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Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Apr 06, 2006
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Location: Iowa, USA
Tue Jan 23, 2007 3:57 pm |
Dawg, it is possible the "admin folder in the module directory" scheme was not invented yet in 7.2 (any old salts know for sure?). In that case you would have to move the admin sub-directory out of modules/GCalendar and put it under the top level admin directory somewhere (like NuCalender did). I'm fuzzy on the details now, and perhaps it isn't that easy. I really didn't want to support anything earlier than 7.6 but I could certainly look into that issue.
As far as doing support here or at sourceforge...sourceforge is going to be my official "base"...I plan on using it's tracking features to track bugs and feature requests. But I don't mind answering questions here as long as it is ok with Raven and the staff here.
I'm getting some good feedback about making it more friendly to European countries (optionally use their date/time formatting conventions - if I can nail that down!). That is what I am going to concentrate on for the next release. After that I will go for the more general features people ask for.
Thanks for the compliment. |
Former Moderator in Good Standing

Joined: Aug 30, 2005
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Location: near Albany NY
Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:05 pm |
The location of the admin directory changed, I think it was starting with 7.6. I don't think it would be easy at all to support both. If you look at the way admin.php works, it reads the admin directories and expects to find them in a certain place so I think you'd need to have different "distributions" for different levels of Nuke. That could get to be a p.i.t.a. very quickly.
Take a look at formattimestamp function in mainfile. I believe that gives localization of date and time to Nuke together with different definitions of the constant _DATESTRING in different language files. I'm no expert on that however. |

Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:14 pm |
fkelly wrote: | The location of the admin directory changed, I think it was starting with 7.6. I don't think it would be easy at all to support both. If you look at the way admin.php works, it reads the admin directories and expects to find them in a certain place so I think you'd need to have different "distributions" for different levels of Nuke. That could get to be a p.i.t.a. very quickly.
I actually wrote a module the old way before I knew what I was doing. I just copied some old module. The locations of the case, links, language, etc files for the admin section is different. I probably won't support both but maybe give instructions for how to convert to the old style.
fkelly wrote: |
Take a look at formattimestamp function in mainfile. I believe that gives localization of date and time to Nuke together with different definitions of the constant _DATESTRING in different language files. I'm no expert on that however. |
Thanks I will look into this. I've avoided calling PHP functions to get month and day names because I have this (perhaps totally unfounded) fear that some poor dope is running Nuke in one language, while his server's locale is set to another. But as I recall someone said Nuke does make a setlocale() call somewhere. Up to this point I have made month and day names language constants. It would be far easier to just store (or reuse) a date format string like "l, M d, Y" and call date() with it and be done.
As it is, I just learned Germans like "23. January 2007" while the Dutch don't want the dot, etc, etc. That could get out of hand very quickly. |
New Member

Joined: Aug 24, 2006
Posts: 21
Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:14 am |
Hi Gremmie
First, thanks for your work for those that don't have the knowledge.
When following your instructions to use gcal_install.php I get the install codes error, "Problem creating category table!".
We are using bog standard Raven's 2.02.02, with all other requirements as stated in your supporting .doc.
Any ideas of why the sql is not inserting the table. I understand that it could be anything, seen as though you cannot cover all variables, but could you possibly rattle off a couple of things to look for.
I might be pushing it here, but any chance you have an sql text file to use directly in myPHP?
JC |
Site Admin

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Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:18 pm |
Gremmie, take a look at what I did for HTML Newsletter. I provide both admin types and do rely on the install instructions to explain what to upload vs. not upload based on whether you are PHP-Nuke 7.4 or less, or 7.5 and greater... 7.5 was the release that changed the admin location and then 7.6 even changed a little - if I remember correctly - how super admin vs. module admins worked. I have code in my main admin index.php script which handles all of this... |
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Only registered users can see links on this board! Get registered or login! |

Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:12 pm |
I'm sorry to hear you are having problems. That is really strange because I tested the install script on a stock Raven 2.02.02 system myself and of course it worked fine for me. Off the top of my head, I can only suspect MySQL differences. Can you tell me what version of MySQL your server is using? Please PM me and I'll give you my email so we can troubleshoot this further. Thanks.
BTW, I am just getting ready to release version 1.1.0 which has more support for international users: 24 time option, configurable first day of the week, and customizable date displays
montego, thanks! |
RavenNuke(tm) Development Team

Joined: Nov 07, 2003
Posts: 928
Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:48 pm |
Was it a bear to flip? If not.....with your guidance I might try to flip it for him. I follow instructions pretty good.
I like.....It looks very good. It works prefect just no admin section....
Dawg |

Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:11 pm |
HTML Newsletter is a breeze to "flip". Simply uploading or deleting a few files.... Done.
But, I don't think that is what you are really asking right? The code has to be written properly to allow for this.
BTW, there are versions of Event Calendar out there that have this already set up for 7.5+.
I don't have time right now to add it as a download at my site, so if you want it, PM me your email address and I"ll send it to you... |

Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:17 pm |
I did not say that right. What I meant was.......Was Newssletter hard to make for the Lower than 7.5 after the 7.5 and above was written.
What I was getting at with a little guidance I might be willing to take his Calander and change it to work with those that are less than 7.5 (Like me)
My season will crank up again in March and the late release of RN may keep me from having enough time to upgrade before the season starts. I have a working version of NukeCal...and it works.....but it is a MAJOR pain in the butt to enter all these Fishing tourneys into it. One of my poor admins about kills himself every year doing it. I would love to have a better solution for him.
Making the transition over for me is going to be real HARD. I have well over 100 custom MODS written for the site. None of them are rocket science kind of things...but sttill over 100 things that will have to be worked on in order to work with 2.10. I would love to get it done before my year goes crazy but .......
Dawg |

Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:30 pm |
I see what you are saying. It has been a long time, so not 100% sure, but take a look at what I did with the extra root/admin/case and root/admin/links files in the distro. They should simply point to the appropriate modules/HTML_Newsletter/admin/index.php script. |

Joined: Oct 09, 2006
Posts: 413
Location: UK
Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:55 am |
Nothing major, but maybe a couple of differant block styles might be nice, similar to the 3 or 4 u get with Senti.
functionality great with RN76,I gotta think tho, the blocks a little too wide to match with my theme, so some modding needed there on my part. |

Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:45 pm |
wiz, if the supplied block is too wide for your theme (I noticed this on fisubice), play with the font sizes and padding in the CSS. |

Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:09 pm |
its fine on the homepage. For some weird reason though, when im on the forums the block changes its width. Any ideas? |

Sun Jan 28, 2007 3:54 pm |
wiz wrote: | its fine on the homepage. For some weird reason though, when im on the forums the block changes its width. Any ideas? |
The forums are probably sending out CSS that changes the properties of the block. Did you add any custom CSS for the block to your style.css file? If you didn't, that is probably what is happening. |

Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:04 pm |
i didnt change anything, just uploaded the files and run it. I havent felt the need to edit anything yet. As i say it works quite nicely indeed.
Just that little niggly bug  |

Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:10 pm |
Cool. Some CSS will squash that niggly bug for you.
Something like:
table.gcal-block-cal {
width: 100%;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: black;
font-size: 10px; /* adjust as needed */

Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:09 pm |
waka wrote: | When following your instructions to use gcal_install.php I get the install codes error, "Problem creating category table!". |
Please look at this:
I think we are narrowing the problem down. By removing a couple of = signs from my SQL I think it will work with older (4.0 and below) versions of MySQL. In any event, watch the GCalendar SourceForge page for updates. |
New Member

Joined: May 05, 2006
Posts: 1
Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:10 pm |
hey grim nice script, but for some reason re-occuring entries are not showing up in calendar view. it's in the db but not parsing |

Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:43 am |
Hi Gremmie
Thanks for this. I have just downloaded 1.1.2. I will install and give you feedback.
Thanks again.
JC |

Joined: Aug 22, 2006
Posts: 192
Mon May 07, 2007 5:01 pm |
I recently installed Gremmie's GCalendar to show events on my website.
The problem I still have is that I am not able to show embeded video's in any poststings I make and this is something I require on my website.
An example of the code I am trying to place in one of my postings is as follows:
<o.bject width="425" height="350"><p.aram n.ame="movie" v.alue=""></p.aram><p.aram n.ame="wmode" v.alue="transparent"></p.aram><e.mbed s.rc="" t.ype="application/x-shockwave-flash" w.mode="transparent" w.idth="425" h.eight="350"></e.mbed></o.bject>
I do realsie that I have to instert the relivant html tags (such as object, embed, param), in the 'Allowed HTML Tags' field in the 'options' section of the GCalendar admin, (and also the corresponding attibutes in the 'Allowed HTML Tag Attributes:' field of the GCalendar admin, but still I am having problems.
Please can someone help with this?
Thanks guys. |

Mon May 07, 2007 5:47 pm |
emmaphp, do you have the latest GCalendar (1.4.1)?
I was able (as an admin) to insert YouTube embeds in the latest version. When you are an admin, HTML is not filtered, so you don't have to modify the allowed HTML array in config.php or the Allowed HTML setting in GCalender options.
Edit: Just to be clear, you add the event in the GCalendar admin panel. |

Mon May 07, 2007 6:21 pm |
Hi Gremmie,
Thanks for such a quick reply.
The admin panel of my gcalendar module displays 'GCalendar Admin Panel 1.3.2'.
I assume this is now outdated and has been superseeded by version 1.4.1 and that this is the reason I am having problems.
Is it easy to upgrade from my version? If so how? |

Mon May 07, 2007 6:42 pm |
Download the latest version and follow the installation instructions in the included HTML documentation. Basically you upload the new files, run the install script, then delete the install script.  |

Mon May 07, 2007 6:54 pm |
Hi again Gremmie,
Thanks for that last reply.
However I have changed some of the original files I have on my current installation and changed the color scheme in the css files etc.
If I just download the new files and replace the old ones, wont I loose any changes/customizations I have made? |

Mon May 07, 2007 7:54 pm |
Quote: |
If I just download the new files and replace the old ones, wont I loose any changes/customizations I have made?
Yes, that is usually the case with files. You either have to re-do your edits, or, you can use Winmerge (free from to try and merge the various changes. However, sometimes when files have changed too much it can be difficult to merge. |