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Joined: Aug 05, 2005
Posts: 139
Mon Sep 05, 2005 7:28 pm |
well last few months phpnuke has got so bad now,
nuke cops , ravens and other big nuke sites dont have much news anymore,
and the news we do get is either from the same person over and over or regulr posters,
has fb ruined nuke with his last 2 releases none of us nukes have seen it this bad,
lets all here your thoughts and sugestions or has fb decided to throw this down the drain,
someone needs to lift this, chatserve has put many hours into this and 64bitguy is trying to fix this
but has it really come down to this
has nuke died or is it sleeping post your sugestions we all like to know your thoughts
thanks |
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Joined: Jun 04, 2004
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Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:48 pm |
If news is posted by the same person, does that mean nothing is new? I think not. Having the same news announcer gives us the news doesn't mean that, even if you can't get a different announcer by changing the channel...
64bitguy is working on interesting standards compliance improvements and bug fixes. The CNB team is testing an exciting new release of the YA module. NukeScripts is testing an exciting new release of NSN-News. There are many other active initiatives, too. I'd hardly call that sleeping, but I might have misunderstood your terms.
By dead or sleeping, do you mean changes to PHP-Nuke by FB? If so, that may be, but I understand the next release is to contain "fixes" to the problems caused by the WYSIWYG editor in 7.7 and 7.8. While that may not be progress, it's also not dead or sleeping. |
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:57 am |
I agree.
I think it is important to remember also that the vast majority of contributors to the nuke community do so in their 'spare' time. Developing new code and bug fixing is extremely time intensive and requires considerable periods of extended concentration.
Some contributors are also in an understandable state of flux with recent events over code theft, copyright removals etc but is everyone sleeping - I doubt it, more likely waiting to pounce with new idea's and modules.
Is phpNuke sleeping? I doubt it, it is just another marketing ply.
Is phpnuke dead? Not on your life with FB earning considerable $'s a month through advertising revenue alone. |
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Joined: Sep 06, 2005
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:36 am |
It's been longer than the last few months. It's been a year at least that PHP-Nuke has slowly degraded in popularity/security/support etc.
However, that does not mean it is dead or even sleeping either. It simply has degraded overall IMO.
Look at the amount of PHP-Nuke support sites on the net. If you visited those sites over a year ago you would have seen minimal ads and advertising on those sites. Today, look at this site and other Nuke support web sites as well, and look at all the Google ads etc that these sites are littered with. It makes me sick knowing that almost all of these website owners began their sites as others, on their own, with their own money, but with a little popularity they realized they could "make money" off of something they never even developed, only something they have supported, added to, taken away from, secured, unsecured etc, out of the goodness of their heart.
Now it(PHP-Nuke's popularity) has turned into a nice little money maker for all of these suport sites. Unfortunately I believe that money blinded the goodness and greater support that these sites once exhibited. I have been watching the support levels closley and they have seriously deteriorated over the last year or longer. Don't get me wrong, there is still ample support for the Nuke community but it in no way measures up to the level of support etc, that the nuke community once showed.
phoenix-cms wrote: | Is phpnuke dead? Not on your life with FB earning considerable $'s a month through advertising revenue alone. |
Don't worry, many many others are making a good chunk of money off of PHP-nuke as well, not just FB.
kguske wrote: | If news is posted by the same person, does that mean nothing is new? I think not. Having the same news announcer gives us the news doesn't mean that, even if you can't get a different announcer by changing the channel... |
I don't think he means that in a bad way, however when I change the channel, I do expect to see a different program. We are seeing the same thing over and over on various Nuke sites. You have the same guy running around posting the same news on four or five popular Nuke sites so he can gain a little traffic to his site(why not? it makes them all a little more money on their ads). It is still ridiculous.
I don't think PHP-Nuke is sleeping and it is definately not dead. But it is just sitting there...or is it?
kguske wrote: | a new YA module? More security? Standards Compliance Improvements? Bug fixes? |
Yes, that is all nice and great, but it is the same thing PHP-Nuke has had all the time. NS has always been working on a YA module, they are known for it..duh. 64bitguy has been around a few years and that's all great, but PHP-Nuke has had Chatserv to fix most bugs and security issues and the like. I'm not saying that any added users to help the cause is not a good thing, I'm saying it's nothing new.
