/* Tableless CSS Sprite Powered Info Box Block by */
/* SpasticDonkey - */
/* Inspired by: Info Box for RavenNuke by */
/* RavenWebServices User Info Block */
/* nukeNAV by nukeSEO */
/* Icons adapted from the Crystal project and */
/* the Tango Desktop Project */
/* Intended for use on RavenNuke(tm) v2.5+ */
if ( !defined('BLOCK_FILE') ) {
Header('Location: ../index.php');
if (!isset($side)) { $side = ''; }
if ($side == 'c' || $side == 'd' || $side == 't') { $IBCentermode = true; } else { $IBCentermode = false; }
if (!defined('PHP_EOL')) define ('PHP_EOL', strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == 'WIN') ? "\r\n" : "\n");
/* Setup - Use these settings to control how the user info block displays to users/admins/anonymous. */
$membercounter_view = 1; // MEMBER TOTALS SECTION: Who can view? 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$zero_in_column_view = 2; // If zero registrations during period show column to: 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$recent_member_view = 1; // RECENT MEMBER SECTION: Who can view? 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$recent_member_count = 1; // how many newest members to show to all
$recent_member_user = 2; // how many newest members to show to users
$recent_member_admin = 4; // how many newest members to show to admins
$who_is_online_view = 0; // ONLINE NOW SECTION: Who can view? 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$show_guest_guest = 2; // show online guests to 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$max_display_guests = 40; // maximum number of online guests to display
$max_display_members = 40; // maximum number of online members to display
$showonlinecount = 1; // total count of online guests/members: Who can view? 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$max_session_mins = 60; // how long before inactive users are dropped from online list
$lastseen_user_view = 0; // LAST SEEN MEMBER SECTION: Who can view? 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$lastseen_count = 2; // how many last seen members to show to all
$lastseen_count_user = 4; // how many last seen members to show to users
$lastseen_count_admn = 6; // how many last seen members to show to admins
$servertraffic_view = 0; // SERVER TRAFFIC SECTION: Who can view? 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$traffic_year_view = 1; // Traffic stats by year: Who can view? 0=everyone 1=user-only 2=admin-only 3=disable
$how_many_years = 2; // how many years to display in traffic stats
$nameMaxLength = 13; // Max length for username display. Will truncate with ...
$langMaxLength = 17; // Max length for some problem language defines. Will display in smaller font-size
$LargeSectionIcons = true; // use 32x32 icons for the sections
$display_lost_pass = true; // set to false to hide the lost password link (displays in smaller font in some languages)
$pm_colorbox_notice = true; // if set to true, users will only be notified of private messages once per session
$UsemodalLogin = true; // modal login popup - nukeNAV module must be ACTIVE!
$UseSearchPopUp = true; // modal search popup - nukeNAV and Search modules must be ACTIVE!
$whoisUseModal = true; //admin ip lookup in modal window
$OnlineGuestsModal = true; //compact the online guests into one modal link
$whoisServerString = ''; //admin ip lookup
if ($IBCentermode) { // <- do not edit
/* CENTER BLOCK SETTINGS (only used when in center position, overrides settings above) */
$membercounter_view = 0;
$zero_in_column_view = 2;
$recent_member_view = 0;
$recent_member_count = 2;
$recent_member_user = 2;
$recent_member_admin = 2;
$who_is_online_view = 0;
$show_guest_guest = 0;
$max_display_guests = 20;
$max_display_members = 6;
$showonlinecount = 0;
$lastseen_user_view = 0;
$lastseen_count = 6;
$lastseen_count_user = 6;
$lastseen_count_admn = 6;
$servertraffic_view = 0;
$traffic_year_view = 0;
$how_many_years = 2;
$LargeSectionIcons = true;
} // <- do not edit
/* Sprite Settings - For more info see */
$IBtran = 'images/transparent.gif'; // source for the transparent gif sprite container
$IBicon = 'IBWhite'; // default classes for icons (changed by theme below unless $MultiThemeMode = false)
$rnIBicon = 'rnIBicon'; // default classes for icons (changed by theme below unless $MultiThemeMode = false)
$MultiThemeMode = true; // false to disable loading theme specific icons, and ignore array settings below - see readme
$rnIBWhite = array('3D-Fantasy', 'DeepBlue', 'ExtraLite', 'NukeNews', 'Slash', 'SlashOcean', 'Traditional'); // Themes with white block backgrounds
