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Joined: Aug 30, 2005
Posts: 244
Location: Flying to close to the sun
Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:57 pm |
Why does the new user follow up email have a "Real Name" catagory ?
At that point, the user has not been able to input their real name because they have not received the activation link yet.
Quote: | Following is the member information:
-Nickname: testing123456
Real Name
-Password: testing123456
How and where can I fix this ?
Thanks. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

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Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:45 am |
I just replicated this. Using RNYA, When an admin requires administrative approval for new registrations, two emails are sent when a user tries to register. The first takes place when the user applies (but he/she is approved by the admin). That is what you quoted. Note that the real name field is blank in what you quoted. Then after the admin approves the registration an actual activation email with a link to activate is sent.
On my system, I require real name as part of registration. So the first email above includes a real name (not blank):
Quote: | Following is the member information:
-Nickname: franktest
Real Name frank test
-Password: frnkcycle |
On RNYA, configuration, default fields I have user real name required during registration. So there is a value to send in the email.
Just for kicks, I modified my system to not require Real Name during registration. In that case the real name field is still sent in the first email I listed above. I suppose it should be removed but I don't see any real harm with it. Just ignore it and tell your users to ignore it.
I'm sure the code could be changed to check the status of the RNYA configuration and omit the real name line in the email when real name is not required in registration. But we have higher priorities than that. The code is open source and you are free to hack away if you want but just be aware that the operation of approval/activation is going to be significantly changed for RN2.5 when that comes out. |
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Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:50 pm |
I thought we already did a check to see if we had a Real Name and if not, fall back to the username but it has been a while since I delved into RNYA |

Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:00 pm |
Probably, if we wanted to be truly "anal" about it, the real name field should not be passed in the email if the admin does not require the real name as part of registration. But I can't see where any real harm is done by including a blank real name line in the email in those instances.
There is just so much we can do. It probably took me a half hour this morning signing into and out of my system as admin and creating test usernames under different scenarios just to isolate and confirm the issue. Opening up the code, finding out exactly what has to be changed, making the changes and testing the changes in all scenarios (real name required, real name not required, real name optional ... etc) could take a full day or more. It just doesn't seem to be in the cards given other priorities. |

Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:10 pm |
fkelly, Thank you for taking the time to prove that this wasn't just on my end
I was just wondering if any one knew off hand, what file could be edited to stop "real name" from showing.
You see, my sites are gaming sites, and many of my users are not that adept at using computers other then for gaming, much less registering on a web site. when they see strange things, it throws them off.
I just like to make every thing crystal clear for them because if I do, its less of a head ache for me in the long run.
I am also dealing with " No user matching the given criteria was found" bug after users try to confirm their real name, fake email, profile ect.
The user is in fact registered. but that statement confuses some users and they just leave rather then trying to sign in. I have read all of the threads/posts about this bug, and have not found a fix.
my sites URL is |

Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:05 am |
The code you are looking for is in /Your_Account/Public/new_finish.php. It is at line 198 in the version I am working with but possibly that's changed.
Code: $message .= _FOLLOWINGMEM . "\r\n" . _UNICKNAME . ' ' . $ya_username . "\r\n" . _UREALNAME . ' ' . $ya_realname . "\r\n" . _UPASSWORD . ' ' . $user_password;
You could comment out (or eliminate) the _UREALNAME constant as well as echoing the variable $ya_realname. Or even better you could check on the configuration value for reqrealname and only echo out the constant and value if it is set to 1. |

Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:52 am |
Thanks i will check that out. |

Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:15 am |
Okay I have pinned this bug down to the theme I was using. It's the multiGamer theme from clan themes. When using the Fisubice theme I no longer get the "No user matching the criteria was found".
It tells me My account has been created and gives me the link to log in.
Now I just have to find out what file I can edit to make it work correctly. sigh. |