I think I just hit my head.
I have a new slogan for PHP-Nuke that sums it all up.
PHP-Nuke, It's nothing new.
which is basically true for the entire package over the last few releases and last few years. So, it's not dead, it's not sleeping, it's just nothing new except a little more revenue for support sites and dev. sites. |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:08 am |
ekimrellim wrote: | Look at the amount of PHP-Nuke support sites on the net. If you visited those sites over a year ago you would have seen minimal ads and advertising on those sites. Today, look at this site and other Nuke support web sites as well, and look at all the Google ads etc that these sites are littered with. It makes me sick knowing that almost all of these website owners began their sites as others, on their own, with their own money, but with a little popularity they realized they could "make money" off of something they never even developed, only something they have supported, added to, taken away from, secured, unsecured etc, out of the goodness of their heart. |
I am personally quite afronted by that rather naive remark. If support sites such as this one did not exist, nuke would die a death over night - that is fact!
The fact that webmasters choose to supplement their server running costs by placing adverts on their site is, in my own opninion acceptable, provided it doesnt get silly with pop-ups everywhere and they are actually providing a service - have you any idea of the bandwidth costs for a site serving hundreds of thousands of pages a month?
Bandwidth for sites like this one are probably circa 200Gig a month - so it is not a question of making money, more like defraying the costs of providing a support site like this one and that gives no mention to the actual support responses that consume valuable time which you are getting for free. |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:43 pm |
Guardian2003 wrote: | ekimrellim wrote: | Look at the amount of PHP-Nuke support sites on the net. If you visited those sites over a year ago you would have seen minimal ads and advertising on those sites. Today, look at this site and other Nuke support web sites as well, and look at all the Google ads etc that these sites are littered with. It makes me sick knowing that almost all of these website owners began their sites as others, on their own, with their own money, but with a little popularity they realized they could "make money" off of something they never even developed, only something they have supported, added to, taken away from, secured, unsecured etc, out of the goodness of their heart. |
I am personally quite afronted by that rather naive remark. If support sites such as this one did not exist, nuke would die a death over night - that is fact!
The fact that webmasters choose to supplement their server running costs by placing adverts on their site is, in my own opninion acceptable, provided it doesnt get silly with pop-ups everywhere and they are actually providing a service - have you any idea of the bandwidth costs for a site serving hundreds of thousands of pages a month?
Bandwidth for sites like this one are probably circa 200Gig a month - so it is not a question of making money, more like defraying the costs of providing a support site like this one and that gives no mention to the actual support responses that consume valuable time which you are getting for free. |
I apoligize. I meant in no way to PERSONALLY offend you..or as you put were afronted by my rather naive that a nice way of saying you were offended?
Also, I am very aware of the costs of hosting a "high bandwidth" website. I was simply making a general statement of the direction that the Nuke support sites and Nuke dev. sites have taken. My remark was in no way naive nor did I insinuate that Nuke suport sites like this one should not exist. Nor can anyone tell me that thsi websitef isn't making a "little" money off of this little venture. One that was started as a support Mod at Nukecops. These support sites like Raven's ARE making money, off a free product, that they support. Thank you for the support by the way.
FYI...these Nuke support and dev. sites have not necessarily GROWN in popularity per-say. Yes, there are 25000 plus members registered on some of these sites, however, that does not mean the Support sites are getting hammered by these 25000 plus users. Most users only register on these sites in order to get something they want and then never return. A registration process that is required by the webmaster for that user to access a certain area of the site.
We can go round and round on this, but I know what my opinion is, and I respect yours and others and would NEVER be personally offended by any naive remark from you or anyone else.
PS. Look at Raven's website front page and look at front page and others. Look at the amount of advertising blocks scrolling ads etc. There's 9 on this site alone. One of which will cost you 15 dollars a month to advertise on. Also a Donate-o-meter..with a 400 dollar a month target goal? Cmon..there is NO freaking way it costs over 400 dollars a month to host Raven's website(s)...or maybe it does and I need to tell Raven there are cheaper hosting options out there...Then again maybe it is possible since he has his own webhosting service, which has grown in popularity because of WHAT? PHP-Nuke, a "free" product he and others "FREELY" support.