$rnIBGray = array('Anagram', 'Karate', 'Milo'); // Themes with gray block backgrounds
$rnIBCreme = array('Sunset'); // Themes with creme block backgrounds
$rnIBSimplyBlue = array('SimplyBlue'); // Themes with sky blue block backgrounds
$rnIBSandJourney = array('Sand_Journey'); // Themes with sand block backgrounds
$rnIBBlueBlog = array('Blue_Blog'); // Themes with taupe block backgrounds
$rnIBCTRN = array('CT_RN'); // Themes with crimson backgrounds
$rnIBRavenIce = array('RavenIce', 'fisubice'); // Themes with off-white/blue block backgrounds
$rnIBKaput = array('Kaput'); // Themes with blue/gray block backgrounds
$rnIBBlack = array(); // Themes with black block backgrounds
$rnIBExtra = array(); // An extra group for other themes (use class rnIBExtra and IBExtra to define your sprite background - see readme)
/* You should not need to modify anything below this line */
global $db, $prefix, $ya_config, $anonymous, $nukeurl, $user_prefix, $user, $sitekey, $gfx_chk, $admin, $currentlang, $language, $startdate, $name, $nukeurl;
$translang='en'; //for a list of language codes, visit
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
if (file_exists('themes/' . $ThemeSel . '/module.php')) {
include('themes/' . $ThemeSel . '/module.php');
if (is_active("$default_module") AND file_exists('modules/' . $default_module . '/index.php')) {
$def_module = $default_module;
} else {
$def_module = '';
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query('SELECT `main_module` FROM `' . $prefix . '_main`'));
$main_module = $row['main_module'];
/* If the module doesn't exist, it will be removed from the database automaticaly */
$result2 = $db->sql_query('SELECT `title` FROM `' . $prefix . '_modules`');
while ($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) {
$title = stripslashes($row2['title']);
$a = 0;
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if ($file == $title) {
$a = 1;
if ($a == 0) {
$db->sql_query('DELETE FROM `' . $prefix . '_modules` WHERE `title` = \'' . $title . '\'');
/* If you copied a new module is the /modules/ directory, it will be added to the database */
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if ( (!preg_match("/[.]/",$file)) ) {
$modlist .= "$file ";
$modlist = explode(' ', $modlist);
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($modlist); $i++) {
if($modlist[$i] != '') {
$row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query('SELECT `mid` FROM `' . $prefix . '_modules` WHERE `title` = \'' . $modlist[$i] . '\''));
$mid = intval($row4['mid']);
$mod_uname = preg_replace("/_/", " ", $modlist[$i]);
if ($mid == '') {
$db->sql_query('INSERT INTO `' . $prefix . '_modules` VALUES (NULL, ' . $modlist[$i] . ', ' . $mod_uname . ', 0, 0, 1)');
if ($translang!='pl'){
$content ='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=pl&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/pl.png" alt="Polish" title="Polish" /></a> ';
if ($translang!='es'){
$content .='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=es&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/sp.png" alt="Spanish" title="Spanish" /></a> ';
if ($translang!='nl'){
$content .='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=nl&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/dt.png" alt="Dutch" title="Dutch" /></a> ';
if ($translang!='fr'){
$content .='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=fr&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/fr.png" alt="French" title="French" /></a> ';
if ($translang!='it'){
$content .='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=it&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/it.png" alt="Italian" title="Italian" /></a> ';
if ($translang!='de'){
$content .='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=de&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/gr.png" alt="German" title="German" /></a> ';
if ($translang!='en'){
$content .='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=en&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/en.png" alt="English" title="English" /></a> ';
if ($translang!='pt'){
$content .='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=pt&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/pt.png" alt="Portuguese" title="Portuguese" /></a> ';
if ($translang!='fi'){
$content .='<a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . $current . '&sl=' . $translang . '&tl=fi&hl=' . $translang . '&ie=UTF-8"><img src="images/blocks/langpics/fi.png" alt="Finnish" title="Finnish" /></a>';
//This is hard coded links you want to show above of the dropdown menu.
