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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:30 pm Reply with quote

Go easy on the n00b please. I've researched and read until I'm dizzy, which isn't helping. At times I get a grip on what is happeneing, and then I lose it. Here's what I have done and tested with mixed success, but I was wondering if others had some better ideas:

Presently, I have PHP-Nuke 7.1 running and active at pokerfanatic.com, installed from a Fantastico install.

On a test site, I will be testing all of these steps:

- Install 7.1 via Fantastico.
- Follow upgrade procedures for 7.2 and 7.3 upgrades, leaving me with a clean 7.3 install.

- Upload all files overwriting old files to website
- Edit config.php to include correct info
- Run install/index.php and enter DB details or edit index.php to point to config.php

At this point, I'm a little unsure of the MUST-READ-ME file. It mentions something about deleting the existing DB if it exists. Wouldn't the DB always exist if nuke is installed?

Then it says "you will need to create and load." referring to a new database? Is this where I would load/restore my backed-up database?

I have tested this and plan on testing one more time, but I'm having mixed success due to the domains being different, and thus having different DB info.

Any comments will be much appreciated!

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:57 pm Reply with quote


OK, followed MUST-READ-ME instructions and copies everything up to webspace. Edited install.php to reflect location of config.php file. Browsed to http://website/install/ and received the install page.


Connected successfully to your MySQL Server!

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/buckeye/public_html/install/index.php on line 66

Note: This user does not have Create Database Permissions for this MySQL server. Either select another user/pass combination or you will need to create the database first and then come back to this utility to create the tables.

After verifying that this page was correctly reflecting my details found in the config file, and checking to ensure the correct user had all rights ot the DB, I started searching the forum. This thread seemed to pertain the most:


I don't really get what exactly was going on there (besides trying to find a workaround) but as Raven suggested to one of the other users, I performed a REPLACE on the DB and I received this updated message:

The following 124 tables were created:

Now when I try to browse the website, I get the standard "There seems to be a problem with the MySQL server, sorry for the inconvenience." message.

Any ideas? I'm not even sure where to start troubleshooting when I don't have any error messages...
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:33 pm Reply with quote

That error indicates that the dbuser/password combination in config.php does not have sufficient rights to that database and/or server.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:45 pm Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
That error indicates that the dbuser/password combination in config.php does not have sufficient rights to that database and/or server.

Right, I understand what the words mean, but the error message doesn't appear to be correct. This is the same user that I used to create the DB in the beginning and it is the one that has full rights when I look in my cPanel/PHPmyAdmin.

If the user account in question did not have rights or the form (prior to the replace) did not have the correct username/password, how could it create all those tables and how could I have used it to perform upgrades?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:09 pm Reply with quote

UPDATE: Maybe Raven's install script requires rights above and beyond the normal php-Nuke install/upgrade process? This is the only thing I can think of. I used this exact same user since the beginning, and I don't understand how or why this user would all of a sudden not have the rights to do what it needs to do.

"buckeye_username (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES)"

When I look at my database, this is the only user that has rights to the DB, and it has all permissions.

Maybe it is a server level permission? If so, and it is not set ... then it wasn't needed for the Fantastico install or for later php-Nuke upgrades - so I never ran across this problem before.

I've opened up a ticket with my web host support as well, trying to figure out if there are additional server level rights I need to assign somehow.

Thanaks for the reply Raven ... any other ideas?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:45 pm Reply with quote

Are you sure you have set up the username and userdb correctly in config.php? User names and dbnames usually need to be prefixed with your account name, like account_user and account_dbname. Could that possibly be the problem?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:50 pm Reply with quote

Raven wrote:
Are you sure you have set up the username and userdb correctly in config.php? User names and dbnames usually need to be prefixed with your account name, like account_user and account_dbname. Could that possibly be the problem?

Yep, you are 100% correct there. When I create a user or DB, it automatically throws my username_ in front of those values.

I *think* the problem is this: I need my account_user to have CREATE DATABASE RIGHTS at the server level, and it probably does not. Only my root account name has those rights. Of course I can assign whatever rights I want to a specific database, but for the server itself, I don't see a way to do that through the cpanel interface or through phpMyAdmin.

When I figure this out - and I am determined to - I will certainly follow up with the info. I'm SURE others have run into this before.

Thanks again for the replies.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:54 pm Reply with quote

I may have misunderstood. Normally cPanel does not allow anyone to create a database from the script. You need to use the regular cPanel MySQL option and create the database. Then, rerun the install and all should work.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:47 pm Reply with quote


The database is already there, I have to create the database again? I'm totally lost and frustrated.