I CLEARLY understand that bandwidth cost may rise here and there, but that does not mean we want to see a site littered with ads that take away from the site and it's purpose IMO. A purpose which is simply to freely support a free product. |
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:52 pm |
Well, you have forced my hand to respond publicly, since you have made this both personal and public.
First off, I am not offended and you do raise some interesting points. But, by your tone and wording, you do seem to be rather arrogant and ignorant concerning your appreciation of what a site like this takes in cost, effort, time, etc. I will not attempt to do a point-by-point rebuttal, if you will, but will clarify some things.
The donations are meant to offset many things. The server for the storage and bandwidth do comprise the majority. Yes, I could go elsewhere and end up in the same boat as many of my clients who end up with me as their host, due to poor support, down-time, etc. My hosting is for all hosting applications and I have many that are not phpnuke nor even related to phpnuke. I, as well as many others, give countless hours of support, advice, effort and scripts away for free. I also give free or near free hosting for individuals that are unable to afford hosting. After 2 years of no advertising at all, I have started advertising. I can assure you that advertising revenue is not much. I participate in banner exchanges so just because you see banners does not mean that is revenue bearing.
If someone gives you an appliance or a car for free and something goes wrong or you want to add a part or change the look of the body, do you expect to get that done for free? The fact that phpnuke does not cost anything, in and of itself, is nothing but a straw-man argument against charging for certain work concerning it. I have been doing system's programming work for 36 years both in the public and private sector and I do expect to get paid when I do contract programming. I do contract programming for phpnuke and any web service that I can handle. My phpnuke work can't hold a candle to what I earn doing non-phpnuke work. But, all totaled it is still not enough to come close to supporting me, nor my family. Nor does the time invested equate to /hour.
One comment I am going to directly respond to One that was started as a support Mod at Nukecops. Just for the record, I was running my own site before then and had been doing web programming since the late 90's as well as system's development since 1970. I didn't start out at nuke cops. |
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:16 pm |
So where's all this bundle of money and why am i not getting some of it? Not sure what the point of all this really is, if you run X or Y site and someone feels like donating towards the work you do or you have a few ads to help pay the cost of keeping said site online (even if the vast majority of these ads only make cents per month) then by all means go for it. Bandwidth and web space are not free and let's be honest about PHP-Nuke, many of us offer something the developer doesn't: support, among many other things many of you know about. |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:20 pm |
After reading Raven's reply i guess i should also note that even while i was the first team member to be added by Paul when NC first came out it was not my starting point in this community, i had my own lame nuke help site and then became the maintainer of NukeResources which i still am, the rest is history. And by the way back then NC was a development site, not anymore regardless of what the site's logo might imply. |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:22 pm |
First, Nuke Evangelist NEVER advertises his/her own site - in fact, I'm not even sure which site(s) belongs to Nuke Evangelist (or even who that is, for that matter). The stories posted by Nuke Evangelist are extremely valuable in helping me keep up-to-date with what's going on in the Nuke community, regardless of which channel I see it on (I'm too busy to be channel-hopping, anyway!).
Second, it's easy to complain about "nothing new" and advertising on a site that provides support for "free" products. What, if anything, fits your definition of "new?" And, have you ever considered that one of reasons why Nuke is free is that there is NO support on Raven does not charge for the support provided here. Like most free services, he accepts donations and has advertising. But it doesn't cost you anything to receive support here, and usually more quickly than paid support from commercial software vendors.
Unconstructive criticisms waste the valuable time of people who could otherwise be developing new features or providing free support. If you have specific ideas for something "new," feel free to contribute them, even if you aren't able to develop them. The great thing about open source communities like this is that someone else might be interested, too. |
The Mouse Is Extension Of Arm

Joined: Mar 06, 2004
Posts: 1164
Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:44 pm |
Wow... I guess this is where I start banging my head into the wall.
I mean here I am fixing several thousand bugs, producing the very first example of a 100% W3C Standards Compliant Nuke, Spending a few hundred hours recoding solutions like CNB_YA 5 (which has some really exciting new features), working on a new NSN Groups with integrated forums functionality, working on NukeSentinel and making that 100% compliant as well....
Then the "After-Patched" project that I have sunk countless time into, not to mention the very first 100% compliant BBtoNuke forums port which I just finished, something that phpBB doesn't even have and somebody's saying that Nuke is not evolving?