$content .= '<br /><br /><a rel="nofollow" href="' . $nukeurl . '" title="Home"> <img src="images/blocks/langpics/Home.png" alt="Home" /> <b>Home:</b></a><br />
<a rel="nofollow" href="donate.html"> <img src="images/blocks/langpics/donate.png" alt="Donate" /> <b>Donate:</b></a><br /><a rel="nofollow" href="forums.html" title="Forums"> <img src="images/blocks/langpics/forum.png" alt="Forum" /> <b>Forums:</b></a><br /><br />';
$content .= '<div class="text-center"><select size="1" name="name" onchange="top.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">';
$content .= '<option>Menu</option>';
$result3 = $db->sql_query('SELECT `title`, `custom_title`, `view` FROM `' . $prefix . '_modules` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `title` != \'' . $def_module . '\' AND `inmenu` = 1 ORDER BY `custom_title` ASC');
while ($row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result3)) {
$m_title = stripslashes($row3['title']);
$custom_title = $row3['custom_title'];
$view = intval($row3['view']);
$m_title2 = str_replace("_", " ", $m_title);
if ($custom_title != "") {
$m_title2 = $custom_title;
if ($m_title != $main_module) {
if ((is_admin($admin) AND $view == 2) OR $view != 2) {
$selected = '';
$content .= '<option value="modules.php?name=' . $m_title . '"> • ' . $m_title2 . '</option>';
$content .= '</select></div><br />';
if(file_exists('language/infobox/lang-' . $currentlang . '.php')) {
include_once 'language/infobox/lang-' . $currentlang . '.php';
} elseif(file_exists('language/infobox/lang-' . $language . '.php')) {
include_once 'language/infobox/lang-' . $language . '.php';
} else {
include_once 'language/infobox/lang-english.php';
if (!isset($name)) { $name = ''; }
if ($IBCentermode) {
$ListClass = 'IBblock-center';
addJSToBody('includes/jquery/jquery.masonry.min.js', 'file');
addJSToBody('includes/jquery/jquery.userinfo.js', 'file');
} else {
$ListClass = 'IBblock';
if (!isset($ya_config)) $ya_config = ya_get_configs();
if ($MultiThemeMode){
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBWhite)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBWhite';$IBicon = 'IBWhite';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBGray)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBGray';$IBicon = 'IBGray';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBCreme)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBCreme';$IBicon = 'IBCreme';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBSimplyBlue)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBSimplyBlue';$IBicon = 'IBSimplyBlue';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBSandJourney)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBSandJourney';$IBicon = 'IBSandJourney';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBBlueBlog)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBBlueBlog';$IBicon = 'IBBlueBlog';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBCTRN)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBCT-RN';$IBicon = 'IBCT-RN';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBRavenIce)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBRavenIce';$IBicon = 'IBRavenIce';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBKaput)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBKaput';$IBicon = 'IBKaput';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBBlack)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBBlack';$IBicon = 'IBBlack';}
else if (in_array($ThemeSel, $rnIBExtra)) {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBExtra';$IBicon = 'IBExtra';}
else {$rnIBicon = 'rnIBicon';$IBicon = 'IBWhite';}
if ($LargeSectionIcons) {$IBadjust = 'LG';$IBicon = 'IBBigIcons';} else {$IBadjust = '';}
if (is_admin($admin)) {
$viewlevel = 2;
} else if (is_user($user)) {
$viewlevel = 1;
} else {
$viewlevel = 0;
$anonyname = 'Anonymous';
$displayname = '';
$show_pms = 0;
$onlinenames = array();
$content .= '<!-- Start Info -->
<div id="' . $ListClass . '"><div class="fullwidth">
// get user info/show login
if (is_user($user)) {
$uinfo = cookiedecode($user);
$displayname = check_html($uinfo[1], 'nohtml');
$content .= '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection1">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=edituser" class="IBuser' . $IBadjust . '" title="' . _FSIYOURACCOUNT . '"><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . '" alt="' . _FSIYOURACCOUNT . '" /><span class="IBtextpad">' . $displayname . '</span></a></div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
if ($whoisUseModal){$iblinktype = 'class="IBmodal"';} else {$iblinktype = 'target="_blank"';}
