please post. Like to know if I'm missing anything good Very Happy

happy 2011

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:13 pm Reply with quote

Interesting - thanks!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:22 am Reply with quote

A test page for a Facebook LIKE pop-up.
Please do NOT click the LIKE button because this is just a test page and will be removed soon.

This test page does not use IFRAMEs but instead uses jquery and Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! to output the pop-op upon document.ready
A cookie is also set when the LIKE link is clicked to prevent the pop-up firing again - not perfect but useful for news articles or other one-off items of interest.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:22 am Reply with quote

that is very cool, and I like the variable timer too Smile

Although for me personally I would prefer it in some type of slide out tab.. as I'm not a huge fan of onload modal windows unless some type of warning or notification needs to be displayed.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:11 am Reply with quote

It seems the Facebook API requires you to submit a mobile phone number or debit/credit card - not going to happen! They harvest too much personal information as it is.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:26 pm Reply with quote

Guardian2003 wrote:
It seems the Facebook API requires you to submit a mobile phone number or debit/credit card - not going to happen! They harvest too much personal information as it is.

I love hearing those words come from someone elses mouth. My wife & mother are so sick of my FB rantings.

Money is the measurement of time - Me
"You can all go to hell…I’m going to Texas" -Davy Crockett 
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:34 pm Reply with quote

yea but you can not ignore who they are. and in a business is best not to ignore them. just check out some commercials of the major 500 companies. they don't even put out their urls no more, they say find us on facebook, and give their facebook name. i don't have a problem giving fb a cell number.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:25 am Reply with quote

You are absolutely right. As a marketing tool, you cannot ignore them even though the monetary value of FB as a company is based purely on advert revenue and the information they hold on their members.
Unfortunately I do not own a cell phone and have not had one since leaving the UK 3.5 years ago. Neither do I have 'plastic' - my sole income is 'virtual money' so in FB's eyes, I'm not a real person. I must be the worlds first 'virtual' human Smile

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:57 am Reply with quote

NeapolitanWorld wrote:
yea but you can not ignore who they are. and in a business is best not to ignore them. just check out some commercials of the major 500 companies. they don't even put out their urls no more, they say find us on facebook, and give their facebook name. i don't have a problem giving fb a cell number.


Actually, you can ignore them... and especially in (small) business.

I'm glad you said this line... because I have noticed it and it's a very disturbing thing.

"Just check out some commercials of the major 500 companies. they don't even put out their urls no more, they say find us on facebook, and give their facebook name."

I had a responded to a news article awhile back on this very subject. In the article... it stated that FB was worth some $50b. Why do you presume that is? What does FB offer other major companies that no one else does?

Answer... massive amounts of information on "people" and their habits which in the end equals "trends". They can essentially predict the future. That is where FB's value truly derives from.

So the model...

Collect information on people.
Derive market trends based on user input
Sell the information (not the end users info... the "trending" info)

The brilliance of it is... the end user is doing the work (market research) for the companies.




(middle of the page... "Use our "Like" button to increase your ad's influence")
("Build a community around your business"... Under the FB umbrella... my assertation)

“Its changing the way the world works,” he said, pushing information out faster than any big company can. “As Facebook adds more and more people with more and more connections it continues growing and becomes more useful at a faster rate. We are going to use it spread information through the social graph.” The net effect of the social graph is that groups and application can achieve exponential growth, he said.


Of course... I value the privacy of myself, my family & my clients more than I care to make the almighty dollar(insert your currency here)... but that's my prerogative. I "can" choose to ignore the influence of FB and build my own business outside the umbrella of social garbage... isn't that what Zuck did with facebook while myspace was the power broker of the time? Wink

also... does AOL ring any bells? These "trends" come and go... eventually the true nature of FB will shine through as people get worn out by constant over exposure to it and move away from it. Just my .02 on the matter.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:11 pm Reply with quote

killing-hours wrote:
I "can" choose to ignore the influence of FB and build my own business outside the umbrella of social garbage... isn't that what Zuck did with facebook while myspace was the power broker of the time? Wink

well don't stop there throw out the TV and radio, newspapers as well because by in large they all suck with a few exceptions like NPR, and a few public run programs whom sole way to support is public support, which these days are all barely making it. getting in to another subject yes you can see about as stupid things and comments on FB like oh i popped a pimple on my nose today, but like anything, is what one makes of it, as for example a family member uses it to spread out the word on his non-profit organization whom try to bring light to genocides around the world. so if you are going to be like that, i say just go all the way and become a hermit Laughing Laughing Confused
Guardian, you may be virtual but the best virtual man ever known to man kind Dance-Y

