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New Member

Joined: Feb 20, 2018
Posts: 14
Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:48 am |
1. modules/Top/index.php, line 24:
I think it should be:
2. modules/News/admin/index.php, line 1629 and 1676:
php Code:$result = $db->sql_query('update '.$prefix.'_authors set counter=counter+1 where aid=\''.$aid.'\'');
I modified it to:
php Code:$db->sql_query('update '.$prefix.'_authors set counter=counter+1 where aid=\''.$aid.'\'');
and now it updates the counter. (Without the modification it doesn't work.) |

Fri Nov 02, 2018 8:06 am |
3. When searching in all topics with a keyword which has results on more than 1 page, one topic is selected on the next page. For example, if you type here at the keyword "php" and search in all topics and click on "next matches", on the next page the topic "Tool and Utilities" is selected, however it wasn't selected when searching.
I haven't fixed it yet, so it's a report. |
Site Admin

Joined: Aug 22, 2007
Posts: 1775
Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:36 am |
...just pinned! I will check it tomorrow. Thanks for reporting this. |
_________________ Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:36 am |

Sun Nov 04, 2018 11:06 am |

Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:37 pm |
Maybe the following modifications aren't obligatory, but anyway, I report them. In the modules/News/article.php file,
- line 65:
php Code:Header('Location: index.php');
After this line I added:
- line 98:
php Code:$catid =$row['catid'];
I changed it to:
php Code:$catid = $row['catid'];
I think RavenNuke is a really good system. All the good functions of the original PHP-Nuke with all the necessary security, technical and other functional improvements. Really nice job! |

Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:12 pm |

Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:26 am |
You're welcome.
neralex wrote: | 'm really in love with the simple way of coding. |
Yes, me too. And I'm happy that RavenNuke kept the original structure of PHP-Nuke, because some years ago I used that a lot and now I don't have to learn a completely new system.
Thank you for the interesting video! |

Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:29 am |
I think it's a really good function, that if the Terms of Service (TOS) changes, all the users have to accept it right after their next login.
In my understanding, when I active this function and change the Terms of Service, in the prefix_users table the agreedtos field should change to 0, but in my test site nothing changes. I tried to figure out where's the part of the script which should do this, but I didn't find it.
So, in the modules/Legal/admin/doc_edit_apply.php file before:
php Code:lgl_goBack($lgl_lang['LGL_ADM_DOCS_DBSUCCESS'], 'legal');
I added these:
php Code:$sql = 'SELECT config_value FROM '.$prefix.'_users_config WHERE config_name=\'tosall\'';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$tosall = $row['config_value'];
if ($tosall == 1) {
$sql = 'SELECT config_value FROM '.$prefix.'_users_config WHERE config_name=\'legal_did_TOS\'';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$legal_did_TOS = $row['config_value'];
if ($legal_did_TOS == $lgl_did) {
$db->sql_query('UPDATE '.$user_prefix.'_users SET agreedtos=\'0\' WHERE user_level!=\'-1\'');
As you can see,
1. I check whether the "all users have to accept the modified TOS" function is ON or not.
2. If it's ON, I check whether the modified document is the TOS or not
3. If that is the one, I set agreedtos to 0 everywhere except the deleted users.
Now it works for me perfectly.
If there's any mistake in my coding, please feel free to correct it. |

Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:37 am |
In order to validate the css files,
1. themes/ravennuke.css file line 56:
css Code:caption{font-weight:bold;font-size:1.5em;padding:0.25em 0.25em 1.5em 0.25em}}
should be
css Code:caption{font-weight:bold;font-size:1.5em;padding:0.25em 0.25em 1.5em 0.25em}
2. includes/jquery/css/ file line 23:
css Code:#cboxOverlay{background:#000; opacity: 0.9; filter: alpha(opacity = 90);}
should be:
css Code:#cboxOverlay{background:#000; opacity: 0.9; filter: alpha(opacity=90);}

Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:48 pm |
Nuke8 wrote: | I think it's a really good function, that if the Terms of Service (TOS) changes, all the users have to accept it right after their next login.
In my understanding, when I active this function and change the Terms of Service, in the prefix_users table the agreedtos field should change to 0, but in my test site nothing changes. I tried to figure out where's the part of the script which should do this, but I didn't find it.
As you can see,
1. I check whether the "all users have to accept the modified TOS" function is ON or not.
2. If it's ON, I check whether the modified document is the TOS or not
3. If that is the one, I set agreedtos to 0 everywhere except the deleted users.
Now it works for me perfectly. |
I would say it makes no sense to set back the value for the field: agreedtos in the _users table after you modified only an existing TOS-document. Because this would mean, each typo-correction or each single change of the used html-code with the ckeditor inside the text-area (maybe the correction of a broken image-link) would set it back to zero. While the registration you have to agree the TOS and each modification of the content by the owner of the platform needs a message/information about the changes and then the users have the choice to stay there or to leave it. Here would it be better to add a new admin-function, when the owner has changed the content of terms and only then it would make sense to set it back. |

Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:57 pm |
Nuke8 wrote: | In order to validate the css files,
1. themes/ravennuke.css file line 56:
css Code:caption{font-weight:bold;font-size:1.5em;padding:0.25em 0.25em 1.5em 0.25em}}
| |
This double brace at the end of the line doesn't exist in the package:
The other changes are only cosmetics, in a time where we are using minified scripts like css and JS. This file is already a bit minified and it would make sense to increase it a bit more. For theme specific css-files or files, which are used for the development itself - ya for sure and in this case I would add also linebreaks after each property. The using of minified css or JS files will increase the speed of the page-load. |

Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:09 am |
neralex wrote: | each typo-correction |
I think it's a question of paying attention to detail. If an administrator doesn't think about using a spell checker before submitting an important text, I guess doesn't care about typo at all.
neralex wrote: | needs a message/information about the changes and then the users have the choice to stay there or to leave it. |
If I'm not mistaken this is exactly what my modification does. It shows a message/information about the changes (the TOS itself) and then the users have the choice to stay there or to leave it.
Every big site, Google, Microsoft, etc. shows TOS when it changed and asks again the users to accept it. I follow this procedure. You follow your own way, which is OK for me. However - and this is a question of programming - I still don't understand that in the administration/Edit Users/Configuration/Registration menu what is the point of this option:
Code:Show TOS to members as well: Yes No (If Terms of Service are new or changed)
I set it to Yes, I change the TOS and it isn't shown to members, so the members don't know that I changed TOS. |

Sun Nov 18, 2018 5:46 am |
I guess the thing is that I'm a new user with just a few posts which means that I can't have good ideas.
When I suggested that in the article page the original topic shouldn't be listed among the related topics (if it was selected by the administator by mistake), that wasn't a good idea.
When I shared my modification about the Submit News module, that wasn't a good idea. It was shortened " in order to prevent adding a new language definition". So know when visitors anywhere on the site click on "Submit News" they are redirected without any notification what and why happened. Nice way to engage visitors to become users.
When above I posted a possible way how to notify all users if the TOS changed, it was also commented as an unnecessary modification.
Not to mention, when I posted a comment about UTF-8 coding, my post was deactived for about 3 days without any warning. Not even a private message about what did I do wrong. (If I did anything.) Nice.
Consideraing the fact how poor the activity around here (no wonder, most users are around WP and others), it's quite an interesting way to treat users who try to help with their comments. I'm not sure this is the best way to motivate users to help the community. But, who knows, maybe everything goes so well around RavenNuke that the authors can afford this way of treating users.
So in the future I restrict myself only reporting bugs, if I find any, without any further comment - keeping in mind that there's no positive reception on user feedbacks and ideas how to make the system better.
By the way, just to make one thing clear: I didn't shared my modification to put them in the source code. I just wanted to show a possible solution for those users who faced some of these not properly working functions but may not have the knowledge to solve them.
Never you mind. |

Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:02 am |
Nuke8, I'm happy about each suggestion but RN25x stands not more under active development. I'm also only a "modder" like you, who has tried to let the old RN25x run with PHP7. The original RN251 package was released in 2013 and since them it was never touched. I wont do deeper changes on RN25x - only fixes for damaged functions. That was the reason why I wont add new things like language constants, as long I can do it without it. New features will be only added to RavenCMS and there are many things on the todo-list.
I rebuilded two of my own RN251 installations completely to work with UTF-8, HTML5 and Bootstrap 3. But the effort is to huge to put it completely in the current build. RavenCMS has a much better approach and this is the reason, why I will develop this version in order to get it ready. Each new feature on the RN 25x builds will cost to much time. I created many modifactions for this build in the last years but I shared not all in public because the most of them are based on specific preferences. So I will let the focus on the funtionality of the core package.
Your forum-post about UTF-8 was not deactivated - you created this post while we moved this website to another webserver and we changed the DNS-settings of ravenphpscripts. You created this post on the old installation and I added it manually on the following day to the database of the new server with the same ID. After that I disabled the old installation. So I guess your ISP needed some time to show you the new server - not more. For this info exists also a thread:
You are not totally wrong with the TOS issue but this class needs a rework and if I touch it on RavenCMS, I will try to find a way to solve it - but not more on RN25x. In general you can add what do you want to your installation - this system is "Open Source" and you can modify it as you like it and where you like it. This wont mean, that I will add each suggestion to the current RN25x build.
Cheers  |