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IByourip" title="' . _YOURIP . ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '"><span class="thick"><a ' . $iblinktype . ' href="http://' . $whoisServerString . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '" title="' . _YOURIP . ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '">' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '</a></span></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if (is_active('Forums')) {
$adjustment = strlen(html_entity_decode(_INFOBOX_EGOPOSTS));
if ($adjustment>=$langMaxLength){$getsmall = ' smaller';} else {$getsmall = '';}
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IByourposts' . $getsmall . '" title="' . _INFOBOX_EGOPOSTS . '"><a href="forums.html?amp;file=search&search_id=egosearch" title="' . _INFOBOX_EGOPOSTS . '">' . _INFOBOX_EGOPOSTS . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($ya_config['allowusertheme']=='1') {
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBchangetheme" title="' . _INFOBOX_CHANGETHEME . '"><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=chgtheme" title="' . _INFOBOX_CHANGETHEME . '">' . _INFOBOX_CHANGETHEME . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if (is_active('nukeNAV') and is_active('Search') and $UseSearchPopUp) $content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBsearch" title="' . _SEARCH . '"><a href="modules.php?name=nukeNAV&op=search" class="colorbox" title="">' . _SEARCH . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBlogout" title="' . _LOGOUT . '"><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=logout" title="' . _LOGOUT . '">' . _LOGOUT . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
// check new pms
$sql = 'SELECT `privmsgs_to_userid` FROM `' . $prefix . '_bbprivmsgs` WHERE `privmsgs_to_userid` = \'' . intval($uinfo[0]) . '\' AND (`privmsgs_type` = 5 OR `privmsgs_type` = 1)';
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
// error
die('error checking new pms');
$new_pms = $db->sql_numrows($result);
// check old pms
$sql = 'SELECT `privmsgs_to_userid` FROM `' . $prefix . '_bbprivmsgs` WHERE `privmsgs_to_userid` = \'' . intval($uinfo[0]) . '\' AND (`privmsgs_type` = 0)';
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
// error
die('error checking old pms');
$old_pms = $db->sql_numrows($result);
$show_pms = $new_pms+$old_pms;
if ($show_pms > 0 AND is_active('Private_Messages')) {
$content .= '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection2">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBpms' . $IBadjust . '" alt="' . _BPM . '" /><span class="IBtextpad thick">' . _BPM . '</span></div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBnewpms" title="' . _BPM . '"><a href="modules.php?name=Private_Messages" title="' . _BPM . '">' . _BUNREAD . ': ' . $new_pms . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBoldpms" title="' . _BREAD . '"> ' . _BREAD . ': <span class="thick">' . $old_pms . '</span></li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
if (($pm_colorbox_notice && $new_pms > 0) and (!isset($_COOKIE["youhaveapm"])) and ($name!='Private_Messages')) {
setcookie('youhaveapm', 'checked');
$content .= '<div id="IByesnewpm" style="display:none">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div id="IBnewmessages">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<span class="IBCBtext"><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBoldpms" alt="' . _NEWPMSG . '" /> ' . _YOUHAVE . ' <a href="modules.php?name=Private_Messages">' . $new_pms . ' ' . _NEWPMSG . '.</a></span>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$content .= '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection3">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account" title="' . _FSIYOURACCOUNT . '" class="IBglobe' . $IBadjust . '"><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBglobe' . $IBadjust . '" alt="' . $anonymous . '" /><span class="IBtextpad">' . $anonymous . '</span></a></div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IByourip IBguestip" title="' . _YOURIP . ' ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '"><span class="thick">' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '</span></li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IByourposts" title="' . _BREG . '"><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=new_user">' . _BREG . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if (is_active('nukeNAV') and is_active('Search') and $UseSearchPopUp) $content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBsearch" title="' . _SEARCH . '"><a href="modules.php?name=nukeNAV&op=search" class="colorbox" title="">' . _SEARCH . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($UsemodalLogin){