On top of all of this, I am dedicating a huge amount of time into working with Effectica ( in creating the first 100% HTML 4.01 Strict Compliant Themes (yes, including forums) that are primarily CSS Driven in the hopes that "After-Patched" can be evolved into a Strict Compliant scenario and we can teach people how to ACTUALLY develop compliant Themes! Woudn't that be nice as NOBODY is doing that?
Okay, sure... maybe FB likes to "Screw the pooch" (pardon my french) with every new release, but that doesn't mean the rest of us are sitting around doing nothing.
As for the money making aspects of it, for heaven's sake I don't have even a single advertisement on my domain..... NOT ONE! But don't think that after all of this work that I don't want to make a buck or two for all of my time. I mean, I don't have a "Club" where you can get unfinished, buggy code, but I'm thinking about having one where you can get finished unbuggy code!
If others have memberships or advertising, maybe its because this whole hosting and support thing isn't anywhere near free to us, so the ones that actually offer something should feel free to advertise away, though I am of the croud that doesn't care to see 50 Adsense ads on every page, nevermind built into news or forum posts.
As for me making money, yeah, I'm trying to turn a buck on some of this stuff, but I figure if I'm going to spend countless hours fixing all of these problems, why shouldn't I be able to make a buck or two? I mean it's not like anyone did any of this work for me, and FB sure isn't going to do it!
As a heads-up, I should comment that I always give my code fixes back to the authors as well, and no, I don't charge THEM for that. I think Raven and Bob can attest to that. I mean I spent a lot of time recoding NukeSentinel but I turned right around and gave that code back to Bob and Raven. I did the same thing with CNB_YA 5.. and yeah, that has meant recoding 7 pre-release versions so far! Not exactly an hours worth of work either... More like a few hundred.
So while people can sit around complaining about how nothing is going on, and it's the, "Same-ole, Same-ole"... that really doesn't appear to be the case at least in my World.
And while nobody has seen any news about a lot of this, that's probably because the reputable people don't go around spamming the World about it. In my case, I tell Raven and sometimes Bob and Chatserv and that's about it. If they post the news that I send them, that's great for me. If not.... well... no big rush, word will get out when this stuff is done, I'm sure.
The rest of the World can find out about it by word of mouth or from purusing these reputable resouces. I mean how many people actually read the news as these other places that spam everywhere?
In the End, Why bother?
If I have to read one more announcement about somebody doing something to plain old YA (only to visit that site and find empty or junky information) I think I'll puke. That's why I stick to reading news from domains I already know about and trust to have something that is an improvement.
Yes, there are poeple that post the same junk over and over and over. That's because they are trying to raise their Google Rank with cross-links. No... it's not a good thing, but it happens. Sure, sometimes it even happens here, but you've got to understand that nobody's perfect and Raven doesn't review every single article for that kind of problem. He's more of the, "I trust these people" type... Versus being like me that has become kind of jilted and untrusting of many of these people (okay, a few bad experiences has ruined it for everyone).
But on the other hand, you don't see Raven posting news at 50 domains, nor Bob or Chatserv, so maybe it's not the news, but rather the source! If you stick to the reputable sites, I find that you won't be as frustrated. As for things coming from my development, I can only say they are coming. There are only so many hours in a day, and I for one am working as hard as I can.
As For The Advances:
Are they exciting? You're darn right they are!
Are they new? Yup, completely!
Does everyone on the planet already have it? No, none of it!
Is this work leading to advances in other Nuke areas? You bet your bottom dollar it is!
Will it cost you an arm and a leg? Only your first born!... Okay, okay, I'm just kidding.
So now that everyone has chimed in with their two cents about nothing going on and everyone is trying to make money, maybe it is time that Raven charged $1 for every support question posted. I mean who minds paying a buck? Right? It's not like you are going to get any answer at all from now is it?
So let's not complain about advertising on a domain that gives away support when the author of this thing won't even turn on forums or comments, nevermind actually fixing anything.
Just my two-cents for what little my comments are worth.
Steph |
_________________ Steph Benoit
100% Section 508 and W3C HTML5 and CSS Compliant (Truly) Code, because I love compliance. |

Joined: Oct 09, 2004
Posts: 293
Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:50 pm |
Im one of the 'little people' decided to make a web site, non nuke related, no advertising, non income do with an endangered parrot species.