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:59 pm Reply with quote

NeapolitanWorld wrote:
killing-hours wrote:
I "can" choose to ignore the influence of FB and build my own business outside the umbrella of social garbage... isn't that what Zuck did with facebook while myspace was the power broker of the time? Wink

well don't stop there throw out the TV and radio, newspapers as well because by in large they all suck with a few exceptions like NPR, and a few public run programs whom sole way to support is public support, which these days are all barely making it. getting in to another subject yes you can see about as stupid things and comments on FB like oh i popped a pimple on my nose today, but like anything, is what one makes of it, as for example a family member uses it to spread out the word on his non-profit organization whom try to bring light to genocides around the world. so if you are going to be like that, i say just go all the way and become a hermit Laughing Laughing Confused
Guardian, you may be virtual but the best virtual man ever known to man kind Dance-Y

Already ahead of ya... very rarely watch t.v. other than I shouldn't be alive... only use newspapers to start my fire... listen to radio in passing and to hear noise. I spend my time with my kids or working on my web skills.

I'd have to disagree with your opinion that NPR and a "few public run programs" don't "suck"... but this is not the time nor place.

Back on track though...

I'm not saying not to use FB... I'm stating that I (a small business person) CAN choose not to use it in light of my understandings. (this is in response to your comment @ 8:34) You brought up a very interesting point though when you posted about the fortune 500 companies and how they are all tying into FB. I just cared to elaborate on it... didn't say I was going to rush out and Bear Grylls this thing.

The simplest way to understand my position is... "if everyone else is jumping off a bridge... do you jump too?"

One last thing.. when you say "so if you are going to be like that, i say just go all the way and become a hermit"... what exactly is "that"?? Please pm me with your response. Thanks.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:32 pm Reply with quote

killing-hours, just conversation my friend. we all must do what ever makes us happy Very Happy well within the law Cheers and have a great week.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:41 pm Reply with quote

NeapolitanWorld wrote:
killing-hours, just conversation my friend. we all must do what ever makes us happy Very Happy well within the law Cheers and have a great week.


Agreed Cheers

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:24 am Reply with quote

Not to rehash an old topic (although that's exactly what I'm doing), but I found these stories on drudge this morning and it reminded me of what I said in this topic.... so I figured it would be fitting to place links here to further illustrate my point for future readers.

'Facebook fatigue' blamed for drop in users
Social network with 600m users has been rocked by privacy scares

Tired of social networking? Logging off Facebook? You’re probably not the only one.

Fearing for their privacy or perhaps just bored with using the site, 100,000 Britons are said to have deactivated their accounts last month.

And Facebook fatigue seems to be catching. Six million logged off for good in the U.S. too, figures show.


Is Facebook’s reign as the king of social networking coming to an end?

Facebook, known for its meteoric rise in popularity, lost 1.5 million users in Canada in May. Facebook also reported a loss of approximately 6 million users in the United States in the same month.

Overall, Facebook gained 13.9 million users in April, and 11.8 million users in May – compared to a typical month in 2010 where the company gained 20 million users per month on average.

A report published Monday morning on mashable.com says that if this slowing trend continues for two consecutive months, it could be a significant indicator for Facebook’s future.


PALO ALTO, Calif. - Facebook is approaching 700 million members but its growth is slowing and it lost users in the United States and Canada last month, the Inside Facebook website said Monday.

Facebook had 687 million members at the start of June, said Inside Facebook, which closely tracks developments and trends at the Palo Alto, California-based social network.

Facebook itself does not regularly release membership figures except to announce milestones such as when it crossed 500 million users in July of last year.

Inside Facebook said overall growth at the social networking giant "has been lower than normal for the second month straight, which is unusual."



As predicted... the decline begins. These "trends" come and go. People are beginning to catch on to the true nature of Facebook and how horrible it really is.
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