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Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:41 am |
Hi Raven (and anyone else that is reading this), i have done programming off and on over the years in VB and have read up on html and css somewhat, but have not practiced it. I have decent resources to learn more on those topics, but I was wondering if you could recommend what I need to know in PHP and possibly MySQL. If you could take a few minutes and browse and give me a list of titles you think may help, I would appreciate it. My goal is to at least be able to create/modify themes. Thanks.  |
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Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:20 am |
PHP and MYSQL web development by Welling and Thomson. If you want to work with themes you'll want to know CSS and use the themes that come with RN2.45 (when it's released) as a guide. |

Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:58 am |
thanks for the fast response, fkelly
Whats the timeframe on 2.45 ?? |
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Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:46 am |
There are a plethora of decent (and free) e-books on the internet, which will help you. Anything relating to PHP 5, HTML, and CSS are always good to have. |

Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:07 am |
What do you usually use for your test server? Xampp? Or do you install the stuff you need separately? |

Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:39 am |
If your a Windows user, use XAMPP. If your a Linux user, you can install everything you need easily enough (if it isn't installed already).
I use Ubuntu so almost everything was already installed out of the box. |

Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:41 am |
I use Wampserver. It works like a charm.
Can't give you a time frame. Can tell you that it is pretty much locked down in terms of features and we are doing final testing. But how long that will take partly depends on availability of people to test and what they find and how long it takes to fix any show stoppers that they find and to retest it. |

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Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:17 pm |
I have learned HTML and XHTML by not using an editor and still I don´t like editors. CSS learning be doing had the greatest effect but you need a basic and some examples. The are enough good sites about CSS if you search on Google you will find these all. However, a theme should work with all browsers and without hundreds of validations errors. Keep this in mind when you start. |
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Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:28 am |
Send me your mailing address via PM and I will send you the book that Frank recommended in almost pristine condition, you will only have to pay the postage
Raven |
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Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:08 am |
Just to add my two cents to the discussion... I was in your position just over a year ago. Here is the best advice I can give you... pick something you want to make happen... and focus on it like a laser.
Set the bar just over your head and go after it. The more you work on it.. the more you will learn just by having to cross certain hurdles. If you try to bury yourself in a book... you will likely overload yourself with to much information. (or at least that's what happened to me) |
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Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:14 am |
Goog point killing-hours. It happes all the time with graduate students. they finished something and at the end they don't know what to do. I think we need more practice toghether with theory. |

Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:08 pm |
I appreciate all the responses, sorry i didnt get back sooner, ive had a busy week. Having plenty of time to learn all this stuff won't be a problem. I recently became disabled due to a serious problem with one of my legs, so I am confined to the house prettty much. I figure i can catch up on my programming and learn web skills as well. This will give me a chance to improve my gaming community and possibly provide a method for me to make extra money doing small jobs from home. |