The server, bw everything I support personally, and I have no commercial or even donation intentions
We are now top and most active source of info and support in the world
1st, without the orginal code, these endangered parrots would still be floundering around...I can not express my appreciation to these coders enough
2nd/ the support given and the added code since...again greatly appreciated
3/Being non commercial, having a family, and breeding these parrots for conservation purposes (for free)and not high family income, donations etc is a bit of a push....instead I do my best in a modest way to give a little support here and there. any ideas or code I happen to have made....give it away to who ever wants to release or devalope for themselves keeping no copyright/ownership. I at least owe the nuke community that.
4/ as far as nuke dieing, rubbish...thu I have noticed since around march the number of good sites for support has become smaller, many are still around but to get support for their addons etc is hopless.
The core community sites, Ravan karakas, cops etc are as good as they where before, and busier.
5/This is where I find the problem for snippets of code for minor modifications is great....Pre march, there where heaps of sites that had the time to do more serious code mods for non coders, now there are lots of guys "yeah I can do that nps" then disappear.
The core guys, they are just too busy, fair enough.
It is this part of nuke support that I feel has broken down somewhat.
Sites like portedmods filled this huge gap.
As I said above, our site has got to the top in its feild...I have done this simply because, I have a talent to reconise and produce a product that is user friendly ...I cant code for @#$% lol
Since March I have 3 modules, ALL I KNOW, would be extremely popular if finished and released...they a combinations of others code.
Pre march support for this was I cant get any. |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:14 pm |
Well ekimrellim ( Mike Miller?) I see others have posted before I could reply.
I had intended to make a point by point response to your post but that would mean taking me away from other posts for users who need support, if indeed I can help them but I think others have made the point more eloquently than I ever could. |
Hangin' Around

Joined: May 14, 2004
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Location: Plymouth UK
Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:46 pm |
I felt the need to reply because I run a nuke help site.
My site isn't overrun with ads, there are 2, neither are paid for, they are both links to friends sites.
I make absolutely nothing out of my site, I even will go as far as saying that I lose money by running it.
The occasional small donation (and I'm talking maybe one a month of around 10 GBP) I recieve is the only monetary gain from the site.
So as far as nuke support sites being a huge money making scheme goes, what a crock of sh#t.
Anyone who does this is because they enjoy it, the only one earning a living off it is the only one who doesn't support it.
Life eh.  |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:57 pm |
One other point that I think is extremely important in this discussion is that of paying for support. I have never and do not intend to ever charge for support. Donations? Always welcomed! Contract programming is not to be confused with support offered by this site and others. Often times as has been demonstrated here, I answer questions by posting complete solutions, at no charge. |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:37 pm |
Raven wrote: | One other point that I think is extremely important in this discussion is that of paying for supOport. I have never and do not intend to ever charge for support. |
Awe sure.. take all the fun out of it. It should be "bid for support"... You could have an e-bay store....  |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:25 pm |
Well its seems that the looks of nuke is still big community based and the community help support nuke,
i still think fb has ruined nuke its taken chatserv alot of his time and many other people bug fixing 7.6 which i think is the most secure nuke there is, and "FB" here a note for you why fix what aint broken,
and everytime "fb" releases these secuiry looped nukes people just upgrade for the sake of it, and then complain to chatserv raven etc
"i been hacked" etc
then raven, 64bit guy and chatserv and others secure these releases for free just to help the community.
come on guys if you use nuke patched or going to use after patch try and help support these guys.
most of them also have full or part time jobs as well
and with my orignal post there does seem to be many sites drop even big sites.
if nuke was a stock market it seems in a big time low and many share holders would be pulling there hair out.
i think the community needs to support nuke more, and can help these guys release scripts and also helps in the community,
and chatserv i think you should do what mesum said before in one of my other posts, latest patch release for $5
and maybe release older patch for free, but then again nuke commuity should be free becuase its opensource we can all add our own code and share like many people do already
i think the only reason so many sites have been going is the lack of support all everone wants in nuke commuity is something for free,
if nuke going to live we need to help support them
as you guys have hosting costs, and also work which give you little time or freetime of your own.
but what you guys are doing is great and i will try nd help support you where i can
thanks |
Life Cycles Becoming CPU Cycles

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Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:32 pm |
I sat down today and wrote out a lengthy reply in an attempt to politely show a webmaster's view and hopefully change the viewpoint of ekimrellim, but after reading all of the posts that were made in the interim I see no way of stating things better, or clearer.
ekimrellim, I am not sure your post was meant constructively or whether you are just trolling but regardless of that speculation I must say that many people have tried very hard to offer help for people just like you...for free.
