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Hangin' Around

Joined: Nov 26, 2005
Posts: 40
Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:09 am |
Dear All,
I need your advise to start new project.
Very important issue is that I have to create multi-langage site with several online services (by creating modules, blocks) with integration of responsive design, google map, paypal payment etc. which are the same for all languages.
It is clear that raven support multi-language issue but I need different solution.
I would like to achieve these points :
French version should have this address - french.domainname(.fr)
English version this address - enlish.domainname(
For each language site I should have:
1. common date base
2. common modules / blocks / themes
3. different mod_rewrite rules via .htaccess
I installed new version of raven nuke, but it works in different way => one site -> many languages
I kindly ask you to give me your advise to implement these requirements in very optimal way. Is it possible to use in this case ravennuke ? Thank you. |
Site Admin

Joined: Jun 04, 2004
Posts: 6437
Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:35 pm |
I use htaccess and modifications to the config file to support multiple sites using the same files (modules/blocks/themes) but with different databases. But in order to use different default languages, you'd need to do an override after reading the config table (where the default language is defined). Unfortunately, that would require modifications to mainfile - not trivial and not for the faint of heart. |
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Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:04 am |
kguske, thank you for reply
Exact there are some not trivial modifications to do
What I achieved is to separate and place the folders in different directories on the root of server, like this:
COMMON CORE DIRECTORY (on the server root) includes ravennuke folders:
In this case when I need to do any modification in modules and blocks, I will be able to do it once and use at all separated by domaine name language versions.
each domaine (language version) points to directory which includes :
admin folder
public folder
ShortLinks folder
uploads folder
It works, but I did not check yet all rn functions.
It would be great to move in common core directory maximum files and folders from domaine directory.
What do you think about ? Is this a good way ? Which folders or files you suggest should be moved in common core directory?
I am not very strong coder , so I would like to hire (to pay) the professional for this job.
Thank you for support. |

Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:41 am |
You might be able to accomplish the language override in your theme and keep all files common. You could use .htaccess to set an environment variable based on the domain:
Code:SetEnvIf Host french\.domainname\.fr RN_DOMAIN_CODE=fr
SetEnvIf Host ^domainname\.fr RN_DOMAIN_CODE=fr
SetEnvIf Host english\.domainname\.co\.uk RN_DOMAIN_CODE=uk
SetEnvIf Host ^domainname\.co\.uk RN_DOMAIN_CODE=uk
Then, in your config (if you want to use different databases, put this where the existing user, password, database and site are defined):
Code:$rnDomainCode = isset($_SERVER['RN_DOMAIN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['RN_DOMAIN_CODE'] : '';
if ($rnDomainCode=='uk') {
$dbuname = 'domain_uk_user';
$dbpass = 'domain_uk_pass';
$dbname = 'domain_uk_db';
$sitekey = 'xxxxxxukxxxxx12345';
} else {
$dbuname = 'domain_fr_user';
$dbpass = 'domain_fr_pass';
$dbname = 'domain_fr_db';
$sitekey = 'xxxxxxfrxxxxx12345';
You could do something like that in the theme.php file to override the language:
if (!defined('NUKE_FILE')) die ('You can\'t access this file directly...');
$rnDomainCode = isset($_SERVER['RN_DOMAIN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['RN_DOMAIN_CODE'] : '';
global $language;
if ($rnDomainCode=='uk') {
} else {
I suggest adding this code to the theme for these reasons:
- Your theme is probably already customized
- Your may have additional language customization in your theme
- The theme is loaded before other files, but after the config and after security checks
- You won't have to customize standard RN files, so you'll probably be able to upgrade without making additional changes (probably, unless the language variable name changes, the theme is loaded at a different time, or, as will likely be the case, there are major changes to the theme).
However, I'm not sure how this will affect the user's language if the user is logged in. Let's say a French speaker chooses to log into the UK domain. I would test that, and before changing your production server, test on a local platform and make backups of the files you change before turning it on in case you need to revert. |

Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:39 am |
Thank you for suggestion. I verified this idea with fresh installation of RN.
Just one problem : $language variable is fixed accordingly the domain name language version and takes correct value, but $lang variable in mainfile file still take value which indicated in config !? I just checked cookie - lang value is same as in config?!
I have to add $lang in your code and moved this code in mainfile :
if ($rnDomainCode=='uk') {
} else {
It works.
Here is the code from my mainfile, which works:
$sitename = $nuke_config['sitename'];
//$nukeurl = $nuke_config['nukeurl'];
$site_logo = $nuke_config['site_logo'];
$backend_title = $nuke_config['backend_title'];
$backend_language = $nuke_config['backend_language'];
//$language = $nuke_config['language'];
$locale = $nuke_config['locale'];
$pagetitle = '';
$rnDomainCode = isset($_SERVER['RN_DOMAIN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['RN_DOMAIN_CODE'] : '';
global $language;
if ($rnDomainCode=='en') {
$nukeurl = '';
if ($rnDomainCode=='fr') {
$nukeurl = '';
* GFX Code v1.0.0
include_once NUKE_INCLUDE_DIR . 'gfx_check.php';
if (!defined('FORUM_ADMIN')) {
$ThemeSel = get_theme();
include_once 'themes/' . $ThemeSel . '/theme.php';
if (($multilingual == 1) AND isset($newlang) AND !stristr($newlang,'.')) {
$newlang = check_html($newlang, 'nohtml');
if (file_exists('language/lang-' . $newlang . '.php')) {
setcookie('lang', $newlang, time() + 31536000);
include_once 'language/lang-' . $newlang . '.php';
$currentlang = $newlang;
} else {
setcookie('lang', $language, time() + 31536000);
include_once 'language/lang-' . $language . '.php';
$currentlang = $language;
} elseif (($multilingual == 1) AND isset($lang) AND !stristr($lang, '.')) {
$lang = check_html($lang, 'nohtml');
if (file_exists('language/lang-' . $lang . '.php')) {
setcookie('lang', $lang, time() + 31536000);
include_once 'language/lang-' . $lang . '.php';
$currentlang = $lang;
} else {
setcookie('lang', $language, time() + 31536000);
include_once 'language/lang-' . $language . '.php';
$currentlang = $language;
} else {
setcookie('lang', $language, time() + 31536000);
include_once 'language/lang-' . $language . '.php';
$currentlang = $language;
Thank you for your ideas looking for your comments |

Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:08 am |
Glad it works without having to duplicate files!
You might consider moving the custom code to your theme file (make sure both variables are global). That way, you can upgrade mainfile without having to redo your changes.
Cheers! |