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Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jul 18, 2004
Posts: 579
Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:34 pm |
Is there any chance to have a serious conversation abouth the future of 'XXXnuke'.
And competition to other cms systems?
What others do better, and can nuke do it as well?
Is there realy a future for XXXnuke (in this case xxx stands for the ravensscript distro or fork,whatever you wanna name it).
Personaly it is also for me to make some choices.
I like the nuke way,but there are so much alternatives.
Give me something to stay with it. |

Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Posts: 424
Location: France,Translator
Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:09 pm |
pretty cool forums , raven's a good guy ,
montego is cool , and rn's team rocks?
cms is very very easy to tweak once you know what you want to do?
compared to more top notch , the kernel is coded way better and very effective and provides interoptability with older php way of code , better security than most cms, and of course 100 of thousands of lines of code less than most of top notch out of the box security.
Thats for raven's nuke
But of course , don't take my reasons to stay but those who chose ravenwebhosting and never left
As for other nuke scripts...i daresay i don't like/use them.
The only thing that rn doesn't do ,is xXx module , but it can easily be scripted , if u want my opinion |
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Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:19 pm |
ok,but you take your view out of using xxxnuke.
I also interested in the opposite view.
Now my point of view about the things you mentioning opposite to "other popular" cms systems.
-Pretty cool forums you say... did you ever used the search on this ste?
The effectiveness of this site is verry verry poor.
Try to link a specific post or a news to the forum or news section.
-cms is very very easy to tweak once you know what you want to do?
ever heard of an api or frame work?
Sorry cant take your pro's serious.
BTW: did you ever tasted shark soup? |
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Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:21 pm |
This has been debated many times before in the forums. Personally I find that RN is much easier to use than any other CMS on the market.
With regards to the search here, I use it regularly and manage to find what I am looking for. |

Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:27 pm |
I also think that the support you get in these forums is much better than any other CMS on the market. |

Joined: Jul 03, 2006
Posts: 273
Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:58 pm |
I like Nuke's Simplicity of Management. However I think it is falling way behind the competition in terms of modernization and features.
The support of the RN Team is great and they are truly a dedicated bunch so that is another plus.
But for myself I find there is just far too much to be improved that it seems pointless when there are better options out there that have what you need already built. Development times for new stuff is far too slow and I believe its future is dim. There probably will always be a small core of users for a long time to come but in terms of growth it will be very limited if at all. It will only become more stale as time goes on I think.
As for security actually I don't believe it is much more secure than most offerings and maybe less than many.
However there are times when one CMS is better for your needs than others and it really comes down to your requirements for the site you're doing and for many RN could be a perfect fit. For many others it may not be. |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:58 am |
I've used Joomla, Drupal, and RavenNuke / PHP-Nuke for business and community websites. What factors are you interested in comparing? Unless you get specific about what you're looking for, how can anyone really answer your question? If your specific concerns have already been addressed, we can point you to that. If not, the basis for having a real discussion will be established, followed by meaningful discussion. |
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Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:32 pm |
I think each CMS has it's own pro's and con's.
Whenever you use any software of that type, you should really be selecting what you use depending on your needs and possible future needs.
I have used Joomla/Mambo, RN, php-nuke, B2Evolution, Wordpress, Ionize, Concrete 5, Typo, Drupal, modX, Fusion and many others. They each meet a specific need. If they didn't, you would only ever need one to fit everyone's needs, which is impossible.
I like RN because it's simple, it is easy to develop extra functionality or modules and more importantly for many sites, it's administration area is clear and easy to use.
Is it perfect? No, not by a long way, but I can also say the same about EVERY other CMS on the market today, including some very expensive commercial software.
Almost every one of those I listed has more 'toys' than RN, has more functionality and can do *more* out of the box. If I wanted *more* I would simply use the product that offered it, provided they had good support and a proven track record.
Joomla/Mambo for instance has some great functionality and is very flexible, but I don't want to spend a week or more trying to figure out how to do X or Y. And I certainly don't want clients calling me for months asking how to do X or Y.
Drupal, Ionize like some of the others are very extensible and use either their own framework or a third party framework like CodeIgniter. That's a perfectly fine choice for a commercial site or a site that needs specific uncommon features. The framework, without a doubt, does allow for faster development of more complex functionality but you still need a technical understanding of the framework to avoid opening security problems (like the ones you often see for Drupal plug-ins).
For me, less is more.
If you have some specific features you want to compare, let's here them so we have a good debate. |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

Joined: Jul 30, 2003
Posts: 551
Location: Neurotic, State, USA
Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:18 pm |
wHiTeHaT, you seem to have a lot of issues with this site. This site and the team running it are awesome and have helped countless numbers of people over the years. I've been a member of this site for many years and enjoy it very much. And these guys work very hard at coding RN CMS to be very secure and easy to use. |
_________________ Scott Johnson MIS Ubuntu/Linux 11.10 |

Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:09 am |
I think it's more about possibilities, than with this site, specifically. The questions are good, but the delivery might not be the best way to achieve what I believe to be the ultimate goal.
To stay on this topic, I believe the question can best be answered with additional details about the intended uses and / or features / functionality that are desired. |