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBlogout" title="' . _LOGIN . '"><a href="modules.php?name=nukeNAV&op=login" class="colorbox">' . _LOGIN . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBlogout" title="' . _LOGIN . '"><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account">' . _LOGIN . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($display_lost_pass) {
$adjustment = strlen(html_entity_decode(_PASSWORDLOST));
if ($adjustment>=$langMaxLength){$getsmall = ' smaller';} else {$getsmall = '';}
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBonlineguest' . $getsmall . '" title="' . _PASSWORDLOST . '"><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=pass_lost">' . _PASSWORDLOST . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($viewlevel>=$membercounter_view) {
$sql = 'SELECT `username` FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users_temp`';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$waiting = $db->sql_numrows($result);
$content .= '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection4">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBmembers' . $IBadjust . '" alt="' . _BMEM . '" /><span class="IBtextpad thick">' . _BMEM . '</span></div>' . PHP_EOL;
// 0001856: User Info block enhancements
$IBgetmonth = _UMONTH;
$IBgetyear = _YEAR;
// get new member info
$timestamp = time();
$today = date('M d, Y');
$yesterday = date('M d, Y', ($timestamp - 86400) );
$this_month = date('M');
$this_year = date('Y');
// today
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE `user_regdate` = \'' . $today . '\'';
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
// error
die('error getting todays users');
list($new_today) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// yesterday
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE `user_regdate` = \'' . $yesterday . '\'';
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
// error
die('error getting yesterdays users');
list($new_yesterday) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// this month
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE SUBSTRING(`user_regdate`, 1, 4) = \'' . $this_month . '\' AND SUBSTRING(`user_regdate`, 9, 12) = \'' . $this_year . '\'';
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))){
// error
die('error getting this months users');
list($new_month) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// this year
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE SUBSTRING(`user_regdate`, 9, 12) = \'' . $this_year . '\'';
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
// error
die('error getting this years users');
list($new_year) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
// all time
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users`';
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
// error
die('error getting total users');
if (is_admin($admin) AND @file_exists('modules/Resend_Email/index.php')) {
$waitLink = '<a href="modules.php?name=Resend_Email" title="' . _TTL_RESENDEMAIL . '">' . _WAITLINK . ': <span class="thick">' . $waiting . '</span></a>';
} else {
$waitLink = _WAITLINK . ': <span class="thick">' . $waiting . '</span>';
list($total_users) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
if (($new_today==0 AND $viewlevel>=$zero_in_column_view) OR ($new_today!=0)) {
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBtoday" title="' . _INFOBOX_BTD . '">' . _INFOBOX_BTD . ': <span class="thick">' . $new_today . '</span></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if (($new_yesterday==0 AND $viewlevel>=$zero_in_column_view) OR ($new_yesterday!=0)) {
$adjustment = strlen(html_entity_decode(_INFOBOX_BYD));
if ($adjustment>=$langMaxLength){$getsmall = ' smaller';} else {$getsmall = '';}
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IByesterday' . $getsmall . '" title="' . _INFOBOX_BYD . '">' . _INFOBOX_BYD . ': <span class="thick">' . $new_yesterday . '</span></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if (($new_month==0 AND $viewlevel>=$zero_in_column_view) OR ($new_month!=0)) {
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBmonth" title="' . _UMONTH . '">' . $IBgetmonth . ': <span class="thick">' . $new_month . '</span></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if (($new_year==0 AND $viewlevel>=$zero_in_column_view) OR ($new_year!=0)) {
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IByear" title="' . _YEAR . '">' . $IBgetyear . ': <span class="thick">' . $new_year . '</span></li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBtotalusers" title="' . _BTT . '">' . _BTT . ': <span class="thick">' . $total_users . '</span></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if (($waitLink==0 AND $viewlevel>=$zero_in_column_view) OR ($waitLink!=0)) {