The database exists, it has a basic confuguration and has existed, used slightly since the 7.1 install and 7.2 and 7.3 upgrades. The security that exists today is functional, except for the part that says the user needs to have create database rights. I'm told I need that, but on the other hand I'm being told that I cannot have a user with create database rights. (aside from my main hosting account, which is obviously different from dbusers.

I'm sorry I don't mean to be dense, this just seems like a catch-22 that I can't escape from.

I should be creating a new database from cpanel/MySQL and then input the new options in the config.pho or install.php files?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:00 pm Reply with quote

Why don't you just skip the installer and use phpMyAdmin to load the ravennuke7325_phpMyAdmin.sql file into your database and be done with it Wink

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:09 pm Reply with quote

I probably should, to be honest I'm just not saavy enough to jump into those things. Maybe I will try it.

If I'm installing from scratch ... am I following the right procedures? Install 7.1, upgrade 7.2 and 7.3 and then install your pack? Or are some of those things redundant?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:13 pm Reply with quote

Unfortunately, my pack cannot be used as an upgrade. It is a separate NEW install only.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:26 pm Reply with quote

Bang Head

LOL, so the things I said in my first post are a nono? The best way is to simply start from scratch? I swear I thought I RTFM!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:42 pm Reply with quote

Well, if you were using all standard nuke packages you would have been right on. But, my prepackaged distros are for new installs only. Sorry for all the confusion! Let me say this, though. If I were you, I would upgrade to 7.5 with Chatserv's fixpack. So, basically

- FTP the 7.5 files with Chat's fixpack applied to your test site
- Make a clone of your database and modify the config.php to point to the clone
- One-by-one run the upgrade scripts in the 7.5 upgrades folder.
- start modifying the 7.5 site with whatever add-ons and such you are using on your current site.

My 7.3 distro does not have all of the latest fixes from Chat. You will need to manually apply the later fixes should you decide to use my customized 7.3

Also, I have recently been testing cpgnuke from http://cpgnuke.com . I am very impressed with this latest release and would recommend it, from what I've seen so far.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:06 pm Reply with quote

To be honest, I've not run any type of portal software for any length of time. I have one site that is a month or so old and it is 7.1 originally upgraded to 7.3, with no modifications at all. All of this practice was practice to upgrade to your custom 7.3 package on a new site of mine, and eventually upgrade my existing one with keeping the content in place.

I like your package over forked versions because it sticks to the core php-Nuke software and I have lots of freedom, or at least that is what I think gives me the most freedom as I learn. I actually tried cpgnuke for a while, but the cpg user community is much smaller and thus much less support and user community out there for a n00b like myself. I'm all for digging in and learning and figuring things out myself, but baby + wife + full time work + full time school != enough time! (plus, I tried editing some of the CSS for a couple of the included themes, and OMG are they a mess)

With that in mind, that is why your package was attractive. It is unmodified php-Nuke at its core which enabled me to use any of hundreds of modules, skins, etc. Using cpgnuke really narrowed my choices. Do you agree with my breakdown of a forked package vs something like yours??

EDIT: ROFL, did I just say I thought your package was attractive??


PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:16 pm Reply with quote

Shocked Yes, you did ROTFL

That's the reason I do the distros like I do. With my schedule, I am unable to then keep them up-2-date with later security releases and so I leave that up to the users Smile. You are right on with the fork breakdown/detail. I am s-l-o-w-l-y putting together a prepack for 7.5. This time I will omit Coppermine as they no longer are supporting phpnuke. But, I will have some other goodies in there Wink

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:57 pm Reply with quote

A short wish list:

1. Large community of users to communicate/work with in resolving issues, enhance and just plain work with. (php-Nuke)
2. Something with some basic enhancements, not straying too far from #1.
3. Coppermine or something like it.

So that is why, along with someone's suggestion from NukeCops, I picked your distro. Major bummer that the CPG folks are abandoning Coppermine and only supporting the functionality built into their fork. That is only moderate gain for all the losses of becoming a fork, for someone in my position. I'll just have to go with the next best thing, if there is such a monster.

I *think* I'm going to take your advice and give the patched 7.5 version a try, and as I have time I will add modules. Seems like a daunting task ... all the enducation and time involved for someone with such little time. OK maybe I've talked myself into trying the fresh 7.3 ravenpack.

Mr. Green
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