To see you complain about the site owner's attempt to offset their operating expenses by serving ads and making donations extremely easy...well it just seems out of place.
My humblest suggestion to you would be this: If you find these methods offensive... well why not just ask FB for help. I am sure he can fix your problems just fine and dandy. If that suggestion is unappealing.. why not support yourself. Then you won't be bothered with any ads or requests for donations. Simple solution huh? I think you and all of us will be much happier this way.
As for the death/slumber of Nuke.... I don't see things that way. What I see is what I feel was long overdue. My opinion is that less time is being spent on useless add ons and way more time being spent on fixing this train wreck we all have come to love/hate.
Steph, Chatserv, Bob Marion, Raven, and many nameless others have spent WAY too much time working to bring YOU and all of US a safer, more mature Nuke. Their choice to spend endless hours of work on what was sorely needed is admirable and on that note...definately deserving of a donation.
These are just my views...
BTW... I support and am proud that I can claim that. |
_________________ Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. ~Poe |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:54 pm |
One t5hing that does stand out in this thread.....the constructive attitudes and different point of veiws...
Even the intial post...all it does is pose a question for discussion.
Like everything, it has its ups and downs, I dont yhink its a down, just little slowing down. |

Joined: Aug 23, 2002
Posts: 213
Location: Chicago
Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:44 pm |
Well I do nothing related to PHP-Nuke anymore but I still visit this site and other related websites on daily basis. The reason is simple, I love the people here!
First post of this thread was kinda confusing but I do remember the time when people were coming out with new modules/blocks/themes/add-ons almost everyday and now all we got is NukeEvengelist posting SAME news (and I do mean SAME news) every 3rd day on every website he comes accross.
I know a lot of people like that but to someone who visits most of those sites, it's pretty annoying. Another thing that I do not like about this person is that he continues to post news about outdated or not compatible version of add-ons which brings a lot of new users to confusion.
3rd, he NEVER promotes chatserv's patch series which we will all agree are very important for ALL PHP-Nuke powered website. I have contacted him so many times regarding this issue but he continues to ignore this important issue.
Now about PHP-Nuke being dead or asleep, I think it is true is some ways, because if you notice, most PHP-Nuke support websites do not upgrade their websites anymore more would suggest the same to it's users, why?
3rd party devlopments are still there and are coming out with some really nice add-ons and themes but again, they are not as many as they used to be. Why?
Having advertisments on any site: NOTHING is wrong with that, we all have to find a way or another to support outselves so one should be glad that there are sites who are providing outstanding support for free of charge. |
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:19 pm |
Okay, I guess I'm consider one of the ad overlaiden sites now. I gather from the many emails I get daily that I'm also one of the Nuke Big Boys, yeah right, not.
I could waste alot of your time writing a reply that is over a million characters long and still not make the point I intend to make. My point is this, nuke hasn't died, it maybe on holiday while FB looks for the next thing to steal from someone else and call it his own but hey, that's the way we have all found it to be.
NukeScripts has not slowed down, it has gotten busier by the day. Take into consideration the following projects that I personally spend my time on: - NSN News (FREE SCRIPTING) - Formerly NSN GR Downloads (FREE SCRIPTING) - Formerly the NSN Work series (FREE SCRIPTING) - NukeSentinel(tm) (FREE SCRIPTING) - NSN's Weather module (FREE SCRIPTING) - NSN Banner Clients (PAID SCRIPTING)
On top of those add NSN Your Account that is now CNB Your Account (FREE SCRIPTING), NSN's IP 2 Country database project for NukeSentinel(tm) (FREE SCRIPTING), the series of pre-Patched PHP-Nuke downloads (ALL FREE).
Look at the ads on my site, GoogleAds, several Public Service ads for Exploited and Missing Children, and a few paid ad spots. None of these produce enough income to buy milk and bread weekly.