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBwaiting" title="' . _WAITLINK . '">' . $waitLink . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</ul></div>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($viewlevel>=$recent_member_view) {
$sql = 'SELECT `username` FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE `username` != \'' . $anonyname . '\' ORDER BY `user_id` DESC LIMIT ' . intval($recent_member_count);
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
// error
die('error getting latest users');
$latestusers = $db->sql_numrows($result = $db->sql_query($sql));
$content .= '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection5">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBnewusers' . $IBadjust . '" alt="' . _INFOBOX_NEW_MEMBERS . '" /><span class="IBtextpad thick">' . _INFOBOX_NEW_MEMBERS . '</span></div>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($latestusers > 0){
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
$newusercounter = 0;
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$newusercounter += 1;
$TruncateUser = strlen($row['username'])<=$nameMaxLength?$row['username']:substr($row['username'],0,$nameMaxLength).'...'; // 2.2.0
$lastusername = $row['username'];
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBmembernew" title="' . _ALT_CHKPROFILE . $lastusername . '"><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=' . $row['username'] . '" title="' . _ALT_CHKPROFILE . $lastusername . '">' . $TruncateUser . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($newusercounter==$latestusers){
$content .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$m = 0;
if ($viewlevel>=$who_is_online_view) {
$members = '';
$guests = '';
$m = $g = 0;
$sql = 'SELECT `uname`, `time`, `host_addr`, `guest` FROM `' . $prefix . '_session` WHERE `time` > \'' . ( time() - ($max_session_mins * 60) ) . '\' ORDER BY `guest` ASC,`time` DESC';
if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql))) {
// error
die('error getting online users');
$content .= '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection6">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBmembers' . $IBadjust . $IBadjust . '" alt="' . _BON . '" /><span class="IBtextpad thick">' . _BON . '</span> </div>' . PHP_EOL;
while($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if ($row['guest'] == 0) {
if ($m <= $max_display_members) {
$TruncateUser = strlen($row['uname'])<=$nameMaxLength?$row['uname']:substr($row['uname'],0,$nameMaxLength).'...'; // 2.2.0
$lastusername = $row['uname'];
$onlinenames[] = $lastusername;
$members .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBonline2" title="' . _BON . '"><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=' . $row['uname'] . '" title="' . _ALT_CHKPROFILE . $lastusername . '">' . $TruncateUser . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
if ($viewlevel>=$show_guest_guest && $g <= $max_display_guests) {
if (is_admin($admin)) {
if ($whoisUseModal){
$uname = '<a class="IBmodal" href="http://' . $whoisServerString . $row['uname'] . '">' . $row['uname'] . '</a>';
} else {
$uname = '<a target="_blank" href="http://' . $whoisServerString . $row['uname'] . '">' . $row['uname'] . '</a>';
} else {
// hide last 2 octets of guest ip's.
$ip = explode('.', $row['uname']);
$uname = $ip[0] . '.' . $ip[1] . '.' . preg_replace("/(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)/", "x", $ip[2]) . '.' . preg_replace("/(0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)/", "x", $ip[3]);
$guests .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBonlineguest" title="' . _BON . '">' . $uname . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
if (($viewlevel>=$showonlinecount) AND (($m > 0) OR ($g > 0 AND !$OnlineGuestsModal))) {
$content .= '<div class="IBsmallnotes">';
if ($m > 0) {
$content .= _BMEM . ':<span class="thick">' . $m . '</span>';
if ($g > 0 AND !$OnlineGuestsModal) {
//if (($g > 0 AND $OnlineGuestsModal) AND ($viewlevel>=$show_guest_guest)) {
$content .= ' ' . _BVIS . ':<span class="thick">' . $g . '</span>';
$content .= ' </div>' . PHP_EOL;
if (($m > 0) OR ($viewlevel>=$show_guest_guest && $g > 0)) {
if ($g > 0 AND $OnlineGuestsModal AND $viewlevel == 2) {
$content .= '<div style="display:none">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div id="IBGuestsView" style="margin-left:20px;">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<h1>' . _BON . '</h1>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= $guests;
$content .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
//if ($g > 0 AND $OnlineGuestsModal) {
if (($g > 0 AND $OnlineGuestsModal) AND ($viewlevel>=$show_guest_guest)) {
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBonlineguest" title="' . _BON . '">';