Paid scripts, 2 of them, neither produce enough income to pay my internet connection fees.
Donations, up and down but all to often doesn't cover my monthly expenses or up keep on the computer equipment that I create, update, and provide FREE scripting on.
Do I sound a bit bitter? Hell yes because I'm tired of mr. burzi getting the credit that all to many others truely deserve for fixing and maintaining his lame ass releases.
I have been providing FREE scripting to the community since late '99 and will continue to do so even if I have no income from it. People helped me when I first started in the nuke community and I feel I must return this by doing the same thing.
Do I have any ill will towards the community? NO.
Do I have ill will towards mr. burzi? DUH!
Am I bitching at anyone here, no I'm not. I'm just venting so I'm going to put the bitch stick back in the closet for another year.
Raven, please feel free to edit this post, it is on your site and I don't want it to cause you any grief. |
_________________ Bob Marion
Codito Ergo Sum
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Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:40 pm |
there is onething i will add, that i started 6 months ago started developing my own cms,
with the ablity to wrap other cms content as well at current postnuke, cpg and phpnuke.
also each module with its own security to prevent hacks,
70% less code then phpnuke and 80% faster
sofar about 60% of the code is w3c as well.
i could not of done it without nuke becuase i need a starting point, but the cms works nothing like nuke and has a whole new admin gui and concept,
this will be reviled when i ready.
its not a road i wanted to go down, but it seemed at the time a logical choice,
but why i develope i been getting scripts ready for nuke as well like my new googletap that i going to release
thanks |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:56 pm |
Bob Marion wrote: | Am I bitching at anyone here, no I'm not. I'm just venting so I'm going to put the bitch stick back in the closet for another year. |
Hell no, leave that puppy out! You deserve to use it whenever you want! You've done plenty for the community and a little venting and sweeping is good! Clear the air of contaminates.
Besides, if you put it back in the closet, FB will start riding it around again and everyone probably has figured out that he just hasn't been the same since that house fell on his sister. Those d*** flying monkeys (new nuke "updates") are really starting to annoy me too so I (for one) find your dust busting quite refreshing.
P.S. Help me integrate phpBB groups, Nuke Groups and NSN Groups into one big groups table (instead of ... I lost track.. too many) and I'll buy you a new video card.  |

Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:04 pm |
It's so good to see Steph's sense of humor has returned  |
Subject Matter Expert

Joined: May 15, 2004
Posts: 727
Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:20 pm |
I've read this topic with loads of fun and laughing how people behave.
If you didn't notice yet, it was summer. And what are we doing in the summer?
Indeed we go on holiday for 8 weeks to get rid of all people which can only complain because they can't fix it themselves and are angry because of that. After all if you could fix it yourself you probably won't be here, you would be fixing code and post news about it like Evangelist does.
In my opinion Raven, chatserv, bob, steph and some other cool people should stop replying on these discussions since they mostly lead to nowhere or develop an autoresponder with random messages like "I'm still working" and "Please try fix it yourself and release it under GPL so others don't have to bitch about it" and "Oh come on, you could have made a better post then that complaint which leads you to nowhere"
Developers are busy people and they always want to achieve the best so that takes time, not to mention phoenix-cms who says he build another (so called) "ripp-off" but on his website somewhere in july he said it would be finished within one week and nobody complaints that it's september now.
In one month i almost completely wrote a CMS but it sucks because it costs time to design something special like starting with UML use case diagrams then UML class diagrams then a first code draft and then a lot of redesign bugfixing, issue solving etc.
Secondly since there's no income in any way you must do it in your spare time and then it becomes a slow process. So instead of you complaining you should:
- respect people who design and code
- ask questions friendly and respectfull
- donate money if you're satisfied
- stop talking with people who just copy/paste other peoples code without doing something with it
This last point is about people that do "code stealing" and it means they don't credit the people who built it and most of the time also don't modify it to get it properly working.
There's no problem that people use other peoples code since the GPL allows you to and you can't blame them for doing so either unless they brake the rules.
With this said i'm looking forward to the next .... who tries to raise an issue about FREE software that works while i wander why he never complaints at General Motors for a car he bought that doesn't work (it's probably the 50 callers on the phoneline). |