if ($viewlevel == 2) {
$content .= '<a class="IBGuestsModal" href="#">' . $g . ' ' . _BVIS . '</a>';
} else {
$content .= $g . ' ' . _BVIS;
$content .= '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($m > 0) {
$content .= $members;
if ($g > 0 AND !$OnlineGuestsModal) {
$content .= $guests;
if (($m > 0) OR ($viewlevel>=$show_guest_guest && $g > 0)) {
$content .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($viewlevel>=$lastseen_user_view) {
$lastseennumber = intval($lastseen_count)+$m;
if (is_user($user)) {
$exclusion = 'AND `username` != \'' . $displayname . '\' ';
} else {
$exclusion = '';
$sql = 'SELECT `username`, `lastsitevisit` FROM `' . $user_prefix . '_users` WHERE `username` != \'' . $anonyname . '\' ' . $exclusion . 'ORDER BY `lastsitevisit` DESC LIMIT ' . $lastseennumber;
$latestusers = $db->sql_numrows($result = $db->sql_query($sql));
$latestusercounter = 1;
if ($latestusers > 0) {
$latuse = '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection7">' . PHP_EOL;
$latuse .= '<div><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBlastseen' . $IBadjust . '" alt="' . _INFOBOX_LAST_SEEN . '" /><span class="IBtextpad thick">' . _INFOBOX_LAST_SEEN . '</span></div>' . PHP_EOL;
$latuse .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) {
if ($latestusercounter <= $lastseen_count) {
$TruncateUser = strlen($row['username'])<=$nameMaxLength?$row['username']:substr($row['username'],0,$nameMaxLength).'...'; // 2.2.0
$lastusername = $row['username'];
$row['lastsitevisit'] = date('d F Y H:i', $row['lastsitevisit']);
if (!in_array($lastusername, $onlinenames)){
$latestusercounter += 1;
$latuse .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBonline"><a href="modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=' . $row['username'] . '" title="' . _INFOBOX_LAST_SEEN . ': ' . $row['lastsitevisit'] . '">' . $TruncateUser . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL;
$latuse .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$latuse .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($latestusercounter > 1) $content .= $latuse;
if ($viewlevel>=$servertraffic_view) {
$content .= '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection8">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBtraffic' . $IBadjust . '" alt="' . _INFOBOX_SERVERTRAFFIC . '" /><span class="IBtextpad thick">' . _INFOBOX_SERVERTRAFFIC . '</span></div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
$totalhits = 0;
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT sum(`hits`) FROM `' . $prefix . '_stats_year`');
list($totalhits) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBtotalhits" title="' . _WERECEIVED . ' ' . number_format($totalhits,0) . ' ' . _PAGESVIEWS . ' ' . $startdate . '">' . _INFOBOX_TOTALHITS.number_format($totalhits,0) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
$today = 0;
$todayDST = date('I',time())*3600;
$t_time = time()-$todayDST;
$t_year = date('Y', $t_time);
$t_month = date('n', $t_time);
$t_date = date('j', $t_time);
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT `hits` FROM `' . $prefix . '_stats_date` WHERE `year` = \'' . $t_year . '\' AND month = \'' . $t_month . '\' AND `date` = ' . $t_date);
list($today) = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBtodayhits" title="' . _INFOBOX_TODAYHITS.number_format($today,0) . '">' . _INFOBOX_TODAYHITS.number_format($today,0) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($how_many_years>0 AND $viewlevel>=$traffic_year_view) {
$sql = 'SELECT `year`, `hits` FROM `' . $prefix . '_stats_year` ORDER BY `year` DESC LIMIT ' . intval($how_many_years);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IByearlyhits" title="' . $row['year'] . ': ' . number_format($row['hits']) . '">' . $row['year'] . ': ' . number_format($row['hits']) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div class="IBinfosection" id="IBsection9">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<div><img src="' . $IBtran . '" class="' . $IBicon . ' IBserver' . $IBadjust . '" alt="' . _INFOBOX_SERVERINFO . '" /><span class="IBtextpad thick">' . _INFOBOX_SERVERINFO . '</span></div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<ul class="rninfobox">' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBserdate" title="' . _SERDT . '">' . date('M d, Y') . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<li class="' . $rnIBicon . ' IBtime" title="' . _SERDT . '">' . date('h:i a T') . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</div></div>' . PHP_EOL;
// make sure content does not float outside the block
$content .= '<div class="block-spacer"> </div>' . PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<!-- END Info -->' . PHP_EOL;